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EU [Wabbajack] Aldmeri Emperor Cheater, Exploiter etc.

  • Fine
    Lettigall wrote: »
    Fine wrote: »
    You're phatetic, we where wiping the floor with you guy's long before our emperor got any of thoese bugs :) Now bugger, clearly you ain't smart enough to get this.

    To defeat you needed cheats, alliance with DC and guests from other campaigns. And often we simply gave you resources and keeps to make campaign interesting.

    You gained people from Hopesfire, Goldbrand and Voldendrug. Always called in assitance every time we made a move, we haven't been allied with DC since 2 months into this game. And we have never used cheats. All your arguements are invalid, you're just a horrible player looking for excuses why you can't do anything.
  • ArconSeptim
    Well you see now the problem? Hope Zenimax take some action, I wish he was banhammered and all his points splited beetween DC and EP.
  • offenbergb16_ESO
    Lettigall wrote: »
    eMTeeR wrote: »
    Man you are boring one, like talking to wall. As i said further disscusion is pointles said what i wanted to say. Read it one more time. If you want to prove something join Wabajack Duelers maby you will see that we are nice ppl and hardcore pvpers. And we dont cheat! if we would cheat we would be banned for sure as many ppl were for cheating. EOT

    Oh you don't cheat and don't abuse bugs? Then explain his/her super speed and strength in this video? And how does he "suffer" from this "bug"?

    I salute you, Sir, for providing this non debatable proof to hopefully end this discussion and the joke that is Wabba PvP atm. Now, I agree, action must be taken by Zenimax - this is beyond reasonable doubt.


    [Moderator Note: Video removed per our rules on Naming & Shaming]
    Edited by ZOS_LenaicR on 21 July 2014 16:52
    EU Wabbajack
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Lettigall wrote: »
    eMTeeR wrote: »
    Man you are boring one, like talking to wall. As i said further disscusion is pointles said what i wanted to say. Read it one more time. If you want to prove something join Wabajack Duelers maby you will see that we are nice ppl and hardcore pvpers. And we dont cheat! if we would cheat we would be banned for sure as many ppl were for cheating. EOT

    Oh you don't cheat and don't abuse bugs? Then explain his/her super speed and strength in this video? And how does he "suffer" from this "bug"?

    I salute you, Sir, for providing this non debatable proof to hopefully end this discussion and the joke that is Wabba PvP atm. Now, I agree, action must be taken by Zenimax - this is beyond reasonable doubt.


    They'll probably still do a 1 year long investigation, and some how come up inconclusive.
  • Lettigall
    I salute you, Sir, for providing this non debatable proof to hopefully end this discussion and the joke that is Wabba PvP atm. Now, I agree, action must be taken by Zenimax - this is beyond reasonable doubt.


    Salute man/women who captured this video. I simply put youtube links here.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Columba
    Lettigall wrote: »
    eMTeeR wrote: »
    Man you are boring one, like talking to wall. As i said further disscusion is pointles said what i wanted to say. Read it one more time. If you want to prove something join Wabajack Duelers maby you will see that we are nice ppl and hardcore pvpers. And we dont cheat! if we would cheat we would be banned for sure as many ppl were for cheating. EOT

    Oh you don't cheat and don't abuse bugs? Then explain his/her super speed and strength in this video? And how does he "suffer" from this "bug"?

    Wow that's disgusting. I wish losers like this would go to prison irl

    [Moderator Note: Video removed per our rules on Naming & Shaming]
    Edited by ZOS_LenaicR on 21 July 2014 16:53
  • Columba
    Fine wrote: »
    Lettigall wrote: »
    Stop cheating and show your real strength! Even without physical work human body needs at least 4 hours of sleep. In my previous job I had job when I was happy if I was sleeping at least 1h and after week body an mind is worn out. Even with special training.

    So stop bullshiting that your alliance is made from super humans. And you stopped using bugs only after this thread was made.

    You're phatetic, we where wiping the floor with you guy's long before our emperor got any of thoese bugs :) Now bugger, clearly you ain't smart enough to get this.
    You should be banned for defending this.
  • Turelus
    Fine wrote: »
    we have never used cheats. All your arguements are invalid, you're just a horrible player looking for excuses why you can't do anything.
    I have stayed mostly out of the point and blame side of this thread Fine but come on, there is enough video and picture proof that the player in question is subject to a number of bugs and using them to their advantage.
    If you were serious about playing without cheats you would have stopped them from using the bugs to gain an advantage. There are many people (including myself) who have suffered from bugs like this and we log out and back in to clear them so we don't abuse them.

    I have a lot of respect for your group and many times have defended you all in debates about whether or not you cheat or exploit. You are a damn good talented group of PVP players who are always ahead of the crowed on new builds and concepts, brilliant teamwork and tactics.
    However the player in question in this thread has quite blatantly been taking advantaged of current bugs within the game for their (and your) own benefit.

    So please don't post and insult everyone else claiming how they're just bad at the game because of these bugs in question. If you want to make that claim, tell the player in question and any others you're aware of to stop using these bugs. FOTM builds, OP abilities and gear you can abuse all you like, game bugs like this just stop and return to some level of decency as respected PVPers.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • ArconSeptim
    Is he banned already?
  • Turelus
    Is he banned already?

    Playing last night and the same things, crazy speeds, 2k damage caltrops etc.
    ZOS won't announce any bans any way as is the way of all MMO companies (and to be honest a fair way) the only way you're going to know is if you don't see a player in question for a period of time.

    Personally I think ZOS will do the same thing they always do, stick their head into the sand and hope the problem goes away. It seems they don't want to risk enforcing their EULA in case it upsets people. Which in the long run is only going to give the game a reputation where cheating and exploiting is fine and can be done, thus driving away anyone interested in a fair and enjoyable gaming environment.

    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • ArconSeptim
    Turelus wrote: »
    Is he banned already?

    Playing last night and the same things, crazy speeds, 2k damage caltrops etc.
    ZOS won't announce any bans any way as is the way of all MMO companies (and to be honest a fair way) the only way you're going to know is if you don't see a player in question for a period of time.

    Personally I think ZOS will do the same thing they always do, stick their head into the sand and hope the problem goes away. It seems they don't want to risk enforcing their EULA in case it upsets people. Which in the long run is only going to give the game a reputation where cheating and exploiting is fine and can be done, thus driving away anyone interested in a fair and enjoyable gaming environment.
    Ahh that's so wrong policy, I remember in those First Person Online Shooters like Counter Strike 1.6, you use aimbot or wallhack and they ban you in one minute.
    Like they do in other MMOs, here I see is heaven for cheaters and hacks.
  • Turelus
    Sadly ArconSeptim this seems to be a game where everything is a "grey area" as ZOS call it so they can't make a ruling on it.
    The only known cases of bans I have heard of ever in ESO are the duplication exploit and bots/client hacks. Otherwise it seems more that they just let people abuse the problems until they can patch it.

    In regards to the player in question in this thread I have lost a lot of respect for them and their normal group (who I do believe are some of the best PVP'ers on ESO EU) because of their unwillingness to simply not use these bugs. However I wont sit and campaign for their ban, that's ZOS call.

    I would rather ZOS come out and start declaring known bugs as exploits and warn players of bans if they're abused. After which players using it should face sanctions, even if it's a week ban at least penalise people for making further use of them.

    If they don't start doing something like this in the next months I personally will probably move on and head back to EVE Online full time. I can't sit and play a game where exploiting bugs in competitive gameplay are just ignored and left to be used until patched.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • eMTeeR
    Soul Shriven
    When you stand in caltrops for all duration you will get dot around this ammount caus it hits for 150dmg per second with emperor bonuses - you need to move from it in order to not take dmg!. So rly try to find another cry point. Agein you brought zergs and faild. And agein you cry.


    Edited by eMTeeR on 19 July 2014 14:13
  • CoUsT
    You say ZOS don't ban people for using exploits. You think so? You are wrong. ;)

    Just report this guy and make ticket on support, which should help and make this faster.
  • eMTeeR
    Soul Shriven
    CoUsT wrote: »
    You say ZOS don't ban people for using exploits. You think so? You are wrong. ;)

    Just report this guy and make ticket on support, which should help and make this faster.

    If you would read the wole thred you would find out that GM is working on this bug and they know about it caus we reported it also talking to GM.


  • CoUsT
    I just read last 5 posts and people still think ZOS is not doing anything with bugs and people who use them.
  • Fine
    Our emperor actually spend 3 hours yesterday with a gamemaster and 2 hours the day before that with another GM. So yeah, they are working on it.
  • Turelus
    eMTeeR wrote: »
    When you stand in caltrops for all duration you will get dot around this ammount caus it hits for 150dmg per second with emperor bonuses - you need to move from it in order to not take dmg!. So rly try to find another cry point. Agein you brought zergs and faild. And agein you cry.


    We're talking about 2k damage ticks in a matter of a few seconds however Emteer.
    To reach 2k damage alone from caltrops with your damage numbers supplied a player would need to stand in them for around 15 seconds. Now granted with active healing going on it would be possible to have more damage tick up over time with the potential for the death recap to display incorrect or misleading numbers.
    I wont even out rule that could very much be the case here, however from the side of those playing against the current Emperor we're seeing caltrops thrown, death in a matter of a few seconds then a death recap window telling us we took multiple thousands of damage from those caltrops.

    If this is the case let's focus on what has been the main contention of these debates being the Emperor's use of the speed bug after using a specific skill.
    You have all admitted you're aware of the issue and even know the steps to its recreation, you have done the correct thing in reporting the issue to ZOS. However it has been seen on multiple nights since then that the said player is still using this to their advantage.

    Fine wrote: »
    Our emperor actually spend 3 hours yesterday with a gamemaster and 2 hours the day before that with another GM. So yeah, they are working on it.
    This is great news and I hope something is done to fix the issues soon. However back to my point above it is possible to not use these while the process of it being fixed is happening. Yes it sucks to remove a powerful ability from your bar but it might be something worth thinking about until the issue is fixed. The creditability of your group and the Emperor in question has been very damaged by all this and it would be a start if its use was stopped until fixed.
    I'm pretty sure you're all able to beat us without the skill in question any way so why not try and rebuild some of the respect you had with the PVP community by switching it out for a while until fixed.

    As I have stated before I don't come to these forums to campaign for bans or argue with players, my gripe right now is with ZOS and their appearance of incompetence at fixing, or containing issues like this when they arise.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Zero_Tolerance
    eMTeeR wrote: »
    When you stand in caltrops for all duration you will get dot around this ammount caus it hits for 150dmg per second with emperor bonuses - you need to move from it in order to not take dmg!. So rly try to find another cry point. Agein you brought zergs and faild. And agein you cry.

    Last time I got killed by his caltrops (which was couple days ago), they were ticking for 1 or 2k+ - that's the problem. You only live 2s in it. Last night I did see speed ***, and some massive swarm hits, no caltrops - but I wasn't there for long.
    I assume you have to know it, so you only pretend to be dumb. It's a very loose assumption though, and after seeing that charge in-swarm up-swarm down-die routine of yours, maybe the assumption is wrong, esp. the latter part of it.

    And in all fairness, I was on the map when they were asking on EP side to come to the emperor and GM to help them test those bugs, so they are working on it.
  • ArconSeptim
    This is not a bug, common, silver shards were bug and everyone could use it and knew about it, but this is something what just he uses or maybe even his personal assistents lol
  • Krentar_RNX
    i just got bugged with the ultra speed bug but as soon as i died, the bug dissapeared. Looks like he knows how to reproduce it

    Edited by Krentar_RNX on 19 July 2014 15:31
  • Zero_Tolerance
    Whatever you call it, they're working on it. Game's PvP is joke, made by *** and maintained by ***. Getting too serious about it in any way is pointless and not very smart - this game does not deliver any competitive environment, just a cesspool of imbalanced classes, exploits and shite mechanics.
  • ArconSeptim
    I never got any kind of ultra speed bug, never, and I really do not know how you can get it or any kind of these "bugs".
  • CoUsT
    Looks like he knows how to reproduce it

    It's not even that hard to reproduce it... 1 minute of work and poof, you have it.

    There is also other bug that grant you speed buff until you relog or change zone... and you can buff your speed as much as you want... so yeah.
  • ArconSeptim
    CoUsT wrote: »
    Looks like he knows how to reproduce it

    It's not even that hard to reproduce it... 1 minute of work and poof, you have it.

    There is also other bug that grant you speed buff until you relog or change zone... and you can buff your speed as much as you want... so yeah.
    So yeah everyone talks there is some bug there is other bug but no one wants to prove it.
  • CoUsT
    I proved it. And got permabaned. Funny, isn't it? Personally I don't recommend it to anyone.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Edited by CoUsT on 19 July 2014 15:52
  • eMTeeR
    Soul Shriven
    Turelus wrote: »
    eMTeeR wrote: »
    When you stand in caltrops for all duration you will get dot around this ammount caus it hits for 150dmg per second with emperor bonuses - you need to move from it in order to not take dmg!. So rly try to find another cry point. Agein you brought zergs and faild. And agein you cry.


    We're talking about 2k damage ticks in a matter of a few seconds however Emteer.
    To reach 2k damage alone from caltrops with your damage numbers supplied a player would need to stand in them for around 15 seconds. Now granted with active healing going on it would be possible to have more damage tick up over time with the potential for the death recap to display incorrect or misleading numbers.
    I wont even out rule that could very much be the case here, however from the side of those playing against the current Emperor we're seeing caltrops thrown, death in a matter of a few seconds then a death recap window telling us we took multiple thousands of damage from those caltrops.

    If this is the case let's focus on what has been the main contention of these debates being the Emperor's use of the speed bug after using a specific skill.
    You have all admitted you're aware of the issue and even know the steps to its recreation, you have done the correct thing in reporting the issue to ZOS. However it has been seen on multiple nights since then that the said player is still using this to their advantage.

    Fine wrote: »
    Our emperor actually spend 3 hours yesterday with a gamemaster and 2 hours the day before that with another GM. So yeah, they are working on it.
    This is great news and I hope something is done to fix the issues soon. However back to my point above it is possible to not use these while the process of it being fixed is happening. Yes it sucks to remove a powerful ability from your bar but it might be something worth thinking about until the issue is fixed. The creditability of your group and the Emperor in question has been very damaged by all this and it would be a start if its use was stopped until fixed.
    I'm pretty sure you're all able to beat us without the skill in question any way so why not try and rebuild some of the respect you had with the PVP community by switching it out for a while until fixed.

    As I have stated before I don't come to these forums to campaign for bans or argue with players, my gripe right now is with ZOS and their appearance of incompetence at fixing, or containing issues like this when they arise.

    Finaly some one talking with sens. We rly cooperate with GM to work this out. Its as much annoying for us as for you. Cause he needs to relog several times/talk to gms etc insted of fighting in main fights. Its not our fault that every patch new bug/exploit appers randomly. I think i saw on other thread thet there is another emperor with the same bug. So accusing us of cheating / hacks is sad :/.
    We arnt using it in fight's i hope you see it. Otherwise he could one shot a raid. So try to appriciate that we want to be fair. We want this issue to be fixed as soon as possible.

  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    How bout some SS's of your conversations with the GM.
  • DontBeAfraid
    eMTeeR wrote: »

    Finaly some one talking with sens. We rly cooperate with GM to work this out. Its as much annoying for us as for you. Cause he needs to relog several times/talk to gms etc insted of fighting in main fights. Its not our fault that every patch new bug/exploit appers randomly. I think i saw on other thread thet there is another emperor with the same bug. So accusing us of cheating / hacks is sad :/.
    We arnt using it in fight's i hope you see it. Otherwise he could one shot a raid. So try to appriciate that we want to be fair. We want this issue to be fixed as soon as possible.


    and why did your "fair emperor" just used the speed "bug" again as soon as the GM went offline? (proven by vids and pics again.)

    by any means - u guys are just a bunch of hypocrites and should be removed from the game. hopefully your entire guild - to state an example.
    Marlic - Dragonknight - VR12 - Aldmeri Dominion - PvP Rank 29 - Ex-Emperor on Dawnbreaker - EU

  • ArconSeptim
    eMTeeR wrote: »
    Turelus wrote: »
    eMTeeR wrote: »
    When you stand in caltrops for all duration you will get dot around this ammount caus it hits for 150dmg per second with emperor bonuses - you need to move from it in order to not take dmg!. So rly try to find another cry point. Agein you brought zergs and faild. And agein you cry.


    We're talking about 2k damage ticks in a matter of a few seconds however Emteer.
    To reach 2k damage alone from caltrops with your damage numbers supplied a player would need to stand in them for around 15 seconds. Now granted with active healing going on it would be possible to have more damage tick up over time with the potential for the death recap to display incorrect or misleading numbers.
    I wont even out rule that could very much be the case here, however from the side of those playing against the current Emperor we're seeing caltrops thrown, death in a matter of a few seconds then a death recap window telling us we took multiple thousands of damage from those caltrops.

    If this is the case let's focus on what has been the main contention of these debates being the Emperor's use of the speed bug after using a specific skill.
    You have all admitted you're aware of the issue and even know the steps to its recreation, you have done the correct thing in reporting the issue to ZOS. However it has been seen on multiple nights since then that the said player is still using this to their advantage.

    Fine wrote: »
    Our emperor actually spend 3 hours yesterday with a gamemaster and 2 hours the day before that with another GM. So yeah, they are working on it.
    This is great news and I hope something is done to fix the issues soon. However back to my point above it is possible to not use these while the process of it being fixed is happening. Yes it sucks to remove a powerful ability from your bar but it might be something worth thinking about until the issue is fixed. The creditability of your group and the Emperor in question has been very damaged by all this and it would be a start if its use was stopped until fixed.
    I'm pretty sure you're all able to beat us without the skill in question any way so why not try and rebuild some of the respect you had with the PVP community by switching it out for a while until fixed.

    As I have stated before I don't come to these forums to campaign for bans or argue with players, my gripe right now is with ZOS and their appearance of incompetence at fixing, or containing issues like this when they arise.

    Finaly some one talking with sens. We rly cooperate with GM to work this out. Its as much annoying for us as for you. Cause he needs to relog several times/talk to gms etc insted of fighting in main fights. Its not our fault that every patch new bug/exploit appers randomly. I think i saw on other thread thet there is another emperor with the same bug. So accusing us of cheating / hacks is sad :/.
    We arnt using it in fight's i hope you see it. Otherwise he could one shot a raid. So try to appriciate that we want to be fair. We want this issue to be fixed as soon as possible.


    You should be also banned for helping this criminal in game! If there was justice system implement I would go find you and hang you on walls of DC gate, you lying here without any evidence etc. that you contact GM? You crazy? Any GM would ban you with these evidence we provided in this thread and you still deny?
    Also still use and exploit this bug? well hello what stupid people egsist on this planet.
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