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Crown Store Potions Feedback

As a pvp player, I would never buy the crown store potions because the triple restore health/magicka/stamina potions made by alchemy are infinitely better. 200 crowns is also a lot, you should be getting 200 potions for that.

With the new 45 second potion cooldowns, wasting that cooldown on a single stat potion is a complete waste.

If you want to keep alchemy relevant, then make the potions just slightly weaker than alchemy made potions, maybe 10% weaker. Triple restore pots, triple weapon/stam pots, and triple spell/mag pots should be on the crown store, similar to the ones made by alchemy but 10% weaker. If this were the case, I would definitely spend crowns on them. As it is now, I would never buy these junk single stat potions.
Edited by sabresandiego_ESO on 2 February 2015 23:22
Ali Dreadsabre -Necromancer
Ali Sabre -Nightblade
  • DeLindsay
  • Lionxoft
    As a pvp player, I would never buy the crown store potions because the triple restore health/magicka/stamina potions made by alchemy are infinitely better. 200 crowns is also a lot, you should be getting 200 potions for that.

    With the new 45 second potion cooldowns, wasting that cooldown on a single stat potion is a complete waste.

    If you want to keep alchemy relevant, than make the potions just slightly weaker than alchemy made potions, maybe 10% weaker. Triple restore pots, triple weapon/stam pots, and triple spell/mag pots should be on the crown store, similar to the ones made by alchemy but 10% weaker. If this were the case, I would definitely spend crowns on them. As it is now, I would never buy these junk single stat potions.

    Or just keep it the way it is. It's assuring to not see tripots on the store.
  • Pancake-Tragedy
    Yeah, no thanks.

    I'd rather the crown store be purely cosmetic/DLC based.
    Pancake Tragedy - Sorcerer
  • sabresandiego_ESO
    If they want to generate any revenue, they need to change the pots into tripots and give you 100-200 for 200 crowns. Otherwise, almost nobody is going to buy these things. Its much faster to just farm herbs and make your own tripots. There is no comparison here, these crown store pots might as well not exist.
    Ali Dreadsabre -Necromancer
    Ali Sabre -Nightblade
  • tinythinker
    DeLindsay wrote: »

    Agree, the Crown Store pots are supposed to be convenience items far less useful that anything you can craft. I agree with the sentiment to keep the quality and pricing as it is.
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  • sabresandiego_ESO
    Buying tripots that are 10% weaker than alchemy tripots is not buy 2 win, its convenience. You can spend the time farming herbs and make tripots that are full strength, or you can save time and spend crowns for slightly worse tripots.

    As it is now, I don't see these single stat potions selling at all, especially at 200 crowns for 20. I wouldnt pay 200 crowns for 200 of them, considering tripots exist. You can disagree with me all you want, but the only people that will buy these pots are extremely uninformed new players.
    Edited by sabresandiego_ESO on 2 February 2015 23:25
    Ali Dreadsabre -Necromancer
    Ali Sabre -Nightblade
  • Nihil
    Buying tripots that are 10% weaker than alchemy tripots is not buy 2 win, its convenience. You can spend the time farming herbs and make tripots that are full strength, or you can save time and spend crowns for slightly worse tripots.

    As it is now, I don't see these single stat potions selling at all, especially at 200 crowns for 20. I wouldnt pay 200 crowns for 200 of them, considering tripots exist. You can disagree with me all you want, but the only people that will buy these pots are extremely uninformed new players.

    It really depends on how the devs visioned these potions being used. THey have said that they want to keep alchemy still viable, and even a weaker version of tripots could easily decrease the usefullness of that specific potion from a crafting perspective. As you said you and (probably many other pvp players) would buy weaker tri stat pots, because honestly a 10 % weaker version, most of the time, wont make or break you, specially with the cool down being bumped up to 45 seconds. With the demand for the pots not being as high and the non stacking nature of buffs, this patch would inadvertently weaken alchemy drastically.

    These potions I think are suppose to be more for the newer players, or the casuals who don't want to spend the time making potions and can live off of one stat potions (I did most of my leveling time). I will agree that 20 seems very low for 200 in comparison to how much the cosmetics cost.
  • Costismaros
  • Shadesofkin
    Potions seemed perfect to me, they're useless to anyone who knows better but for the sucker who just wants to get on the go they'll be perfect. No need to change them or add any tri-pots.
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • Tripwyr
    Please keep the selection to the single stat potions only, but severely reduce the price. We'll be getting 1500 crowns/month for being subscribed, which means approximately 7.5 potions per month. I go through 7.5 potions in 15 minutes. Please give us a full stack for 200 crowns, or even 1 potion per crown.
    Alacrity Founder | Forum Emperor
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  • Feidam
    The potions are not bad for someone just starting out and leveling. The potion will level with them. Establish accts/characters will either have the alchemy skill or get potions from alchemists.
  • xaraan
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Please keep the selection to the single stat potions only, but severely reduce the price. We'll be getting 1500 crowns/month for being subscribed, which means approximately 7.5 potions per month. I go through 7.5 potions in 15 minutes. Please give us a full stack for 200 crowns, or even 1 potion per crown.

    You get 20 for the 200 crowns, not 1. So one could get a bit over a stack for most of their 1500. Not saying it's a lot, I know how fast one can go through potions.

    However, I don't think the price should be lowered by much, otherwise it will make alchemy even less useful, even if they are slightly weaker than regular potions. Maybe give a stack of 25 instead of 20 or something like that IMO.
    -- @xaraan --
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  • sabresandiego_ESO
    The only reason I bring this up is because I'd like to spend my crowns on potions and support the game. Right now, it would be extremely foolish to spend crowns on these potions, which are outright and utterly awful and you get only 20. Unless they make it 100 tri stat potions, very few people will spend crowns on pots.
    Ali Dreadsabre -Necromancer
    Ali Sabre -Nightblade
  • Shadesofkin
    The only reason I bring this up is because I'd like to spend my crowns on potions and support the game. Right now, it would be extremely foolish to spend crowns on these potions, which are outright and utterly awful and you get only 20. Unless they make it 100 tri stat potions, very few people will spend crowns on pots.

    Aren't you already supporting the game by playing it? If you've got crowns you're likely either subbing or buying which case, your support has been given. You'd be far far far better off just finding an alchemist and enjoying your 10% boost to xp and gold gain.
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • Circuitous
    The potions aren't for PvP or mid-to-hardcore PvE players. They're for casual PvE players who play in short bursts and don't have the time to run dungeons/kill bosses to get stacks of basic potions and don't have the time or gold to invest in alchemy.

    And that is totally fine.

    You can still support the game through Crown Soul Gems (which are useful for everyone) and Crown Repair Kits (useful for the heavy PvE players). Or maybe buy a pet, idk, I'm not your boss.
    Edited by Circuitous on 3 February 2015 04:30
    Thank Stendarr it’s Fredas.
    Elanirne: Altmer Templar Healer, DC
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  • LtCrunch
    It's pretty obvious these potions aren't meant to appeal to players with already high level established characters who are at endgame. They are meant to appeal to a more casual player who is still in the process of leveling and doesn't want to go through the "hassle" of leveling alchemy or juggling vendor bought/looted potions in their quickslot everytime they level up.

    That being said crown repair kits are appealing to any heavy PVE player while crown soul gems are appealing to any level character since everyone needs soul gems. Selling any form of special potion that can currently only be crafted will have a negative impact on the in-game economy, even if they are 10%(which is a paltry difference, with very little impact) weaker.

    Why would an ESO+ subscriber spend 10-12k gold on a stack of tri-pots when they can just buy tri-pots and save themselves some major gold to spend on things not obtainable through the crown shop. They would have to be substantially weaker in comparison to crafted tri-pots and then you have the same "problem" we have now.
    Edited by LtCrunch on 3 February 2015 04:44
    NerdSauce Gaming
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  • DaniAngione
    Every Cash Store goes "a little beyond" than intended after some time... This happened to, like, every game with a cash store...

    So, no. Keep it the way it is now and EVENTUALLY we might see 10% weaker tripots...

    Add 10% weaker tripots NOW and eventually we'll see 40% stronger tripots :smiley: No one wants that, right? :wink:
    Edited by DaniAngione on 3 February 2015 05:02
  • DeathDealer19
    the potions are perfect right now. too many crowns and *** pots. I along with most players here don't want you to be able to buy something worse using as a consumable with crowns. Keep it strictly vanity/cool extras. The pots and soul gems are cool for casual leveling players. If tri pots of any type ever enter the crown store, I will unsub.I have faith that this will never occur

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