Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Thornblade NA - AD Join the Resistance

  • Earendal
    Kai, I have a video of 15 havoc members DESTROYING a TKO zerg of at least 48 players. Is that what you'd call a fair fight? No lag, no skill delay, no "75% damage mitigation". We didn't lose a single player. We don't cheat, have never cheated, and will never cheat. I don't even know what to tell you.
    Earendal - AD Templar
    Earendal Ebonheart - EP Templar
    Earendal Spellstorm - EP Sorcerer

    Haxus and Havoc
  • Kupoking
    Man, you are seriously not helping your guild's case by coming over to trash talk in a forum post that does not concern you.

    The reputation of your guild was built by its own members. Were far from the 'good sportmanship' values that I have seen in a guild description on another forum.
    Edited by Kupoking on 15 April 2015 18:04
  • Zhoyzu
    the real question is why are people even on thorn. it needs to be vacant for as long as it was active so the dust and rage can settle and the (for some people literal constant) rains to wash the blood away.. Only then will the fields again be ready to sustain life.

    No amount of daedra and daedric princes could have caused the suffering thornblade endured, only men and mer are capable of such sheer destruction.

    TLDR: Find a different campaign regardless of faction.
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • corx3
    Earendal wrote: »
    Kai, I have a video of 15 havoc members DESTROYING a TKO zerg of at least 48 players. Is that what you'd call a fair fight? No lag, no skill delay, no "75% damage mitigation". We didn't lose a single player. We don't cheat, have never cheated, and will never cheat. I don't even know what to tell you.

    I'm so hot right now ... you definitely need to post it!
  • Kupoking
    Corx is your objective to insult AD as much as you can to ease your pain because DC lost the last campain?
    Edited by Kupoking on 15 April 2015 18:03
  • kaithuzar
    Zhoyzu wrote: »
    the real question is why are people even on thorn. it needs to be vacant for as long as it was active so the dust and rage can settle and the (for some people literal constant) rains to wash the blood away.. Only then will the fields again be ready to sustain life.

    No amount of daedra and daedric princes could have caused the suffering thornblade endured, only men and mer are capable of such sheer destruction.

    TLDR: Find a different campaign regardless of faction.

    I gotta say, this is funny. Taking the Chinese/asian philosophical stance, I've even done it myself, but I wouldn't say this is the appropriate place/time. Reason being, this is an NA (North American) server. So from the American standpoint, we stick to our guns; these colors don't run. To put it in other words, it's often difficult to distinguish the brave from the foolish, but there are those of us who have "homed" on Thorn & as far as we're concerned, not going to be driven from our home no matter who the tyrant in charge is or his skill/shadiness/groupies or any other factors involved.

    Member of:
    Fantasia - osh kosh b-josh
    Just Chill - Crown's house
    GoldCloaks - Durruthy test server penga
    Small Meme Guild - Mano's house

    Former member of:
    Legend - Siffer fan boy club
    TKO (tamriel knight's order) - free bks
    Deviance - Leonard's senche tiger
    Purple - hamNchz is my hero
    Eight Divines - myrlifax stop playing final fantasy
    WKB (we kill bosses) - turd where you go?
    Arcance Council - Klytz Kommander
    World Boss - Mike & Chewy gone EP
    M12 (majestic twelve) - cult of the loli zerg
  • ZOS_AlanG
    Hi everyone, please remember that bashing other individuals/guilds/factions is not acceptable on the forums, nor is naming and shaming. Given the limitations on tone, sometimes it's difficult to differentiate between a friendly rivalry and an intentional attack. Please be cognizant of that fact.

    This discussion has gotten pretty heated, and if this continues it will likely be locked. Let's try to keep this civil and on topic.
    Forum Rules | Promoting Constructive Discussion | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Help Site

    I’ve moved to a new position and I am no longer active on this forum. For assistance, please check the resources linked above
    Staff Post
    ZOS_AlanG wrote: »
    Hi everyone, please remember that bashing other individuals/guilds/factions is not acceptable on the forums, nor is naming and shaming. Given the limitations on tone, sometimes it's difficult to differentiate between a friendly rivalry and an intentional attack. Please be cognizant of that fact.

    This discussion has gotten pretty heated, and if this continues it will likely be locked. Let's try to keep this civil and on topic.

    Sounds like something an EP player would say.
  • corx3
    Corx is your objective to insult AD as much as you can to ease your pain because DC lost the last campain?

    Whatever the case, I have far less to do consoling DC's very close second than you do for AD's very distant third, which must include the "resistance" being farmed like potatoes to this very day. I thought it humorous that this thread is called "join the resistance" where your "resistance" last campaign was attempting to push Ash and Glade and/or back cap Rayles and Warden ... while EP had both of your scrolls. You don't have to play with strategy in mind. But at this point the more you are farmed and gate camped the giddier I become. After all this was the goal you were working towards whether you intended it or not!
  • WraithAzraiel
    Earendal wrote: »

    I'd hardly say we ruined the campaign. I'd say our competition got tired of being beaten into corners on a daily basis by the combined and coordinated effort of the several EP guilds that put a lot of hard work and dedication in to the campaign.

    I'm sure many MANY man-hours from those esteemed guilds went into the research and development of how best to cause the server to have a stroke and lag itself to death. Well done.
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • Kupoking
    corx3 wrote: »
    Corx is your objective to insult AD as much as you can to ease your pain because DC lost the last campain?

    Whatever the case, I have far less to do consoling DC's very close second than you do for AD's very distant third, which must include the "resistance" being farmed like potatoes to this very day. I thought it humorous that this thread is called "join the resistance" where your "resistance" last campaign was attempting to push Ash and Glade and/or back cap Rayles and Warden ... while EP had both of your scrolls. You don't have to play with strategy in mind. But at this point the more you are farmed and gate camped the giddier I become. After all this was the goal you were working towards whether you intended it or not!

    I say I have more to do with DC finishing 2nd instead of 1st than you.

    Capping Glademist while DC was attempting to get scrolls from EP in the last few days of the campain... If it was to do again, I would do the same.

    Btw ZoS posted a clear statement to stop doing what you are doing in this post. I suggest you take what is left of your dignity and go troll some other post.
    Edited by Kupoking on 15 April 2015 20:28
  • corx3
    corx3 wrote: »
    Corx is your objective to insult AD as much as you can to ease your pain because DC lost the last campain?

    Whatever the case, I have far less to do consoling DC's very close second than you do for AD's very distant third, which must include the "resistance" being farmed like potatoes to this very day. I thought it humorous that this thread is called "join the resistance" where your "resistance" last campaign was attempting to push Ash and Glade and/or back cap Rayles and Warden ... while EP had both of your scrolls. You don't have to play with strategy in mind. But at this point the more you are farmed and gate camped the giddier I become. After all this was the goal you were working towards whether you intended it or not!

    I say I have more to do with DC finishing 2nd instead of 1st than you.

    Capping Glademist while DC was attempting to get scrolls from EP in the last few days of the campain... If it was to do again, I would do the same.

    Btw ZoS posted a clear statement to stop doing what you are doing in this post. I suggest you take what is left of your dignity and go troll some other post.

    And thus you also have more to do with AD finishing in a far, far distant third. Congratulations are in order: you ensured that your faction got curbstomped in some Pyrrhic attempt to play kingmaker. It seems you have some sort of fetish for getting curbstomped if you'd do it all over again lol. I hope you enjoy your career of trying to spin getting roflstomped as something other than getting roflstomped.

    Imagine if you had actually done something constructive for your faction ... like attempt to get your scrolls back from EP lmao.

    Top kek @ trying to invoke the mods while doing the exact same thing.
    Edited by corx3 on 15 April 2015 20:50
  • mrvbalc
    Earendal wrote: »
    Bouvin wrote: »
    It's kinda funny. That certain guild ruined PvP for themselves.

    Now that everyone knows to avoid them.. all they'll have left for opponents are those who don't know better. Which they'll probably enjoy for a bit, but is going to get really boring really fast.

    And eventually, they'll be asking "Where'd everyone go?" durrrrr


    I'd hardly say we ruined the campaign. I'd say our competition got tired of being beaten into corners on a daily basis by the combined and coordinated effort of the several EP guilds that put a lot of hard work and dedication in to the campaign. To imply that one group is responsible is short-sighted, but probably as to be expected, from the people on these forums.

    Almost every night, a certain AD guild has been attempting to crown their leader, which, to my knowledge, hasn't advanced anywhere past the AD emp keeps before being reduced to a tower farm that eventually gets blown apart. It is funny to note that their entire strategy seems to be stacking as many people as they can on the tower door while spamming meteor and heals. Odd that they're so quick to use the vary tactics that they profess to despise.

    Thorn politics aside, we'll keep our buff server for Perichor (so he can finally clear HRC) while guesting on other campaigns, just like we've been doing every night. Who knows what will happen after this campaign ends. Rest assured, if there is a fight to be had, we'll be in the middle of it. :smile:

    cool story bro,
    when u gonna release the book
    As always Dragon of the Dominion
  • Earendal

    mentioned fight starts at 8:50.
    Man, you are seriously not helping your guild's case by coming over to trash talk in a forum post that does not concern you.

    The reputation of your guild was built by its own members. Were far from the 'good sportmanship' values that I have seen in a guild description on another forum.

    We are proud of our reputation.

    If lag or zerging is mentioned, there are always certain people who are quick to imply that we're at fault or somehow involved, this concerns us as a guild. The funny thing is that these accusations rarely, if ever, come from respected and accomplished members of the PvP community. The people whose opinions we respect and matter aren't a part of the peanut gallery that is a vocal minority on these forums and in-game.

    As far as trash talk goes, you'd notice if you read my original post, I wasn't boasting on the part of Havoc as much as complimenting the combined effort of EP as a whole. My point was that for the last couple Thorn campaigns, we, as a faction, were more organized and coordinated than any other faction.

    Whenever I post on this forum, I try to maintain a measured and respectful tone, which can be quite difficult at times. Only one of the actual raid leaders of Havoc is an active poster, but they all do read the forums. They feel the same way, and whenever people contact them in-game without resorting to hate tells, they're perfectly willing to talk about any of these baseless accusations.
    Edited by Earendal on 16 April 2015 01:18
    Earendal - AD Templar
    Earendal Ebonheart - EP Templar
    Earendal Spellstorm - EP Sorcerer

    Haxus and Havoc
  • Hektlk
    I am AoE Barbecue
    Potato Syndicate, IR, Havoc
    Ebonheart Pact, North America

    Hektík - VR14 Imperial Templar
  • Waylander
    We mostly enjoyed fighting Havoc on thorn in our time slot as we want to improve and they are well coordinated and disciplined. Always a sense of accomplishment on the rare occasions we managed a good account of ourselves against them.

    Most members I have spoken to in game are nice.

    If you watch havocs video's you can see they use abilities that are effective for their play style and group meta. I don't see anything that suggests anything untoward or intentional to 'lagsploit' as this forum likes to call it.

    Thorn is a ghost town.

    Organised guilds in oceanic play times have left.

    Population imbalance has been the real driving force behind faction domination in Oceanic primerime and that goes for whichever faction has the 1-2 bar advantage.
    Nocturnal - AD Oceanic PvP Guild
  • Kupoking
    Earendal wrote: »

    mentioned fight starts at 8:50.
    Man, you are seriously not helping your guild's case by coming over to trash talk in a forum post that does not concern you.

    The reputation of your guild was built by its own members. Were far from the 'good sportmanship' values that I have seen in a guild description on another forum.

    We are proud of our reputation.

    If lag or zerging is mentioned, there are always certain people who are quick to imply that we're at fault or somehow involved, this concerns us as a guild. The funny thing is that these accusations rarely, if ever, come from respected and accomplished members of the PvP community. The people whose opinions we respect and matter aren't a part of the peanut gallery that is a vocal minority on these forums and in-game.

    As far as trash talk goes, you'd notice if you read my original post, I wasn't boasting on the part of Havoc as much as complimenting the combined effort of EP as a whole. My point was that for the last couple Thorn campaigns, we, as a faction, were more organized and coordinated than any other faction.

    Whenever I post on this forum, I try to maintain a measured and respectful tone, which can be quite difficult at times. Only one of the actual raid leaders of Havoc is an active poster, but they all do read the forums. They feel the same way, and whenever people contact them in-game without resorting to hate tells, they're perfectly willing to talk about any of these baseless accusations.

    When guild names are thrown around and false or out of context information are reported regarding them, videos are posted as if you 'spike the ball' from an EP and one fight in a post made en encourage AD to keep showing up in a campain that has been vacated by everyone except EP, it does contribute to the bad rep of trash-talkers and general arrogance you and your friends are.

    I'll be honnest. I dont receive any hate wispers from any other EP players than havoc members. And when they do, they make sure to point out which guild they are part of.

    Also, regarding videos, there are plenty of occasions where the opposite thing happens. Only difference is that we dont go out here and brag about it. Havoc may not be active in these forums as you say, but they sure have one more video out there than any AD guild on thorn.

    And about the lag issue regarding havoc, it may or may not be true, to be honest i'm tired too of the pointing fingers game. Just dont give me the 'its because we are the best that people accuse us' argument because there a plenty of guild, out there that do as good or even better than havoc. The arguement 'we own everything everywhere' is pretty much invalid as most campaing are red pop locked in primetime and gots 2 to 3 bars in off hours.

    Go ahead and be proud of this as much as you want. Just know that your trash talking and arrogance here is not welcomed on this post. Go ahead and open another one regarding your arguments, but even ZoS clearly stated here that this attitude is not acceptable here.
  • Rylana
    Earendal wrote: »

    mentioned fight starts at 8:50.
    Man, you are seriously not helping your guild's case by coming over to trash talk in a forum post that does not concern you.

    The reputation of your guild was built by its own members. Were far from the 'good sportmanship' values that I have seen in a guild description on another forum.

    We are proud of our reputation.

    If lag or zerging is mentioned, there are always certain people who are quick to imply that we're at fault or somehow involved, this concerns us as a guild. The funny thing is that these accusations rarely, if ever, come from respected and accomplished members of the PvP community. The people whose opinions we respect and matter aren't a part of the peanut gallery that is a vocal minority on these forums and in-game.

    As far as trash talk goes, you'd notice if you read my original post, I wasn't boasting on the part of Havoc as much as complimenting the combined effort of EP as a whole. My point was that for the last couple Thorn campaigns, we, as a faction, were more organized and coordinated than any other faction.

    Whenever I post on this forum, I try to maintain a measured and respectful tone, which can be quite difficult at times. Only one of the actual raid leaders of Havoc is an active poster, but they all do read the forums. They feel the same way, and whenever people contact them in-game without resorting to hate tells, they're perfectly willing to talk about any of these baseless accusations.

    When guild names are thrown around and false or out of context information are reported regarding them, videos are posted as if you 'spike the ball' from an EP and one fight in a post made en encourage AD to keep showing up in a campain that has been vacated by everyone except EP, it does contribute to the bad rep of trash-talkers and general arrogance you and your friends are.

    I'll be honnest. I dont receive any hate wispers from any other EP players than havoc members. And when they do, they make sure to point out which guild they are part of.

    Also, regarding videos, there are plenty of occasions where the opposite thing happens. Only difference is that we dont go out here and brag about it. Havoc may not be active in these forums as you say, but they sure have one more video out there than any AD guild on thorn.

    And about the lag issue regarding havoc, it may or may not be true, to be honest i'm tired too of the pointing fingers game. Just dont give me the 'its because we are the best that people accuse us' argument because there a plenty of guild, out there that do as good or even better than havoc. The arguement 'we own everything everywhere' is pretty much invalid as most campaing are red pop locked in primetime and gots 2 to 3 bars in off hours.

    Go ahead and be proud of this as much as you want. Just know that your trash talking and arrogance here is not welcomed on this post. Go ahead and open another one regarding your arguments, but even ZoS clearly stated here that this attitude is not acceptable here.

    Quite possibly the best post regarding this whole issue I have ever read. Ive fought these guys on multiple campaigns with different guilds, and there have been wins and losses for all parties in question. Ive beaten Havoc and Havoc members. Ive also died to them. I know they are all competent players.

    But this whole air of superiority like they are the best? Nah, they arent the best by a long shot. There are some small squads no one ever gives credence to that would probably mop the floor with them if they had the same size or equal numbers.

    That is really where the whole me vs them thing happened, when a couple of their members from before they even existed as a guild as we know them today got all high and mighty with me about their pro abilities right after a friend and I had killed one of them. (which resulted in the two of us getting attacked by about six of them a short while later and much teabaggery and really poor form in tells to US)

    The lag thing, it is what it is, and needs no further discussion than has already been said. To their credit, for whatever reasons (whether they really were doing it and stopped, or everyone has been fooled and it was something server side beyond the mass lag we are all used to), it has stopped lately. The last few engagements I have had with them have been relatively lag free.
    Edited by Rylana on 16 April 2015 12:56
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    i know its not them causing the lag, ESO servers are just that bad.. but alot of what i am hearing is just plain onesided nonsense.

    claiming that the reason they are overwhelming Thorn to turn it into a buff server, but then going and doing the same stuff in other factions buff servers... seems more like you just want to destroy PvP entirely for everyone but you.

    again we see the fact that buff servers even exist as a major detrement to PvP

    ya removing the buffs will remove the people who only go to PvP for them, but it will greatly improve the PvP landscape overall.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Kupoking
    Nice fights going on tonite.
  • PeggymoeXD
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    ZOS_AlanG wrote: »
    Hi everyone, please remember that bashing other individuals/guilds/factions is not acceptable on the forums, nor is naming and shaming. Given the limitations on tone, sometimes it's difficult to differentiate between a friendly rivalry and an intentional attack. Please be cognizant of that fact.

    This discussion has gotten pretty heated, and if this continues it will likely be locked. Let's try to keep this civil and on topic.

    Sounds like something an EP player would say.

    When I bought this game, I had no idea I'd be this into PvP. I picked EP because I liked the zones. I didn't know I would join the faction with the most obnoxiously arrogant guilds who make being Ebonheart miserable.

    Forgot to mention, I don't regret being EP.
    Edited by PeggymoeXD on 17 April 2015 04:25
    Kitty DK

    Sun's Death

    - Peggy Moe - Look Mom No Emp Buff - Chalman - Linda the Zookeeper -
  • Kupoking
    Last night was great practice guys. We killed many and didnt die often. Fatal Error and Rangers are starting to form something nice also. Seems the future is getting brighter.
  • corx3
    Lol at all this haterade. Havoc is like the least boastful top tier guild left in ESO. And you yellow derps are mad because you think they think they're better than you. Objectively, they certainly are. But the cognitive dissonance that goes into trying to explain that away is delicious.
    Edited by corx3 on 17 April 2015 17:07
  • Kupoking
    corx3 wrote: »
    Lol at all this haterade. Havoc is like the least boastful top tier guild left in ESO. And you yellow derps are mad because you think they think they're better than you. Objectively, they certainly are. But the cognitive dissonance that goes into trying to explain that away is delicious.

    Yet you blues picked up and left because you are scared of those guys.

    I would read my own post before claming that someone else is mad if I were you. I feel a lot of frustration behind your lack of respect and name-calling.
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    corx3 wrote: »
    Lol at all this haterade. Havoc is like the least boastful top tier guild left in ESO. And you yellow derps are mad because you think they think they're better than you. Objectively, they certainly are. But the cognitive dissonance that goes into trying to explain that away is delicious.

    i dont think they are better than anyone... i know they are.. its obvious when they can so easily run a map as easily as they do.

    Idk about the individual skill of its members but as a group they are probably the best atm.

    but guilds like this come and go... usually the killing factor being them pushing out the competition or finally meeting a group that manages to get better than them... there used to be a AD guild that was what havoc is now. that guild had a major schism over faction balance in PvP and now has faded into obscurity. or at least i have not heard or seen even a hint of those people in a long time.

    one irony is this.. many of the better zerg guilds learn to do so on buff servers... so now that Thornblade is one we might start seeing new Zerg guilds rise up in skill and numbers.
    Edited by Hypertionb14_ESO on 17 April 2015 21:39
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Earendal
    Yet you blues picked up and left because you are scared of those guys.

    I would read my own post before claming that someone else is mad if I were you. I feel a lot of frustration behind your lack of respect and name-calling.

    An entertaining comment from someone who obviously doesn't know what they're talking about. MBF/NM/Nemesis are easily the most challenging group we face. Whenever we see each other, things get serious. Not because we hate each other, but because we know that we're both going to bring our "A" games and one slip-up could be the difference between winning and losing.

    Earendal - AD Templar
    Earendal Ebonheart - EP Templar
    Earendal Spellstorm - EP Sorcerer

    Haxus and Havoc
  • The_Death_Princess
    Dont allow yourself to be defeated!

    We were not defeated. Thornblade was exploited/haxed.
    Astaria Dødfurstinna
    Official Hunter Community Lead DAOC
    (Pendragon Beta through Catacombs release)
    Look at this but dont QQ:
  • Kupoking
    Earendal wrote: »
    Yet you blues picked up and left because you are scared of those guys.

    I would read my own post before claming that someone else is mad if I were you. I feel a lot of frustration behind your lack of respect and name-calling.

    An entertaining comment from someone who obviously doesn't know what they're talking about. MBF/NM/Nemesis are easily the most challenging group we face. Whenever we see each other, things get serious. Not because we hate each other, but because we know that we're both going to bring our "A" games and one slip-up could be the difference between winning and losing.

    is that where you went after we 'met' in TB last thursday?

    because see, I never claimed tko to be the best guild in the world. now your are naming two guild (because no mercy and mbf are pretty much the same guild btw) that are indeed good guilds who could be considered the bests guild out there. yet name them to prove a point that tko is way below them.

    Yet, last thursday, a below-average guild wiped the *** out of you guy repeatedly, with you A team and with your emp on the field. We literally had a 50 KDA that night. We literally receives tons of hate wispers from bitter sore losers that night.

    And to be honest with you, last thursday was a practice day for our new players that recently came back or just started playing. So, yes, you got wiped by a bunch of noobs that night. Not only you, but those ep pop locked pugs around you guys also by a single outnumbered guild.

    Yep man you guys rock, to get crushed by a subpar guild like that, and having the decency to give us your feedback in wispers right after that happened.
    Edited by Kupoking on 18 April 2015 04:26
  • Hektlk
    Earendal wrote: »
    Yet you blues picked up and left because you are scared of those guys.

    I would read my own post before claming that someone else is mad if I were you. I feel a lot of frustration behind your lack of respect and name-calling.

    An entertaining comment from someone who obviously doesn't know what they're talking about. MBF/NM/Nemesis are easily the most challenging group we face. Whenever we see each other, things get serious. Not because we hate each other, but because we know that we're both going to bring our "A" games and one slip-up could be the difference between winning and losing.

    is that where you went after we 'met' in TB last thursday?

    because see, I never claimed tko to be the best guild in the world. now your are naming two guild (because no mercy and mbf are pretty much the same guild btw) that are indeed good guilds who could be considered the bests guild out there. yet name them to prove a point that tko is way below them.

    Yet, last thursday, a below-average guild wiped the *** out of you guy repeatedly, with you A team and with your emp on the field. We literally had a 50 KDA that night. We literally receives tons of hate wispers from bitter sore losers that night.

    And to be honest with you, last thursday was a practice day for our new players that recently came back or just started playing. So, yes, you got wiped by a bunch of noobs that night. Not only you, but those ep pop locked pugs around you guys also by a single outnumbered guild.

    Yep man you guys rock, to get crushed by a subpar guild like that, and having the decency to give us your feedback in wispers right after that happened.

    There is never ever a point where TKO is outnumbered LOL. If you're referring to the night you wiped the four of us with your 48 man squad, well, LMAO.
    Potato Syndicate, IR, Havoc
    Ebonheart Pact, North America

    Hektík - VR14 Imperial Templar
  • Earendal

    is that where you went after we 'met' in TB last thursday?

    because see, I never claimed tko to be the best guild in the world. now your are naming two guild (because no mercy and mbf are pretty much the same guild btw) that are indeed good guilds who could be considered the bests guild out there. yet name them to prove a point that tko is way below them.

    Yet, last thursday, a below-average guild wiped the *** out of you guy repeatedly, with you A team and with your emp on the field. We literally had a 50 KDA that night. We literally receives tons of hate wispers from bitter sore losers that night.

    And to be honest with you, last thursday was a practice day for our new players that recently came back or just started playing. So, yes, you got wiped by a bunch of noobs that night. Not only you, but those ep pop locked pugs around you guys also by a single outnumbered guild.

    Yep man you guys rock, to get crushed by a subpar guild like that, and having the decency to give us your feedback in wispers right after that happened.

    The person you're accusing of running from Thorn is a member of that guild, NM/MBF/Nemesis, which for simplicity's sake is the same (btw). I really don't feel the need to defend Havoc against whatever you're claiming happened. I've already posted a video in this thread of what happens when we meet.

    We were not defeated. Thornblade was exploited/haxed.


    Earendal - AD Templar
    Earendal Ebonheart - EP Templar
    Earendal Spellstorm - EP Sorcerer

    Haxus and Havoc
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