It would be less work but it wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.
Ultimates are the to serve an individual role and having 2/3 class ults do the same thing (increased dps) is terrible design. Overload used to be a burst dmg ult for PvP and a utility ult, through its 3rd bar. Now it has no role. Sorc has no healing ult, no tanking ult, no burst dmg ult. It has an area denial ult (Negate) and dps ult (Atro) so to make the 3rd ult same as the second is lazy and bad design.
You can use anything, doesn't mean it's efficient. You could use Dawnbreaker if you wanted. There's better options for literally any content. Any half decent PvE raid (not even talking about top 10 elite guilds) would probably kick you on the spot if they saw you overloading a boss. Because not only is Atro stronger dps for you individually, but it also gives another DPS Major Berserk for 8".
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
Crushing Shock? Not exactly a meta DPS spammable. Most sorcs are using the psijic spammable these days if trying to push PVE damage, or at a minimum, they are using Force Pulse if they are too lazy to farm the psijic line.
Sure, of course you can use it, but you will do better dropping a storm attro on their head. Nobody anywhere near the cutting edge of PVE DPS is using overload. Other than a very niche Overload Ganker in PVP, "totally f'ing useless" is about as close as I can get.
It would be less work but it wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.
Ultimates are the to serve an individual role and having 2/3 class ults do the same thing (increased dps) is terrible design. Overload used to be a burst dmg ult for PvP and a utility ult, through its 3rd bar. Now it has no role. Sorc has no healing ult, no tanking ult, no burst dmg ult. It has an area denial ult (Negate) and dps ult (Atro) so to make the 3rd ult same as the second is lazy and bad design.
Terrible ult that’s a non-ult.
Lower single target DPS than Storm Atro, lower AoE dps than Destro Ult, no special utility anymore (RIP 3rd bar), not enough burst to be useful for PvP unlike meteor, too slow projectile that’s easy to block or dodge....
Just kill it already. Replace it with something useful either for PvE or PvP. What’s missing the most is either a burst dmg ult (so we don’t have to clutch on Meteor) or one that increases survivability via either high dmg mitigation or healing (like Magma Armor or Soul Siphon)
I disagree - negate is area denial, atro is a damage over time pet, and overload USED to be a burst ultimate. That made it different 3nough from the other two.
There's no question in my mind that overload is a crappy ult in every way. Usually class ultimates offer *something* unique and desirable over those that are available to everyone with a pulse.
The only thing the new overload offers is the ability to weave a clunky, slow, blockable, dodgeable, and reflectable projectile along with normal skills.
To add insult to injury, it doesn'tt do a LOT of damage on it's own. The heavy attack is terrible as well compared to most non-class ults. Given how slow the heavy overload is to use, I can't see anyone purposely slotting the skill for that.
It would be less work but it wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.
Ultimates are the to serve an individual role and having 2/3 class ults do the same thing (increased dps) is terrible design. Overload used to be a burst dmg ult for PvP and a utility ult, through its 3rd bar. Now it has no role. Sorc has no healing ult, no tanking ult, no burst dmg ult. It has an area denial ult (Negate) and dps ult (Atro) so to make the 3rd ult same as the second is lazy and bad design.
Again, in most Vet hard mode DLC or otherwise content and VMA you want crushing over force - sometimes it's weird to see people like you telling everyone else what's good and what's bad when you make a comment like this -
Overload isn't used in ganker builds anymore. It's used as a pressure ultimate in PVP. In BG's it's even more ridiculous because 1 sorc + any other DPS focusing somebody with a sorc using this ultimate and that person will die.