LyricalMURDER wrote: »"Of note, only horse mounts have the endless sprint trait. Other upcoming mount types will have different special traits."
ishilpatelb14_ESO wrote: »Why haven't you guys been able to fix forward camps in the last 8 months?
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
We're currently testing a couple fixes for Forward Camps. If all goes well, the fixes will be in a patch next week.
Can you discuss what's happening with Templar's to boost their DPS on par with Mages, Sorcs, and Nightblades?
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »Id like to ask why cant you guys nerf dress and sticks, instead of hating on DK
"...we understand that everyone would like to conquer dungeons with their friends, regardless of level differences. We’re working to make that a reality. In a future update, we’ll be adding a new dungeon scaling system which will allow you to find and participate in any dungeon by adjusting everything to the group leader’s level. We’ll share more details on this in-development system in the future."
Just....Awesome! =D
I haven't actually had a chance to group with any of my guild-mates to do dungeons b/c of level differences. To date, I've only managed to do just one dungeon and was lucky enough to have decent, friendly people in that pug.
Sounds great liking the game more and more everyday but some new solo content is a must just as group content is a must
YAY! i think this update for finding and participating in any dungeon by adjusting everything to the group leader’s level is just awesome too! If we want more of a challenge we can set it to a higher level player by making them group leader and if we are over-powered too badly we can set it to somebody mid-range or something. It creates allot of possibilities for different leveled friends to be an asset instead of a hindrance.Thank you!