HeroOfNone wrote: »Sounds like a ganker and zergers paradise with no siege weapons. For those not rolling a nightblade, might I suggest looking at Seeker build to help you and your group survive in the open PVP areas.
MartinXKid wrote: »I'm expecting ganking groups waiting just outside of the entrance in cyrodiil...
No need to worry you can bypass that stuffnimander99 wrote: »
That is the one thing I'm worried about.
No need to worry you can bypass that stuff
("If you leave the Imperial City by way of exiting the Imperial City Prison or White-Gold Tower dungeons, you will return to your alliance's capital city")
No need to worry you can bypass that stuff
("If you leave the Imperial City by way of exiting the Imperial City Prison or White-Gold Tower dungeons, you will return to your alliance's capital city")
In the ESO trailer at E3, you can see siege weapons being used inside Imperial City. How come we won't be able to use siege weapons inside Imperial City now?
•Get powerful new Veteran Rank 16 weapons and armor by completing the White-Gold Tower and Imperial City Prison dungeons (and the Undaunted Pledges for them), and Veteran Rank 16 armor sets by trading in your Tel Var Stones.
Does this mean you can EARN Tel Var stones in the dungeons?
Does this mean you can EARN Tel Var stones in the dungeons?
Collect Tel Var Stones by defeating Molag Bal's minions and enemy alliance players—and try to keep yours from being taken!
From that statement, I'd think that you could since enemy players are definitely not Molog Bal's minions.
My theory is being able to run dungeons to get stones and not have to go into the PvP section and have the risk of them being stolen.. but that sounds too easy...
Confirmed to be impossible. They want to keep the risk/reward system for TV stones. The only exception are boxes for daily quests, which can't be looted off you, so you can run back and open them in the safe zone.
My theory is being able to run dungeons to get stones and not have to go into the PvP section and have the risk of them being stolen.. but that sounds too easy...
The guy on the far right, he looks like he's wearing the female chest armor but the facial structure is male? o.o"
Dem eyebrows
Hmm, you're probably right, but I was assuming there would be some sieging in the city too... not sure where I got that idea from nowTo be assumed that this is siege belonging to NPCs, if you look closely in the video it is imperial soldiers operating these machines.
Female character with the draugr polymorph?The guy on the far right, he looks like he's wearing the female chest armor but the facial structure is male? o.o"
Dem eyebrows
Thejtprb18_ESO wrote: »Did I miss the bit in the notes which says there is a bank in the IC safe zone and that you cant mail the stones?