Official Discussion Thread for "Ask Us Anything: Variety Pack 15"

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  • snowsong
    Rev Rielle wrote: »

    Indeed. Whilst it doesn't address the issue that often arises of players of different levels wanting to play/experience dungeon content (or content otherwise) together, I think it's a step in the right direction.

    Yes, and i think the phasing issue when trying to share a quest -- that issue of your group member seemingly turning into an arrow ^ part way through a quest and not being able to join you in certain areas of the quest, may be the most challenging -- so i am glad to hear they know of this and are working on this too. Good news. :)
    [Snowsong is using ROG G752VS on NA server.]
  • AelyinESO
    I would to hear about Veteran Content like:
    • New Skill Lines, exclusive for Veteran Players (exclusive for classes)
    • About Veteran Difficult (Mobs).
    • About Low Vet XP gained.
    • More Attributes Points for level gained in Veteran Experience.
    • Story Line for Veteran Players? (new)

    About Stamina Address Issue, when dev's will show us any kinda of information about this "urgent" fix?

    Please @ZOS_JessicaFolsom can you help if any information about it?

    Thanks Guys!
    NA PC Server - CP810 - Played Since Beta 2014, but left for 4 years, coz games got unbalancing, boring and too much expensive (still?)

    - MagSorc (50) - DPS
    - MagTem (50) - Healer
    - StamDK (50) - Tank
    - StamNecro (50) - DPS
    - StamTem (developing) - DPS
    - MagNecro (developing) - DPS
    - MagWard (developing) - Healer
    - Stamblade (developing) - DPS

    "Stop nerfing Sorcerers please"
    "Stop putting most interesting items inside a lucky Crate costing money"
  • jamie.goddenrwb17_ESO
    I'm just wondering, is the end goal with armor to match type to role (heavy to tank, light to caster etc) or could there be some sort of concession, perhaps to the skill lines that allow you to mix it up to make, for example, the heavy armor wearing 2h dps types to be viable?

    Given that you can soft cap armor rating in light armor with skill points, it would be cool to be able to similarly boost dps/casting in heavy armor too, perhaps by adding a small penalty to mitigation to compensate. I personally love the Elder Scrolls heavy armor aesthetic and would love to be able to cleave skulls like a champ while wearing it.
    I can has typing!
  • eextreme
    Soul Shriven
    Do you plan on rewarding skills on completing hidden quests, like the ones related to the lorebooks?
  • kosac
    AelyinESO wrote: »
    I would to hear about Veteran Content like:
    • New Skill Lines, exclusive for Veteran Players (exclusive for classes)
    • About Veteran Difficult (Mobs).
    • About Low Vet XP gained.
    • More Attributes Points for level gained in Veteran Experience.
    • Story Line for Veteran Players? (new)

    You dont know what you want.. in your list is again vertical character progression.. this is biggest issue of this game. Leveling max lvl is to long and makes differences betwen player so they cannot group each other without effectivness loss. Veteran content is no optional is a obligation.

    Next thing.. veteran difficulty its ok if it is designed as group content.. if its designed for solo there is only problem with number of mobs. Zenimax only changed lvl of mobs and maybe (but i dont think) behavior of some mobs..

    And my nr on list is
      - Fast switching morphed skills !! - this can support tank class in game ppl cannot fast switching between dps and tank or heal..
  • AngryAttorney
    Soul Shriven
    Really curious about any upcoming character slot increases. Altaholic here, and would love to have more slots for my toons. I know it won't happen till after console release and a bit after that, so that names cannot be hogged.
  • Moonshadow66
    How about some bugfixes like for questmarkers which lead on a spot where there's nothing or lead me through a door/portal which doesn't show up (but it should)? I still cannot complete some quests because of that, and the support doesn't seem to support me anymore after my first two messages, I don't know.

    I'm tired of abandoning quests all the time to start the quest from the beginning, in hope it will work at the second or third attempt to get it done. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. These bugs make me considering unsubscribing, unfortunately.

    I can't understand why you release a non-finished game, just because of the date (4.4.14) looks cool? Like Skyrim back then (11.11.11) when it was not quite finished. And the others before.

    Besides of the bugs, I'm really not happy with my level 47 Nightblade character. With this I cannot even beat certain bosses (like this damn Lyris Doppelganger) which is supposed to be solved at level 30 or something. No way, since I cannot summon anything to help me or at least to distract the enemy. Alone (Lyris doesn't do anything, like everyone knows) you have simply no chance, except you get lucky and it happens by accident someday. The same for one of the three endbosses of the Fighters Guild questline (same kind of creature), no chance.

    Furthermore I suggest to make these "poisons" poisons which you actually can use; I saw already that others have suggested this, too. Otherwise they (the poisons) are completely useless.

    I've also seen that some others complain about grouping; I'm having the same problem, I simply don't want to group, and I don't want to be forced to do so. I don't know many people who are gamers, so I have only two friends on my list of which one of them is never online and the other has his own group of friends which I don't want to join. I love playing the Elder Scrolls games, but I'm a single player by nature, I don't want to change this. Except for my custom follower in Skyrim.

    Why exactly are players able to enter Cyrodiil at level 10 already? In the Beta I've been there, no chance. Recently with my higher level character I've been there again, no chance. I'd love to see more of Cyrodiil since I know Oblivion very well, but everytime after being defeated to get kicked to the next wayshrine a hundred miles away of where I was doing something is a waste of time. And I also don't want to waste all my soulgems within an hour. Is there anything playable in Cyrodiil as a single player?

    Another question I have: why does it cost me in Germany (currency: Euro) a lot more than it does in Dollars? 80€ when you buy it, and 13€ monthly. I'm playing on the NA server to be in touch with my two friends, so where's the difference??

    Aaaaand, before I forget it: could you please stop this "It's here!" in Riften? Ok, this is not a serious thing, it's just annoying ;)
    Well, sorry for this amount of text, but it had to be said.
    Venus Ocean - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Gixia - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Frances Demnevanni - Breton Dragonknight VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Raygee - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Lady Olivieri - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Donna Demnevanni - Breton Templar VR16, DC, Tamriel Hero
    Elaine Benes - Breton Templar VR16, EP | Ray McCluck - Breton Sorcerer VR16, EP
    Moonshadow Demnevanni - Dunmer Dragonknight Lvl 50, EP | Jamie Stacey - Redguard Templar Lvl 50, EP
    Caia Cosades - Imperial Nightblade, EP

  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Why in the world are questions selected and then vague, non-committal answers are provided? Or are questions only selected for inclusion if they can be answered in such general and unspecific terms?
    They provide a thin veneer of 'dialogue' with the developers, that fans such as the poster who uses the eponymous name of the 'hero' of Morrowind love to latch on to, while at the same time having no real substance that the developers can be challenged on when it doesn't happen.

    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on 17 June 2014 08:59
  • Drakoleon
    Templar DPS improvements are really great news!

    What about the V10+ solo players? Any plans for them in pve? I mean am V12 and i cant play PVP due to lags freezes etc i cant "solo" Craglorn either(am not DK :'( )
    + so...when my mates are in Cyrodiil...what?
  • nolleo
    Soul Shriven
    "We’re aware that Enchanting takes the longest to progress blah-bla In a future update blah-bla balance blah"

    eat my glyphs I`m already lvl45
    ZaDrots | ZaEbon
  • AelyinESO
    kosac wrote: »
    You dont know what you want.. in your list is again vertical character progression.. this is biggest issue of this game. Leveling max lvl is to long and makes differences betwen player so they cannot group each other without effectivness loss. Veteran content is no optional is a obligation.

    Next thing.. veteran difficulty its ok if it is designed as group content.. if its designed for solo there is only problem with number of mobs. Zenimax only changed lvl of mobs and maybe (but i dont think) behavior of some mobs..

    And my nr on list is
      - Fast switching morphed skills !! - this can support tank class in game ppl cannot fast switching between dps and tank or heal..

    Hey, thank you for your feedback! but for now I know What I want :wink: I want to know about "for now" about this information.

    We all know about the problems in game "major issues" like you said, and I can say that's not the only problem in the game, we have many! like stamina builds, inbalanced classes, weapons problems, and go on ... (some staff's post said we will receive this week a thread about it, let's wait).

    And I agree with you about:
    Next thing.. veteran difficulty its ok if it is designed as group content

    I really don't care about the VET Difficult but, since last two weeks, we having seeing less and less players, so if the game was "made" to play as a group, we have a huge problem on it, since Social Tools, Group Finder Tools need to be polish!

    Last Night I was playing in VR4 Zone, for about four hours and I didn't make any kinda of mini-bosses or dolmen coz we don't have people around to play, general chat? with 5 players selling stuffs and asking, almost begging for someone to help them.

    Let's check I hope ZoS is working in something to make the game experience better.

    Edited by AelyinESO on 17 June 2014 12:21
    NA PC Server - CP810 - Played Since Beta 2014, but left for 4 years, coz games got unbalancing, boring and too much expensive (still?)

    - MagSorc (50) - DPS
    - MagTem (50) - Healer
    - StamDK (50) - Tank
    - StamNecro (50) - DPS
    - StamTem (developing) - DPS
    - MagNecro (developing) - DPS
    - MagWard (developing) - Healer
    - Stamblade (developing) - DPS

    "Stop nerfing Sorcerers please"
    "Stop putting most interesting items inside a lucky Crate costing money"
  • lykan_spike
    When will there be improvements to the "End Game Content" as Trials are way to easy, and the way you can farm the first boss is plain stupid. This does not feel epic at all.

    Also for PvP we need more variety. Arenas? Duals? Mini War Zones for smaller groups?

    The player base is dwindling because there is nothing to do at Max Level.

  • lindechene
    @ 4 player content:

    In general I would have enjoyed the 4 player content BUT currently it takes too much time to find 4 players on the same quests.

    I see two options:

    Option A:

    The "Group Search Tool" can be used for every non public quest or dungeon that can only be completed with four player groups.


    All the 4 player quest areas in Craglorn show up in the Group Search tool.

    This means the Group Search tool is upgraded to search for every single quest for all outdoor and indoor areas of Craglorn!
    This also means the Group Quests need to be designed smarter.

    As soon as a quest object requires the player to leave an area the player should get a new quest with a different name.

    Much time and energy was wasted because players leave after after one area is completed and then you have to search for replacements. But guess what the new players are stuck on the first step of the quests so you have to do that again just to be able to continue.

    - - -

    Option B:
    Craglorn Dungeons are transformed to public and open to any number of players.

    I can see that the basic idea was to make Craglorn harder and solo play would not be an option. But that does not mean that you should force people to play at groups of 4 only. If you find six players in the same area who want to do a dungeon they should be able to do it together.

    The idea of Public Dungeons with Skyshards and Group Challenges worked very well so why discard that in Craglorn?

    - - -

    The combination of A and B:

    From my point of view Craglorn would have been a much more enjoyable experience if the exploration dungeons that have skyshards in them would be public. I really enjoy walking up to a dungeon entering it and then randomly form a group of players.

    It is very frustrating to be standing at the entrance of a dungeon desperately looking for other players and each group you see arrive just tells you: We are full allready.

    Nevertheless in Craglorn there are also other 4 player quest areas that could have been transformed into regular instances especially because they have a much higher difficulty settings.

    Shada’s Tear, Rahni’Za, Seeker’s Archive etc. should be transformed into regular instances.

    - - -

    @ empty Veteran Zones - Let Veterans play together with level 1-45 people.

    From my point of view the strong point of the group playing experience was from 1-50 because you could complete any objective with any random players who happened to be in the same area.

    I go even so far as to say the whole ESO Veteran experience would have been so much better if after completing your first allience players would have actually be able to play together with people of the other alliances.

    This means V1 players would play together with level 1 - 10 players in the same area.

    The first benefit is that Veteran zones do not get deserted. From level 1-50 there are always enough players around. New players and veteran players get to play together in a lively world.

    The second benefit would be that players are not forces to complete all veteran ranks if they do not feel like it.

    This would also mean that instead of giving players access to more health, stamina the focus in Veteran ranks could have been to give the players access to a lot of new skills.

    Give players of Veteran Rank 1 a complete new Class that can be switched to whenever the player is out of combat.

    So the reward of playing veteran rank would be that players basically can level a whole new class of the three they did not select the first time while keeping all the skills they allready unlocked.

    A Dragonknight plays from 1-50 in Heavy Armor with 2Hand and one Hand and Shield.

    At V1 the player can now select a new specialisation. the player selects Templar. He can immediately use all skills he allready learned but now combine them with templar skills. The player in addtion pickes up a destruction staff and a restoration staff.

    With the click of a button the player can now choose to be either a healer or a tank when entering dungeons.
    In addtion the player gets to experiment with even more builds and truly has a different playing experience. Of course when the player switches to Dragonknight he can now also use all the destruction staff skills.

    At V6 the player can now select a third specialisation.

    Maybe the player now wants to try out Nightblade or Sorcerer?

    - - -

    Elder Scroll was always about creative ways to scale the experience to the level of the player. I am sure a solution can be found to make it possible that players of Veteran Rank can play together with players on their first alliance.

    From my point of view the real reward of leveling up was always to get new skillpoints to try out new abilities and combinations.

    What is the point of getting more health or magic if all other players and enemies also get more health and magic?

    For Veteran level crafting this could also mean: Instead of simply add more armor focus on more traits and combinations of them.
    Basically with each Veteran rank players complete they would also get new ways to combine different traits they learned...

    - - -

    Well thats about it. Thank you for reading and considering.

    I believe ESO level 1-50 was a great experience. V1-10 was difficult but enjoyable. Craglorn could have been great but was a let down.

    What is the point of playing an online game if you waste the most time actually finding people to play with?

    Edited by lindechene on 17 June 2014 14:48
  • Danisheraser
    Please do not listen to people here yelling about more endgame content. There is so much content right not. The only people whining are those with no life and have played 24/7. Your a minority!
    The amount of bugs also becomes less and less, though I also prefer that is the primary focus for the devs right now.
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    I have a question about Werewolves,

    While I do appreciate the fact I can choose to become one, I do not understand why they don't get more benefits out of their passives while not transformed, unlike vampires.

    Also I think they could use more skills (especialy a CC break) on their action bar and some improvement in their abilities because it is sometime very hard to land a Pounce. The Roar also seems to suffer from responsiveness issues because of the cast time.

    Could you guys check this out?
  • ub17_ESO
    Rhass wrote: »
    "...we understand that everyone would like to conquer dungeons with their friends, regardless of level differences. We’re working to make that a reality. In a future update, we’ll be adding a new dungeon scaling system which will allow you to find and participate in any dungeon by adjusting everything to the group leader’s level. We’ll share more details on this in-development system in the future."

    Just....Awesome! =D

    I haven't actually had a chance to group with any of my guild-mates to do dungeons b/c of level differences. To date, I've only managed to do just one dungeon and was lucky enough to have decent, friendly people in that pug.

    I'm not trying to be rude or knock you or anything, but i've played 1-50 twice now and both times through have had no problem putting a group together on the fly to run dungeons. You must simply not be reaching out to others.

    Try a pick-up group or PUG. Sometimes the players are bad...other times they are good. When they are good i ask to add them to my contact list. Next time I want to run a dungeon I check my contact list 1st. Doesn't always work out, but when it does I enter the dungeon with a known quantity.

    hope this helps your social anxiety!
  • egosumacunnus
    I want to know what abilities benefit from spell critical chance and what abilities benefit from weapon critical chance. I have seen people say abilities that do magic damage use spell, and that physical skills use weapon. Then I see people say if a class ability resembles a melee attack, it's weapon critical (like Nightblade's Vieled Strike). Please clarify this for me. – Francis Winters

    We agree that this is not communicated as well as it could be right now. We have an ongoing effort underway to improve our tooltips and make them more clear and descriptive. You’ll see the first of those changes go in with the next major content update (v.1.2.0).

    Any chance the question could be answered now, since you know we are already playing the game and it's really annoying not knowing. I like that you picked a question and didn't answer it. Seems communication is a huge problem..
    If real life had a block function i would go out more.

    Proud to have spent a year paying to BETA test ESO for consoles.

    Error Code 301
  • moussasleiman1ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Justiciar wrote: »

    Ikr. Awesome

    I'd really enjoy riding a silt strider :smile:
  • WhitePawPrints
    I do occasionally group up with a friend to do quests and the like, but very rarely more than that. From what I can see of Craglorn, everything is group based. While I am happy to see that content come out for the game's longevity, I probably won't see it. Will there be any Veteran content in the future that does not rely on being grouped? – John Adams-Wade

    Yes. We’ll continue to add content in the game for all types of players. We may concentrate in the immediate future on “new” content which is four-player or twelve-player group based, but we will have lots of features coming in which benefit all players, including having more varied activities.

    I certainly hope this is not true. Lots of players hate the fact Craglorn was designed the way it was. My thread is one of many regarding Craglorn:

    Summarizing my thread: Elder Scrolls' fans accept the group and public dungeons already in place. We acknowledge Cyrodil is being a heavy raid-zone because it's Player Vs Player and is always populated. Elder Scrolls' Fans do not accept Craglorn! Craglorn is content, Player Vs Everything, Lore. The dungeons are much easier to do since they can be done in small groups if strong enough and desired. If friends aren't on then we can do the other content in those zones to keep us occupied until friends do come on or are have time to do the dungeon. Craglorn is an entire zone that is locked off to players who just want to play with friends. Players that do not want to join "PUG" raid groups.

    Friends are often on different levels which is why the other question posted on this article was brought up:
    Why is queuing for dungeons limited to a certain level range? If I pass that range, I can't use the group finder to find people for those dungeons anymore, and in some levels there are no dungeons available to queue for at all. – Jarkko Ikonen

    That question is made all the more legit when considering Craglorn. Of my five guilds, there aren't enough my level to get a group together for Craglorn. Most Veteran Rank players have done it by joining PUG groups and have no desire to go grind. Everyone else is too low level.

    Even in other MMO's, you hardly see this design because of how unpopular they are. These zone level designs are strictly grinding, which turns away content and lore fans. Like John Adams-Wade, I will likely never see Craglorn ONLY because of the level design.

    If this is the direction Zenimax is taking this Elder Scrolls MMO, then I have no interest in its future updates. I will leave my disappointment here and continue to hope that Bethesda will create a (two to four) cooperation mode for their next Elder Scrolls release because I know Bethesda can do it right!
    Edited by WhitePawPrints on 18 June 2014 21:42
  • Drakoleon
    Hiring NPCs as followers would be a very good option for solo players too

  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO

    I certainly hope this is not true.
    It's what happens when the devs take requests and suggestions from elite hardcore guilds like Entropy Rising instead of normal players who aren't in such guilds.

  • WhitePawPrints
    It's what happens when the devs take requests and suggestions from elite hardcore guilds like Entropy Rising instead of normal players who aren't in such guilds.

    Didn't really make that connection until you just pointed it out. It is true; their "Guild Highlights" are the Community Teams directly communicating with heavy MMO players. When the next major MMO's come out next year, a lot of these guilds will become vacant very quickly, and that will be their only fanbase by next year because everyone else will have already left.

    I watched this game for over a year before the release. I am so disappointed in it. I really wanted to like it, I really wanted to play it with friends. Instead, if I want to play it, I have to join "PUG" groups. The disappointment is on the level of Diablo III's release.
  • frwinters_ESO
    I was excited to see they used my question....and really didn't give me the answer...
  • boss1dad1
    Soul Shriven
    I've been playing since BETA and I've never had an issue with my Razer products until recent patches. Since recent patches if I have Razer software running in the background ESO crashes every 5-10 minutes. When I close all my Razer software I lose out on the entire number pad on my keyboard. Will ESO be made compatible with Razer products again anytime soon? (I know I can't be the only one experiencing problems with my Razer products)
  • Bouvin
    It seems to me that my Enchanting is leveling considerably slower than any of the other crafting skills. It’s come to my attention that it could be because deconstruction of items includes greens/blues with Blacksmithing, Woodworking, and Clothing. I also noticed more experience in Alchemy than Enchanting. Is it meant for Enchanting to be harder than other crafting skills? – Moe Amleh

    We’re aware that Enchanting takes the longest to progress through out of all of our crafting skills. In a future update, we’ll be making some balance tweaks to inspiration for Enchanting to bring its progression rates more in line with the other skills.

    Actually, Enchanting is currently one of the easiest/fastest if you know how to do it.

    I wanted to move some skill points off of my main (who is also my main crafter) to a crafting alt. Buy buying Level 8 Potency Runes, Denata, Jejota, and Essence runes.. all at pretty low prices... crafting them on my main and deconing them on my alt I was able to get Enchanting on the alt up to 40+ in a couple of hours for about $3k.

    The idea here, is having someone else craft for your enchanter and then decon. Use the recycled runes to craft more.. it'll go fast.

    The easiest/cheapest is probably provisioning.. but I'd say enchanting is second easiest/fastest now.. and if it's made easier won't take much at all to max.

    Edited by Bouvin on 4 June 2015 21:02
  • Greath
    How does the Rewards of the Worthy work? Is it a RNG or do you get an award for x amount of AP you earn?
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome

    *cough* Sorry, wrong necromancer. ;) But to answer your question, I believe it's every X amount of AP.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works
    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
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