In the newest patch:
"The sell value of food that you create has been reduced to be more in line with other crafting skill lines."
a.k.a worth nothing.
REALLY? Really? really? Come on, we should be able to craft something and sell it for something. I was actually thinking something positive about Provisioning when I crafted a bunch of stuff and made a few hundred gold off of it. Now you'll make it so they're as worthless as potions you craft, which often sell for 1g each.
Why do this? Why force players to sell to other players or go broke? I mean, there is no Auction House, so it's either 1) hope they sell in the guild store (good luck with that, with every other player looking to sell their crafted mess), 2) hope you can sell some on the street (best of luck spamming chat) or 3) just take a huge loss, and take 10g for an hour of Provisioning work.
This is STUPID.
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