--- Remnants —- PvE Guild All Welcome

Remnants is a small guild open to any alliance, focused mainly on end game content, but enjoy all aspects of the game aswell.

We run weekly vet and normal trials, pledges, vdsa and all other 4 person content.
Most of our members gear farm, hunt for skyshards and lorebooks,level alt characters daily so we’re not just fixed on end game all the time.
Some of our members work and have family’s so our play style is laid back and casual, we don’t demand anything from our members only that you have fun and get involved.
If your a hardcore gamer or a laid back achievement hunter we accept all kinds of people what ever your play style,
We do prefer members who participate in trials and other group stuff to be on headset, you don’t have to talk if don’t want to its purely so you can hear tactics etc.

We have a Facebook page and use Discord where we arrange Trials, group content, help with crafting and builds.

add your gamer tag here if you would like an invite and Somone will add you asap

Or message me in game or via Xbox

xXx Evolv3d xXx

Please make sure you are from the EU and have guild space please.
Edited by Evolv3d on 6 January 2019 12:50
  • MCFC_Ste
    Looking to get back into the game

    GT: As Friends Rust

    (Withe the spaces)

    Thanks in advance
    City till I die
  • Evolv3d
    Invite sent mate welcome to the guild
    Edited by Evolv3d on 4 February 2017 09:46
  • josephsmithy
    Soul Shriven
    GT: JosephSmithy x
  • Evolv3d
    Invite sent mate welcome to the guild
  • jkmllr
    I'd like to join if possible, I'm a DC player

    Gt - jkmllr
  • Evolv3d
    Invite sent welcome to the guild
  • aenaerion
    Hey guys I'm a returning player to eso and have started building a omega build Templar, I am looking to join a social guild were people chat and help each other out. I hope that describes your guild if so can I have a invite plz GT heirofaenarion
  • Evolv3d
    Invite sent sry for the late reply had afew work commitments
  • aenaerion
    No worries sir just finished working myself, on the way home to fire up the xbox
  • Coilspun
    I'd love to join, I have recently returned to ESO, I'm a plus member and have two characters; Storm Caller and Templar... eagerly awaiting Morrowind to build a Nord Warden.

    I'm looking to join a guild, do some PvE and eventually endgame content, but I'm in no rush as I love the lore of ESO and the levelling experience.

    GT: Hidio
    Edited by Coilspun on 3 March 2017 20:57
  • Evolv3d
    Sry for the delay il get someone to add you asap had problems with the email notification it's going in my junk folder for some reason.
  • Coilspun
    Thanks - I received the invite, it was really no problem.
  • KingofAnnwn
    I'd like an invite please, I'm looking to do some pledges soon.

    GT - YDdraigGymraeg
    Xbox One (Very Rare)
    DC - Gwenhwyfar Gwraig - Redguard Vamp Stamplar
    DC - Kiarina Florcht - Redguard Stamden
    AD - Lilwen Haf - Altmer Mag Sorc
    EP - Tarmena Diloren - Dunmer Magblade
    DC - Eletti Ghellon - Redguard Stamblade
    DC - Arianwen Adahl - Breton Magcro
  • FlyingDutch92

    Returning player looking for a nice guild, got tank & healer ready for dungeons.
    Could I get an invite please?

    GT: Exexutioner
  • xxxBTxxx
    Soul Shriven
    Can I get an invite please ?
  • Yirro
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, i'm pretty new to this game (level 27 and level 16), i'm looking for a guild. So, i'm here, my GT: Spectrall72, ans my character name (i dont know if it's necessary) "Rak'hil"
  • Evolv3d
    Added mate
  • Evolv3d
    Added mate
  • Evolv3d
    Added mate
  • Evolv3d
    Added mate
  • xxxBTxxx
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you
  • Jordanory
    Hey, was looking for a social guild like this, any room for one more?
    GT: Jordanory2
    "You gotta admit, the name Lamia sounds adorable. Like something you'd cuddle up to at bedtime, before if swallows you whole and devours you slowly. That's what I'd call sweet dreams."
  • Evolv3d
    Added mate
  • dherbel
    Soul Shriven
    I'm just starting on the EU server since a couple friends play on it, was hoping to join a nice mellow guild.

    GT: DHerbel
  • Mightyknight197
    Soul Shriven
    Hey I'm interested my gamertag is Mightyknight197 any chance I could join?
  • ScytheNL
    Please add me, Scythe NL :smiley:
    Ezekiel Zakriah, Redguard Nightblade

    Xbox One, GT= Scythe NL
  • Evolv3d
  • Thomazzzrtbk
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love an invite as well ^_^ Thanks so much in advance!

    GT: Thomazzzrtbk
  • crackersa
    Invite please

  • ScytheNL
    Evolv3d wrote: »

    Thank you!
    Ezekiel Zakriah, Redguard Nightblade

    Xbox One, GT= Scythe NL
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