Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Horrid Lag / Mobs not visiable / Players not visiable

  • Malthorne
    Wow..Going to settings and turning off the sound seems to have worked me. Playing ES without the music & sound effects does seem a little off, but at least I can play now
  • Eisdol
    Soul Shriven
    Also, I tried to disable only the sound effect. it works as well with only the music enabled
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Turning off the sound did not result in higher frame rate in my case.

    In addition to enemy players and NPCs, I noticed oil pots were similarly invisible at times.

    Cyrodiil frame rate on minimum settings @ 720p prior to patch 1.2.3 was 25-30 fps, dropping down to about 8-10 fps near large keep battles. Currently frame rate frequently drops down to 1-3 fps even near relatively small battles. If there are no enemy players nearby, frame rate improves to 25-30fps.
    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on 4 July 2014 02:48
  • Encognito
    All the above !!! Even paid extra to upgrade my internet speed from my isp today thinking it was just my crappy internet. They informed me I should be able to play any realtime game online .. I get into game, take off to kill some mobs, but guess what, those invisible jokers got me again.. sheeeshhh.. Please fix this soon.
    As stated by many, the game in this condition is almost unplayable . You have no right to charge a sub with the way the game is going. You might end up having to Install a pay to win market to make a little money and make the game free to play. I would think your subscription rate is declining at an alarming rate.. I love the game and when its working right, I dont mind paying for it. In fact its the first game Ive ever done a sub on.. Please get it right for those of us .. who have not given up already.
  • omy_mkeb17_ESO
    Disabling the 2 sound options in settings>>sounds, resolved all these problems for me.
    Edited by omy_mkeb17_ESO on 4 July 2014 11:11
  • vladimilianoub17_ESO1
    Disabling the 2 sound options in settings>>sounds, resolved all these problems for me.

    same for me
  • Garkbit
    Disabling the sound didn't work for me .... however I have noticed that the fps/environment loading problems get worse when ghosts are near by!!
    These are not the sweet rolls you're looking for - Now move along before I put an arrow in your knee.
  • silent_banshee
    I logged on yesterday after experiencing much of the same issues as everyone here... low FPS, mobs/npcs/objects loading in slowly or not at all. I felt there was a very noticeable improvement as far as all of those issues after the hotfix, although there were still some pretty serious moments of enemies not loading in. I'd say 70% of the time I can just put my character in sneak somewhere, escape and click log out, and just wait about twenty or thirty seconds while the logout confirmation prompt is up, then just escape back to the game and most of whatever was missing will pop back up. I just can't bring myself to turn the sound off for the sake of fps improvement though... the game sounds too pretty xD
  • Absynthe
    I am suffering the same issue, re: invisible NPCs, slow loading of environment objects. Weirdly, turning off all sound in game helped. Not an ideal solution, nor perfect in how much it's helped, but it was something - at least for me.
    Edited by Absynthe on 4 July 2014 16:29
    Leonine Tigeress
  • Seravi
    Muting my game just isn't an option. There are NPC's that speak and there is no text that shows. How am I to know what is being said? This should be an ASAP hot fix. Can't play? Your fps goes to five in combat? Memory leaks like the Hoover Dam broke? Just turn off all sound. Umm no that isn't an acceptable answer to an issue on a game that I pay a monthly fee to play.
  • Absynthe
    @Seravi Do what you like, it's merely an imperfect option for -some- people until the official fix. :)
    Leonine Tigeress
  • SeltzerDuke
    Seravi wrote: »
    Muting my game just isn't an option. There are NPC's that speak and there is no text that shows. How am I to know what is being said? This should be an ASAP hot fix. Can't play? Your fps goes to five in combat? Memory leaks like the Hoover Dam broke? Just turn off all sound. Umm no that isn't an acceptable answer to an issue on a game that I pay a monthly fee to play.
    I tried muting the sound the last time I played, and if it made any difference at all, it was so slight as to not even matter. But anyhow I just wanted to point out that if you need to hear the NPCs speak, enable the NPC line (by ticking off the NPC box in the options) in one of your chat tabs and whatever they say will show up right in your chat window. I've done this whenever I can't have the sound enabled for whatever reason, like being on TS with a guild or listening to music. It helps comprehension of a quest quite a bit, heh.
  • Hareth_Faehir
    Soul Shriven
    game is currently unplayable for me btwn invisimobs, can't see npc's, inability to see my questing partner and horrible lag. :(
  • Darzil
    Have you tried (until a proper fix arrives) switching sound off in game options? Works for many of us.
  • InstinctDota
    Soul Shriven
    I have this issue since the beginning of Craglorn patch. Waiting endlessly for a NPC to appear to get or complete a quest. While wandering off the roads in search of objectives no enemies appear and being attacked by invisible force caused the waste of all of my shard (~50) and I never had any problems with shard possession. I have never died so many times with my main character and now when I have an alt who is absolutely the same build but on a different faction with an improved build I die 5 to 6 times per hour. And it's only because I don't see what is hitting me. I hope to see this fixed as soon as possible. And something else - when I die and still in ghost form I die once more and then there is no way to ressurect yourself but to quit through Alt+F4.
    Edited by InstinctDota on 4 July 2014 22:32
  • Encognito
    Turning the sound off worked for me as well. Since the ambient sounds, such as rain, etc were lagging and skipping before, I turned the sound back on, and zeroed all the numbers but npc voice. It still seems to work ok now. If grinding or running around exploring, I just turn the sound completely off, then back on for npc voices when doing quests. Altho it takes away from the atmosphere of the game, it still makes it playable, at least till they fix it.. Cheers
  • keithlonerganb14a_ESO
    Turning off sound for me worked as well. When I told the CSR who was trying to help me out that this fixed the problem, and that it has fixed other peoples same problem as well (mostly so he could tell others who have the same problem and get them playing again), they responded saying it must be my system as sound is very demanding on the system.

    Seriously, just admit your programmers suck and thank us for figuring out their problem. Stop saying its our fault. Ridiculous.
    Edited by keithlonerganb14a_ESO on 7 July 2014 00:55
  • squeemu_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Game ran fine for two months, now it's not even playable. I hope they fix this problem soon or I'll be canceling, which is a shame because I really like the game. A week has gone by since I could successfully finish a solo quest.
  • Gilvoth
    ZOS_HugoP wrote: »
    Greetings folks!

    We're aware that the FPS issue did not get fixed after yesterday's patch and, in some cases, actually made it worse. Our team has identified what's causing this, and we are working on a hotfix now. We will keep up to date when this hotfix will be deployed.

    Thank you!

    i do thank you for commenting on this, however, the problem still exists because, today in cryodiil it was constant lagg (3 frames per second) and constant not seeing people and i was killed over and over and over again from invisible AD and DC players.

  • Gilvoth
    Seravi wrote: »
    Muting my game just isn't an option. There are NPC's that speak and there is no text that shows. How am I to know what is being said? This should be an ASAP hot fix. Can't play? Your fps goes to five in combat? Memory leaks like the Hoover Dam broke? Just turn off all sound. Umm no that isn't an acceptable answer to an issue on a game that I pay a monthly fee to play.

    i agree with you completely. i will not be turning off the in-game-sound.
    Edited by Gilvoth on 7 July 2014 01:28
  • boogie95
    we are all having these problems hope its fixed tomorrow or ESO may wall die
  • DanteYoda
    LOL a fine AAA product worth $15 a month... not..
  • Umfafa_Umfafason

    Make sure to take a look at this @ZOS_HugoP‌

    (By the way, this was at 60FPS while using fraps. Your issues go far deeper than FPS)
    Edited by Umfafa_Umfafason on 7 July 2014 10:29
  • GhostRunner521
    I had similar issues. If I disable sound in settings everything loads correctly. Must be something with latest patch.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    I've personally had a lot more lag.issues or what I would describe as mobs not appearing at all but being able to fight me and me able to kill them in large groups taking little to no damage.

    I normally play PvE so whether it's in the world.or in a cave or dungeon the experience has been the same over the last two weeks.

    Prior I did not have these issues but the animations would get stuck. My Templar would walk around with the spear showing as if an equitable item.

    I'm not enjoying missing out on seeing what the game is trying to show. I've made a new character in a different realm to go through more of the other quests and stories but it seems the game improves in some respects and.gets.a lot worse in other areas.

    I realize the game is just a few.months old but at the current playability I wonder how long. The population is dropping and overtime this will require the developers to drastically overhaul endgame.

    Every since the huge Tuesday path (related to the above), I've noticed and experienced a re-occuring error that when posted in two different forums were not addressed. It's PC as I've played with no issues until the large Tuesday patch.

    This error is a "bad load error" one that pops up not while.loading new areas or just after. This pops up whenever it wants to and then further prevents me from being able to complete quests that have intractable objects.

    As of the Thursday patch the game continues with the error and then crashes.
    Please don't ruin a good thing by not addressing these issues.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Pmarsico9
    So take this for what it's worth from my experience over the weekend:

    Going back to last week where I couldn't play longer than 10 minutes without my framerate dropping to 2 FPS since patch 1.2.4.

    1) I tried the "turn off the sound" fix. It did nothing.
    2) I disabled all addons while the sound was still off: No improvement.

    I dug around. I researched.

    I ended up deleting my Usersettings and shader.cooked file.

    I reloaded the game. Not only was my FPS back at the 70 I held before 1.2.4, the issue I had with the load-in was also resolved (my resolution would drop.)

    I played for about 2 hours.

    Here's the kicker:

    After 2 more hours of play the next day, the FPS issues re-emerged. Suddenly and drastically I was back down to 2 FPS. This time, I just deleted shader.cooked. The issue was resolved again. I now delete shader.cooked prior to logging into the game anytime I do so. It has insured somewhat reliable performance. There is still some ability lag and rendering issues, but they existed before 1.2.4 anyway.

    I hope this helps somebody.

    To ZOS:

    There's an issue in your coding with your graphic commands to the card. Something that is compiling is doing so in a very ugly way.

    I am of the mindset that for a game that is so new, there's a lot of extraneous spaghetti code. Which shouldn't be the case.

    TL;DR: Fix yo ***.
  • vladimilianoub17_ESO1
    Nothing has fixed for me.Still having the animation delay and invisible mobs issue.Turning sound off fix it but I wont be paying for a game without sound.7 days of game time left and I wont be renewing my sub.I dont think i will wait for a fix to renew sub.They havent been able to fix the issue after a long time I will just move to another game.Why should I keep paying for a game I cant play?

    I was a fanboy of this game,but enough is enough.Its not worth paying anymore for a game with so many issues and yeah it have maaany issues.
  • Olgapeterson
    It is unfortunate, to say the least. Ever since the last large patch 1.2.4, I've had the same problems. Rendering issues, serious lag, invisible mobs, environment not loading in for 10+ mins, frame rate drops to 2.
    I did not have these problems before the patch. The game ran great before that.
    As vladimilianoub17 said, why should I keep paying for a game I cannot now play? I get maybe 5 mins of play when first loaded in before everything turns to crap.
    And Zen has done NOTHING to fix this even though people have been talking about it since the patch.
    Seriously? Zen, do you not care that you're losing players due to your own faulty coding?
    I really hope they fix this soon. As in within the next month, or I'm canceling my sub.
    It's not the fall that take your breath's the sudden stop at the bottom
  • brandon
    Zenimax are you ever going to fix this? If you haven't noticed you are losing customers left and right because of all your dumb decisions. Seriously fix the game already and give people free game time or their money back.
  • qwjr8989_ESO
    Not complaining and love ESO but I thought I would let it be known so that more information is had that I hadn't experienced this lag issue the entire time existed but as of today's patch I'm having weird lag spikes and I hit loading screens every few minutes while walking!
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