lol, are you all new players or something? This is the way cash shops work... any of you played star wars tor??
Paulington wrote: »
To clarify, it is not $100, at least not where I live.
In the UK 11,000 Crowns (so, 1000 more than required) is £48 which is $75. If Orsinium adds at least 100 hours of content (I would imagine it'd be well more than that) then it is good value for money based upon what games usually cost in terms of price per hour played.
I'd gladly drop 10k Crowns on an Expansion if they came once every six months or so as I crave new content, but a more reasonable price would probably be 7,500 Crowns.
If a DLC cost 11k crowns that would be near $80. The base game isn't even worth $60 anymore. A single DLC shouldn't outweigh the cost of the base game otherwise that kind of defeats the purpose of supplementary content.
wenxue2222b16_ESO wrote: »So are there technical limitations on the number of items that can be offered in the crown store at once then?
Just seems to be shooting yourself in the foot to limit the number of items you offer at any one time if those items are already in existence.
The more you have on offer then the more chance that a player is going to find just that costume or mount or pet that they are looking for.
Its called a BUSINESS strategy.
Already said it via Twitter but I am sad to see that manipulating players into panic purchases is more important to ZOS than offering a large collection of items everyone has access to.
Disappointed with ZOS once again, I keep wanting to think of them as more than a corporate money maker company but they seem hell bent on being another Electronic Arts style AAA company.
Yep. It's sad and pathetic to see how ZOS has transformed into everything they said there were trying not to be prior to launch. All this marketing BS and trickery to try and coerce players into making purchases is just sad but not unexpected once they moved away from subs. This is what MMOs turn into without a sub and it's only going to get worse from here.
The problem is with putting the price on mounts at 2.5k. It's too expensive, but we're swallowing. It's absurd to put DLC at 5k+ crowns, as that's way more than the game is costing. Yet with the way their current system works is exactly what that would be implying. Unless you want a skin, because that's what mounts are at this point rather than a newly animated model, to cost as much as an entire quest chain, zone, etc.
They never said they would be gone, they will be removed from the store for the time being. They won't be gone forever from it, as it would appear from that.ebunts14_ESO wrote: »Do you really believe that these items will really be gone? Look at things that was suppose to be offered exclusively and yet had been returned.
The Panther does indeed have a new roar. And there is the Senche Lioness and the Clouded Senche-Leopard still in planning. After that I'm assuming they'll be ready with putting effort into one new model of mount.ViciousWayz wrote: »They are cool though, really. Hopefully they don't re-skin the same model 789789789787 times, I did notice a new roar with the Panther however and know they have at least 1 or 2 more planned, let's hope it stays at that and then originality kicks back in with some new models. I do love the Senche mounts though.... they are epic.
Indoril_Daemion wrote: »
Everything I've seen from ZOS since the beta has left me a bit at a loss for words, so I'll quote a post I've read (and agreed with) from the Star Trek Online forums (they have it worse there though, with the lock box model):
"I'm eventually hoping that the US Federal government will step in and start regulating this sort of walking the line activity from MMO operators. It took decades before states like California enacted "Lemon" law legislation to curb the worst abuses in the used car industry. It defiantly feels like it walks the line of fraudulent behavior on the part of a business entity. And if business entities are not willing to self regulate (and show some brains by making sure the end customer knows they self regulate) then eventually its going to require action on the part of the government sector to set and regulate fair practices.
Anyone with any brains realizes that MMO's need to earn an income for their operators. But where does the line get drawn between what constitutes earning a paycheck for fair services rendered, and exploiting your customers hopes and wants in a way that is unfair and un-equitable?
It's still at the "Wild Wild West" stage in the MMO industry. I do hope that those professionals in the industry who give a damd about more then next week, next month, or the next quarterly report understand the need to self regulate. WHEN, not if, but WHEN government decides that regulation is needed, there will end up being restrictions above and beyond where they need to be. Politicians and Bureaucracies almost always tend to move for more restrictive initial policies. Its a conservative mental bent to prevent criticism for 'Not Doing Enough!'"
In case anyone is wondering what the Black Senche mount looks like with the extras, here's an image. Straps for speed, armor for stamina and bags for capacity.
Seth_Black wrote: »I had a good laugh reading all comments much complaining without reason...
@ZOS thx for the Senche-Panther! Waiting for next one!
Does the armor/stamina give him the headpiece or the straps/speed give him the headpiece? I am guessing the armor, is that right?
@ZOS_GinaBruno Soo.. why is this announcement at the top of my launcher on June 5th? Its expired.