Official Discussion Thread for "The Imperial City Guide: The Basics"

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  • xaraan
    HeroOfNone wrote: »
    Sounds like a ganker and zergers paradise with no siege weapons. For those not rolling a nightblade, might I suggest looking at Seeker build to help you and your group survive in the open PVP areas.

    Yeah. I'm kind of thinking ZoS doesn't know what they are doing at most times. If they did, their video demo today would have had 30 players roll over their group of four and take all their stones EVERY SINGLE TIME they earned any. That would give them the real pvp experience. This setup is going to rule for zergs steamrolling content and players.

    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
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  • Farorin
    I am so looking forward to this. I love PVP and I love PVE, and I most definitely love PVPVE. One of my favourite things to do in cyrodiil was to do the quests while running into other players to fight, and while having that hieghtened sense of awareness and excitement knowing I might get ganked while trying to complete an objective.

    Please please please just please ensure that it stays awesome for us that actually like a bit of excitement and actually like PVP!
  • Crumorn
    I hate to be all salty about this but......the icon used for the sewers is the imperial dragon. The dragon wasn't introduced until the reign of Tiber Septim. In ESO we have seen all the imperial banners be without the dragon and lore friendly so why now? Sorry I am a lore fanatic and I notice these things.
  • Zershar_Vemod
    The forums shall be set ablaze soon enough.
    House Nyssara (NA)
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  • Brightxdawn
    Will you be able to get the new motifs without having to do PVP?
  • Vader3654
    Atricios wrote: »
    You know Imperial City is going to be great when you can smell the fear before you even see the sewers.

    Actually made me more excited lol
  • Jikoshua
    Soul Shriven
    Will the new dungeons be added to the rotation of the undaunted pledges. Or will there be an option between two dungeons for DLC and non-DLC holders?
  • Paulington
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Also @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_JasonLeavey please get your map artists to fix the angle of Imperial City. Both the city in the middle of the Cyrodiil map and the map of the city itself are out by 30 degrees. (ie, the city needs to be rotated 30 degrees clockwise, as the solid wall line runs north/south, not east/west.)

    Edit: The top map below is what they have shown on the guide, the bottom map is what it should be. The walls inside the city are supposed to "line up" with the extended walls outside the city. There is no "northern district", but there is a "western district".


    Has this been fixed or am I being silly @Enodoc? Here's a screenshot from my Cyrodiil map:


    To me, that image looks more-or-less right, when compared the first image you posted. Not sure what map you saw where the Imperial City was rotated slightly, got any more screenshots?
  • Enodoc
    Paulington wrote: »

    Has this been fixed or am I being silly @Enodoc? Here's a screenshot from my Cyrodiil map:


    To me, that image looks more-or-less right, when compared the first image you posted. Not sure what map you saw where the Imperial City was rotated slightly, got any more screenshots?
    @Paulington I'm assuming the in-game map will be updated with the Imperial City launch to look more like the ones posted in their guide. I agree that the current in-game map looks right, but if they implement the change as posted currently on the guide, then it will be wrong. The bottom map that I posted is one in which I rotated the city myself to show what the city should look like. The first map in my post is the one from Oblivion, which clearly shows what the orientation should be.
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  • Stalwart385
    BoloBoffin wrote: »

    It may not be in the notes, but it was stated as such in today's ESO Live. Banks in the alliance bases. No mailing stones.

    PLUS: there's currently a 50-stone minimum to deposit any at all - because there's a 50-stone Akiviri Teller Mugging fee to deposit at all.

    Nah they said they got rid of the fee but kept the minimum.
  • Surragard
    I'm worried about gank squads at the entrances to the sewers as well but hopefully that will level itself out over time. I can see why they aren't implementing a wayshrine directly in though. You would just end up with a zerg. I wouldn't be surprised if we see some changes made after it rolls through PTS.
    I don't always drink Skooma, but when I do I go to the Southwall Corner Club. May you walk on warm sands my friends.
  • EgoRush
    So if you exit via the Imperial City Prison or The White Tower you'll be ported back to your alliance capital? I.e. a safe zone? Does this mean we can accumulate a few TV stones then enter the above dungeons and complete them for a safe port out? I'm all game for trying to survive the gank fest, but this alternative option that still requires some challenge (assuming the new PvE content will be challenging) would be a welcome addition.
    Server: EU Pact
    Guild: Hodor (PvE -, Chimaira (PvE)
    Character: Oriantha (Templar Healer), Zelda's Inferno (Dragonknight Tank), The Lumen Sage (Stamina Sorcerer DD), The Umbra Witch (Magicka Nightblade DD), Flirts-With-Boys (Stamina Nightblade DD), Oriantha Ellesidil (Magicka Sorcerer DD/healer), Wariantha (Magicka Warden in the making)

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    Returning to the game for Morrowind
  • Enodoc
    EgoRush wrote: »
    So if you exit via the Imperial City Prison or The White Tower you'll be ported back to your alliance capital? I.e. a safe zone? Does this mean we can accumulate a few TV stones then enter the above dungeons and complete them for a safe port out? I'm all game for trying to survive the gank fest, but this alternative option that still requires some challenge (assuming the new PvE content will be challenging) would be a welcome addition.
    In theory, you wouldn't even have to do the dungeon. Just go in, turn around, and go out again.
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  • EgoRush
    Enodoc wrote: »
    In theory, you wouldn't even have to do the dungeon. Just go in, turn around, and go out again.

    Good point. I guess we can test this on the PTS later this month and see. If so, then a lot of people can calm down haha. Either way, TV stones seem to be most important for getting V16 jewellery, whereas the armour can drop from finishing the dungeons, chests in IC, or Undaunted pledges? Anyone struggling to keep their TV stones can basically save their pennies until people start selling spare jewellery in guild traders.
    Server: EU Pact
    Guild: Hodor (PvE -, Chimaira (PvE)
    Character: Oriantha (Templar Healer), Zelda's Inferno (Dragonknight Tank), The Lumen Sage (Stamina Sorcerer DD), The Umbra Witch (Magicka Nightblade DD), Flirts-With-Boys (Stamina Nightblade DD), Oriantha Ellesidil (Magicka Sorcerer DD/healer), Wariantha (Magicka Warden in the making)

    Current vMA score (Templar): Pending return to game
    World Record for all trials pre-Thieves Guild
    World first V16 Maw of Lorkhaj clear
    World first V16 Maw of Lorkhaj speed run clear
    Returning to the game for Morrowind
  • FlyingApron
    OMG I cannot wait! I already bought my crowns in preparation for this! lolz
  • nimander99
    Good catch @Enodoc

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

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    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
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    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • me_ming
    HeroOfNone wrote: »
    Sounds like a ganker and zergers paradise with no siege weapons. For those not rolling a nightblade, might I suggest looking at Seeker build to help you and your group survive in the open PVP areas.

    Now, I wished I should have taken the Radiant Magelight... :D
    "We're heroes, my boon companion, and heroes always win! Let that be a lesson to you."
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    "There is always a choice. But you don't get to choose what is true, you only get to choose what you will do about it..."

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  • Bracteamentum
    Is it possible to see already, which sets at Veteran Rank 16 can be crafted?
    I am revamping my Dragonknight Tank but do not want to spend my precious yellow crafting items and Nirncrux just yet and regret it later.
  • CMG138
    I love it when the level cap is raised after I put so much time into getting the best gear for what was the "max" level.
    Red or dead!
  • Tyr
    This is the official discussion thread for the web article "The Imperial City Guide: The Basic."

    Prepare yourself for the Imperial City with our helpful guide, which provides the basics you'll want to know before entering the zone!

    Hey Jason, you've got the quest starting NPC's for Ebonheart Pact and Daggerfall Covenant listed backwards. Captain Veranim is the Ebonheart starting NPC.
  • Krist
    Actually getting past the large groups, to me, would be part of the fun. I like challenges, and Zergs are much easier to bypass than a couple of well hidden gankers. I am near large groups of opposing factions all the time, even on my Templar.

    Also, I cannot see being a part of a zerg as that beneficiary to getting TV stones. I am assuming the killing blow would nab the TV stone? I am not sure how that works, so maybe it would.

    I did write that I could not see why vet rank increase is a problem, however, I can see how it can be to some, especially if you are not a pve'er. Edited to reflect my better reflection.
    Edited by Krist on 15 August 2015 14:06
    "Krist the Lionheart? No. Lionheart was my dog" -Krist
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    "That place, between day and night, that purple color just before dark, that is where you will find me"- Hughe
  • Yia
    CMG138 wrote: »
    I love it when the level cap is raised after I put so much time into getting the best gear for what was the "max" level.

    Welcome to the world of MMO's in general

  • hcjimmy
    Soul Shriven
    Well done! You basicly *** *** the PvE players violently, Wors expansion ever.

    What were you thinking? Combining PvE and PvP ?

    Must be the dumbest move in gaming history.

    Succesfully ruined end game for me now. Thanks.

    I`ll be getting back to other games now.
  • AefionBloodclaw
    hcjimmy wrote: »
    Well done! You basicly *** *** the PvE players violently, Wors expansion ever.

    What were you thinking? Combining PvE and PvP ?

    Must be the dumbest move in gaming history.

    Succesfully ruined end game for me now. Thanks.

    I`ll be getting back to other games now.

    I have to agree, I'm currently VR2 and am sick and tired of grinding through the 50)+ content, lets be honest its basically the same as level 1 content cept scaled up. The grouping tools are so bad I thought the 50+ content would be the most efficient way to get to level cap but yeah grindy and generic as hell. I just picked up another quest and it was like 'rescue 4 miners.' Seriously??? SO Imperial City I thought yay, expansion, but guess what you have to be VR 16 first otherwise you just get pawned. And its not PvE at all, mostly PvP.
    'For love, for friendship and for valour, I stand with the Aldmeri Dominion.'

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