Gotta fix shield stacking!

Because it wasn't as it was promised to be.

With the current numbers, you can still stack 20,000 worth of hit points.

That's not a fix.
- The Psijic Order
- Dominant Dominion
- The Noore
  • olsborg
    I agree, one shield active at any one time or diminishing returns for the other shields besides the first one you cast or something. Shieldstacking is so stupid.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Armitas
    I think the only thing stopping them is healing ward. If it wasn't for that they could put a major and minor on it. Barrier and dragon leap for major, minor for boneshield, hardened ward, igneous shield, harness magicka. There is a catagory below that, such as brawler, shielding glyph, and shield assault but I think that should remain stackable as it's very small in comparison.

    I don't know, maybe they can just give healing ward it's own category so that the major and minor bubbles don't interfere with healing.
    Nord mDK
  • Tankqull
    sure change rolldodging to affect only one attack per roll and we have a deal.
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Zsymon
    Tankqull wrote: »
    sure change rolldodging to affect only one attack per roll and we have a deal.

    Dude stacking 20.000 hitpoints as a Sorcerer is in no way comparable to dodge rolling. You seem to think that stamina classes can dodge forever, well they can't, they run out of stamina very very very fast if they dodge roll a lot. Not all stamina builds have access to +120% (adding all sources) stamina recovery like Bosmer Nightblades.
    Edited by Zsymon on 28 March 2015 10:53
  • Tankqull
    7min of consecutive rolldodging infight enough for you?
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Snit
    This would be difficult to balance, because there are so many sources of shields now. The various class shields, Healing Ward, Brawler, Harness Magicka and the several new ones from CP. I wouldn't want my class shield diminished simply because I happened to drink a potion or block a few seconds ago.

    I could see a rule whereby "only the biggest shield counts," if procced shields were in a separate category. As mentioned before, they'd also need to fix Healing Ward. Sorcs and NB's depend on it heavily.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Varicite
    Tankqull wrote: »
    sure change rolldodging to affect only one attack per roll and we have a deal.

    Can we just get a working stamina-based shield and call it a day?

    Brawler and 1h&s shields are complete jokes compared to almost anything that magicka has going for it, and Bone Shield doesn't work at all and devs aren't even acknowledging it, so lord only knows if they even know it's broken.
    Edited by Varicite on 28 March 2015 19:28
  • timidobserver
    Fix wrecking blow and then you can fix shield stacking.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    Yeah......shield stacking is annoying but currently I run dampen magic and healing ward soooooo....please do t take it away lol, its how I survive in full light armor!
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    Fix wrecking blow and then you can fix shield stacking.

    Was just about to say the exact same thing!
    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • HungerCity
    I love got people get mad when it becomes hard to 1 shot everyone in their path, if you don't want to change your tatics ( hint shield stacking sorcs have NO STAMINA) theirs a great game out for you where you can mash 1 button with out thinking it's called Hungry Hungry Hippo's.
  • Cody
    just perma CC them and kill them.

    Play it WoW style:)
  • akredon_ESO
    Ok so we need to fix..... Wrecking Blow spam, Shield stacking, Dodge roll spammers CC break not working... what else can we add to the list of things to be "fixed"
  • TheBucket
    Tankqull wrote: »
    7min of consecutive rolldodging infight enough for you?

    Dude you are comoaring someone using the PTS and 1000+cp with what Sorcs can do right now
    William Reignes
    Magic Nightblade - Rogue Bomber
    Creator of Thirsty Thief Build (Retired 1.5)
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    Fix wrecking blow and then you can fix shield stacking.

    I don't know what it was, but last night a dude wrecking blowed me from like 10m away over and over and would break my stealth. That normal now lol?
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
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