Now that ya'll got the #1 time I feel like my group let the guild down by getting 2nd and not 1st world clear haha. We'll have to settle for world first 33m!
*Edit - Looks like coming within 8% of the Serpent's health and one minute to the 33m achievement on our first night of actual attempts wasn't good enough. At least we got the best shot at hard mode world first
Edited by igohamnchz on 12 January 2015 21:04
*Insert some raiding achievements that used to matter
We don't want "nerf", we just did SO in 31mins. Thanks for giving us a "piece of your mind"
- Khafe sho (DK), Rotork (Temp), Laiss (NB), Ajyn (Sorc) Very good job btw ^^
Edited by Vixen on 13 January 2015 02:18
Hodor Guild [EP-EU]
Hel Ra 6m 58s
AA 7m 13s
Sanctum 31m 59s
Vet DSA 62m 32s
SO HM 29/1/15
“In joy or sadness flowers are our constant friends.”
@Vixen - Thanks for the compliments. Yeah, we are in agreement that no nerf is needed, which is what @igohamnchz said in his post. Speed runs can already be completed with the current mechanics. We did 34m:02s last night with no pvp buffs.
@Vixen - Thanks for the compliments. Yeah, we are in agreement that no nerf is needed, which is what @igohamnchz said in his post. Speed runs can already be completed with the current mechanics. We did 34m:02s last night with no pvp buffs.
No buffs, that's really really nice then. Nice 80's graphics too
@Vixen - If you go to the thread I'm talking about you'll see my paragraphs upon paragraphs about why I think there should NOT be a nerf, as my friend ajyn said. Good job on the time btw, we just started on the achievement last week and on our second night of trying to get it we posted a 34m time.
*Insert some raiding achievements that used to matter