1) If purchased, are the assistants available account wide?
2) Does the banking assistant allow access to guild resources such as guild bank and guild store?
3) Does the merchant assistant do repairs to your equipment?
1) Yes, account wide.
2) Not guild bank, only your own bank.
3) Yes.
At least, that was how did they designed back in the pts.
Paulington wrote: »A fair price for the amount of utility these provide, coupled with being account wide and usable by everyone in your group et cetera.
Personally I don't think the Merchant is all that useful (needs to sell repair kits and such) but other than that she is fine.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Meet Your New Assistants. Check out the article to learn about the two new assistants coming to the Crown Store later this week!
I will be purchasing the banker. This adds a ton of convenience so the high price fits that. As well, you can share the abilities with group members.. so when you pull up your banker, all your group members can use them to access their own personal bank too. That's really nice.