I think anyone that got to 50 in a day is likely missing out. That's just my perspective though. Likely they prefer different things than I do. I'm only level 11 myself. I've been taking my time crafting, gathering, role playing a little, and even fishing. That's what I find enjoyment in though.
The only thing I fear is when the folks that rushed to 50 start saying there's nothing to do and the game is boring.
Vorpedagel wrote: »To be honest friend I think you should rename the title of this post if you're interested in people posting about what you'd like them to. You're likely going to receive a lot of people expecting this post to tell them how to get to level 50 in a day, and then they'll just eave out of frustration.
With the change to the kill player quest to a daily i don't think pvp is going to be the way to get fast xp anymore.kstauthamerb16_ESO wrote: »ive played 20 hours and am level 24, did all the quests in the zone. Respect to those that could do it within 24 hours. Im hearing pvp is the way to spam xp though? I guess if all you care for is pvp it doesnt really matter anyway.
tigerblood wrote: »The pvp exploit or whatever you want to call it that allows a player to turn in a quest over and over to grind xp right? I'm assuming that they had lots of people with rings of Mara and worked with the various alliances to farm each other. It does affect everyone to have a bunch of ADHD 50s running around not playing the game as it was meant to be, not having the attention span to participate in the game. Other developers need to watch out for this and force them to slow down somehow.
nobertpaulb16_ESO wrote: »Level 50 in a day? 24hrs; No, I don't see how that is possible.
If you really want to, you can probably hit 50 in about 50 hrs. But you miss EVERYTHING. There is no reason to rush in an Elder Scrolls game. All the great quests are found exploring, not following NPCs in the main storyline. If you do rush through to 50, start a new toon and explore--really explore in detail--Tamriel. It's a gorgeous place and if you aren't stopping to smell the flowers, you'll never find out what makes it so special.
Arodtwelve wrote: »You just added a new term to my lexicon.