theweakminded wrote: »Really depends on how you want to play, and without that context its hard to help.
Oh you want to be a stam NB . You my friend are going to become part of an unique group of uniquelly unique individuals.
You just have to follow these few complicated steps.
Step 1- Create NB -Redguard
Step 2-Equip 2H sword play a litle until you unlock wreaking blow.
Bonus: Also get bow and dual wield. Never write dual as anything other than duel.
Step 3--Equip WB on every skill slot. You can`t? Stop making escuses.
Step 4-Put all points into stam ,equip medium armor,stack weapon power in any way possible
Step 5-Roll face on keyboard until VR14.
Step 6- Come to forum and ask for Sorc and DK nerfs.
Super Bonus: Come to the forums to create regular fix cloack threads.
Step 7-Complain about magicka NBs playing the class ``wrong``. Ask for nerfs for magicka NBs.Use word like skirts and dresses and sticks and make coments about the manliness of those NBs.
Bonus points: make up stupd names like knightblade and siphonblade and snipblade. Refer to NBs as ``rouge``,``the rouge class`` or ``rougelike``.
Congrats you are now awesoem Stam NB and we all love you.
That's not a problem. English is not my main language either. That is why I only communicate in various dialects of gibberish and french which is exactly the same thing..Oh you want to be a stam NB . You my friend are going to become part of an unique group of uniquelly unique individuals.
You just have to follow these few complicated steps.
Step 1- Create NB -Redguard
Step 2-Equip 2H sword play a litle until you unlock wreaking blow.
Bonus: Also get bow and dual wield. Never write dual as anything other than duel.
Step 3--Equip WB on every skill slot. You can`t? Stop making escuses.
Step 4-Put all points into stam ,equip medium armor,stack weapon power in any way possible
Step 5-Roll face on keyboard until VR14.
Step 6- Come to forum and ask for Sorc and DK nerfs.
Super Bonus: Come to the forums to create regular fix cloack threads.
Step 7-Complain about magicka NBs playing the class ``wrong``. Ask for nerfs for magicka NBs.Use word like skirts and dresses and sticks and make coments about the manliness of those NBs.
Bonus points: make up stupd names like knightblade and siphonblade and snipblade. Refer to NBs as ``rouge``,``the rouge class`` or ``rougelike``.
Congrats you are now awesoem Stam NB and we all love you.
As funny as it is, remember the OP does not have English as main language....
Johngo0036 wrote: »Hi,
When i want to roll around in the dirt i use the following,
5 x air,
5 x shadowwalker.
All points into stamina and all enchants into stamina, and weapon dmg.