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Official Discussion Thread for "ESO Morrowind: Vvardenfell Flora and Fauna"

  • VerboseQuips
    I utterly loved everything I read or saw in this article! <3

    Thank you for this insight in the fauna and Flora of Vvardenfell before the Blight :smile:

    Any chance we could also see Bonelords and Bonewalkers, Lava Trolls and Skylamps (which seem to be netch relatives)?

    Also, I guess the Halls of Fabrication could include... fabricants?
    My characters:
    Main and crafter: A Breton magicka templar named Erwann Sorril
    Alt 1: A Bosmer sorcerer named Tuuneleg
    Alt 2: An Imperial dragonknight named Gaius Tullius Hastifer
    Alt 3: An Argonian vampire/nightblade named Observe-le-Xanmeer
    Alt 4: A Nord werewolf/dragonknight named Sigurd Hurlevent
    Alt 5: A Breton sorcerer named Gilian Sorril (he's Erwann's younger brother)
    Alt 6: A Khajiit nightblade named Jolan-dar
    Alt 7: A Nord warden named Sigurmar Hurlevent (he's Sigurd's younger brother)
    Alt 8: An Altmer templar named Oioriel
    Alt 9: An Argonian stamina Warden named Danse-avec-les-Rainettes
    Alt 10: A Redguard templar named Neemokh af-Corelanya
    Alt 11: A Nord stamina sorcerer named Olga Écoute-Vent
    Alt 12: A Breton magicka Warden named Ian Sorril
    Alt 13: A Dunmer magicka necromancer named Ilmoran Dren
    Alt 14: An Orc stamina necromancer named Norgol gro-Borziel
    Alt 15: A Nord magicka necromancer named Thorgen Givresang
    Alt 16: An Imperial magicka dragonknight named Publius Valeirus Hastifer (Just call him "Valerio" - he's Gaius younger troublemaker of a brother)
    Main in NA (For collaborative events): A Breton magicka nightblade named Titouan Sorril (long-lost brother of Erwann and Gilian)
  • Enodoc
    Here is the real life place called a stone forest.Stone%20Forest%20Shilin%20b13.JPG
    That's nice! Where is that?
    A stone forest is just really a bunch of rock formations surround by a actual forest. So my hunch is either Balmora is called stone forest because there used to be stone formations there and now they use that stone to build the buildings there. It could be called a stone forest because the buildings are made out of stone and they are surrounded by a forest.
    Ah okay, that could work.
    Last thing in the past, the forest area could of been covered in ash which end up petrified it thus being called a stone forest because it became a petrified forest.
    Yeah I just thought of that one too. This would be an interesting one to see.
    Edited by Enodoc on 21 February 2017 11:59
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Elsonso
    those screen shots are the Vvardenfell original build, not tainted by horrible modds and addons.
    i think alot of people remember morrowind with the modds they had and not what came with the original game.

    ZOS is giving us a Vvardenfell several hundred years before any of those pictures, before the ecological disaster that led to what you see in those pictures. They are not giving us Vvardenfell 2.0, with improved texture detail.
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Wherever those are, they all have trees in. They look a bid dead, and dead trees can stick around for a long time, but not a very long time. 50-100 years or so ago those would all have been alive. Particularly that last one could easily have been a thriving forest 700 years beforehand. I just don't think it should be near somewhere specifically named after the stone.

    Just keep in mind that sometimes places are named in honor of something, not because it describes the current location. The "stone forest" might actually have been a ways away. It might describe something in history that no longer exists, but the name remains. Maybe it is a prehistoric name for Red Mountain, the origins lost to time.

    Besides, who wants to settle in an actual stone forest? Much too rocky and uneven for a town like Balmora.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Darkonflare15
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Here is the real life place called a stone forest.Stone%20Forest%20Shilin%20b13.JPG
    That's nice! Where is that?
    A stone forest is just really a bunch of rock formations surround by a actual forest. So my hunch is either Balmora is called stone forest because there used to be stone formations there and now they use that stone to build the buildings there. It could be called a stone forest because the buildings are made out of stone and they are surrounded by a forest.
    Ah okay, that could work.
    Last thing in the past, the forest area could of been covered in ash which end up petrified it thus being called a stone forest because it became a petrified forest.
    Yeah I just thought of that one too. This would be an interesting one to see.

    It is in China.
  • Glaiceana
    So many cute beasties and awesome environments! :) Want to see more articles like this.
    Priests of Hircine
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    J'Xena - Mag DK, Khajiit, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Dances-With-Frost-Dragons - DK, Argonian, Male, Tank, Werewolf.
    Raziel The Paradox - Mag TP, Dark Elf, Male, DD, Vampire.
    Swims-Through-Starlight - TP, Argonian, Female, Healer, Werewolf.
    Glaicean Mag Ward, High Elf, Male, Ice DD, Werewolf.
    Hjurne Hircine's Forsaken - Sorc, Redguard, Male, PvP DD, Werewolf.
    My Total Free Werewolf Bites: 400+ (Ask me about bites if you need one!)
    Playing since July 2015!
  • Jitterbug
    Glaiceana wrote: »
    So many cute beasties and awesome environments! :) Want to see more articles like this.

    I totally agree. More hype from this than any Warden stuff.
  • esp1992
    Is it just me... or are those Vvardvarks kinda Cute?

    Clouse the White Warden - Breton AD MAG Warden
    Jaro the Wild Changeling - Bosmer AD STAM Warden
  • Darkonflare15
    I am kind of curious of what a nix-oxen will look like. A nix-hound is dog size bugs that act like hounds. So my guess is that nix-oxen will be oxen size bugs that act like oxen. So basically herds of giant beetle like insects with horns that are docile until you mess with them. I am really excited to see this more vibrant Morrowind with exotic creatures.
  • Recremen
    I am kind of curious of what a nix-oxen will look like. A nix-hound is dog size bugs that act like hounds. So my guess is that nix-oxen will be oxen size bugs that act like oxen. So basically herds of giant beetle like insects with horns that are docile until you mess with them. I am really excited to see this more vibrant Morrowind with exotic creatures.

    Oh my gosh RIGHT?? They took the theme and ran with it and I just want to stand on the sidelines holding out cups of water so they can keep going for ever and ever. I'm super excited for these new details since the original Morrowind beastiary was a bit sparse (through pretty robust for its time, I'm sure).
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Turelus wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Balmora means "Stone Forest", y'know. I don't think its supposed to have deciduous woodland around it.
    Balmora predates ESO by quite a few years. Maybe there was a stone forest in that location 1000 years ago.
    True enough. I think Balmora is late First Era. What even is a "stone forest" anyway? At least Sadrith Mora (mushroom forest) actually makes sense.
    Maybe long ago before it was settle all the vegetation was covered in ash, so those who first arrived saw it as a forest of grey stone, and as such named their new city "Stone Forest".
    I was thinking about this a bit more, and maybe Balmora was built on the site of a petrified forest. Still though, that would imply that there's no forest there now.

    I don't suppose we could get @Lawrence_Schick to weigh in on this?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • ChuckyPayne
    I love it. Brilliant. No matter what artists do always been something nice.
  • Jitterbug
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Turelus wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Balmora means "Stone Forest", y'know. I don't think its supposed to have deciduous woodland around it.
    Balmora predates ESO by quite a few years. Maybe there was a stone forest in that location 1000 years ago.
    True enough. I think Balmora is late First Era. What even is a "stone forest" anyway? At least Sadrith Mora (mushroom forest) actually makes sense.
    Maybe long ago before it was settle all the vegetation was covered in ash, so those who first arrived saw it as a forest of grey stone, and as such named their new city "Stone Forest".
    I was thinking about this a bit more, and maybe Balmora was built on the site of a petrified forest. Still though, that would imply that there's no forest there now.

    I don't suppose we could get @Lawrence_Schick to weigh in on this?

    YES! Let's hear form the man himself about the state of Vvardenfell at this point in time! Can never get too much Loremaster!
  • Pendrillion
    I wish the article were longer : :D
    Its fascinating, also how you did take the geological situation into account. And the whole species extinction cycle.

    @dwemer_paleologist I also have to say that you got the wrong impression about the barren look of TES III Vvardenfell.

    You should be aware that technology hadn't developed to the point where you could depict realistic foliage and grass in 2002. But if you look at the texture descriptions in the Construction set, you can see which areas were meant to be lush and which one weren't :) And there were lush areas on Vvardenfell. Certainly Ascadian Isles were lush and also Bitter Coast and the Grazelands. West Gash is a bit of a craggy mossy sparse grass area. Grass was mainly 2d Textures. But most games were like that.

    3D Engineering was in its early years.
    Edited by Pendrillion on 22 February 2017 12:58
  • Number_51
    Jitterbug wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Turelus wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Balmora means "Stone Forest", y'know. I don't think its supposed to have deciduous woodland around it.
    Balmora predates ESO by quite a few years. Maybe there was a stone forest in that location 1000 years ago.
    True enough. I think Balmora is late First Era. What even is a "stone forest" anyway? At least Sadrith Mora (mushroom forest) actually makes sense.
    Maybe long ago before it was settle all the vegetation was covered in ash, so those who first arrived saw it as a forest of grey stone, and as such named their new city "Stone Forest".
    I was thinking about this a bit more, and maybe Balmora was built on the site of a petrified forest. Still though, that would imply that there's no forest there now.

    I don't suppose we could get @Lawrence_Schick to weigh in on this?

    YES! Let's hear form the man himself about the state of Vvardenfell at this point in time! Can never get too much Loremaster!

    @SantieClaws can try another summoning. She's a naturally gifted summoner even if she only wants @Lawrence_Schick to do her laundry. Don't forget the ward of Negate Magic, or maybe a binding spell this time Santie.

    Y'ffre's bones, I almost forgot... not exactly milk and cookies but as I recall, Santie will need these.

    Edited by Number_51 on 22 February 2017 18:15
  • Gilvoth
    I wish the article were longer : :D
    Its fascinating, also how you did take the geological situation into account. And the whole species extinction cycle.

    @dwemer_paleologist I also have to say that you got the wrong impression about the barren look of TES III Vvardenfell.

    You should be aware that technology hadn't developed to the point where you could depict realistic foliage and grass in 2002. But if you look at the texture descriptions in the Construction set, you can see which areas were meant to be lush and which one weren't :) And there were lush areas on Vvardenfell. Certainly Ascadian Isles were lush and also Bitter Coast and the Grazelands. West Gash is a bit of a craggy mossy sparse grass area. Grass was mainly 2d Textures. But most games were like that.

    3D Engineering was in its early years.

  • SantieClaws
    Here goes the nothing then.

    @Lawrence_Schick we summon you.

    Under the bright moons we offer you sweetrolls and delicious booze.

    Bring us your beard of wisdom and banish our woeful ignorance all the way to Sheogorath's cheeseboard.

    Also tell us some things about Morrowind please yes.

    Yours with outstretched paws of summoning
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • trav2609rwb17_ESO
    This one quietly watches to see if the summoning spell is a success and to make sure that the sweetrolls and booze lasts till the summoning is completed.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Elsonso
    How long does summoning take? I brought only enough food for a couple days.

    The sweetrolls and booze are starting to look good, though.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • kenneth.friisb16_ESO
    (Watching the summoning intensely) Has Santie been performing a summoning for one day straight now?

    Dastan Kingfrey - Gentleman Thief, Adventurer and Philanthropist
    Kenneth Kingfrey - Spellsword, member of the Mages Guild
    Thurin Hammerhand - Northern Warden, Traveller and NOT a dwarf
    Kenneth Willysson - Wanderer, Mountaineer and Swinger of Axes

  • Elsonso
    Ok, that booze is really looking good, right now. :smile:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
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