As it stand's Stamina based dps builds could use a lot of help. This has been recognized and a dev-thread has been made addressing some changes. That's certainly a good start. I'd like to take that a step further.
What I propose is to change the way that the fighter's guild is set up to make it's abilities primarily fully-usable against non-undead/daedra.
Of course the fighter's guild still was designed to fill this niche and it still can, I merely propose that most of the added effects we see from fighters guild abilities that only apply to undead/daedra should also apply to every other type of enemy in a less potent form. Here are my thoughts on some of the changes that could be made to serve this purpose:
Silver Bolts: This ability is actually pretty well off where it is due to it's simplicity. The base ability could remain the same, maybe could do to lose some of that high stamina cost although the medium armor changes will help marginally.
The morph Silver Shards is also pretty good mechanically, but the damage reduction to the extra enemies hit could stand to be lessened. 67% of damage done at rank one up to 70% at max rank is what i'd like to see but that might be a bit high.
The other morph, Silver Leash has a cool idea attached to it. The one problem is that the leash is completely null against non undead/daedra, let alone against enemies immune to cc rendering the alternate function useless in most cases.
I'd propose keeping the mechanics as they are, allowing the second hit at separate stamina cost to go off against cc immune targets without the pull, and simply increase the damage of the leash by a certain amount if the enemy is undead/daedra. This would provide ranged stamina users with a cost effective stamina dump.
Circle of Protection: There's a lot wrong with this ability, and it starts with how low the soft cap for armor/resistances is, but I'll leave that be now since this isn't a dps focused ability anyway.
The Turn Undead morph makes it semi decent, maybe keep the fear or the damage for non undead/daedra and use the combination of both and maybe another effect against undead/daedra.
Ring of preservation just needs a complete overhaul. 28% health regen isn't much when the stat and softcap is so monstrously low. A direct heal would be appreciated in it's place if nothing else.
Expert Hunter: Now this ability has some potential, but is strictly usable against undead/daedra only. A simple fix would be to change all the effects of this ability and it's morph to affect all targets (lower base potency against non undead/daedra possibly), and have it simply be stronger against undead/daedra as is the theme. This ability and it's morphs alone could go a long way to getting stamina dps builds on track.
On a side note, Expert Hunter could also use a cost reduction since it only lasts 10 seconds but costs the same as something like Momentum (even this ability could use some work) which is a 20 second buff. The increase duration on daedra/undead kill is nice and all, but the ability needs to be decent without the daedra/undead bonus.
Trap Beast: This ability looked decent at first as there isn't many abilities that are even similar to it, let alone stamina based. However upon further inspection one notices the 4 seconds it takes for the trap to arm for a measly immobilize and some damage, as opposed to abilities like Volcanic Rune and Manifestation of Terror which provide hard CCs instantly.
Reduce the cost of this ability and it's morphs, as well as taking away the arming time except on the rearming morph for the second arming and this ability would be fine.
Edited by Thejollygreenone on 22 June 2014 00:01