--- Remnants —- PvE Guild All Welcome

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Laranoye
    Hi, I’d like an invite please. I have returned to Xbox one from PS4. I had an old character on Xbox I transferred from the PC at the start. GT : Inboundsteve
  • Evolv3d
    Added guys
  • Laranoye
    Hey thanks for the invite, what is your Facebook page and discord server details? Cheers
  • Evolv3d
    FB group and discord details are on the about us section on the guild screen @Laranoye
  • Laranoye
    ok thanks I’m at work so I’ll have to check it later.
  • kereber0s
    Soul Shriven
    Would I be able to get an invite as well please gamer tag is Kereber0s I’m looking to get more out of group content this year and this guild sounds perfect for that thanks.
  • Diabolus1989
    I'm getting to the part where I'm finding myself doing dungeon dailies now for the gear or just the experience.

    But I'm also interested in being able to go through dungeons slow and take the story and environments in without rushing or inconveniencing anyone. Some dungeons are stunning and have great stories behind them, but sadly I don't get to see them.

    It'd be awesome if this is something that can be found in this guild. Regardless, I would like to join if possible.
  • Evolv3d
    Gamer tag @Diabolus1989
    Edited by Evolv3d on 23 January 2019 20:33
  • Diabolus1989
    Evolv3d wrote: »
    Gamer tag @Diabolus1989

    Yeah that would help lol

  • Idkyou
    Soul Shriven
    Can I get a invite please GT: Fugitiveseven
  • SwordMaster
    Soul Shriven
    Hey .... I'm pretty new to the game and looking to join a Guild.

    Can I have an invite please ?

    GT = hildyfamnumero1 (that's an alpha 'o' and a numeric '1' )

    Thanks, :)
  • Fang_of_Lorkhaj
    If you can accommodate players that can help my EU account in vet dungeon achievement I will be sure to help out outside of my raid days of Tues and thurs. I however am free to do whatever on Friday and Saturday.

    It's not that I need help, I need a team. Reliable people. I hardly know anyone on EU server, besides the endgame team I run with.

    I have 9 characters, over 1000 cp, endgame orientated, massive experience, and knowledge of all trials and dungeons, completed all HM content game has to offer except VCR +3 (working on it).

    If you got serious grind to the bone people I'm game.

    GT: Mehrunes Bal
  • DamagedInc666

    I've just hit champion points and would like to start running some dungeons so an invite would be great.

    GT: RickPresk

  • Siruall
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, recently started, level 34 Dragonknight looking for an active guild. Would be nice if you could send me the invite. Cheers,
  • Snorf42
    Soul Shriven

    returned well geared CP480 healer LF casual guild for weekend activities.

    GT Snorf42

  • Jakaius
    Soul Shriven
    Looking to get back into the game

    GT: Manonthemoon

    Thanks in advance
  • iOez
    Soul Shriven
    Hey I've just come back from a Hiatus and would like to get back into the game, I'd like to join a chill alliance with which to do farming runs.
    My GT is GedankeVier868.
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