Remnants is a small guild open to any alliance, focused mainly on end game content, but enjoy all aspects of the game aswell.
We run weekly vet and normal trials, pledges, vdsa and all other 4 person content.
Most of our members gear farm, hunt for skyshards and lorebooks,level alt characters daily so we’re not just fixed on end game all the time.
Some of our members work and have family’s so our play style is laid back and casual, we don’t demand anything from our members only that you have fun and get involved.
If your a hardcore gamer or a laid back achievement hunter we accept all kinds of people what ever your play style,
We do prefer members who participate in trials and other group stuff to be on headset, you don’t have to talk if don’t want to its purely so you can hear tactics etc.
We have a Facebook page and use Discord where we arrange Trials, group content, help with crafting and builds.
add your gamer tag here if you would like an invite and Somone will add you asap
Or message me in game or via Xbox
xXx Evolv3d xXx
Please make sure you are from the EU and have guild space please.
Edited by Evolv3d on 6 January 2019 12:50