Official Discussion Thread for "Ready for War: Orc and Redguard Armor"

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This is the official discussion thread for the web article "Ready for War: Orc and Redguard Armor."

Take a look at the improvements made to the Orc and Redguard armor sets coming in Update 6!
Jason Leavey
Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
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Staff Post
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Many, many, many, many people have said that the Redguard Light Armor is certainly a step backwards, but everything else is relatively ok to amazing.

    I personally love the new Redguard Medium and Heavy Armor, but I really liked the old Light Armor Skins more than the newer ones.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • imakescribbles
    The Redguard Light Armor certainly looks like the most drastic change, but I like it. It looks more like armor and less like clothes. The Heavy Armor version also used too look cartoony, and the new version is very much improved! I'm most excited about the Orc changes though, because I like everything Orcish :)
  • Smaxx
    Goodbye boob window. I'm sure many will miss you.

    I still prefer khajiiti armor though. o:)
  • Drawberrry
    Wow those all look really really nice :0! Particularly the boob window fix >_>

    Are all of the armor's getting revamped like this?
  • JackASCII
    Soul Shriven
    The orc heavy had the most flattering neckline ever. Oh well.
  • Foxesz
    I'd love to see it for the other armour too!
    I'm a roleplayer through and through, questions regarding that are always welcome!
  • Mordack
    I'm glad the boob window is gone. A warrior who leaves her chest exposed like that isn't going to survive very long. Not that boob plate armor is particularly safe, but at least without the window she has some protection there.
    What do you call a Wood Elf who doesn't lie or cheat or steal?
    A dead Wood Elf.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Re redguard light armour:

    It's nice that you changed the floating shoulders, that was something (really the only thing) that required attention on the light armour.

    It would be nice if development took on board what basically everyone has said about the redguard light armour to date on the PTS forums. After all, that's exactly what putting it up on PTS and giving us a forum to respond to is all about, is it not so?

    Additionally when you have a look at the before and after on all of them it's clear that the redguard light armour appears very half-done. There's a distinct lack of texture detail in many areas, especially the main part of the lower robe. Finally, for a desert people to no longer have their facial protection is just ludicrous.

    Other than that the armours look quite nice I think.
    Edited by Rev Rielle on 9 February 2015 20:16
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Navaya
    All new versions looks a lot better Except for the Redguard Light armor, I like the old one better there ^^
  • Muadyb
    Im Redguard medium armour user and dont like the so bland in style.

    The new belt, helmet, chest are so simple (and small).

    And the new helmet is now an Darth Vader style......

    I want the old one back please :(
    Edited by Muadyb on 9 February 2015 20:28
    "Red Wind is always breezing upon you...waiting for the incoming sandstorm."
  • Darkeus
    awesome, now pls remake/upgrade dark elf armors, especialy heavy shoulders and helm, they look worst, thx.
  • Muadyb
    And what new fine details?

    The new version have less......

    Why this change btw? Wheres the reason for this?

    Im very upset with the change....
    "Red Wind is always breezing upon you...waiting for the incoming sandstorm."
  • ShadowDisciple
    Orc is a great change ....but redguard medium armor is now alot smaller in size, and i dont like that, but i do like overall changes.... also reguard light head was awesome, now not so much
  • Necromorbus
    Soul Shriven
    Not a fan of Redguard light armor changes.

    My characters looks are important to me and I feel the varieties of crafted armor is slim, the redguard armor chestpiece is the only one i feel matches my character. It has a unique style to it. I think it creates depth to my character. Kind of rogue-ish.

    I've been using the redguard chestpiece almost from 0-vr7 (atm) and picking other styles for the rest and created alot of unique and diverse looks from it, it's really my favourite piece.
    Now every light armor gear looks like generic überdeathmage of doom master wizard-garb which is fine if that's where you'r going with your character, but I think alot of us aren't.

    I don't wanna use costumes to look good, I wan't to create my own style and in other to do that the variety of armor styles has to be large
  • BlueViolet
    I also thought the Orc heavy had a flattering neckline for females. Yes, it wasn't protective if you're worried over "realism" but it did look very nice. It was always one of my favourite heavy chest pieces. It wasn't for a "pervy" reason, or whatever anyone might attribute to liking it, ( I'm female in my late 30's ) but it was that it just had a touch of feminine quality about it.
    I like most of the other changes, except the change to Redguard light and changes to the medium chest. I thought the original helm looked unique, and fitting, especially for the desert. Now it looks like nearly every other old helm out there
    Kind of sad to see it go.
    Edited by BlueViolet on 10 February 2015 02:42
    EU / NA / PC
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Is there any chance of "polishing" the other armors too? Like Nord or Deadric ?
  • Hermod
    I do like all the new sets, looking forward to the Dunmer
    There is only one principle of war and that's this. Hit the other fellow, as quickly as you can, as hard as you can, where it hurts him most, when he ain't lookin'

    William Slim
  • civilizedsavage
    Thanks for asking us our opinion and then not listening to it anyway. Can't wait to see how you turn the Bosmer medium chest pieces into unflattering shiny crap.
    Guild Leader | The Ashen Hand
  • SewerFairy
    I really hate the new style of the new light redguard armor... :s
    My Altmer-Templar did wear it since lvl 40 to v14 for over a half year and you just wanna take it away from her now? That is unfair :'(

    Sorry, but the new light redguard armor ist just ugly :\
    PC - EU
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  • Faulgor
    Orc Medium and Redguard Heavy moved from my least liked armors in game to some of my favourites. Amazing.

    I hope to see this polish for the other styles as well!
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • phraetor
    Soul Shriven
    next add progression to daedric. Have the vet version look like the armor from cenimatic trailer. :D
  • Greeniewolfub17_ESO
    Ugh, improvement is definately not the word you are looking for.
    I hate the orc and redguard armor changes. Seriously, I hate them.
    Most especially, I hate the changes to the orc set.
    The orc armor was my favorite armor set. Not anymore. Seriously, are you trying to appeal to the sexist and religious nuts that think its a sin to show any female skin?
    I find these changes sexist, misogynistic, and disappointing.

    Me: "Okay lets run to Alessia. Mount up and follow me!"
    Me five seconds later: "Um yeah... totally forgot about that cliff..."
  • Greeniewolfub17_ESO
    Orc is a great change ....but redguard medium armor is now alot smaller in size, and i dont like that, but i do like overall changes.... also reguard light head was awesome, now not so much

    I completely disagree. I don't think it is a great change. I think it is a sexist, and worrying change.
    Me: "Okay lets run to Alessia. Mount up and follow me!"
    Me five seconds later: "Um yeah... totally forgot about that cliff..."
  • Rosveen
    Everyone I wanted to say has already been said here. Orc redesigns look good for the most part, but I strongly dislike the changes to Redguard light and medium (light was completely ruined). It looks plain and uninteresting

    One question: what was wrong with slightly revealing armors? I can somewhat understand the removal of boob window from Orc heavy (even though it wasn't necessary), but there was absolutely no reason to change low level Redguard light.
    Edited by Rosveen on 9 February 2015 22:35
  • Greeniewolfub17_ESO
    Rosveen wrote: »
    One question: what was wrong with slightly revealing armors? I can somewhat understand the removal of boob window from Orc heavy (even though it wasn't necessary), but there was absolutely no reason to change low level Redguard light.

    Simple, the female body must be clothed and hidden lest it lead us men into temptation. Don't be surprised if you start seeing all the female npcs in headgear of some kind.
    Me: "Okay lets run to Alessia. Mount up and follow me!"
    Me five seconds later: "Um yeah... totally forgot about that cliff..."
  • Rial
    Finally that horrbile boob window is gone. Of all the races of Elder Scrolls, the orcs would be the last to even consider having them.
  • Greeniewolfub17_ESO
    Rial wrote: »
    Finally that horrbile boob window is gone. Of all the races of Elder Scrolls, the orcs would be the last to even consider having them.
    and yet, in Elder scrolls games they did. Also, in real life women warriors also wore armors that showed cleavage because it distracted many male warriors.

    Me: "Okay lets run to Alessia. Mount up and follow me!"
    Me five seconds later: "Um yeah... totally forgot about that cliff..."
  • Esha76
    Not a fan of the new light Redguard at all.

    Not a fan of the new female heavy Orc at all either. It is entertaining people are looking for full realism in a game where one can throw fire and magic from their hands, swim and sprint in plate mail, monsters/undead, etc....

    If one wants full realism, there are 14 other styles to choose from that are all fully covered. The female heavy orc chest piece is the only suggestive piece, yet still very tame, that is all.

    I have not logged the history of these forums, but I do not recall reading any posts in the past year with players complaining about the orc and/or Redguard styles. Maybe there were, I just didn't notice them.

    Still, with all the other things players have been speaking up about and departing the game over, I don't understand why ZOS felt making these particular changes were one of the priorities at this time.

    Yet another bad call ZOS.
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
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    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • Elron87
    I like the improvements, addresses some of the issues I have found with ALL sets of armor.

    Number 1 issue: Horrible textures and design make the armor look like someone has has taken a plastic mould and painted on the cloth, leather, steel etc. There is no layering, no individual movement within layers etc

    Number 2 issue: Unrealistic proportion of certain aspects of armor eg Bulky looking head pieces cloth/metal. If this proportioning was made real life some of the head pieces IRL would be 10 inch thick steel or cloth.

    As I said, the whole range of gear needs to be overhauled, finer detail and much higher quality texture!! I want my steel to look like steel! not plastic!!
  • Rosveen
    and yet, in Elder scrolls games they did. Also, in real life women warriors also wore armors that showed cleavage because it distracted many male warriors.
    In which Elder Scrolls game did Orcish armor have a boob window?
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