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Level 50 in a day: Agree or Disagree?

Hello adventurers

I keep reading about the fastest way to level up in The Elders Scrolls Online. This seems weird to me. This being an Elder Scrolls game, playing through all the different stories is the main reason I play the game. I am not a MMO player, this is my first one (call me a noob if you like, I don't care). I see the fun in a MMO game now and this is going to bring a lot of gamers into the MMO genre. The Elder Scrolls fan base is huge!

Lets start a discussion about this subject if you like. Seasoned MMO player and noobies (like me) all allowed!

Edited by SmithNL on 2 April 2014 15:07
I live for science!
  • Lalai
    I think anyone that got to 50 in a day is likely missing out. That's just my perspective though. Likely they prefer different things than I do. I'm only level 11 myself. I've been taking my time crafting, gathering, role playing a little, and even fishing. That's what I find enjoyment in though.

    The only thing I fear is when the folks that rushed to 50 start saying there's nothing to do and the game is boring.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Shimond
    MMO locusts. They exist in every one. Don't worry they'll have quit before you hit 50 (and good riddance, really).
  • SmithNL
    Lalai wrote: »
    I think anyone that got to 50 in a day is likely missing out. That's just my perspective though. Likely they prefer different things than I do. I'm only level 11 myself. I've been taking my time crafting, gathering, role playing a little, and even fishing. That's what I find enjoyment in though.

    The only thing I fear is when the folks that rushed to 50 start saying there's nothing to do and the game is boring.

    I watched a couple of steams last night by some big twitch MMO guys. They did't like the game that much. Is their not enough grinding in this game to please them.
    I live for science!
  • Stautmeister
    ive played 20 hours and am level 24, did all the quests in the zone. Respect to those that could do it within 24 hours :). Im hearing pvp is the way to spam xp though? I guess if all you care for is pvp it doesnt really matter anyway.
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • Vorpedagel
    To be honest friend I think you should rename the title of this post if you're interested in people posting about what you'd like them to. You're likely going to receive a lot of people expecting this post to tell them how to get to level 50 in a day, and then they'll just eave out of frustration.
  • SmithNL
    Vorpedagel wrote: »
    To be honest friend I think you should rename the title of this post if you're interested in people posting about what you'd like them to. You're likely going to receive a lot of people expecting this post to tell them how to get to level 50 in a day, and then they'll just eave out of frustration.


    I live for science!
  • Moyana
    I feel sorry for the people who feel the need to rush to level 50, there is so much to do and see.
  • Inactive Account
    Inactive Account
    Level 50 in a day? 24hrs; No, I don't see how that is possible.
  • Stautmeister
    ive played 20 hours and am level 24, did all the quests in the zone. Respect to those that could do it within 24 hours :). Im hearing pvp is the way to spam xp though? I guess if all you care for is pvp it doesnt really matter anyway.
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • raprupisb14_ESO
    Gotta keep in mind, the whole idea behind ESO is that its different than the other MMOs out there, not just a WoW clone with a ES motif. So if you are a fan of the Elder Scrolls games and want to tak advantage of the overall game experience (as I do), good on ya. But to be fair, everyone has their own preferences. If people want to race to lvl 50 to be able to throw their "First" tag up, that's their business.
    When life throws you a curve, lean into it.

    If you see a random dingleberry running around, looking confused, that's probably me
  • Estwing
    If you are 50 in a day you did not do the zone quests and were likely exploiting a quest or a area of mobs that give too much XP. I am sure PTS players knew what these exploits were and instead of reporting them which they should have they kept them to themselves to take advantage of. So I guess if you want to skip out on the real meat of the game you could do this but why even play a game you will only experience a small fraction of even if you did it on the beta servers.
  • GeoSand
    Soul Shriven
    MMO n00b here ("hello")! If ESO was a stand alone game then sure, level 50 in a day might be something to go for but being a subscription based, pay monthly kinda game, I thought taking it slow and exploring the world was the point. As in there is no end to the game?! It took me forever to finish Skyrim because I was pretty content with exploring, until I ran out of places. I expect ESO to go on for years (rather than hours) because there's that much to do, and I'm in no rush.
  • Laerian
    I don't care if someone does it the legit way but I do care if they use a game weakness (probably that repeatable PvP quest) and don't get punished.
  • Lisa
    I like to take things really slow. I'm only level 7, still on the second of the starter islands, and in no rush.
    Blessed are those who explore the unbeaten path...
  • Tamisan
    If you really want to, you can probably hit 50 in about 50 hrs. But you miss EVERYTHING. There is no reason to rush in an Elder Scrolls game. All the great quests are found exploring, not following NPCs in the main storyline. If you do rush through to 50, start a new toon and explore--really explore in detail--Tamriel. It's a gorgeous place and if you aren't stopping to smell the flowers, you'll never find out what makes it so special.
    I know now what I was born to do.
    ―Martin Septim
  • everseeing_njpreub18_ESO
    People will always race to end game for whatever their reasons. I don't care if they do or not, they paid let them do as they wish.

    What i cant stand is these people racing to end game and then immediately scrambling to forums and bashing the game for having no end game, or leveling too fast, or whatever.

    Just because it can be done doesn't mean it was meant to be done, so if the end game stuff is expected in the first big patch, which could be weeks away, these people hurt themselves by rushing, and then if they go out forum bashing, hurt the game as a whole. OR Zos will once again nerf XP in dungeons and from mobs to stop it, which again hurts those who want to go that route.

    If they rush just to rush and see the higher game, then no problem, let people play as they want.
  • tigerblood
    The pvp exploit or whatever you want to call it that allows a player to turn in a quest over and over to grind xp right? I'm assuming that they had lots of people with rings of Mara and worked with the various alliances to farm each other. It does affect everyone to have a bunch of ADHD 50s running around not playing the game as it was meant to be, not having the attention span to participate in the game. Other developers need to watch out for this and force them to slow down somehow.
  • SmithNL
    Only thing im thinking

    I live for science!
  • Ashigaru
    ive played 20 hours and am level 24, did all the quests in the zone. Respect to those that could do it within 24 hours :). Im hearing pvp is the way to spam xp though? I guess if all you care for is pvp it doesnt really matter anyway.
    With the change to the kill player quest to a daily i don't think pvp is going to be the way to get fast xp anymore.
  • Ashigaru
    tigerblood wrote: »
    The pvp exploit or whatever you want to call it that allows a player to turn in a quest over and over to grind xp right? I'm assuming that they had lots of people with rings of Mara and worked with the various alliances to farm each other. It does affect everyone to have a bunch of ADHD 50s running around not playing the game as it was meant to be, not having the attention span to participate in the game. Other developers need to watch out for this and force them to slow down somehow.

    It wasnt an exploit, that quest has been like that since the start but i am guessing they saw it was giving people too much xp to fast and have changed it now.
  • Gohlar
    Shimond wrote: »
    MMO locusts. They exist in every one. Don't worry they'll have quit before you hit 50 (and good riddance, really).

    You sound a little jealous to be perfectly honest. Otherwise, you should be happy they throw money at the game and then leave it for you.

  • Arodtwelve
    Shimond wrote: »
    MMO locusts. They exist in every one. Don't worry they'll have quit before you hit 50 (and good riddance, really).
    You just added a new term to my lexicon.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Level 50 in a day? 24hrs; No, I don't see how that is possible.

    Easily doable if you grind mobs and do main zone quests, just takes efficient playing. I hit the vet zones (post 50) in 30 hours and I wasn't pushing very hard.

    I do have to laugh at the people saying you have no life for leveling fast. Jealousy or ignorance I guess. I enjoy playing for the rpg aspects, not the take in the sights type. Efficiency is my fun in pve and pvp. Just to note I did not go into cyrodiil other than to so the quick tutorial quest, then leave. No exploits involved (seriously guys? You think we didn't report things? That's pretty sad). It's great that you enjoy taking it slow, and so long as you're having fun who cares what speed someone goes at?

    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Tamisan wrote: »
    If you really want to, you can probably hit 50 in about 50 hrs. But you miss EVERYTHING. There is no reason to rush in an Elder Scrolls game. All the great quests are found exploring, not following NPCs in the main storyline. If you do rush through to 50, start a new toon and explore--really explore in detail--Tamriel. It's a gorgeous place and if you aren't stopping to smell the flowers, you'll never find out what makes it so special.

    No, you really don't miss much. I played all the side quests during beta, anyway, and to be honest playing quickly doesn't mean skipping everything it just means going fast :).
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Kyosji
    Completely doable. If you have friends you work with, know the maps and quests (played through beta), and have people willing to help out with crafting and money (and a horse wouldn't hurt), you can easily hit level 50 in 24 hours.

    Last night I played 3-4 hours and got to level 12, and that was solo. I skipped all the dialog because i've already heard it all many times before. I rushed to the skyshards and the quests, and I already made a few levels worth of items from my main character. If I wanted to, and had the actual time, I most likely could have gotten a character to level 50 in a day.
  • Kinsaven
    Some people enjoy playing a game that way. The mad rush to 50 is what they find exciting. Often those people will create another character after that and take their time with that one.

    Of course there's also people who rush to 50 to get to the end-game content, which is fine if a game has existed for a while and there's actually a lot of it. If that is your reason at the moment I think you're shooting yourself in the foot there, seeing as you'll run out of things to do pretty fast, also because there's not that many players at that level yet.

    It's just different preferences of how to play a game. There is no right or wrong way, and even if you don't agree with such a play style, there's no need to call the people who do enjoy it names. Everyone is entitled to play the game how they want to play it.
  • ccndr
    Arodtwelve wrote: »
    You just added a new term to my lexicon.

    Just added lexicon to my lexicon.
  • JD_Douglas
    While I can understand the draw to hit 50 quickly, as its easier to earn gold the higher your level, in an ES game you would miss out on virtually everything in game. Unless you read like 200 words a minutes and retain everything I just don't see how speed leveling, quest grinding, etcetera, would be pleasurable.

    I've played and completed every ES game released. Several multiple times. Their all seriously fun. Have a deep, rich amount of lore. An enjoyable leveling system. Oodles to see. With the more current games Morrowind - Oblivion - Skyrim - TESO, all supporting many different play styles. It's a very nice change of pace from linear games and many other MMO's which really have only 3 play styles that are feasible early to end game. Those being DPS - Control/Support - Heal.
    "No One May Make You Feel Inferior Unless You Allow Them To Make You Feel Inferior." ~ E. Roosevelt

    "Artificial Intelligence is No Match for Natural Stupidity." ~A. Einstein

  • prepstar
    I was just thinking the same thing. It almost feels as if the ones that are solely complaining about the time being away from the game, are those who intend on leveling extremely quick. It saddens me because in game I am starting to get a lot of group requests for various missions, but I shy away from them because I feel as though most people are going to rush through them without playing them as they should be played. I started yesterday and am in no rush to level myself out for a game I deeply feel I want to play for a long period of time going forward. We will all eventually get to the end but enjoy the ride and the fully voiced gaming experience I feel. Thank you for this post.
  • Dagrion
    It is something that a player is able to do, but there isn't really a point to it. Anyone who has played a Elder Scrolls game before knows that you can do just the main quest and get through the game, but in order to get the full experience you have to go through all the side quests, explore, try different abilities (weapons, spells, armors). This game seems to be modeled the same way. You can get to lvl 50 in a day, but you just missed a thousand other aspects of the game. It is a MMO, but even in WoW, to get the full experience takes several chars and hundreds of hours.
    "Now leave, before I decorate my Throne room with your innards." - Sheogorath
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