Templar advices plz?

I´m incredibly undecided about which role take. I ve always been dps at all mmo, and a good one, but maybe its time to change. The problem is Im an imperial, a good race for tanking, but I kinda suck at tanking, but the one handed +shield combat feels pretty natural, Im decent at healing but I dont want to wear light armor, plus I didnt like how I spent more time looking at the life bars than looking to the combat itself! And etc etc
I really need some help coz this is turning into an obsession xDD
  • ShadowWolf613
    Try the spear skill line. I go 2 handed on my templar with it. Although its more dps then tank
  • Reinmard
    yep I know I almost have all the aedric spear skill line, Im lvl 28
    Also, what guys do you think a dps templar should upgrade? magicka, stamina or health? I have 14 magicka 4 health and 4 stamina I think, since most of the damage is made with magic damage skills.
    Edited by Reinmard on 3 April 2014 18:44
  • ShadowWolf613
    im not that high of a level but ive doing mostly magicka. With some to health here and there i think im at 6 in magicka 3 in health and 1 stamina. I only use magic abilities
  • Mortuum
    You can try hybrid build then. Templar, as only class, can use heals not bound to weapon type, but to skill line. For example i have full plate templar, 1h+shield, Dawn Wrath skills for DPS, 1 shield and board skill(Deep Cut if correct) for debuff, aura of restoration(80% health/stamina regen) and HOT slotted.
    This way i can do DPS, have higher survivability because of heavy armor, and also offheal a bit, or heal myself if i take on 6 mobs same lvl as i am. Fun to play both solo and group.
    My second bar is full healer, with resto staff for magicka regen, or simply for when i have to really heal(PVP mostly).
    Amount of options to build templar is almost endless.
  • Allumis
    I've gone with the Dawns Wrath tree and pumped all of my stats into health wearing a 5/2 light heavy combo.

    I'm currently ranked 24th on my alliances campaign so seems to be working out pretty well so far :)
  • Mortuum
    Yup Allu, similar setting to mine, and it work great. I have a Breton for magicka reasons, and yea, i forget to say im using helm and belt from light armor, for now to lvl up armor line, and because those cant be seen;p I love breton heavy armor design, with shield and sword simply;p
  • khai
    I'm currently trying out a no-weapon Templar build. I'm spec'ing down the Aedric Spear line, and so far using Light Armor as my only other skill line. I'm surprised how fast I seem to be leveling, compared to my other builds. I am a bit SOL if I run out of magicka... So for you, maybe it's not the best build (if you don't want to wear light armor). But I'm doing good DMG.
    You may say I'm a Dreamer but I'm not the only one.
  • Thybrinena
    The truth is, there is no best healer. All classes can heal but only the Templar can heal without a restoration staff. And despite everything you've read Templar's are very fine healers in light armor. http://tamrielfoundry.com/forum/classes/class-discussion/

    Take a look here for further info.

    Hope this helps :)
    Edited by Thybrinena on 3 April 2014 19:01
  • Reinmard
    Yep but leaving apart pvp (I always found my own way at pvp) I was asking more about dungeons, which is where is less useful be an hybrid, coz if you sign up as dps, you are there to deal dps not to heal coz there is another guy for that already etc. Another problem I have is that the 2h skills seems a bit...***. The critical charge is nice, but the other skills? It doesnt feel like they are worthy!
  • khai
    @Hirion, He wasn't asking about a healer, but about the Templar class. I agree with you (that Templars do make good healers) but it's not the OP's question. ;)
    You may say I'm a Dreamer but I'm not the only one.
  • Mortuum
    Reinmard, that was my point, you can still do decent/enough DPS, but having some buffs and heals only helps, you dont need 5 skills to pure DPS, 3 is enough with correct choice and rotation, and as said, without need to switch to different weapon set, you can have a lot fun as hybrid build.
    Go sign as DPS, and do your little bit more in meantime. I can assure you no one will complain if you offheal and throw some buffs-healer will be happy for sure in hard combat.
    That is where real fun of hybrid class is-ability to do more then 1 boring thing, and making group outcome way better because of your help.
  • Thybrinena
    @Khai He mentions healing so I discuss healing. There's no question there at all actually. As for his plea for help, that's what the link is for so he can do some reading like most of us. ;)
  • Reinmard
    Thanks guys. Actually Mortuum, thats the way Im playing xD the first aedric spear skill (I dont remember the names) the 4th one, for giving stamina to the tank, the first one of healing morphed to heal the group, and a couple of weapon skills, well actually I only use the critical charge but anyway.
  • outlanderbz
    Hirion wrote: »
    The truth is, there is no best healer. All classes can heal but only the Templar can heal without a restoration staff. And despite everything you've read Templar's are very fine healers in light armor. http://tamrielfoundry.com/forum/classes/class-discussion/

    Take a look here for further info.

    Hope this helps :)
    Your link seems to go to a build that uses staves. can you link the heavy armor 1hnd and shield build? I would be curious to see it.
    Edited by outlanderbz on 3 April 2014 20:10
  • Distrobomb
    I'm a templar (breton, aedric spear line) with a two hander. I'm loving it. I also have a self heal which is pretty awesome. You just have to play around with the classes and find what works best for your play style.
    I survived the great ESO launch disaster 2014 B)
  • Reinmard
    Btw, Do you guys think is viable to heal with heavy armor? I ve been doing some dungeons at healer at I think I did pretty well, but I dont know if that could be viable at veteran dungeons or pvp (I guess maybe at pvp yes, coz you may have less magicka but more armour and health.)
  • dagnome
    I love my Imperial Templar. Here is how I run it:

    Weapon set 1
    Classic sword and board
    I use two skills form my "Shield and 1 handed" skill line (Mainly the crippling blow and the piercing strike) I use one healing from my Templar skill tree and I use spear skills to offset the magic consumption. For my ultimate? I use the Sun ultimate as it reduces damage from enemies.

    Weapon set 2:
    Classic Restoration staff. I mainly use this because of the magicka regeneration you get for heavy attacks and while the Templar healing abilities are superior, they cost a chunk of mana. My alternate spells are a simple Aedric spear with increased knockdown duration to keep them baddies away from me when I am acting as primary healer.

    Armor you say?
    Currently debating between how many pieces of heavy and light armor I want. Light obviously gives me the magicka bonuses but when I fill the DPS/tank role the heavy kicks in for that extra defense. Being an imperial I have major racial buffs to my health and stamina so I plan on infusing any heavy armor with some sort of spell cost reduction/magicka increase traits.

    This build allows me to act as both Healer and Tank/DPS when I need ot be and with the dual weapon sets I can switch roles based on how the tempo of the fight is going. If we need occasional heals I can switch on sword and board and tear it up, but for the more complex fights I sit back and spear/Resto staff my way to victory while keeping my buddies alive. Every stat point (Up to lvl 20) has been put into magicka and I can say I proudly rock around 650-700 magicka right now.

    Pardon the gaps in my build but the game i down so I cant be more specific, but thats a very general overview of my build right now.
  • outlanderbz
    dagnome wrote: »
    I love my Imperial Templar. Here is how I run it:

    Weapon set 1
    Classic sword and board
    I use two skills form my "Shield and 1 handed" skill line (Mainly the crippling blow and the piercing strike) I use one healing from my Templar skill tree and I use spear skills to offset the magic consumption. For my ultimate? I use the Sun ultimate as it reduces damage from enemies.

    Weapon set 2:
    Classic Restoration staff. I mainly use this because of the magicka regeneration you get for heavy attacks and while the Templar healing abilities are superior, they cost a chunk of mana. My alternate spells are a simple Aedric spear with increased knockdown duration to keep them baddies away from me when I am acting as primary healer.

    Armor you say?
    Currently debating between how many pieces of heavy and light armor I want. Light obviously gives me the magicka bonuses but when I fill the DPS/tank role the heavy kicks in for that extra defense. Being an imperial I have major racial buffs to my health and stamina so I plan on infusing any heavy armor with some sort of spell cost reduction/magicka increase traits.

    This build allows me to act as both Healer and Tank/DPS when I need ot be and with the dual weapon sets I can switch roles based on how the tempo of the fight is going. If we need occasional heals I can switch on sword and board and tear it up, but for the more complex fights I sit back and spear/Resto staff my way to victory while keeping my buddies alive. Every stat point (Up to lvl 20) has been put into magicka and I can say I proudly rock around 650-700 magicka right now.

    Pardon the gaps in my build but the game i down so I cant be more specific, but thats a very general overview of my build right now.

    I like it. I find myself trying to be all 3 as well but just don't know how to do it or organize it out. Do you have any ranged attacks in that build? doesn't appear like it so I was wondering if that becomes an issue for you.

  • dagnome
    In both my sword and board and my healing builds I use the Piercing Javelin (Morphed into Binding Spear) for a ranged attack. I don't use to many skills from the Aedric spear tree as of now but eventually I will invest in the passives for increased blocking, etc.
    With the build I have now I am kind of filling the DPS role, I can certainly handle myself in PvP and in questing (Solo) but the sword and board is more a tanking build than anything, any halfassed nightblade will out DPS you in a heartbeat.
    Edited by dagnome on 3 April 2014 20:17
  • Mortuum
    Using resto staff for magicka regen is very effective, so yea, np healing in heavy really. Or mix it, heavy/light, test a bit to see where you can stop with light armor, and go heavy rest.
    Obviously i cant comment on Vet content, but in normal dungeons and PVP i have really no problems in heavy(2 light 5 heavy actually). Extra defense, health regen and spell resistance are always nice, and a really good idea in PVP.
  • dagnome
    ^^ I have been playing with the Heavy/Light mix and right now I am sitting well at 3/4
    (I use a Heavy Chest/Shoulder/Gauntlets/Leggings for looks)
  • Myrddinman
    Having just reached level 10 with Templar, I am finding that I cannot kill with one cycle of my Magika skills, thus precipitating a need for Spell Regen and the use of Stamina to balance my resources (Silver Bolts from the Fighter's Guild has been awesome so far). I began this character with the idea of not spending any points for Weapon Skills (other than some Passive ones), but it's just not realistic with the heavy use of Magika for healing and other class skills.

    As for the OP, I think the Templar class is one of those that many people just can't figure out what to do with yet, as it's a pretty sweet hybrid. What I have found with little experience in groups, is that I can do just enough ranged DPS (Sun Fire skill line and Piercing Javelin) to be able to heal minimally and still keep the group up most of the time.

    What I have discovered is that mobs will generally target the healer once you start laying down heals. So if I can throw a couple of Sun Fires (for some DOTs), the group DPS can usually take everything down from there. Then I'll pop a heal to top off before moving on to the next fight, as my Magika comes back.
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