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EU [Wabbajack] Aldmeri Emperor Cheater, Exploiter etc.

  • Fine
    @Scoty999 If what the current emperor is doing now, is cheating. Then so was the last DC emperor. He was using every bug / exploit he could possible use in the game.
  • ZOS_LenaicR
    We would like to clarify two different things:
    • Cheating and Bug Exploiting In-Game
    Such behavior is against our Code of Conduct and will be sanctioned after reviews by our teams. We've already banned tons of bot and exploiter accounts and this will continue. We understand your frustration and can assure you our teams investigate every report they receive.
    Please also keep in mind that because evidence of cheating or exploiting can result in permanent bans, so we take extra precautions in order to avoid erroneous actioning of an account. For this reason, some investigations may take longer than others.
    • Naming and Shaming

    The official official forums are not a public tribunal. Sanctions, including - suspensions and bans, concern only our services and the player whose account was actioned. Again, each of your reports will generate an investigation on our side, but we will not allow players to accuse each other on forums or discuss disciplinary action here.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Social Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Lettigall
    5.2 Users will not exploit any bug, or abuse any game system (such as the scoring or award systems) in a ZeniMax Game, Service, forum, or other games or services provided by ZeniMax. Users will not intentionally use or share any bug found within any ZeniMax Game, real or fictitious, regardless of whether or not it grants an unfair advantage. You will not directly or indirectly communicate the existence of any such bug to any other user of the ZeniMax Service (in game or on a ZeniMax service).

    I think this rule is bugged. Haven't seen it working. Hope there will be hotfix for it.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • ArconSeptim
    We would like to clarify two different things:
    • Cheating and Bug Exploiting In-Game
    Such behavior is against our Code of Conduct and will be sanctioned after reviews by our teams. We've already banned tons of bot and exploiter accounts and this will continue. We understand your frustration and can assure you our teams investigate every report they receive.
    Please also keep in mind that because evidence of cheating or exploiting can result in permanent bans, so we take extra precautions in order to avoid erroneous actioning of an account. For this reason, some investigations may take longer than others.
    • Naming and Shaming

    The official official forums are not a public tribunal. Sanctions, including - suspensions and bans, concern only our services and the player whose account was actioned. Again, each of your reports will generate an investigation on our side, but we will not allow players to accuse each other on forums or discuss disciplinary action here.

    I hope you work on all these reports as there are plenty.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    We would like to clarify two different things:
    • Cheating and Bug Exploiting In-Game
    Such behavior is against our Code of Conduct and will be sanctioned after reviews by our teams. We've already banned tons of bot and exploiter accounts and this will continue. We understand your frustration and can assure you our teams investigate every report they receive.
    Please also keep in mind that because evidence of cheating or exploiting can result in permanent bans, so we take extra precautions in order to avoid erroneous actioning of an account. For this reason, some investigations may take longer than others.
    • Naming and Shaming

    The official official forums are not a public tribunal. Sanctions, including - suspensions and bans, concern only our services and the player whose account was actioned. Again, each of your reports will generate an investigation on our side, but we will not allow players to accuse each other on forums or discuss disciplinary action here.

    If you guys dont have it already, get a system of hack and cheat detection. Players cannot possibly catch every cheater for you.

    You should also already be able to look at some kind of player action logs and see that they have been doing 1.2k damage with 1 tic of caltrops, or 2.9k damage with 1 tic of burning already, on several occasions.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on 17 July 2014 15:20
  • Asgari
    If they know its a bug and continue to abuse it and use it .. THAT IS CHEATING! what on earth makes you think that is not exploiting and there for cheating is beyond me. :facepalm:
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
  • mook-eb16_ESO
    I have a screen shot of the cloud swarm doing 4482 damage.
  • Turelus
    We would like to clarify two different things:
    • Cheating and Bug Exploiting In-Game
    Such behavior is against our Code of Conduct and will be sanctioned after reviews by our teams. We've already banned tons of bot and exploiter accounts and this will continue. We understand your frustration and can assure you our teams investigate every report they receive.
    Please also keep in mind that because evidence of cheating or exploiting can result in permanent bans, so we take extra precautions in order to avoid erroneous actioning of an account. For this reason, some investigations may take longer than others.
    • Naming and Shaming

    The official official forums are not a public tribunal. Sanctions, including - suspensions and bans, concern only our services and the player whose account was actioned. Again, each of your reports will generate an investigation on our side, but we will not allow players to accuse each other on forums or discuss disciplinary action here.

    @ZOS_LenaicR be aware that many members of the community are looking at threads like this and making their decisions on whether or not this is a game they want to continue to play. I don't post this as a threat of "ban people or we quit" but simply that a game where abuse of these levels is allowed to continue unchecked isn't one players are interested in playing.
    We do however expect known and agreed upon exploits to be publicly deemed so and a fair warning to all that abuse can or may lead to sanctions against the accounts involved.

    To give you some view of what I mean, right now on EVE Online there is a massive bug to do with drone damage output. There is a warning on their launcher stating that this is a known bug (not how it's done) and if caught abusing it you might/will be subject to a ban or suspension. Please click here for the link.

    This is something I have not seen ZOS take a stance on ever within this game. Even during the item duplication bug ZOS took the stance to hide it as long as possible rather than making an official statement like the one CCP has (and does whenever an issue arises).

    Added to this when events such as base spawning abuse came forward you initially made a statement saying this was abuse and should be report to only turn back later and say it was a "grey area". To my knowledge everyone who abused that bug was free to do so because you as a company couldn't or wouldn't take a stand and declare it an exploit. I in fact had conversations with people doing it who would happily inform me that ZOS were happy for people to abuse it and more should get involved because no account sanctions would come for its use.

    So I close with the simple request that if the activities described in this thread are considered exploits and you don't want people to use them make an official statement acknowledging the existence of the bugs and informing all that players who abuse it will be subject to actions against their account. Otherwise players will continue to use them night after night ruining the gaming experience for many others as they know you wont take any action against them.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Ifthir_ESO
    Fine wrote: »
    Oh wow, so much whine from EP. Kinda makes me happy to see, kinda hurts when it happens to you guys. Right?

    @Fine‌ lol, please bring your AD exploiters to Dawnbreaker, happy to show you how EP does it.

    Edited by Ifthir_ESO on 17 July 2014 19:25
  • Vivecc
    @Fine so after you AD guys had the need to get additional troops from other maps to do anything (that was welcome, cause DC/AD had always a lack in numbers) u did nothing much than ganking at questspots/ or AP farming on resources. And with the help of that bug -abusing/exploiting emp of yours , there is noone left that really wants to play with /against you. Gratulations on that.
    Fine wrote: »

    Oh wow, so much whine from EP. Kinda makes me happy to see, kinda hurts when it happens to you guys. Right?

    And the beforementioned DC emp which was Vamp-bug abusing to the utmost extend - he was a "fun-killer" too. He could have stayed more in the Background as would be better for your emp now - but running in the frontline is showing more of an intentional abuse of a ( supposed unwanted bug) than is good for his/her reputation and that of his Alliance.

    Bring in some numbers from other campaigns to even out the score, the more fun we all have. EP wanted always good fights. We dont trade Emperors, we fight for that title. On Wabba EU we had (one of) the longest EP emperorships so far. We won the first round of 90 days with an amazing score.
    And if we all play by the rules we will have good and fair fights til Wabba is going into Oblivion.
    For the Pact
  • JackDaniell
    A bit off-topic to the OP, but also related.


    The numbers that I see in PvP from day to day and week to week directly fluctuate from the current amount of bugs/exploits that are in the game at that time. People in game = money in pocket for ZOS.

    Perhaps pushing fixes of these things should be on ZOS's top priority list, as the amount of money you make should be the top of the list for any company.
    Ebonheart Templar
  • Lettigall
    That cheating *** killed wabba. People are leaving this campaign, no one wants to feed AP to cheater. And also how can one person be online 24/7? It's clearly shared account and ZoS haven't tools to notice this.

    For fu.ks sake implement in game GM. It's not players job to catch cheaters!!!
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Jarnhand
    Good example why the game has lost its fun, and its going down the drain. Riddled with bugs and exploits, and Zenimax do hardly anything to fix them. Bugs like this, and batswan stacking etc, should have resulted in hotfixes asap. But not in this game, no sir, let game breaking exploits and bugs be on live for weeks on end. And they obviously do not understand it makes people leave, or they do not care, I am baffled on how they run this game.
  • eMTeeR
    Soul Shriven
    I agree this kind of bugs Like stacking batswarm speed/dmg bug, shooting through walls using Overload like EP did when we were defending last middle keep i have clips of many other abuses that all factions were involved.. etc. Zenimax why you always fix pve issues first? We need pvp to be fair. We took emperor in fair fight! we are defending it also in fair fights! thos 2 hours when Emperor was trying to solve what was causing this bug didnt change anything. Its not excuse to leave campain. In my opinion you just lost your spirit. We was attacked by EP zergs combined from different campains for 4 months we were like 10 ppl online on wabajack and we still were able to do somethink. And now when we have some ppl and emperor you just run with your tails under your boom and try to find excues for what? ... Now its not fair when we are winning after being zerged for such a long time? yuummy i like your tears! And hej! DC didnt run away they are hard like us before they know how to fight and not run. And last think some one wrote that we cant fight 1v1 pls! You can always msg me in game i will gladly help you with it. The fact that you acuse rest of our players of cheating only makes me proud becous we never did!.
    Edited by eMTeeR on 18 July 2014 12:51
  • Fine
    Vivecc wrote: »
    @Fine so after you AD guys had the need to get additional troops from other maps to do anything (that was welcome, cause DC/AD had always a lack in numbers) u did nothing much than ganking at questspots/ or AP farming on resources. And with the help of that bug -abusing/exploiting emp of yours , there is noone left that really wants to play with /against you. Gratulations on that.
    Fine wrote: »

    Oh wow, so much whine from EP. Kinda makes me happy to see, kinda hurts when it happens to you guys. Right?

    And the beforementioned DC emp which was Vamp-bug abusing to the utmost extend - he was a "fun-killer" too. He could have stayed more in the Background as would be better for your emp now - but running in the frontline is showing more of an intentional abuse of a ( supposed unwanted bug) than is good for his/her reputation and that of his Alliance.

    Bring in some numbers from other campaigns to even out the score, the more fun we all have. EP wanted always good fights. We dont trade Emperors, we fight for that title. On Wabba EU we had (one of) the longest EP emperorships so far. We won the first round of 90 days with an amazing score.
    And if we all play by the rules we will have good and fair fights til Wabba is going into Oblivion.
    For the Pact

    This is the biggest load of *** I've seen in this game so far, the only way you guys where able to hold in emperor was outnumbering us 20 - 1 and still calling in reinforcements for 3 other campaigns whenever AD or DC made a move.

    You guy's don't want fair fights, you want to zerg down everything. Now that you don't have any bonuses. None of you wants to play here, because you where already losing every single fight before we got thoese. Our emperor has figured out what caused the bug and has been avoiding it ever since.

    Atleast we still have great fights with DC, that actually knows how to play the game :p So I'm happy with the current state of Wabbajack.
  • eMTeeR
    Soul Shriven
    Lettigall wrote: »
    That cheating *** killed wabba. People are leaving this campaign, no one wants to feed AP to cheater. And also how can one person be online 24/7? It's clearly shared account and ZoS haven't tools to notice this.

    For fu.ks sake implement in game GM. It's not players job to catch cheaters!!!

    It makes me laugh, he has vacations he can play as long as he like tho he is not online 24/h we protect the Dominion in shifts. So stop lying!. We were talking to GM we actualy reported it ourselfs so they know about it. You need to find anothe reson that explains your weeknes. P.S EP was feeding us from the beginning look at scoreboard. Plis STOP acusing us of everything its getting boring. Deal with your loose like a man/woman and stand up and fight ;)! We were forged in battle we will die in battle !
    Edited by eMTeeR on 18 July 2014 15:10
  • Lettigall
    eMTeeR wrote: »
    It makes me laugh, he has vacations he can play as long as he like tho he is not online 24/h we protect the Dominion in shifts. So stop lying!. We were talking to GM we actualy reported it ourselfs so they know about it. You need to find anothe reson that explains your weeknes. P.S EP was feeding us from the beginning look at scoreboard. Plis STOP acusing us of everything its getting boring. Deal with your loose like a man/woman and stand up and fight ;)! We were forged in battle we will die in battle !

    When at my 24h shift I see your "emperor" day and night online. Seems more likely that you are changing shifts on that profile. Maybe you reported bugs but still you continued to exploit them. And stop lying that it was only for 2 hours. You had those "bugs" whenever you needed them.

    Bragging with you strength is silly when your only strength is in cheating.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • eMTeeR
    Soul Shriven
    Lettigall wrote: »
    eMTeeR wrote: »
    It makes me laugh, he has vacations he can play as long as he like tho he is not online 24/h we protect the Dominion in shifts. So stop lying!. We were talking to GM we actualy reported it ourselfs so they know about it. You need to find anothe reson that explains your weeknes. P.S EP was feeding us from the beginning look at scoreboard. Plis STOP acusing us of everything its getting boring. Deal with your loose like a man/woman and stand up and fight ;)! We were forged in battle we will die in battle !

    When at my 24h shift I see your "emperor" day and night online. Seems more likely that you are changing shifts on that profile. Maybe you reported bugs but still you continued to exploit them. And stop lying that it was only for 2 hours. You had those "bugs" whenever you needed them.

    Bragging with you strength is silly when your only strength is in cheating.

    We havent use it since than caus we cant. It would be hard to do caus im almost 24/h too on my Sorceres;) the only think that i hear on TS is Go to f***** sleep Emteer :) thats what i do also when im bored at work.That makes me a cheater too? So take a group and show me your strenght. This discussion is pointles cous you arent even near truth.

    As i said you need to lern how to loose to win some day. Stop Crying and try to do something with it.

  • Lettigall
    Stop cheating and show your real strength! Even without physical work human body needs at least 4 hours of sleep. In my previous job I had job when I was happy if I was sleeping at least 1h and after week body an mind is worn out. Even with special training.

    So stop bullshiting that your alliance is made from super humans. And you stopped using bugs only after this thread was made.

    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Vivecc
    whoa...stop kiding around the true topic here. but i will answer that one .

    This is the biggest load of *** I've seen in this game so far, the only way you guys where able to hold in emperor was outnumbering us 20 - 1 and still calling in reinforcements for 3 other campaigns whenever AD or DC made a move.

    the case was actual that EP had ALWAYS outnumbered the other alliances.
    People get bored , there were no one to fight, and speaking of this second round of wabba, we !! welcomed some newcomers of AD and DC for more fun. But in the actual "takin emperor" move of AD that was you who had brought in help. Well i didn´complain ´bout that.

    And NO we did not call for reinforcements to "zerg you poor 10 peeps"

    Oh no..wait ...i heard something about you guys ALWAYS complaining about being "zerged". Ans one of "us " got pissed and decided to show you guys what a zerg really yeah u got zerged once.
  • eMTeeR
    Soul Shriven
    Lettigall wrote: »
    Stop cheating and show your real strength! Even without physical work human body needs at least 4 hours of sleep. In my previous job I had job when I was happy if I was sleeping at least 1h and after week body an mind is worn out. Even with special training.

    So stop bullshiting that your alliance is made from super humans. And you stopped using bugs only after this thread was made.

    Man you are boring one, like talking to wall. As i said further disscusion is pointles said what i wanted to say. Read it one more time. If you want to prove something join Wabajack Duelers maby you will see that we are nice ppl and hardcore pvpers. And we dont cheat! if we would cheat we would be banned for sure as many ppl were for cheating. EOT
  • Zero_Tolerance
    I played 2 short evenings and with that I got rank 111 in EP. That means that there are few ppl on EP side.
  • Lettigall
    eMTeeR wrote: »
    Man you are boring one, like talking to wall. As i said further disscusion is pointles said what i wanted to say. Read it one more time. If you want to prove something join Wabajack Duelers maby you will see that we are nice ppl and hardcore pvpers. And we dont cheat! if we would cheat we would be banned for sure as many ppl were for cheating. EOT

    Oh you don't cheat and don't abuse bugs? Then explain his/her super speed and strength in this video? And how does he "suffer" from this "bug"?

    [Moderator Note: Videos removed per our rules on Naming & Shaming]

    Edited by ZOS_LenaicR on 21 July 2014 16:51
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Fine
    Lettigall wrote: »
    Stop cheating and show your real strength! Even without physical work human body needs at least 4 hours of sleep. In my previous job I had job when I was happy if I was sleeping at least 1h and after week body an mind is worn out. Even with special training.

    So stop bullshiting that your alliance is made from super humans. And you stopped using bugs only after this thread was made.

    You're phatetic, we where wiping the floor with you guy's long before our emperor got any of thoese bugs :) Now bugger, clearly you ain't smart enough to get this.
  • Lettigall
    I played 2 short evenings and with that I got rank 111 in EP. That means that there are few ppl on EP side.

    Actually I don't know where they get those high numbers of EP. Maximum 3 raids have been online. Now only we barely can get 1 full raid.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Lettigall
    Fine wrote: »
    You're phatetic, we where wiping the floor with you guy's long before our emperor got any of thoese bugs :) Now bugger, clearly you ain't smart enough to get this.

    To defeat you needed cheats, alliance with DC and guests from other campaigns. And often we simply gave you resources and keeps to make campaign interesting.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • jonasa100
    Anyone who plays this game can see he is cheating period, if anyone uses a bug to play like this should be banned. If the bug occurred with me, I would know if I used these I could be and should be banned period. Honestly if eso is going to allow this type of behavior it will be the last straw for me. This is bs and you all know it
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    If you are bugged and continue to play with the bug, you are an exploiter. Sometimes you have to be the bigger person and go 'I can't play my toon without cheating, so I won't play it'.

    Yes, it sucks. You get to blame ZOS at that point.

    Doing anything else breaks every spirit of competition there is and negatively impacts the community as a whole.

    Well, if you can't figure that out, you are the type of person that NEEDS to be banned.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • Chillic
    Speed bug hit me last night, puncturing sweep while a DK hit his bat swarm. Re-logging does not resolve. Went away after I was killed.
  • Buck
    Lettigall wrote: »
    eMTeeR wrote: »
    Man you are boring one, like talking to wall. As i said further disscusion is pointles said what i wanted to say. Read it one more time. If you want to prove something join Wabajack Duelers maby you will see that we are nice ppl and hardcore pvpers. And we dont cheat! if we would cheat we would be banned for sure as many ppl were for cheating. EOT

    Oh you don't cheat and don't abuse bugs? Then explain his/her super speed and strength in this video? And how does he "suffer" from this "bug"?

    I'm not on wabba but if this cheater is not banned, with the obvious video provided alone, then I've no hope for PVP to be any fun at all. That was just pathetic to watch.

    [Moderator Note: Video removed per our rules on Naming & Shaming]
    Edited by ZOS_LenaicR on 21 July 2014 16:52
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