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New guild starting from scratch

Hi All

As the title says I am starting a guild, and I am looking for like minded members, I have very little to offer other than a willingness to make something good, I have over 1200 hours in the game but know about half of what I should so I am still learning.

I have at time of posting one, Yep ONE level 50 character, the rest are under level 30 I mention this so you are aware I am not some everything must be the best type, I don't care what class or race you play or how you play it I only care your up for some enjoyable gaming. I have the big psijic house to use as a guild house but as yet have very little in it, and nothing functional, crafting stations ect. this I will build up as I can.

If you are someone who is not all that sure about the game or feel, what you don't know should somehow prevent you from joining, then you are wrong we can and will learn together. I hope to build a community that's easy going if you are happy soloing around but would like a no pressure guild to help when you need it, then that's all good and if you are looking to team up with others then hopefully we will be able to provide that.

Some things that DON'T matter to me but may to you. I am UK based (Scotland). I am high end mature (that means old, 50+) I am low end thick and only speak one language English I have Team speak but don't mind if you use it or not I won't put up with any kind of grief or raging I play on the PC and on the EU server I have gamed with people from all over the world and am happy to do so again.

Maybe there is more you would like to know? drop me a reply or PM I will get back to you and maybe we can build something special together

CLAN HAMMERAXE current membership 1
  • mermaid
    Just what I was looking for. I'm a veteran gamer and older but new to the wonderful world of the elder scrolls. I want to be part of the Hammeraxe. Hope that more "elderly" will join.
  • Clyemne
    Hmm.. This sure sounds good to me.
    I'm a 45 year old returner to the game ("high end mature", love that :) ) Loved the game to bits and spent a good deal of time in it (which does NOT equal knowledge or accomplishment, i quite appreciate you mention that yourself) Got a few lvl 50 chars which i MIGHT pick up some time again, but atm very much starting from scratch again on a low lvl freshbie.
    I'm having a great time soloing, 'exploring' the world so far, but also kind of dreading jumping into dungeons again etc coz i think i'll have to learn the works of them all over again, even the 'old ones' (and i feel that'd hinder most ppl who know them like their own backyard by now).
    I'd very much like to share and learn and love the game again with a group of good ppl starting something together.
    If that sounds all good to you, please do throw me an invite at @Clyemne
    "Do not go gently into that good night,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
    Dylan Thomas
  • dingl78
    Hi,I’m not quite elderly yet(40)but would love a invite.i ve been playing on/off since beta,have 550cp and a character in each class

  • rigwit
    Soul Shriven

    I might be interested in this as well. I played the beta and then a few months after beta. The I pretty much quit because it wasn't really the best game at the time. When the Morrowind expansion came out, I started playing on and off again, but never got all that far.

    I still have a level 40 from way back, but I've been playing new characters the past weeks. I quite enjoy the story and the fact that you can solo so much in the game. My play times can vary wildly due to work mostly, but also because I have various other hobbies and games to play. I also quite enjoy crafting in ESO, although I haven't done all that much of it yet.

    I'd really like to try dungeons at some point, that's usually one of the things I like the most in MMOs, but I haven't done any in ESO yet, because I don't like joining a group of randoms to do a dungeon with, especially when I'm not comfortable with my class in group content.

    As mentioned, my play times are all over the place. Sometimes I work in the evening, sometimes I play other games (be it other MMOs (FFXIV and WoW mostly), or something on console, like the Tomb Raider reboot series), and sometimes I'm working on my model trains or building model kits, or taking care of my parents.

    I currently have an active ESO plus sub, and finally, I'm 41 years young, but I guess that's not really important :)

  • chattofadb16_ESO
    Hey Rigwit, I dropped you a PM, But thought I would update any readers.

    We are coming along nicely, 6 of us now (7 if you join us rigwit), we have the guild house coming along well, got a banker in and some crafting tables, and already the guys are starting to enjoy playing together, we are a like minded group.

    One of the big issues I have had with the game is the dungeon content, the content itself is fine it's more an issue with the groups, they tend to hit the dungeon at top speed and if your not sure of what's going on your dragged through it and left wondering what happened and what you missed, you don't get to enjoy the story and you end up having to do the dungeon a ton of times before you get to grips with it. I hate that and I don't care how often I have done a dungeon I will take my time and let anyone with me enjoy the story.

    I will also not care what your class is how you play it or what gear you have on, if you want to go at it in a pair of flipflops waving a rolled up newspaper at the bad guys I'm all for it, we will die horribly together, and learn flipflops may look cool but ain't any good for kicking a dragon :P

    Come join us, shout me in game on @FAD or put a post in here or PM me

    CLAN HAMMERAXE......Current Membership 6...or 7 :)
  • rigwit
    Soul Shriven
    Oh right, forgot to mention, I'm @Rigwit in the game as well ;)

    Speed runs in dungeons is exactly what I dislike mostly as well. I tend to play healers, so I always get the blame when things go bad, regardless of what the cause of a wipe is.
  • susniand
    Not high, high end mature, but still high end mature (42) here.
    For a while Im looking something like that, so Im interested. Hit me up ingame @susniand
  • Nazekeen
    Hey I'm Nazekeen, I'm on the medium end of mature, I suppose, at 39.
    I've been playing Elder Scrolls games ever since MorrowinD was new, but I've only just started playing ESO a couple of months ago when my WOW guild fell apart.
    I'm mostly a solo player and always have been, but I do like to explore dungeons from time to time.

    My main character is a level 80-ish CP Khajiit nightblade, she's a crafter/finder. She's not exactly built for dungeons, but I could probably handle DPS. My crafts are pretty well developed, maxed on the consumables and the other crafts are going there.
    I have 1 secondary character, but she's very low level. I'm having too much fun crafting and finding at the moment.

    I'm an ESO Plus subscriber, Summerset is on the wishlist.

    I'm socially awkward (ASD), which is why I'm hesitant to join a social guild. But it seems like you're hoping to create a mature, casual guild here, so I feel more confident about joining.

      Crazy Khajiit Lady
    • Nazekeen Khajiit NB: 9 trait crafter, farmer, housing enthousiast, built for speed, not damage
    • Addhiranirr Khajiit DK: tanking for fun only, no serious business
    • Ayliza Bloodmoon Khajiit Pet Sorc: Main character, dd
    • S'Raani Khajiit Healplar: Main healer
    • Rabynna Khajiit Magplar: solitary cat, likes quests
    • Aqir di Kha'Jay Khajiit Plar: experimental dd/solo build
    • Maiq the Healer Khajiit Warden healer: Only male character
    • Yenithka Rishajiit Khajiit Sorc Healer: Still learning
    • Qari Morna Khajiit Magcro: Working on learning DoT rotation
    • Jajofa Zatayer Khajiit Necro Healer/offDD: Catalyst/Saxhleel
    • Zissqara Khajiit Sorc: low level, going to be a tank
    • Zira Hejta Khajiit Arcanist: low level, going to be a dd
  • LordTeabag
    Soul Shriven
    Hello fellas and fellas of the female variety.

    This guild sounds brill to me, very small and close knit. I suppose currently if I were to join I'd be the baby of the group at 29 (though I do have a mature enough head sat on my shoulders!)

    I have over 2000 hours in game, turned the Coldharbour Surreal Estate into a duelling arena with all crafting stations for use and starting to build up mundus stones.

    I have around 10 toons, 8 maxed, mixture of PvE and PvP. I have a good knowledge of the game you could utilise and I can craft most things. I'm no irritating elitest and love to just enjoy the game too.

    I'm just looking for a new environment with friendly people. I'm always happy to lend a hand to a guildie if needed.

    Hopefully I'd be able to fit in!

  • woufff
    Heya people, now this guild comes right on time, would love to be part of this adventure and help building it !

    I'm still young in mind, a bit older when it comes to the bones, still 50+ but not for long anymore and I started gaming on a ZX81 back in the early 80ies, just to set the scene ;)

    Playing ESO for almost 1 1/2 years now and still love it, my main char is CP500+ but did almost only soloing so far, thus dungeon experience close to zero (did Spindleclutch though :D) but would love to have people around me for a laid back dungeon experience including time for the dungeon stories (where available).

    Ingame name is also @woufff , looking forward to an invite if you think I might fit in B)
    PC/EU&NA - Redguard Nightblade - Grand Master Crafter - Explorer of Tamriel & Skyrim - Playing Starfield (and awaiting TES VI ^^)
  • Riggi
    Soul Shriven
    Heya all,

    Started playing just few days ago, I joined some big guilds but this guild sounds good to me, to be part of something new (as I am new myself to the game) will be nice.

    Playing whenever I have time, no specific schedule for me. My char is only level 19 atm and I am questing exploring enjoying the game.

    I hope I can get an invite!
    Thank you
  • TheBadPandaMan
    Soul Shriven
    You guys still looking for people?
    If you are playing on discord or smth I am willing to join right away.
  • albesca
    One of the big issues I have had with the game is the dungeon content, the content itself is fine it's more an issue with the groups, they tend to hit the dungeon at top speed and if your not sure of what's going on your dragged through it and left wondering what happened and what you missed, you don't get to enjoy the story and you end up having to do the dungeon a ton of times before you get to grips with it. I hate that and I don't care how often I have done a dungeon I will take my time and let anyone with me enjoy the story.

    I will also not care what your class is how you play it or what gear you have on, if you want to go at it in a pair of flipflops waving a rolled up newspaper at the bad guys I'm all for it, we will die horribly together, and learn flipflops may look cool but ain't any good for kicking a dragon :P

    Yeah, I do random dungeons every now and then, and usually I'm in and out without knowing why we're slaughtering everyone in sight (even if I'm able to take the quest, I never have time to actually read, let alone listen, the story).

    I'd love to join the guild; I usually play a couple of hours late in the evening (about 22:30 -00:30 CET), though having a ten months old daughter I'm not super regular with my gaming schedule.
    PC EU

    Khajiit has no time for you
  • chattofadb16_ESO
    Hi Guys

    Time for another update I think, Yes we are still looking for some folks to join, our current number is 14 and we have a another 3 showing interest. If your wondering why we are so few there are a couple of reasons.

    Firstly we will not spam in-game chat for members, you find way too many crazies that way, and secondly, we are not looking at this time to make a big guild, we are happy with around the 20 mark or so for the time being, if we feel more are needed to allow members to play dungeons or trials or whatever we will hit this forum for more. So far I have not been disappointed in the people that have joined us, already we have a great bunch of guys and gals and they are all gelling fantastically.

    I have to say that in such a short time we already have something good, we have people who have been playing for ages doing there first dungeons, or there first where they don't feel under any pressure to perform in any certain way or to come spec'd out with the best in slot, they are beginning to realise they don't have to know what they are doing, to join a group and go have some fun, and for me that's what this is all about, it's a great thing to see, someone who has played for ages but avoided dungeons, due to the expectations of others, finally getting into them and loving it.

    Bit of a long answer to the question posed by TheBadPandaMan, but yes, we are still looking for a few more, but I will qualify it by saying if someone comes along I think is just "Right" for the guild then I'm sure I'll take them on regardless of our numbers at the time.

    Feel free to shout me in game @FAD also we have a discord channel at https://discord.gg/useXwNY

    Happy Gaming folks :smiley:
  • Stefacle
    Hello there :)

    I think this may just be the kind of guild that I would be happy to join. Feel free to send me an invite if you deem me worthy, @Stefacle

  • Stefacle
    Sorry about double post, wanted to tell a bit my self, but submitted it too soon, and can't seem to figure out how to edit my post either :)

    I am a 44 year old Dane who have been living in Ireland for the past 15 years. I am married and have a 5 year old son, so family comes first, and gaming second, which is why I play ESO very casually, and my play time vary greatly. I log on daily, but some times just to get the daily login rewards, other times to play for an hour or two.

    Played ES games since Arena, and MMO's since DAOC in the early 2000's. Played ESO during beta and until a month or two after launch, but quit as my limited play time didn't justify paying a subscription, and honestly I didn't really get hooked on the game at that stage either. I tried to return to ESO with the Morrowind release, but again the game didn't really suck me in, so once again I quit after a couple of weeks.

    Now, I returned once again, bought Summerset as well as ESO+, and this time I can say that the game has got me hooked. I deleted my old chars, and left the old guilds, they were all but dead anyway. I started out on a fresh, and got two chars going, and I enjoy them both. One is a female redguard Nightblade, currently level 34, and my evil char, working on the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild content, which I enjoy. My other char is a level 12 Orc Dragonknight, and I plan to make him a tank, and do the Orsimer DLC, which looks really appealing to me. Also, I understand that there is a lack of tanks in the game, so I may eventually try doing dungeons on this char, and play as a tank. However, he has yet to pick up a shield and learn some tanking skills, hehe.

    Overall, I like the current state of ESO, the amount of content is massive, and I love that I can go wherever I want and do the content I feel like with One Tamriel.

    I am not a very social person, and don't participate in voice chat, but I would love to take part in the in-game guild chat, and hopefully make some new friends there. Sounds like this is a guild of like-minded people. Don't expect me to take part in group content, but who knows, once I get some CP on my chars I may be tempted to partake in some dungeon groups here and there when I can find the time for it.

    So far I haven't joined any guilds since returning to ESO, mainly because most guilds expect participation in group content and/or voice chat, which I have little to no interest in.

    However, if this guild is as easy going as it sounds like, I would be more than happy to join. See you all in game soon, hopefully :)
  • Chivana
    Edited by Chivana on 9 November 2018 06:04
    Chivana "Amazon Queen" Krelog (Chivana@Chivana)
  • rigwit
    Soul Shriven

    I'm not big in voice chat either, it still feels weird talking to a computer, plus, the moment my parrot hears me talking, he'll start screaming and wanting to be out of his cage. Which would be fine if not for the fact that he thinks my keyboard is a toy for him to chew up ;)

    Guild has been really nice so far, everyone's very helpful and willing to wait for you to read quest texts in dungeons etc. They didn't even mind me being a terrible healer during my first dungeon run as main healer, so that's definitely good :smiley:

    Even playing solo through the various stories is more fun now, since there's always someone to talk to if you want to, and usually someone to help and/or give advice if you come across a quest that's not so obvious.
  • chattofadb16_ESO
    Thanks for the vote Rig :)

    I have too say I couldn't be happier with the team we have put together, we have a top bunch of gays and gals, everyone's helpful and there for each other, and also good with leaving you alone if you just want to go solo for a time

    We are now sitting at 19 strong, we have a clan house with most all the basics, it's a continual work in progress. We have been and are arranging dungeon runs and Battle grounds, and will continue to look at small but enjoyable events for the clan, at this point in time I won't let it grow too much bigger, but if you feel you would be a fit for us I'd be happy to hear from you.

    We are for the most part a mature guild, lots of oldies, we are all about enjoying the game, if your looking for a trade guild that's not us, if your all about the best gear and full meta, then that's not us either. But if your about taking the time to see the scenery, finding out the story of the dungeon and having fun with people of the same frame of mind, then that is us, and maybe there's yet a spot for you.

    Find us on discord https://discord.gg/uMAMQgJ or in game shout me @FAD or drop me a pm or reply here :)
    Edited by chattofadb16_ESO on 12 November 2018 14:11
  • Western_Dragon
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, I'm new in ESO and looking for a guild for trading, and community that can help me with a game in general. About me - i'm 27 age, world of elder scrolls is my favorite and i want to explore it.
  • Snowflake7
    Soul Shriven
    Hello everyone i would like to join your clan i started playing this game a week ago and your clan sounds really nice i would like to be a part of it if you tell me what i need to do what resources to gather and that thing so we can expand the clan

    i'm not that old like you guys i'm only 20 :smile:

    My IGN: @Snowflakez7

  • Maltheru
    I would love to join your guild. I too am in my 50s and have been looking for players of a similar age for a long time. I'm quite an experienced player and have many alts but really I'd just love to run through dungeons at a proper pace and impart a bit of my knowledge to others along the way. However I'm by no means an expert.

    You seem to be filling up quickly and I think it is a good idea to stay small so I understand if you don't want me but if you do let me know :) Cheers

  • o5stang
    Oh cool, an older guy guild, just starting up.... sounds like fun !. Love to help explore and Rez people when grouped up (you do the same for me please ;).

    I'd like an invite if you are still recruiting ID: @o5Stang (US CST timezone unfortunately but can meet up on many weekends, and I can do 3rd shift crafting requests, and mat farming(sharing) for the guild bank on weekdays)

  • gorathffeb17_ESO
    I've returned to the game recently and want to join if you still recruiting. @gorathff ingame.
  • chattofadb16_ESO
    See my new post "Mature easy going guild"
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