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Level 50 in a day: Agree or Disagree?

  • Decimus_Rex
    There are those that race to the end game for a couple of reasons.

    1. To be first one there and have bragging rights

    2. To beat everyone up in PvP until others catch up

    I've done that race before. The thing about it is your usually the first one out the door for another game

    Right now there isn't to much of anything to turn to for gaming, unless you like subpar F2P's.

    I will take my time and enjoy the game. (I've already deleted 3 toons because I didn't like the way they looked)

    let the alpha dogs run hard and burn out. I will get there with all the same rewards and have fun all along the way.

    I already have a job...

  • Brayton
    I was waiting to complete a quest near Daggerfall. It was kind of broken, but doable with time. Other players were spamming 'broken!' 'wtf!' etc etc. The players around me were doing push-ups, playing the lute, laughing, doing jumping jacks and generally enjoying themselves. I joined in. That was when I knew this would be the game for me. Each to his or her own, but knowing that those other weirdos like me are out there makes me smile :D
  • Maestro_Sartori
    Level 50 in a day? 24hrs; No, I don't see how that is possible.

    Easily doable if you grind mobs and do main zone quests, just takes efficient playing. I hit the vet zones (post 50) in 30 hours and I wasn't pushing very hard.

    I do have to laugh at the people saying you have no life for leveling fast. Jealousy or ignorance I guess.

    Jealous of what...some patch monkey getting to 50 in day. I think not...
  • jmido8
    hardcore mmo'ers care more about end game than the inbetween and getting there first has huge advantages.
  • Maestro_Sartori
    jmido8 wrote: »
    hardcore mmo'ers care more about end game than the inbetween and getting there first has huge advantages.

    What exactly are these advantage's?

  • Seraseth
    Although, as I said, I have no issue with people playing whatever way they enjoy, it does annoy the hell out of me when they rush to 50 as fast as humanly possible, then *** and whine about there not being anything to do and how the game sucks and no one should play it.

    That is entirely a case of 'Your own damn fault'
  • Reignskream
    Maybe they already played through basically the whole game on PTS, or simply they just wanted to be at the top. Anyway these types are in every MMO, and they don't usually hang around long.

    More power to em if they want to rush through a video game, as for me I'm going to read my quests, enjoy the lore, craft every single thing i can, and loot every possible thing i can--and I'm enjoying doing so. IMO rushing through the game like that is just stupid. But they're elitists out there, so it is what it is. I heard two days ago that Tamriel Foundry already had an Emperor, of course that was only word of mouth, but really?

    --to each his own.
    Edited by Reignskream on 2 April 2014 17:48
  • silent88b14_ESO
    Might be the real beta test players, and I don't mean public stress testers, but the 7 days a week for two years beta testers for whom 1-50 is as familiar as the Coldharbor tutorial. Beta burns people out on the content. It really spoils release play. All that might be left is the PvP goodness available in Cyrodil. So if they want to get through the midgame fast, what is it to me? I might never catch up, but do I have any need to catch up? It isn't a race. They may have earned it, after all.
    Behold the great Oak. Just a little nut who stood his ground.
  • BluntedJ
    50 in a day? I don't know. Let's do some math.

    I got early access, downloaded and installed, but have yet to log in because of this darn thing called <work>. So I don't know this one important number that will help us with our math. That number (call it "n") is the total number of XP needed to reach 50.

    So the math would work thusly:

    n / 24 (hours in a day) = y

    "y" being the average amount, per hour, of XP a player would have to get in order to reach 50 in a day.

    Let's play with numbers, assuming "n" equals various numbers. I am going to start at 100,000 because at a minimum most games require a silly amount of XP to reach cap. Again, "n" is the TOTAL XP needed to reach the 50 level cap.

    100,000 / 24 = ~4,166 XP / hour to reach level cap. This sounds doable in most MMORPGs today.

    500,000 / 24 = ~20,833 XP / hour to reach level cap. Now it's starting to sound difficult. I don't want to say impossible.

    1,000,000 / 24 = ~41,666 XP / hour to reach level cap. Yeah, it's starting to look like a "no".

    10,000,000 / 24 = 416,666 XP / hour to reach level cap. Seriously?

    I won't go higher, because likely I am wrong about guessing what "n" is as I get higher and higher (no pun intended, yet, let's save that for after <work>).

    If someone can confirm what "n" might be, then we'd have a more definitive answer.

    And just as an aside, all the arguments about being in beta, learning the in's and out's of the game, early access, etc. do not really fly well with me. You still have to get from A to B then to C, etc. etc. etc. Let's be honest with ourselves, we all know that a big chunk of time in an MMORPG is traveling from place to place. And even then, you'd have to have the perfect sitting where NOTHING goes wrong - no wipes, no mess ups, just straight pure efficiency FOR 24 HOURS.

    Wait, yes, if you are a machine, you can reach level cap in 24 hours.

    If not....
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