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Psychological insights into whining :)

  • Tannakaobi
    Crumpy wrote: »
    What bollocks!

    I don't need to add more...

  • Adalich
    you mentioned psychology (LOL), computer science (ROFL)
    and reason in the same sentence.

    I'd suggest customer service, google does it out of the kindest of its heart and god in your next sentence to maintain the level on inanity.
  • Chirru
    Seems to me that the OP is right. While this game needs work, it is fundamental to all comparisons that we are indeed programmed to behave in a certain way and if you don't believe that, look at Jung and Freud, both renowned in their field.

    We watch a coke commercial or a pepsi commercial, the jingle brings us to their side, we then buy the product and swear off the other doesn't taste as good. It's the way advertising works.

    It is all learned behavior whether some of you want to believe it or not.

    I hear is your is mine.

    Point One: Robots are programed...people are influenced. Yes we are influenced to behave in a certain way if we let this influence override our own judgement.
    As for those who insist that people are programmed... in my opinion their goal is to deny free will so as to enslave minds in order to further an agenda I personally oppose greatly.

    Point Two: Jung and Freud are 101 Psychology subjects. Both are dead and their ideas have long been refined or are being ignored altogether. Contemporary Psychology has not much time for two guys who got their ideas, in the case of Freud, largely guessing; and in the case of Jung partially from spirit-guides, one of which was called Philemon.

    Contemporary Psychology depends largely on the scientific method. At least that is what everyone chooses to believe. My own opinion on this subject is; western Psychologists are the Shamans of western culture. The Magi, the wise men and women everyone runs to if they have come to the end of their rope.

    Point three: Yes, naturally the game developers will use the advertising tool-box to sway people to buy and play the game. This however works only to extent as the product (at least partially) conforms to the promises being made. If the product deviates too far from what was advertised, then people will discard the product because we are not robots.

    Your opening statement:

    "Seems to me that the OP is right. While this game needs work, it is fundamental to all comparisons that we are indeed programmed to behave in a certain way and if you don't believe that, look at Jung and Freud, both renowned in their field."

    has no foundation, or in other words...It is build on sand.

    How does it go: You can fool some of the people some time...but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
  • Phantax
    Oh look another post by somebody who believes they have the right to dismay others to their opinion !
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • steveb16_ESO46
    Gaudrath wrote: »
    There are shorter and less 'look at me, I've read a book' ways of abusing people.

    Haha, you can abuse people by reading books now? :D

    Sure. When you use them to stealth insult other players by redefining legitimate dissatisfaction with game features into a mental condition.

    Straight out of the old Soviet Union playbook in fact.
  • Regoras
    My first OS was Caldera DR DOS.... I prefer Windows 8 though. Nice to see Google is still giving out majors in Psychology!
  • pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO
    Hi all! Sorry if I have offended anyone with my post. That was never meant to be so just like I stated in the opening part. I was just reading forums and kept seeing: why this is not like in WoW, why that is not like in GW and an old book came to mind and I've posted some thoughts.

    To answer to my critics:

    - I have never implied to be a trained professional in psychology. Although in fact I had quite a bit of training in the field. First when I was doing my first masters in palaeontology specializing in evolution of mammals. During study I had quite an extensive course of behavioral psychology.
    - Even if I used 'Google science' as some of you have implied it means that I found something, read on it, made my own parallels between what's happening on forums and what I read. That by current standards qualifies as 'scientific' theory. Whether it's correct or not is whole another question.
    - The whole argument of people who think I'm wrong is based on an assumption that I haven't had proper training in the field. I haven't seen any reasonable argument against my point of view.
    - Oh, and on the question of WoW. Yes, I agree that the game had set a very high standard in MMOs and this is partly why we have constant comparisons between ESO and WoW. Yet, for the majority of ESO players I would assume that WoW was the first MMO they've played. I don't think that too large of a percentage played UO or some other early MMOs. So with this in mind imprinting can be a possible explanation as well as high standard that WoW had set.

    And lastly, I never tried to argue that ESO doesn't have problems. Man! Heaps of those! Only thing that my original post was directed at was constant comparison of ESO to other games while they are different in so many ways :smile:
    "Do you want the book or not? Then go whack some people with Wabbajack!!"
  • Alurria
    Pack mentality, scary..we are still not that far along the evolutionary chain.
  • ArRashid
    Amazing how many of you guys are hating on the truth. OP is absolutely right in this. And you're just proving it further :)
  • Shanna
    I find the idea interesting. I would add to the human tendency toward "imprinting" the tendency toward reacting defensively when presented with an overly-simplified analysis. I know my first defense mechanism was to consider the OP pretentious. Then I thought, "nah, he's probably just an excited psychology undergrad." ;)
    This is all part of the game.
  • ZOS_LenaicR
    Hi there,

    Closing this thread, as our Community Code of Conduct does not allow for inflammatory posts.

    We welcome constructive discussion of the game, but threads dedicated only to flaming will be closed.
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