Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

I can't find a Bug Category in the Forums

Hi all,
I feel a little stupid asking this but I haven't found any Bug category in the forums,is there one? I find this would actually be something that would be useful to the community, I've been having a hard time identifying if the issues I'm running into are actually known issues because I don't have a specific place to go look.

Take the Bleakrock Angler achievement for example, it is currently unobtainable however doing a search for Bleakrock Angler or Inner Sea Scalyfin does not turn up any ticket. It is quite frustrating to not even know if the issue has been reported.

Having a Bug Category in the forum with sub-categories such as Quest, Achievements, would make it so much easier and faster for the community as a whole to identify what is currently not working properly with the game.

It's my suggestion, hoping enough people see it's worth to bring it up to the attention of the forum mods so they may consider it.

  • phermitgb
    while I can sympathize with your situation, I can also see at least a partial reason for not having a bug forum. The game has an in-game bug reporting function, and, at least to my own perception, it's reasonably good.

    if you add a bug reporting forum, there's now the impulse to start reporting bugs from different sources, and anything done via text (like facebook or forums or even twitter) run the risk of not having key information that the people tracking bugs and trying to fix them need to do their jobs reasonably efficiently.

    in short, the in-game bug reporting function, if they made it right, can make their job easier, because the most vital pieces of information that they need to fix bugs, they can make a requirement in their in-game bug reporting menu, and it'll only come from one source which should be easiest for them to track.

    Now, what we REALLY need, is not a bug-reporting forum, but a community-bug-workaround forum! That way, the fixes and work-arounds that the community have figured out on how to avoid or bypass bugs, while we're waiting for the devs to FIX the bugs, would be really nice. That way, you could pop into the workaround forum, search for "bleakrock angler", and come up with forum posts that are other players warning you that it's broken, reassuring you that it's not just you, and maybe sharing some techniques they might have found for forcing it to work (like, logging in/out, or fishing with another person, or whatever magic voodoo makes it work).

    This way, we could still be helping each other, while not flooding the programmers with multiple sources of bug reports with no reliable reporting procedures.

    anyway, that's my 2 cents for now...
    "There is no correct resolution; It's a test of character."
    James T. Kirk
  • Windshadow_ESO
    I have the feeling that they want us to use the in game /bug and /feedback

    This was even true during beta But the did have a known bug post but it was never inclusive or even very up to date
  • Nightwrath
    Thanks Guys, and I agree with you Phermitgb. My problem is I logged in 2 issues with the in game bug feature for which I have confirmation numbers and yet doing a search with the exact terms I used in the ingame search tool yields no results. I'f I can't find what I entered, how can I expect any other player to find it?
    Edited by Nightwrath on 4 April 2014 01:45
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