Knowing your posting history is considered a personal attack?anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »@UrQuan :
Personal attacks and insults are the useless weapons used by those who have run out of arguments. I don't change my mind if I think I'm right - I do when I think I'm wrong, which is not the case here.
Your "logic" is polluted by your own personal assumptions. If you worked in market research you'd know better about statistical representativity of a population via a sample, and the art of asking unbiased questions.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
I suppose in your mind it's a "personal assumption" of mine that there will always be a segment of people who won't buy a given product at any price? And it's a "personal assumption" of mine that there will always be a segment of people who would buy a given product if it was at a lower price?
Feel free to enlighten me on how exactly "At 5000 Crowns each, will you buy the new assistants?" is a biased question. Where is the bias? Demonstrate it.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
Don't tell me this joke of a poll is your basis for believing to know ESO's playerbase ??? LOL !!!!!!
First thing, a forum poll is NOT representative of a group of which 95% do not even visit the forums.
Second thing, the 90% who voted "no" include a variety of reasons - no money, no interest, other priorities, whatever. Nowhere does it ask if people would buy it if it was cheaper. Those 90% even include MY vote : but I wouldn't buy them either if they were priced 100 crowns instead of 5000. And not because the product is bad, I think it's very good, but simply because I made the choice long ago to never buy anything from the crown store besides DLCs, and I stick to that decision. Simple as that.
Third thing, yes, maybe ZOS intended to price it at a point where only 10% of people would be willing to buy it, because they want to keep city hubs ingame busy and not clutter the whole world with everyone's personal banker/merchant.
So yes, I insist : you know nothing about the playerbase, nothing about people's wishes and intentions, and nothing either about ZOS' strategy and targets when it comes to pricing this kind of items.
Hahaha so in your opinion which poll could be representative?
Apparently you defend the unreal prices set by ZOS for the assistants and apparently you have lost your contact with the reality.
@Max2497 Agree completely. Some other people who bought it from the same reason as you have managed to get a refund; contact ZOS if that is something you would like to do as well.My biggest problem with the assistants is not even the price. They are VERY expensive, but I am willing to pay for the convenience. My problem with the merchant is that it only allows sales, nothing can be bought and it does not repair gear. Repairing gear was the entire reason that I purchased the merchant and so I feel that I completely wasted my crowns.
All other merchants in Tarmiel repair gear, so believing that the merchant would repair gear was completely reasonable. It needs to be stated in the tooltip that it does not repair gear, otherwise, it amounts to fraud.
RazielDERF wrote: »Clearly this is an outrage to ESO players. I been a long time Elder Scrolls player along with ESO Beta. This is by far one of the worst slaps in the face to us. I pay for ESO+ and also own a total of 5 accounts (4 of them free to play) but 5k for each assistant is ridiculous. Maybe, just maybe would I accept the 5k for both combined but highly doubt it. Many will simply teleport back into town to do their business. If you think about it though, you don't benefit much from these assistance considering what is being charged for them. You are only getting the convenience of spawning them wherever you want. For those of the long term players like myself we have plenty of bag space that isn't required to go back into town to dump your load. We can also use addons like Wyykyds mailbox and RTS items to other players or accounts which is actually just 10 gold for each email with 6 items. Not a heavy price to pay at all. Also considering that Crafting Bags is coming to ESO it will save even more space. Let's not forget about the merchants who walk around throughout the lands to also offer their services to repair and use their stores. 5,000 Crowns is ridiculous to be asking for and I hope other ESO members feel the same way about this in order for Zenimax Online to hear us out and lower the cost or simply allow us to beat a quest line to attain them just like with thieves guild.
Shame on you Zenimax, I am so disappointed with your decision to charge this much.
One more thing. I feel very sorry for people who will eventually buy these assistants in the belief that they provide the same services as any other banker/merchant. And then they will open their services' windows and see what they have bought for 5k crowns... So my advice to ZOS is, if you really wish to set your prices that high, in the pop-up window/crown store provide players with accurate and not misleading information regarding which services are NOT included and do NOT call these assistants as 'bankers' or 'merchants'. Otherwise players, who don't read the forum or blog articles, will feel like they were deceived and misled.