Rev Rielle wrote: »
Indeed. Whilst it doesn't address the issue that often arises of players of different levels wanting to play/experience dungeon content (or content otherwise) together, I think it's a step in the right direction.
I would to hear about Veteran Content like:
- New Skill Lines, exclusive for Veteran Players (exclusive for classes)
- About Veteran Difficult (Mobs).
- About Low Vet XP gained.
- More Attributes Points for level gained in Veteran Experience.
- Story Line for Veteran Players? (new)
They provide a thin veneer of 'dialogue' with the developers, that fans such as the poster who uses the eponymous name of the 'hero' of Morrowind love to latch on to, while at the same time having no real substance that the developers can be challenged on when it doesn't happen.LonePirate wrote: »Why in the world are questions selected and then vague, non-committal answers are provided? Or are questions only selected for inclusion if they can be answered in such general and unspecific terms?
You dont know what you want.. in your list is again vertical character progression.. this is biggest issue of this game. Leveling max lvl is to long and makes differences betwen player so they cannot group each other without effectivness loss. Veteran content is no optional is a obligation.
Next thing.. veteran difficulty its ok if it is designed as group content.. if its designed for solo there is only problem with number of mobs. Zenimax only changed lvl of mobs and maybe (but i dont think) behavior of some mobs..
And my nr on list is- Fast switching morphed skills !! - this can support tank class in game ppl cannot fast switching between dps and tank or heal..
Next thing.. veteran difficulty its ok if it is designed as group content
"...we understand that everyone would like to conquer dungeons with their friends, regardless of level differences. We’re working to make that a reality. In a future update, we’ll be adding a new dungeon scaling system which will allow you to find and participate in any dungeon by adjusting everything to the group leader’s level. We’ll share more details on this in-development system in the future."
Just....Awesome! =D
I haven't actually had a chance to group with any of my guild-mates to do dungeons b/c of level differences. To date, I've only managed to do just one dungeon and was lucky enough to have decent, friendly people in that pug.
I want to know what abilities benefit from spell critical chance and what abilities benefit from weapon critical chance. I have seen people say abilities that do magic damage use spell, and that physical skills use weapon. Then I see people say if a class ability resembles a melee attack, it's weapon critical (like Nightblade's Vieled Strike). Please clarify this for me. – Francis Winters
We agree that this is not communicated as well as it could be right now. We have an ongoing effort underway to improve our tooltips and make them more clear and descriptive. You’ll see the first of those changes go in with the next major content update (v.1.2.0).
I do occasionally group up with a friend to do quests and the like, but very rarely more than that. From what I can see of Craglorn, everything is group based. While I am happy to see that content come out for the game's longevity, I probably won't see it. Will there be any Veteran content in the future that does not rely on being grouped? – John Adams-Wade
Yes. We’ll continue to add content in the game for all types of players. We may concentrate in the immediate future on “new” content which is four-player or twelve-player group based, but we will have lots of features coming in which benefit all players, including having more varied activities.
Why is queuing for dungeons limited to a certain level range? If I pass that range, I can't use the group finder to find people for those dungeons anymore, and in some levels there are no dungeons available to queue for at all. – Jarkko Ikonen
It's what happens when the devs take requests and suggestions from elite hardcore guilds like Entropy Rising instead of normal players who aren't in such guilds.WhitePawPrints wrote: »
I certainly hope this is not true.
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »It's what happens when the devs take requests and suggestions from elite hardcore guilds like Entropy Rising instead of normal players who aren't in such guilds.
It seems to me that my Enchanting is leveling considerably slower than any of the other crafting skills. It’s come to my attention that it could be because deconstruction of items includes greens/blues with Blacksmithing, Woodworking, and Clothing. I also noticed more experience in Alchemy than Enchanting. Is it meant for Enchanting to be harder than other crafting skills? – Moe Amleh
We’re aware that Enchanting takes the longest to progress through out of all of our crafting skills. In a future update, we’ll be making some balance tweaks to inspiration for Enchanting to bring its progression rates more in line with the other skills.