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[SPOILERS] Quest choices, full list, all factions

  • Sylenne
    Zone: Khenarthi's Roost
    Quest: The Perils of Diplomacy
    Later consequence of choice:
    In Malabal Tor, you meet Finoriell (the Green Lady) again as the quest giver for Awakening. If you chose option 2, she references it, saying
    "What luck. You denied me my vengeance in Khenarthi's Roost. Had my beloved Silvenar still lived, he would have approved of your mercy."
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    For 'Into the Temple', does it matter what you say to the Ayleid ghost? I asked her if they made the Knahaten Flu and she told me she didn't answer to me and attacked.

    Edit: So I ended up re-doing that quest, and for the 'Drillk sent me' option she'll gripe that he sent you to steal more treasures and complain that the flu didn't work.
    Edited by WhiteCoatSyndrome on 8 May 2016 20:39
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • Saoirse_Siobhan
    Hi! Does anyone know what happens if you choose the option : [Intimidate] "I must kill you, vampire." to Count Ravenwatch during the Dreamwalk into Darkness quest? I can't find it anywhere
    PC/EU DC
  • Sylenne
    Zone: Reaper's March
    Quest: Gates of Fire
    1. Destroy circlet.
    2. Keep circlet.
    1. Destroying the circlet does indeed cause the vault to crumble and seal off the other entrance, as Razum-dar suspected. He says "Thank you my friend. I'll see you on the other side." The walls shake as you run out of the temple.
    When you go back to Centurion Burri, you tell her that Razum-dar is dead, having "sacrificed himself so that the artifact could be destroyed." Burri replies that she "hopes that wherever he is, the moons shine bright upon him." (Sniff!)
    2. ???
  • Saoirse_Siobhan
    Sylenne wrote: »
    Zone: Reaper's March
    Quest: Gates of Fire
    1. Destroy circlet.
    2. Keep circlet.
    1. Destroying the circlet does indeed cause the vault to crumble and seal off the other entrance, as Razum-dar suspected. He says "Thank you my friend. I'll see you on the other side." The walls shake as you run out of the temple.
    When you go back to Centurion Burri, you tell her that Razum-dar is dead, having "sacrificed himself so that the artifact could be destroyed." Burri replies that she "hopes that wherever he is, the moons shine bright upon him." (Sniff!)
    2. ???
    Even if you destroy the circlet, Razum-dar survives. You can meet him again later in-game, and he says something about being able to climb out just in time.
    PC/EU DC
  • Czeri
    Hi! Does anyone know what happens if you choose the option : [Intimidate] "I must kill you, vampire." to Count Ravenwatch during the Dreamwalk into Darkness quest? I can't find it anywhere

    Nothing, really. He talks you out of it anyway and the quest continues as normal.
  • Saoirse_Siobhan
    Czeri wrote: »
    Hi! Does anyone know what happens if you choose the option : [Intimidate] "I must kill you, vampire." to Count Ravenwatch during the Dreamwalk into Darkness quest? I can't find it anywhere

    Nothing, really. He talks you out of it anyway and the quest continues as normal.

    Hi! Thanks for the info! Makes sense since half the quests in Rivenspire involve him. Of course, I would never choose that option anyway, just curious. 'Cause I love him so much <3 . I mean... my toon loves him *cough*
    PC/EU DC
  • Sylenne
    Zone: Reaper's March
    Quest: On the Doorstep
    1. [Lie] No, he was just very concerned about you.
    2. Yes, he was pretty drunk.
    1. ???
    2. Bowenas is angry at Halindor, saying, "I knew it. He came back to town sloshed, and it's only dumb luck these whatever-they-are didn't get him too. I love that man, but the Green knows he tests me.
    (This choice doesn't seem to have much effect, when you complete the quest he's standing beside Bowenas drinking a mug of ale!)
    Edited by Sylenne on 5 June 2016 20:50
  • Sylenne
    Zone: Reaper's March
    Quest: Ezreba's Fate
    1. [Service]
    2. [Banishment]
    1. Bowenas doesn't say much about how she feels, just thanks you for your help. Ezreba is grateful though. The other villagers mostly react as you'd expect based on what they wanted to happen to her. Halindor, Lotheil, and Annarth are glad she's staying. Ganniel and Gonlas are angry at you for not banishing her.
    2. ???
  • Atarax
    Thanks all, will try to update the front page next week.
    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Sylenne
    Zone: Reaper's March
    Quest: Motes in the Moonlight
    1. Choose Khali
    2. Choose Shazad
    1. Khali absorbs the energy of the Dark Mane. She's resigned to her fate, saying "This is the way it must be. Sister, do not weep for me." Shazah is (unsurprisingly) upset, saying "Damn that Javad Tharn to Oblivion!" She vows to "return with the most powerful sages in Tamriel. Together we'll free my sister from this torment."
    When you get the next quest from her, Shazah wipes away a tear, saying, "Khali ... damn it. So strong, so forceful. So stupid when it comes to things like this."
    (And obviously Shazah becomes the next Mane, if you complete the Reaper's March quest line.)
    2. ???
    Edited by Sylenne on 19 June 2016 22:25
  • Sylenne
    Zone: Reaper's March
    Quest: Desecrated Ground
    1. Give ring to Jurak-dar
    2. Give ring to Fihada
    1. ???
    2. Fihada is very grateful, and blesses you, saying "May the Bright Moons guard your steps until the end of your days." She tells Jurak-dar, "You see, thief? There are still good and true people in this world." He responds, "You're both idiots. At least I can sell this robe for a coin or two. Drinks for Jurak tonight!"
    Edited by Sylenne on 28 August 2016 18:44
  • Sylenne
    Zone: Reaper's March
    Quest: A Night to Forget
    1. Talk to Rollin
    2. Talk to Apprentice Meldil
    1. Rollin is very grateful. He says, "Now all that remains is to finish my last few paragraphs, and go speak to Meldil. I'm sure he'll be annoyed with me. But with the relics in-hand and my sterling prose, I'm sure this is the start of a brave new chapter in my life."
    2. ???
  • Sylenne
    Sylenne wrote: »
    Zone: Reaper's March
    Quest: Gates of Fire
    1. Destroy circlet.
    2. Keep circlet.
    1. Destroying the circlet does indeed cause the vault to crumble and seal off the other entrance, as Razum-dar suspected. He says "Thank you my friend. I'll see you on the other side." The walls shake as you run out of the temple.
    When you go back to Centurion Burri, you tell her that Razum-dar is dead, having "sacrificed himself so that the artifact could be destroyed." Burri replies that she "hopes that wherever he is, the moons shine bright upon him." (Sniff!)
    2. ???
    Even if you destroy the circlet, Razum-dar survives. You can meet him again later in-game, and he says something about being able to climb out just in time.

    Later consequence of choice 1:
    When you meet Queen Ayrenn outside Dune, you express sympathy for Raz's death. She replies, "Raz was ... he could be infuriating. Many times, my advisors told me to cut him loose. I never considered it. I and the Dominion will roll along without him, I'm sure. But it will be a little lonelier under this crown."

    BTW, I'm relieved to hear that Raz survives, he's one of my favorite characters - that choice was a tough one!
    Edited by Sylenne on 20 June 2016 20:10
  • Sylenne
    Sylenne wrote: »
    Zone: Reaper's March
    Quest: Motes in the Moonlight
    1. Choose Khali
    2. Choose Shazad
    1. Khali absorbs the energy of the Dark Mane. She's resigned to her fate, saying "This is the way it must be. Sister, do not weep for me." Shazah is (unsurprisingly) upset, saying "Damn that Javad Tharn to Oblivion!" She vows to "return with the most powerful sages in Tamriel. Together we'll free my sister from this torment."
    When you get the next quest from her, Shazah wipes away a tear, saying, "Khali ... damn it. So strong, so forceful. So stupid when it comes to things like this."
    (And obviously Shazah becomes the next Mane, if you complete the Reaper's March quest line.)
    2. ???

    Later consequence of choice 2:
    When you meet Ayrenn outside Dune, you can ask her about Shazah. She replies, "She's a quiet woman, seems very thoughtful. But Stars above does she know a lot. We had the most fascinating discussion about the signing of the Elden Accord. And she wasn't even there!" Ayrenn also says that she believes Shazah will make a good Mane. (Though I suspect she says the same thing either way.)
  • Sylenne
    Zone: Reaper's March
    Quest: Test of Faith
    1. Tell Kala the truth.
    2. Lie to Kala.
    1. Kala is naturally upset and initially disbelieving. She says, "Yenadar was such a quiet, pious man. How could someone so good, so innocent become a vessel for a dark spirit?" When you tell her that he sacrificed himself to trap the dark spirit, she accepts it, saying, "He would have rather died a thousand deaths than let his cowardice kill another." She thanks you for your honesty, saying "I know he would have wanted me to know the truth."
    2. ???
  • Sylenne
    Zone: Wrothgar
    Quest: Invitation to Orsinium
    Options (Gulug):
    1. I'll tell the Guard about this. Don't try to leave the city.
    2. If you're truly doing this to help the city, I won't report you to the Guard.
    1. Kulug is angry, but won't stop you. He says even though he may not be able to enjoy his gold, at least his tonics are out doing good in the city.
    2. ???

    Options (Solgra): (not sure if these are different depending on your choice for Gulug)
    1. Report Gulug.
    2. Don't name Gulug.
    1. Solgra is grateful for your aid, saying, "You located the stolen supplies and uncovered our betrayer? Trinimac surely sent you to us in our time of need!"
    2. ???
    Edited by Sylenne on 21 June 2016 01:27
  • Sylenne
    Zone: Wrothgar
    Quest: The Durzog Whistle
    1. Tell the truth about the whistle.
    2. Lie about the whistle
    1. Fedar Githrano is upset that the whistle doesn't have any magical powers. He says, "You're joking, right? I spent my last gold piece getting to this Three-forsaken wasteland! Bah! A pox on these Orcs and their stupid beasts!" He still pays you, though, saying, "I suppose you've earned your cut, such as it is. I'll need to find a new opportunity now."
    2. ???
  • Sylenne
    Zone: Wrothgar
    Quest: One Ugly Mug
    This quest has multiple possible choice points.
    Choice 1 (after finding stolen item):
    1. Talk to Zabani.
    2. Sell loot to Astilme.
    1. You tell Zabani you found the stolen item, and can prove her innocence. She's thrilled, and tells you to talk to Warden Oorg.
    2. ???
    If you choose option 1, you get a second choice point.
    Choice 2 (after talking to Zabani):
    1. Talk to Warden Oorg.
    2. Sell loot to Astilme.
    1. You tell Warden Oorg that Zabani is innocent, and Agolas was the thief who stole the mug. He recognizes it immediately, exclaiming, "The king's lucky mug!" You then ask him to release Zabani, since she's innocent and the mug is back. He agrees to do so, and tells you to "ignore what I said about the mug, all right? Here's a little something to help you forget."
    Zabani tells you that she's headed to the Greedy Gut, and indeed she can be found standing by the fire on the lower level.
    2. ???
  • D3F1ANC3
    Zone: Gold Coast
    Quest: The Sweetroll Killer
    This quest has multiple possible choice points with different characters.
    Choice 1 Tuindal (the baker):
    1. Tell him to keep doing what he is doing and remain in plain view.
    2. Tell Him to alter his routine.
    1. He is murdered.
    2. He travels to Anvil and survives.
    Choice 2 Dobias Sophus (the merchant):
    1. Tell him to keep doing what he is doing and continue wandering in the market.
    2. Tell him to hide.
    1. He survives and ends up travelling to Anvil.
    2. He is murdered.
    Choice 3 Yarmia (the apprentice):
    1. Tell her she can't have a weapon.
    2. Tell her she can have a weapon.
    1. She survives and travels with Razum-dar to Anvil.
    2. She is murdered.
    Choice 4 The Sweetroll Killer.
    1. Let them live.
    2. Kill them.
    1. Razum-dar agrees it is for the best as the surviving victims will now be safe. Naryu is angry as she fears the killer will now wreak havoc in another region.
    2. Naryu is pleased as she believes more lives were saved in the long run. Razum-dar is angry as this is not how an Eye of the Queen should do things and instead likens it to a Dark Brotherhood killing.
  • Ilsabet
    Thieves Guild

    Quest: The Long Game
    1. You were desperate. You made a mistake. But only Quen can forgive you.
    2. You betrayed Quen. You don't deserve a second chance.
    1. Quen readily forgives Lady Sulima, who is grateful for your intervention. Since Lady Sulima's money is all gone, Quen invites her to live with her at the Thieves Den. Lady Sulima later appears in Quen's rooftop retreat. You can find a letter in the Thieves Den from Saroldo to Quen wherein he states that his "greatest treasure" was the chance for Quen to find Lady Sulima and create a family with her.

    Quest: His Greatest Treasure
    1. Don't blame Velsa. It was my choice to infiltrate the Iron Wheel's headquarters.
    2. The Iron Wheel doesn't scare me.
    3. You want to be a leader? Stop whining and lead.
    2. Zeira acknowledges your bravery and admits that you pulled it off well, and then asks what you've learned.

    Quest: Forever Hold Your Piece
    1. Choose Quen a. You have the best chance of reaching the upper levels. b. You're important to me Quen
    2. Choose Walks-Softly a. You're the best choice for mingling at the wedding b. You're important to me Walks-Softly.
    3. Choose Silver-Claw
    4. Choose Velsa a
    2. a. Walks is mostly looking forward to the food at the party. At the palace, I told him his outfit looked good on him and he was miffed that I didn't use stronger words of praise.
    Edited by Ilsabet on 10 July 2016 02:39
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • Ilsabet
    Thieves Guild

    Quest: Prison Break
    1. If you tell us where to find Zeira, you'll get a lockpick.
    2. You don't get a lockpick. You don't get anything.
    1. He tells you Zeira is on a ship at the docks and if you hurry you can reach it in time. You are able to rescue Zeira. Nicolas apparently doesn't use the lockpick to escape, and is later loaded onto a prison ship to be taken to Taneth to stand trial.

    - Added some info to that one.

    Quest: The One That Got Away

    Conversation with Nicolas:

    (Options under spoiler since they're kinda spoilery in themselves.)
    1. You don't get to have a happy family. Your wife should know who you really are.
    2. Zeira wants you to stay away from Abah's Landing
    3. She didn't want you to beg. She wanted you dead. [Nicolas dies.]

    1. Nicolas protests that he loves his wife, but sees that Zeira wants you to take away what is important to him. You speak to Volunidai and tell her who her husband really is. She doesn't believe you until you show her his wanted poster. She asks what she should do, and you get three more options:

    A. Protect yourself. Keep him as far away from your money as you can.
    B. Seek out a man named Rhanbiq. He wants Nicolas brought to justice in Taneth.
    C. Make him pay. He could have stolen your fortune.

    A. ???

    B. She says she'll find Rhanbiq and expects her "soon-to-be-ex-husband" to be tried in Taneth within a month. She runs into the house to confront him, and he says that he can explain, but when you follow her the house is empty. When you tell Zeira that you found Nicolas and ruined his marriage, she is surprised that he sweet-talked his way into someone's life so quickly and says you did his unlucky spouse a favor. She trusts your judgment and is looking forward to restoring the guild.

    C. ???

    2. He says "Truly? You shall never hear from me again. I swear it upon the love I hold for my dear wife. This home, my wife... it's all I shall ever want." When you depart the house, you hear him saying that his unexpected guests are leaving and they should share some wine. When you talk to Zeira, she trusts your judgment and says you both need to focus on restoring the guild.

    3. ???

    You'll need to figure out how to format that one since there are basically three conversations in that quest-line that require choices (Rhanbiq, Nicolas, and Volunidai). I tried to combine what was already there with what I saw in the Nicolas and Volunidai parts.
    Edited by Ilsabet on 30 July 2016 22:02
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • Ilsabet
    Quest: Through the Aftermath
    Zone: Stonefalls

    1. Choose Furon's plan
    2. Choose Reesa's plan
    1. ???
    2. You have to obtain three relics and then defeat the spirits' commander to bring peace to the spirits. They remain in the area but become passive. You then get another quest in which Reesa and her two students offer themselves as sacrifices so that the land may one day become fertile again.
    Edited by Ilsabet on 30 July 2016 22:01
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • Ilsabet
    Quest: A Son's Promise (Crow's Wood)
    Zone: Stonefalls

    Speaking with the Crow Mother:

    1. You shouldn't be alone. I'll make Rulantaril honor his agreement.
    2. You're a foul, malicious deceiver. I will destroy you.
    3. It's clear you both deserve to die.
    1. You fight Rulantaril, who is raging in his chamber beneath the tower, and once he is subdued he grudgingly agrees to stay. He's not happy about it, but the Crow Mother is delighted to have her "love" by her side. Telbaril says he'll go see his father and expects him to have a hard time explaining all of this.
    2. ???
    3. ???
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • Cryptical
    Ilsabet wrote: »
    Thieves Guild

    Quest: Prison Break
    1. If you tell us where to find Zeira, you'll get a lockpick.
    2. You don't get a lockpick. You don't get anything.
    1. He tells you Zeira is on a ship at the docks and if you hurry you can reach it in time. You are able to rescue Zeira. Nicolas apparently doesn't use the lockpick to escape, and is later loaded onto a prison ship to be taken to Taneth to stand trial.

    - Added some info to that one.

    Quest: The One That Got Away

    Conversation with Nicolas:

    (Options under spoiler since they're kinda spoilery in themselves.)
    1. You don't get to have a happy family. Your wife should know who you really are.
    2. Zeira wants you to stay away from Abah's Landing
    3. She didn't want you to beg. She wanted you dead. [Nicolas dies.]

    1. Nicolas protests that he loves his wife, but sees that Zeira wants you to take away what is important to him. You speak to Volunidai and tell her who her husband really is. She doesn't believe you until you show her his wanted poster. She asks what she should do, and you get three more options:

    A. Protect yourself. Keep him as far away from your money as you can.
    B. Seek out a man named Rhanbiq. He wants Nicolas brought to justice in Taneth.
    C. Make him pay. He could have stolen your fortune.

    A. ???

    B. She says she'll find Rhanbiq and expects her "soon-to-be-ex-husband" to be tried in Taneth within a month. She runs into the house to confront him, and he says that he can explain, but when you follow her the house is empty. When you tell Zeira that you found Nicolas and ruined his marriage, she is surprised that he sweet-talked his way into someone's life so quickly and says you did his unlucky spouse a favor. She trusts your judgment and is looking forward to restoring the guild.

    C. ???

    2. He says "Truly? You shall never hear from me again. I swear it upon the love I hold for my dear wife. This home, my wife... it's all I shall ever want." When you depart the house, you hear him saying that his unexpected guests are leaving and they should share some wine. When you talk to Zeira, she trusts your judgment and says you both need to focus on restoring the guild.

    3. ???

    You'll need to figure out how to format that one since there are basically three conversations in that quest-line that require choices (Rhanbiq, Nicolas, and Volunidai). I tried to combine what was already there with what I saw in the Nicolas and Volunidai parts.

    Results for conversation choices 1A...
    If you tell her to keep him far from her money, Volunidai says
    "I have a relative at the bank. I'll ensure my funds are protected.
    Whatever he's called, he won't leave here with a single coin."
    Xbox NA
  • shaun.krandeloy_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Quest: The Hand of Morkul
    1. Morkul Clan's strength came from here. Embrace your past.
    2. Your clan's greatest strength was leaving. You don't need this place.
    1. Convince Ashaka to embrace the old ways, but she believes that Clan Morkul had spent generations forging with 'clean hands' untainted with blood magic. So she believes there is a better way to use the forge. By using the crafter's own blood to forge the weapons and armor rather than murdering others for it.
    2. Ashaka agrees with you and says she needs to inform her clan. She also thinks there's a better way to use the forge. By using the blood of spiders instead of their enemies.

    I've not done one of these before so I ended up turning in the quest before I got a chance to read the journal, but basically that's what happened.
    Edited by shaun.krandeloy_ESO on 18 August 2016 18:17
  • Geralt_of_Aalst
    Great thread. I'm sure a ton of people still use it today. Because most people will use the "search" function of their browser, a small addition may be handy here. In post #3 on the first page, it reads "Quest: Momento Mori". This is a typo and should read: "Quest: Memento Mori". If the original post doesn't get updated, at least people will find this post when searching for the key word "memento" ;)
    I may contradict myself but at least I don't contradict myself
  • Sylenne
    Added option 1.

    Zone: Wrothgar
    Quest: A Question of Succession
    1. Replace Laurig's Sword
    2. Replace Ushruka's Sword
    1. Ushruka wins. Yazara says, "I convinced our clan that Ushruka's victory would test our faith in Malacath's favor. They'll accept her...for now." She also intends to advise Ushruka, saying, "She'll need all the help she can get."
    Also, Ushruka supports King Kurog wholeheartedly, telling her clan, "At King Kurog's side, we shall lead Tamriel to greatness!"
    2. Laurig wins, Yazara says the clan will accept the outcome, and she will advise Laurig while keeping an eye out for weakness.
    Edited by Sylenne on 28 August 2016 18:51
  • Ilsabet
    Zone: Stonefalls
    Quest: An Unwanted Twin

    1. Ra-Shadda must pay for his crimes.
    2. I know Ra-Shadda genuinely mourns his wife.
    1. ???
    2. Ruvali is skeptical but decides that there has been enough death. She tells you to follow Ra-Shadda's instructions to use the totem at an altar and then kill the monster. After you defeat the monster, Ruvali reluctantly lets Ra-Shadda go and realizes that enslaving other races will only lead to more uprisings and death.
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • Ilsabet
    Zone: Deshaan
    Quest: Fighting Back

    1. Take Madras' side (I'll help you.)
    2. Try to save peasants' lives and take guards' side (Peasants going up against the Maulborn? That's suicide. You'll all die. Let me deal with this.)
    2. The rebels decide you're a jerk and kick you out of their secret meeting. You meet up with a sympathetic guard outside, and she helps you gain entry to the place where the hostages are being held. You defeat the traitor, but by the time you reach the abandoned house many of the villagers have died. Councilor Ralden is mortally wounded and dies after speaking with you. Some of the villagers are saved, and the Hlaalu guard sets about cleansing the lake of the plague.

    Zone: Deshaan
    Quest: Nothing Left to Waste


    1. Give the treasures to Kotholl, telling him to make sure the money goes toward feeding his children.
    2. Tell Kotholl to give the treasures to the families of the deceased merchants and ask them for his back pay.
    1. ????
    2. Kotholl protests that the spoiled children of wealthy merchants don't deserve more treasures, but then he agrees to do as you say and apologizes for lying.

    Zone: Deshaan
    Quest: Mechanical Murder

    1. I'm afraid not. You either face the constructs or face me.
    2. I'm turning you over to the Hlaalu. They'll decide what to do with you.
    1. ???
    2. Omalor reckons it's better to deal with the Hlaalu than the "walking buzzsaws." You lead him to the exit of the ruin, and when you fight with the Dres enemies he remarks on how they're still fighting. (Every single time. Like, shut up dude.) Outside, he's humiliated to be tied up (but at least he's alive), and Defender Maera is looking forward to humiliating him further on the way to Mournhold.
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
This discussion has been closed.