Additionally, I would argue that any soft-capping system that bases the cap on the amount of tedium a player is willing to endure is a pretty badly designed soft-cap. I'd prefer a soft-cap system that (for example) increases the XP requirements of each subsequent crafting skill by 50% after the second (or third) but with unlimited (or nearly unlimited) inventory space. That way increasing every crafting skill to max will only be doable by really determined people (meaning people determined to farm and play the game, not relog 65 times a day to a mule). I'm not saying that's the exact system I would wish for - I'm just giving an example of why a soft-cap based on the tedium of the current inventory restrictions is not my idea of a fun implementation.
Bah, I'm levelling Blacksmithing, Enchanting and Woodworking, have no problems with bag/bank space. The people complaining are those who want to be able to do everything at once - something that is not supposed to happen. I find the available slots more than sufficient if you are in the right mindset. YOu can't keep everything, deal with it.
Im not sure if you realize this, but there was an official reply to this issue in the beta, and it said the limited bank space is specifically meant to limit people's ability to pursue multiple crafts at once.
Basically, instead of imposing a hard limit on the number of crafts your character can learn, they imposed a soft limit that hinders you, but does not prevent you from learning everything eventually.
And i very much prefer this instead of a hard cap.
Cheatingdeath23 wrote: »Again, it seems to boil down to this:
They do not want you to level everything, and anyone complaining about the time it takes to use 6 mules are abusing the system as intended. It is fine that you do that, but don't complain about how tedious it is.
There should be a way to level a second main character with separate bank space... maybe have 2 separate banks, so if you want to level a second character, you do it from scratch (but you have bank space to do so).
What I don't think they want is to have one super leveled character doing all the exploring and harvesting for the minor level characters to instantly level up-- they want you to do the quests and exploring a second time.
knightblaster wrote: »
But you can do this with 7 mules anyway. It's just tedious to do so. If it wasn't intended, the characters wouldn't all share the entire bank -- like other games, there would be a very small, separate "shared" bank space, and a much larger character-specific bank. Here, you can collect everything, store them on 7 mules (base increase of 350, which of course can be upgraded), and then use them either to level everything at once on on uber character, or to store mats for one of them to level later on so that they don't need to spend time gathering. This is all doable under the current system. It's just tedious.
Cheatingdeath23 wrote: »
Tedious = Not intended
That is what I am saying. While you can do this, it is tedious and not much of an advantage. They are creating a disincentive to combat the behavior.
Honestly, if there was a much larger character specific bank, wouldn't you just use the larger bank as a "better mule?" Then you would be complaining about how tedious it is to use the small shared bank space to port mats from your main to your alternate character.
knightblaster wrote: »
I would use a larger character specific bank in that way, yes, which is what most people do in most games, with much less of a need to use mules. Here you just have to use the other character slots as storage vaults unless you want to bow to their will in terms of "how you should be playing our game" when the game is supposed to be "play the way you want to play". It's a contradictory vision, at best. At worst ... I won't go there, at least not yet.
Bag space is fine. There are multiple ways to improve it. I think its working fine.eavammenb14_ESO wrote: »Dear Game Developers,
I understand your pain of creating a new piece of software - the pains of testing, implementation, marketing etc and so on. I am in the software biz myself (albeit not gaming, but still I deal with customer's needs on a daily basis). Anyone who has been in this game long enough will know when a new software version (or new product) is released there are going to be bugs, hardware/software up time issues blah, blah, blah. But while working through these issues, a company should not overlook customer satisfaction in general.
Time and time again over the last week I have witnessed my friends' struggle with bag space, and at times, even myself. For some, it is now getting to the point where it is significantly impacting their enjoyment of the game. Now, I get Elder Scrolls is different from other MMOs - it is about problem solving and overcoming realistic issues one would face when roaming around a world such as Tamriel. But do you really want to risk lose revenue i.e. subscription fees for the sake of realism? So please, give your customers a break - allow a better inventory management system on the back end or lower the cost of bags upfront.
Besides this, you guys are doing a great job. Thanks for listening.