Starting up a guild in the next week. Unconfirmed yet, but you may have to join another guild in order to join. There will be a friendly atmosphere and varied adventures. And as a bonus, we will have a start-up event Christmas Eve!! If interested, send a message ingame or over PSN to Ladamia.
Calling all shriven, by Vorcil of the Dagger:
Beginning is hard, together is strong,
calling all warriors, life will last long.
Laden with burdens, lost of all hope,
Put us together, our life thread like rope.
Weaving through time span, rapids of life,
Wheel keeps turning, forward through strife.
Never will I sore, light on my feet,
Put us together, a band of Khajiit.
Running the harbours, lost, hard and cold,
Souless together, once Elder has told;
When the fires burn brightly, and night grows soft,
Aim'adal'l targets, this godhead knows not.
Starting up a guild in the next week. Unconfirmed yet, but you may have to join another guild in order to join. There will be a friendly atmosphere and varied adventures. And as a bonus, we will have a start-up event Christmas Eve!! If interested, send a message ingame or over PSN to Ladamia.