People having issues with it should maybe reconsider how they play. This is not a game where everything is handed to you, or where you absolutely have to do everything the game technically lets you do.
Am I the only person who picked maybe one or two professions and sends everything they find that isn't related to that profession to friends? I have no issue with bag space but then again i don't pick everything that is nailed down.
90-100 units character's inventory capacity is enough to play entire evening without returning to the city.
Everything is fine and balanced here.
Moderators, the large number of multiple threads on Bag/Bank Space really need to be merged please.
In regards to the OP, I think Bag Space is fine. It's the Bank Space for Crafting Ingredients that is woefully insufficient.
If you want to see the hard numbers on why this is the case, then have a look at my post here in the main Bag/Bank Space thread:
listen to your customer's pleas about bag space
I would assume that the vast majority of people would like to hoard the mats they collect so that their current and future alts can use them, instead of having to collect them all from scratch again for each alt.
Again, this limited Bank Space is an issue for the very large number of people that play more than one character during the entirety of the games existence. If you plan on just playing your one character and never alting ever, then yes the current Bank Space is probably fine.
Lets say we decide that we will keep the raw mats in our characters Bags and not in the Bank, that only frees up 35 of your Bank space, which means you still need at least 171 space for your Bank.
Also, micro-managing mules would become very tedious very fast, so that's not really a valid solution to the very limited Bank Space problem.
I really don't understand why some people are getting angry with those of us that want more Bank Space for our Crafting Ingredients... would it really ruin your game that much if they increased it so that we could fit most if not all of our Crafting Mats in our shared Bank? If it would ruin your game then please tell us why?
Sorry to break it to you mate but I'm already training every trade skill on my one character - so the soft-cap totally failed it's purpose. The only thing the crappy inventory system does is make it a bit more tedious to train every profession at once because I need 6 or 7 mules and am forced to relog a few times before and after crafting.
The only people that are really gonna suffer are people with multiple "mains" that like to craft.
Come to think of it, perhaps ZOS will soon be selling extra character slots for RL-cash and then the entire thing would start to make sense. But as it currently stands it's an ineffective soft-cap on professions for a specific group of players and pure tedium for all the other players.
I don't see how this could be considered "good" by any stretch of the imagination.