Sorcerer's Overload Not considered as an ultimate ?

I understand that overload is very cheap, and the Major Slayer uptime from (War machine / master architect ) could be 200%.
But It clearly says Ultimate and yet it doesn't proc the Major Slayer buff after activating the skill or when the ultimate is fully used.

Here are some cheap ultimates that also procs Major slayer :
Templars (75 ultimates, radial sweeps), nightblades (70 ultimates, death stroke), wardens (75 ultimates feral guardian)

Overload got big time nerfed (rip the third bar , rip the damage...) and here we have sets that do not even consider as an ultimate the storm calling skill line ultimate... it doesn't make sense.

Overload needs to be reworked.
  • LordGodzilla
    Hi there !

    You just post it on FR forum.
    You'll need to rewrite it on EN part.

    But, thank you !
    Last time, i was looking for create a sorc build with Master Architect and Overload.
    Now, i know than it's not really possible ;)

    Have some fun ! :)
    Edited by LordGodzilla on 10 February 2019 05:30
  • ZOS_Julien
    Hi there,

    Topic moved in the correct section of the forum. Thanks.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Moderation Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Chilly-McFreeze
    The difference between the other cheap ultimates and OL is, that you can have 500 ult, use stroke und you're left with 0 ult. You need some time to build it up again, even tho it's just a short period. With Overload on the other hand, you only loose a few ult points and don't empty it completely on one time usage.

    Therefore you could very well have 100% uptime with it, but not with the other cheap ults. Guess that's what they're trying to avoid. However, it bothers me as well, especially with other sets that proc on ults, e.g. Witchman's Armor.
  • ZeroXFF
    Not to mention that the new implementation is broken as hell to the point of being unusable. Weaving is nearly impossible, and animations are even choppier than regular weaving and there is a weird delay even when latency is very low.
  • Luigi_Vampa
    Overload needs completely reworked. It is just in an awful state.
    PC/EU DC
  • Cathexis
    Overload needs completely reworked. It is just in an awful state.

    I agree. It has severe issues. I think the underlying new design is supposed to emphasize weaving with bar abilities, but it simply doesn't weave effectively; from what I can tell because light attacks (and also heavy attacks) are clunky and not fluid in terms of click response. It often lags or inadvertently locks into a heavy attack.

    It's also reflectable, and without the third skill bar has extremely limited utility.

    It would be nice to see this ultimate brought in line with the rest of them.
    Edited by Cathexis on 11 February 2019 09:27
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  • Morgul667
    Overload needs completely reworked. It is just in an awful state.

  • IonicKai
    I'm in favor of overload being an instant cast damage attack more like other cheap ultimates from the other classes. This would flow better and give that option for sorcs to utilize sets like master architect and war machine effectively. It should also be reworked to have one morph good for mag and the other good for stam to really push this and give stam sorcs an option for a cheap class ult.
  • Icarus42
    I do not use this ultimate anymore, I do not see any sorcs using this ultimate anymore. I wish they had just erased it so I don't have to look at it on my skill sheet anymore. Every time I see the icon I get sad and reminisce on how once upon a time I did use this ultimate. I then fall into a deep depression and find myself typing in the forums.

    Ebonheart Pact - PC NA - Magicka Sorcerer
  • Cathexis
    I think it is a shame they did away with the third skill bar, as it has been a feature of overload since the beginning and with psijic skills it would have breathed new life into overload.

    Personally I think overload should simply imbue the weapon type you have equipped with a modest damage bonus, have a third bar, and allow the use of weapon skills of that line. The animation could enhance your weapon with lightning, and do the damage it does now. Perhaps also make projectile attacks unreflectable while it is active, and allow for weapon swapping.

    As an interesting side note, many patches ago, you could equip weapon abilities and they would fire, just disable overload. This was useful because you could put charge for example on your overload bar, essentially freeing up another slot. I think when they removed this, this was what caused the problem of always being a skill short (no longer as big an issue).
    Edited by Cathexis on 28 February 2019 05:21
    Tome of Alteration Magic I - Reality is an Ancient Dwemer Construct: Everything You Need to Know About FPS

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  • zvavi
    Overload is just as you said in the topic, not an ultimate. Could be cool if it would proc the sets when ultimate drops to 0 (which is rare with overload) , but it doesn't (yes I tested)
  • ruff
    Stopped using overload after latest _rework_ as it's really not an ultimate anymore. maybe I don't understand its mechanics but light were nerfed and heavy never worked for me. I have no idea how to use heavy OL, it just drains my ultimate pool dealing zero damage to anything. and light, well, there are much better ults, anything is better actually.
  • Beardimus
    Overload needs completely reworked. It is just in an awful state.

    Overload had a great place for a long time - mainly PvE. They nerfed it to 500 ulti and broke it.

    B ut the brave of us made it work. MagDW, overload build in PvP as Emp is the most fun I've had in game.

    3rd bar was a nice touch.

    Using it as a gank / snipe tool was our only option.

    For some reason folks, sorcs included wanted it changed. Heck even some of the reps drove a change to it...wanted a what do we have? 2 Ultimates that's what.

    There's no viable use.

    @ZOS_Gilliam would love your view on this pretty useless skill.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
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  • kind_hero
    I play a magsorc and how I would see overload changed is the way Auroran knights use lightning in the Malatar dungeon, during the fight with the orb. Something like the Sith lightning from Star Wars. It should do damage in a cone, apply concussion, and duration should be proportional with the number of ultimate points, starting from 70. The difference between Dawnguard and this being that you could move with this lightning cone around until your it dies out.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • cbritomiranda
    Beardimus wrote: »

    Overload had a great place for a long time - mainly PvE. They nerfed it to 500 ulti and broke it.

    B ut the brave of us made it work. MagDW, overload build in PvP as Emp is the most fun I've had in game.

    3rd bar was a nice touch.

    Using it as a gank / snipe tool was our only option.

    For some reason folks, sorcs included wanted it changed. Heck even some of the reps drove a change to it...wanted a what do we have? 2 Ultimates that's what.

    There's no viable use.

    @ZOS_Gilliam would love your view on this pretty useless skill.

    >>> THIS <<<
    Edited by cbritomiranda on 28 February 2019 11:40
    Arielle Pendragon [] High Elf - Sorcerer [DD]
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    Asrin the Wise [] Khajiit - Sorcerer [DD]
  • Aznox
    i would use it if it had a Physical damage morph ...
    PC EU
    Khajiit Orc Bosmer Stamina Sorcerer and Werewolf Stage 3 Vampire
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  • Chilly-McFreeze
    Aznox wrote: »
    i would use it if it had a Physical damage morph ...

    Would you really choose it over DBoS etc?
  • MalagenR
    I still use overload constantly. It's actually really strong in its current state. But, it should proc Master Architect, this would potentially make MagSorc move away from Siroria and use Architect. Adds build diversity to raids and the role of MagSorc some needed raid utility.
  • Maulkin
    Aznox wrote: »
    i would use it if it had a Physical damage morph ...
    No you wouldn’t. You spend your life in werewolf form, you don’t kid us :D
    MalagenR wrote: »
    I still use overload constantly. It's actually really strong in its current state. But, it should proc Master Architect, this would potentially make MagSorc move away from Siroria and use Architect. Adds build diversity to raids and the role of MagSorc some needed raid utility.

    In what content do you use it and find it strong?
    EU | PC | AD
  • robpr
    Maulkin wrote: »
    In what content do you use it and find it strong?

    In execute phase when magicka is low, Energy Overload morph allow squeeze a lot of Furys, increasing damage significally.
  • Maulkin
    Terrible ult that’s a non-ult.

    Lower single target DPS than Storm Atro, lower AoE dps than Destro Ult, no special utility anymore (RIP 3rd bar), not enough burst to be useful for PvP unlike meteor, too slow projectile that’s easy to block or dodge....

    Just kill it already. Replace it with something useful either for PvE or PvP. What’s missing the most is either a burst dmg ult (so we don’t have to clutch on Meteor) or one that increases survivability via either high dmg mitigation or healing (like Magma Armor or Soul Siphon)
    EU | PC | AD
  • Juhasow
    Overload never worked with any set that procs of using ultimate. Wheter it be activating the ult or shooting the light attacks. Possibilities of abuse are simply too strong. For example Master Architect allows You to get buff for You and 2 nearby allies so 2 sorcs using overload in raid could basically provide 100% uptime of major slayer for whole raid with proper positioning and that would be slightly broken.
  • Maulkin
    robpr wrote: »

    In execute phase when magicka is low, Energy Overload morph allow squeeze a lot of Furys, increasing damage significally.

    Only If you were running out Magicka and at the expense of reduced dps the rest of the fight. Doesn’t sound like a good idea

    EU | PC | AD
  • MalagenR
    Maulkin wrote: »
    No you wouldn’t. You spend your life in werewolf form, you don’t kid us :D

    In what content do you use it and find it strong?

    In both Open World PVP and in PVE I use it in VMA and Vet Dungeons. I don't raid often but I'd use it in a raid too.

    For PVE I run:
    Elegance + Mechanical Acuity + (Necro/Illambris/Skoria) - All spell damage enchants when doing VMA with Witchmother's
    Elegance + Mechanical Acuity + (Illambris) - 2 Spell Dmg 1 Recov when doing Vet Dungeons - with Salmon Soup

    Every time Acuity procs I throw Overload, helps huge with sustain and if I have warhorn the dps just gets ridiculous.

    For PVP - I run a unique build - but ultimate wise I usually drop Atronach on top of a Haunting Curse + Crystal frag for ridiculous burst.

    But, this won't work against someone with really strong self heals - lots of Warden's for example - you need more pressure - for this I run Overload on the front bar because you can Atro drop and about 2 seconds later throw out 1 or 2 overloads or you can just Overload spam once you put them on the run to keep pressure with Reach / Frags.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    I get the frustration on your end, but I also get why it doesnt proc MA. That said, overload needs scrapped and reworked from the ground up. Totally F'ing useless.
  • MalagenR
    I mean, it's really not useless, any build centered around crushing shock for PVE DPS can use this ultimate very nicely.
  • Maulkin
    I get the frustration on your end, but I also get why it doesnt proc MA. That said, overload needs scrapped and reworked from the ground up. Totally F'ing useless.

    MalagenR wrote: »
    I mean, it's really not useless, any build centered around crushing shock for PVE DPS can use this ultimate very nicely.

    You can use anything, doesn't mean it's efficient. You could use Dawnbreaker if you wanted. There's better options for literally any content. Any half decent PvE raid (not even talking about top 10 elite guilds) would probably kick you on the spot if they saw you overloading a boss. Because not only is Atro stronger dps for you individually, but it also gives another DPS Major Berserk for 8".
    EU | PC | AD
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    MalagenR wrote: »
    I mean, it's really not useless, any build centered around crushing shock for PVE DPS can use this ultimate very nicely.

    Crushing Shock? Not exactly a meta DPS spammable. Most sorcs are using the psijic spammable these days if trying to push PVE damage, or at a minimum, they are using Force Pulse if they are too lazy to farm the psijic line.

    Sure, of course you can use it, but you will do better dropping a storm attro on their head. Nobody anywhere near the cutting edge of PVE DPS is using overload. Other than a very niche Overload Ganker in PVP, "totally f'ing useless" is about as close as I can get.
  • Roboplus
    robpr wrote: »
    In execute phase when magicka is low, Energy Overload morph allow squeeze a lot of Furys, increasing damage significally.
    Maulkin wrote: »
    Only If you were running out Magicka and at the expense of reduced dps the rest of the fight. Doesn’t sound like a good idea
    Perhaps that would be easier to address then. Give Overload a passive so you're not experiencing reduced DPS during the rest of the fight.

    A complete rework would probably be for the best, but would be far less likely to happen.
  • Maulkin
    Roboplus wrote: »
    Perhaps that would be easier to address then. Give Overload a passive so you're not experiencing reduced DPS during the rest of the fight.

    A complete rework would probably be for the best, but would be far less likely to happen.

    It would be less work but it wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.

    Ultimates are the to serve an individual role and having 2/3 class ults do the same thing (increased dps) is terrible design. Overload used to be a burst dmg ult for PvP and a utility ult, through its 3rd bar. Now it has no role. Sorc has no healing ult, no tanking ult, no burst dmg ult. It has an area denial ult (Negate) and dps ult (Atro) so to make the 3rd ult same as the second is lazy and bad design.
    Edited by Maulkin on 1 March 2019 19:01
    EU | PC | AD
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