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EU [Wabbajack] Aldmeri Emperor Cheater, Exploiter etc.

  • CoUsT
    Lettigall wrote: »
    CoUsT wrote: »
    Oh god, there is no SPEED HACK, got it? You can't simply become faster by only memory injection. You change your speed in client = your position is rollbacked by 10 seconds after you change your position too fast. This is just bug...

    It's not "just bug" when you deliberately cause it or use bug for personal gain, it's exploiting.

    Well, yeah, it's exploiting a bug. And doing this for benefits... and repeatedly.
    Edited by CoUsT on 21 July 2014 13:14
  • Zero_Tolerance
    Momocerus wrote: »
    Let me tell you *** a little story, hey? A few days or so ago, the AD Emperor in question was in contact with a GM about his bugs, something that seems to only happen when he's surrounded by multiple people. He was actively trying to work out these bugs with a GM in-game, but needed help with it due to the nature of these bugs.

    My guildie, also in EP, asked in EP-Wabba zone chat if maybe we could assist in this sorting out, and all she got in return from Wabba-campaigned EPs were insults, directed at both her and the AD Emperor in question, among other things.

    Now of course, it could be that you weren't online for this, but before you actually bloody well judge a person and demand perma-bans and whatever not, get your *** head out of your bloody arses.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    I was online, one of EP top ten ranked players asked for help in investigating that issue with AD emp and GM, and told us where to go (north gate). There were only few of us then, around 10 in a group, our leader replied in /zone that we're taking resource site, which we were. I was actually considering going, but before I could make up my mind, EP player told us that GM left saying that they have enough information already.

    That's what happened on /zone. I'd also call you ***, but in all fairness it looks like you're a mere fart that thinks he's the ***.
  • ToRelax
    If this player is not banned, I have lost all hope for ZOS. The speed bug is a common occurrence that NOTHING has been done about. This player obviously knows how to make it happen and is just abusing it.

    Inb4 ZOS removes video for showing a players name.

    Indeed mate. There are few that use the speed hack by memory injection in Cyrodiil.
    And they are so blatantly obvious, that even if we report them nothing happenes.
    Elo something in Hopsfire EU (EP side) is a good example. Got reported every single night, from hundreds of people at the time. Still this b****rd is there mocking the rest of us. And we cannot use Leash (is Vampire) nor chain. It just breaks them off and carries on regardless CC, roots etc.

    Made my day :-) .

    Elo finds those "silver storms" very funny btw :relaxed: .
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • ArconSeptim
    Has this cheater been banned or somewhat punished? Common can't believe this ***.
  • Lettigall
    Has this cheater been banned or somewhat punished? Common can't believe this ***.

    Well justice system isn't implemented yet and code of conduct rule 5.2 is bugged.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • ArconSeptim
    Yeah this seems like Developers and Superiors of this game slapped you in face for reporting cheating LOL
  • Zord
    This post is going a bit too far to my taste. It smells like witch hunt and I see a bunch of people using it for revenge more than anything else. I can understand people get angry when they lose because of bugs (I did get quite angry myself everytime I got instakilled). But come on, some of you should stop pretending they lose because enemies cheat or don't sleep. That's just lame.

    Regarding the AD former emp, I wouldn't go to the point of asking ZOS to perma-ban him. I know the issue was investigated by GMs since DC players were also contacted to provide info. Since then, the bug has come back only a couple times and not at all in the last 4-5 days (at least to my knowledge and I'm quite active in Cyrodiil).

    I personnally don't think the whole AD team we are talking about are cheaters. Actually they're quite good and challenging opponents. We've had great fights against them. We've kicked their asses and they've kicked ours (with and without bug btw).
    I do still think that bug was beneficial to AD the day it happened and the yellow team should have refrained from pressing on as much as they did, since it was perceived as blatant exploiting by most DC players who were resisting them. But that is now behind us.

    So we should just move on, leave all that crap aside, and try to preserve what makes Wabbajack a very special campaign. Using this thread as a place for whining and demanding public executions is not gonna help making the game better.

    DC - Wabbajack EU
    Zaavyna / Kzord - DC EU
  • Lettigall
    Zord wrote: »
    This post is going a bit too far to my taste. It smells like witch hunt and I see a bunch of people using it for revenge more than anything else. I can understand people get angry when they lose because of bugs (I did get quite angry myself everytime I got instakilled). But come on, some of you should stop pretending they lose because enemies cheat or don't sleep. That's just lame.

    Regarding the AD former emp, I wouldn't go to the point of asking ZOS to perma-ban him. I know the issue was investigated by GMs since DC players were also contacted to provide info. Since then, the bug has come back only a couple times and not at all in the last 4-5 days (at least to my knowledge and I'm quite active in Cyrodiil).

    I personnally don't think the whole AD team we are talking about are cheaters. Actually they're quite good and challenging opponents. We've had great fights against them. We've kicked their asses and they've kicked ours (with and without bug btw).
    I do still think that bug was beneficial to AD the day it happened and the yellow team should have refrained from pressing on as much as they did, since it was perceived as blatant exploiting by most DC players who were resisting them. But that is now behind us.

    So we should just move on, leave all that crap aside, and try to preserve what makes Wabbajack a very special campaign. Using this thread as a place for whining and demanding public executions is not gonna help making the game better.

    DC - Wabbajack EU

    By not punishing cheater even by temp ban ZOS made precedent that allows anyone cheat without consequences. That would make situation "Why should I get banned when this guy knowingly exploited and you let him walk away with it."

    It's not "just revenge" but efforts to stop PvP becoming place for cheat to win!
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Zord
    @Lettigall I didn't say ZOS should do nothing. I said people should stop whining or ask for someone else's head. I don't like cheating or exploiting more than you do, but I don't see how all the crying is gonna help ZOS anyway. The bugs have been reported many times, the GM team is working on them (hopefully) so let them do their job and go back to fighting.

    All this drama is becoming ridiculous.
    Zaavyna / Kzord - DC EU
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    If nothing is done for as long as its been going on, you think there wouldn't be outcry?

    Pitchforks and torches at some point become necessary to make a point. It's passed it already.
  • Cody
    Zord wrote: »
    @Lettigall I didn't say ZOS should do nothing. I said people should stop whining or ask for someone else's head. I don't like cheating or exploiting more than you do, but I don't see how all the crying is gonna help ZOS anyway. The bugs have been reported many times, the GM team is working on them (hopefully) so let them do their job and go back to fighting.

    All this drama is becoming ridiculous.
    well... fi ZOS enforced their own TOS, people would not be here whining in the first place.
  • ArconSeptim
    Zord wrote: »
    @Lettigall I didn't say ZOS should do nothing. I said people should stop whining or ask for someone else's head. I don't like cheating or exploiting more than you do, but I don't see how all the crying is gonna help ZOS anyway. The bugs have been reported many times, the GM team is working on them (hopefully) so let them do their job and go back to fighting.

    All this drama is becoming ridiculous.

    I pretty much respect you people, I'm curently afk from the game beacause personal reasons, but feeding that cheater is crazy.
    He just ruined many hours of gameplay by just cheating in the game where are honorable and fair players.
    If he goes without any kind of action from GM then this game really has no future what concerns PvP without hacks and cheats.
    Hahaha we will see when this bug gets fixed maybe in the end of the current campaign? lOl
    Edited by ArconSeptim on 23 July 2014 21:45
  • fluffycannibalb16_ESO
    @Zord I agree with you to a certain extent, however, the use of exploits got to a ridiculous level - I went through 2 or 3 days of constantly dying to this guy on PvP because he was virtually invincible, and as long as ZOS don't make a visible acknowledgment of this kind of activity (maybe not about this particular incident, but just something to make it clear that they're dealing with problems like these) then people like me are going to reach a point of frustration where we're going to do stuff like this out of sheer desperation. But, like you said, a complete ban isn't necessarily the best way to go. I'm a pretty big fan of BioWare's punishment system personally (perma-bans are only handed out for extreme offenses. Smaller ones are punished by removal of credits (gold), removal of points, removal of equipment, or removal from the leaderboards, and punishments are carried out en masse at random intervals rather than on a case by case basis, meaning you never know if/when the ban hammer will strike you. They also rely on internal data as well as player reports, meaning you can effectively get caught without getting caught). I'll also concede that the guild this guy's in are decent players, but that doesn't excuse their actions. If anything it makes it worse because they're cheapening themselves, their reputation, and every other AD player by playing this way.
    Edited by fluffycannibalb16_ESO on 24 July 2014 12:23
    Fluff'ii - EP Sneaky-Cat-People
    Elendil Ellesar - EP Stabby-Stabby-Healer
    Khalisah al-Sinan - EP Fire-Breathing-Shieldy-Person
    Liara Motierre - EP Blinky-Storm-Mage
    Fetches-Fetches-Glitter - EP Lizard-Light-Smasher
    Zevran Demnevanni - EP Sneaky-Vampire-Mage
    Vindictal - EP Evil-necROMANCEr
    Shepard Andersson - EP Smashy-Dragon-Man
    Anduille - EP Cute-Bosmer-Bear-Lover
    Eamhair Eimhir - EP Necro-Poison-Wolf-Girl
    Orlog gro-Morkul - EP Smashy-Sorc-Orc
    Lucien la Malfaisance - EP Book-Beamer
  • ArconSeptim
    @Lettigall I agree with you to a certain extent, however, the use of exploits got to a ridiculous level - I went through 2 or 3 days of constantly dying to this guy on PvP because he was virtually invincible, and as long as ZOS don't make a visible acknowledgment of this kind of activity (maybe not about this particular incident, but just something to make it clear that they're dealing with problems like these) then people like me are going to reach a point of frustration where we're going to do stuff like this out of sheer desperation. But, like you said, a complete ban isn't necessarily the best way to go. I'm a pretty big fan of BioWare's punishment system personally (perma-bans are only handed out for extreme offenses. Smaller ones are punished by removal of credits (gold), removal of points, removal of equipment, or removal from the leaderboards, and punishments are carried out en masse at random intervals rather than on a case by case basis, meaning you never know if/when the ban hammer will strike you. They also rely on internal data as well as player reports, meaning you can effectively get caught without getting caught). I'll also concede that the guild this guy's in are decent players, but that doesn't excuse their actions. If anything it makes it worse because they're cheapening themselves, their reputation, and every other AD player by playing this way.

    Agree completely, as he exploited the game to reach the max rank and points, my suggestion would be to reset him.
  • Machette
    +1 (for the reset)

    At the begin of the game this person full exploit the bat swarm spamming for make point, after that was the bash shield.

    Now just see the record.

    He (and his team) never play fair since the begin of the game.
  • KBKB
    Guy comes on boasting about using bug exploits either himself or his group and no one gets banned. Nice work Zenimax.
  • ArconSeptim
    Black-Bird wrote: »
    Guy comes on boasting about using bug exploits either himself or his group and no one gets banned. Nice work Zenimax.

    Zenimax people are watching every step you make, so make sure this one be good move ;)
  • xMovingTarget
    Dont know if anybody said that already. I was too lazy to go through every single post. Theres currently an exploit in the game, that allows you to stack up dots, buffs like crazy. He is probably using that.

    That one has been reported to Zenimax several times now. Hopefully there will be a fix for that issue sooner than later.
    Edited by xMovingTarget on 25 July 2014 14:04
  • TheBull
    I missed this lastnight. I never could understand scumbags like this. They have to be sociopaths to get pleasure out of this stuff.

    Permaban if can ZOS make a strong stand.

    edit- oh, it's EU...
    Edited by TheBull on 25 July 2014 14:30
  • ArconSeptim
    They are really crazy for letting this to be wide used.
  • Lettigall
    Let's face it cheater won and we can't do anything about it. Speed and insane damage bugs were legitimate to use and only suckers didn't use them.....

    I wonder what bug he will find to exploit after 1.3 patch.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Vatter
    already unsubbed. ZOS doesn't care. Going back to EVE.
  • Turelus
    Vatter wrote: »
    already unsubbed. ZOS doesn't care. Going back to EVE.

    See you in space (sorry couldn't help it).

    Sorry to see people leaving but this is pretty much what I said would happen.
    I don't think the Emperor in question needs to be banned and he's no longer using these bugs and spent a lot of his game time working with ZOS to find the issues and fix them.
    However I would like to see an official statement from ZOS saying they will take the issues more seriously in future instead of leaving it weeks and waiting to patch.

    When an exploit comes forth, deem it and exploit then punish anyone using it. You'll retain more members by enforcing law on exploits than you will letting it slide in fear of upsetting people.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • MercutioElessar
    Fine wrote: »
    And not having our emperor on the field, with or without bugs would seriously weaken us.

    If your success (in PvP) hangs in the balance because of one player you already are weak. In a way wich doesn't allow more weakness.
    It's a psychological truth.
    If I've ever offended you,
    just know that from the bottom of my heart,
    I really don't give a ***.

  • ArconSeptim
    One player which can destory Molag Bal with one hit or two?
  • MercutioElessar
    One player which can destory Molag Bal with one hit or two?

    I killed the big uncle with my templar heal-only in less then three minutes by only using the healing staff for damage dealing. I really do hope that a well played DD/ Tank can two-hit the nowadays weak "god" easily.
    If I've ever offended you,
    just know that from the bottom of my heart,
    I really don't give a ***.

  • Machette
    Normal they disappear for almost one week, they stop to use maccro for anime cut and they stop visible exploit. Zenimax probaly send some message to them.

    But, they always playing and they keep rank, title...
  • henrycupcakerwb17_ESO
    Vatter wrote: »
    already unsubbed. ZOS doesn't care. Going back to EVE.
    Turelus wrote: »
    Vatter wrote: »
    already unsubbed. ZOS doesn't care. Going back to EVE.

    See you in space (sorry couldn't help it).

    Sorry to see people leaving but this is pretty much what I said would happen.
    I don't think the Emperor in question needs to be banned and he's no longer using these bugs and spent a lot of his game time working with ZOS to find the issues and fix them.
    However I would like to see an official statement from ZOS saying they will take the issues more seriously in future instead of leaving it weeks and waiting to patch.

    When an exploit comes forth, deem it and exploit then punish anyone using it. You'll retain more members by enforcing law on exploits than you will letting it slide in fear of upsetting people.

    you know that the problem had finally been taken care of, right ? will you give me some respond ? this 1.3.3 patch meant ALOT for us mac players of this game !!!!!!!

    Mac Client
    Fixed a memory leak in the Mac client that would cause the game to crash or perform poorly over time.
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