This has probably already been discussed by someone, somewhere, but it struck me today and I couldn't resist posting it.
So post-1.6 a lot of magicka-based skills have morphs that allow the skill to scale off stamina. This has made some new and interesting (to me, anyway) possibilities for a number of different class builds, though by and large the stamina morphs haven't really affected sorcerers at all because I don't think the sorc skill line has any stamina morphs in them. There might be one or two--one of the daedric armor morphs increases your overall stamina instead of increasing your overall magicka--but nothing that really springs to mind.
But none of that has been done to the weapons skills, and I thought that might be an interesting thing to speculate on. What if there were 1h, 2h, and dual wield skill morphs that scaled off magicka instead of stamina. yes, it seems counter-intuitive initially but it can easily be explained as "I am using this weapon to cast a spell." But once you get past that I think the idea is kind of neat. (Though it would be potentially limiting for stamina builds, since it would essentially mean that if they chose that base skill they'd be "locked in" to the one morph that still scales off stamina.)
The only real numbers problem I see is that it could prove to be unbalancing for 2H and dual wield weapons because 2H and dual wield already boost magicka higher than any other weapon set, and having some of their skills scale off magicka might be, well, a bit too much. At the moment equipping a melee weapon in a magicka-based build gives you a tradeoff in that you're not getting as much use out of the weapon skills as a stamina build would, and for some classes that tradeoff really isn't too inconvenient, but at least it's something. Having magicka morphs would effectively erase that tradeoff comlpetely.
Still, I think it would be neat.
(Note: I'm not actually petitioning for it to happen--I think it's unlikely that such a drastic change would be implemented post-1.6--mostly I'm just saying "it would be neat.")