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Psychological insights into whining :)

Howdy all!
Since the launch of ESO (and before that too) there's been so many discussions on topics like "Why X in ESO is not like in game Y". I've sort of grown tired of seeing those and I just wanted to give a brief explanation of why this happens and, hopefully, we all can learn something useful too.

This post is by no means meant to be insulting. Everything described below applies to every single person to some extent.

Let's start, shall we? There is a very interesting phenomenon in psychology called imprinting. It refers to a specific form of learning generally in a young individual, where it acquires some of the behaviors of its parent. It's applicable to most mammals, birds and some amphibians/reptiles as well.

One of the particular cases of imprinting is called baby duck syndrome. Back in the XIX century Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz (not the same Lorenz who studied electromagnetism :smile: ) observed that baby ducks would consider the first moving thing they see in their life to be their parent, whether it would be mama-goose, a cat or a shoe of Herr Lorenz.

This concept is also being applied to computer sciences. Psychologists say (and who am I to argue) that computer users tend to imprint the first system they see and then consider it to be an ultimate authority. Subconsciously, of course. For example, most of you use Windows operating system. If you do switch to Mac or Linux for the first time (and can be quite long if you take Linux) the system will feel alien and you'd have a nagging feeling that it's all wrong and should be done differently. And 'differently' in this case means to be like in Windows.

Or same can be said if you use Photoshop and then either for the fear of legal prosecution for using pirated software :smiling_imp: or for the support of free software you decide to switch to, say, GIMP. Again, you'll have the same nagging feeling that all is wrong in GIMP and all is better in Photoshop, while in fact both programs are mostly interchangeable.

You see, human brain doesn't like learning too much. Or should I say, doesn't like changing what's already been learned. Very conservative *** it is :smile:

So to conclude, when you feel that stuff is wrong in ESO (and I'm not talking about bots, that *** is bad) or should be done differently, try and have a think and decide whether you really think that it will be better the other way or it will just be more like the game you're used to playing. And if it's the latter then

Edited by pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO on 21 May 2014 06:22
"Do you want the book or not? Then go whack some people with Wabbajack!!"
  • Chirru
    You need to see a Psychotherapist. I guess there someone near you.
    Quite honestly..your Google Psychology not only calls for... it demands for you to get treatment for your condition urgently.
  • Loco_Mofo
    I can recommend someone, he's the best at what he does.

    *Edited: Naming and Shaming*
    Edited by ZOS_LenaicR on 21 May 2014 12:57
  • pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO
    Thanks for the advice, but I think I'll pass on that. You have your opinion, I have mine, but let's all try to stay civil.
    Edited by pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO on 21 May 2014 06:56
    "Do you want the book or not? Then go whack some people with Wabbajack!!"
  • KerinKor
    Thanks for the advice, but I think I'll pass on that. You have your opinion, I have mine, but let's all try to stay civil.
    Pompous pontificating on a subject you seem to have no training in isn't really going to precipitate a reasonable discussion I would suggest.
  • Loxy37
    And how does this tell us anything that any adult with half a brain doesn't already know. Comparing will always go on because that's what humans do, compare and see good and bad points in everything. You are probably talking about the vocal minority that would complain even if the game had no flaws! I blame a lot on WoW, not because it was a bad game, it just set the bar so High that others struggle to this day to best it and unfortunatly, everything is measured against it.

    What I hate is when people ask for different and in the very next thread, sometimes sentence, they say "but its not like WoW".
  • Loxy37
    Loco_Mofo wrote: »
    I can recommend someone, he's the best at what he does.

    Inappropriate picture. Very offensive!
    Edited by Loxy37 on 21 May 2014 07:04
  • Chirru
    look..I am sorry for having come down so hard on you.
    You are most likely a nice person.
    Let me say it in a nicer way.

    The psychological discipline of Behavioral Science has not place in a Forum
    like this one.
    Yes there are some habitual complainers uttering their opinion , however, to most people contributing to the forum the description 'Whining' would not apply.

    People are uttering their own opinions about the game, or the opinions of others, and that is a valid form of communication as far as I am aware of.

    Please consider also that maybe to some people Internet Forums are just another game to be played; or just an outlet for their real life frustration. However this might, or might not be. To psychoanalyze the forum population is a futile attempt since the opinions uttered often do not reflect at all what people really think.

    This also pertains to the polls taken in this forum.

    have a nice day.
  • Loco_Mofo
    Loxy37 wrote: »
    Loco_Mofo wrote: »
    I can recommend someone, he's the best at what he does.

    Inappropriate picture. Very offensive!

    Excuse me?

    What's so offensive about being an analyst/therapist?
  • Loxy37
    Loco_Mofo wrote: »
    Loxy37 wrote: »
    Loco_Mofo wrote: »
    I can recommend someone, he's the best at what he does.

    Inappropriate picture. Very offensive!

    Excuse me?

    What's so offensive about being an analyst/therapist?

    Whatever. Why do you feel the need to post unless you have something constructive to say.
  • CapuchinSeven
    Thanks for the advice, but I think I'll pass on that. You have your opinion, I have mine, but let's all try to stay civil.

    No offence but you seem to be just making up a load of stuff about a subject you don't seem to have much training in.

    YES there are some whiners that likely just whine for the sake of whining here. But also just as much there are problems with this great game, unresponsive gameplay delays and performance issues (likely something to do with them launching a triple A game in the EU without EU servers), on going bugs which totally stop play (it took me 15 attempts to get into PVP last night because of the never ending loading screen bug which nothing seemed to fix, by the time I got in, I played for 5 mins and then logged off. Ask yourself if that keeps up if you think I'll keep playing them money?)
  • Loco_Mofo
    Obviously not an Arrested Development fan.

    Lighten up, don't take the interwebs so seriously.
  • Noswell
    Loxy37 wrote: »
    Whatever. Why do you feel the need to post unless you have something constructive to say.
    Chirru wrote: »
    Please consider also that maybe to some people Internet Forums are just another game to be played

  • Braumeisterlein
    Soul Shriven
    Many people are uncomfortable with changes and new things, everybody knows that.

    I just wasted 5 minutes of my life to read this wall of text and I'm angry as I'm writing this post wasting another minute...
  • Breg_Magol
    Howdy all!
    Since the launch of ESO (and before that too) there's been so many ..

    I agree and thanks for the post. I've read the book by Konrad Lorenz that you're referring too.

    Insightful reading and I find it hilarious that so many people these days seem to think that Google is the source of all knowledge.

    It's nauseating how childish and immature some of the responses have been. It reminds me of the atmosphere on Reddit, a plague on civil communication, I hope these users are moderated on this forum and better still evicted .. until such time they learn how to participate in the community.

    Edited by Breg_Magol on 21 May 2014 07:23
  • Rotherhans
    *Edited: Removed a Naming and Shaming quote*
    Edited by ZOS_LenaicR on 21 May 2014 12:57
    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
  • CapuchinSeven
    Breg_Magol wrote: »

    It's nauseating how childish and immature some of the responses have been. It reminds me of the atmosphere on Reddit, a plague on civil communication, I hope these users are moderated on this forum and better still evicted .. until such time they learn how to participate in the community.

    Player makes insulting post but does it in a "smart" way so gets away with it. Gets criticised for having a rather weak understanding of physiology. Deal with it.

    Great game has problems, people like to post about those problems.
    Edited by CapuchinSeven on 21 May 2014 07:29
  • Breg_Magol
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice, but I think I'll pass on that. You have your opinion, I have mine, but let's all try to stay civil.
    Pompous pontificating on a subject you seem to have no training in isn't really going to precipitate a reasonable discussion I would suggest.

    The book was written with the lay person in mind you don't have to be a psychologist or therapist to read it or to draw conclusions from it. I read the book in the mid to late seventies.

    There's no reason why this post can't generate discussion, unless it's because people don't realise the information is available to anyone who cares to read it.

    You've made some knee-jerk assumptions ...
    Edited by Breg_Magol on 21 May 2014 07:30
  • Milanna
    Breg_Magol wrote: »
    Howdy all!
    Since the launch of ESO (and before that too) there's been so many ..

    I agree and thanks for the post. I've read the book by Konrad Lorenz that you're referring too.

    Insightful reading and I find it hilarious that so many people these days seem to think that Google is the source of all knowledge.

    I would just like to point out that a book have probably been written some time ago, and even in behavioral science there are as many theories as there are scientists.

    Please don´t read about human behavior in a book and try and apply it on the internet. Every phenonemon have to be put in a context, and this isn´t really a context.

    However entertaining it might be.
    Mila the True (Aldmeri Dominion)
    Milanna the Cold-hearted (Aldmeri Dominion)
    Raphael the Cunning (Ebonheart Pact)

    Cassius Tanicius (Daggerfall Covenant)

    I just found garlic, you blood-suckers better stay clear
  • Crumpy
    What bollocks
    I lyke not this quill.
  • Amfijakerwb17_ESO
    Or could it be that maybe, juuust maybe that ESO is a broken mess?

    There are a lot of people complaining because they have tons of legitimate reasons to do so.
  • robert
    Milanna wrote: »
    Breg_Magol wrote: »
    Howdy all!
    Since the launch of ESO (and before that too) there's been so many ..

    I agree and thanks for the post. I've read the book by Konrad Lorenz that you're referring too.

    Insightful reading and I find it hilarious that so many people these days seem to think that Google is the source of all knowledge.

    I would just like to point out that a book have probably been written some time ago, and even in behavioral science there are as many theories as there are scientists.

    Please don´t read about human behavior in a book and try and apply it on the internet. Every phenonemon have to be put in a context, and this isn´t really a context.

    However entertaining it might be.

    Yes, one might think so.

    Then, perhaps, one decides to investigate a bit further and lo and behold, guess what you find?
  • Noswell
    robert wrote: »
    Yes, one might think so.

    Then, perhaps, one decides to investigate a bit further and lo and behold, guess what you find?

    Vague statements with sinister undertones that don't say anything?
  • Breg_Magol
    Don't feel too badly pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO, as I said I appreciated your post. However, any possibility for thoughtful discourse has been usurped and replaced by a chorus of prepubescent inanities so typical of what passes for discussion and debate on the Internet. A sad development in any case, but the loss is theirs.

    It's patently obvious that it's nigh impossible to get a reasonable response from most of the posters on this thread (with a couple of notable exceptions), because the unwashed masses seem patently deficit in basic language and comprehension skills, required to participate in any lucid discussion.

    Thanks for posting anyway, but any idea requiring greater insight than that which is provided via Google is mostly wasted on these individuals.

    Pearls before swine .. LOL .. thank goodness I don't have to rely on these mental midgets in game!
  • Yasha
    You know community dissatisfaction is high when these sort of threads start to appear...
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Breg_Magol wrote: »
    Don't feel too badly pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO, as I said I appreciated your post. However, any possibility for thoughtful discourse has been usurped and replaced by a chorus of prepubescent inanities so typical of what passes for discussion and debate on the Internet. A sad development in any case, but the loss is theirs.

    It's patently obvious that it's nigh impossible to get a reasonable response from most of the posters on this thread (with a couple of notable exceptions), because the unwashed masses seem patently deficit in basic language and comprehension skills, required to participate in any lucid discussion.

    Thanks for posting anyway, but any idea requiring greater insight than that which is provided via Google is mostly wasted on these individuals.

    Pearls before swine .. LOL .. thank goodness I don't have to rely on these mental midgets in game!

    Amusingly i'd rather read those comments than the diarrhea that flows from your fingers in posts like this.

    You attempt to give off an air of mature superiority while insulting people in such a way that it makes you look far worse.

    You are the reason we keep asking for an ignore function .... that we're still waiting for ZOS, hurry it along now.

    Those "unwashed" masses haven't taken to hurling playground insults but you managed it.

    Every village has one and I guess you are ours.
  • ThyIronFist
    The Elder Zergs Online
    Sainur Ironfist - DK - EU - Ebonheart Pact
  • RianaTheBosmer
    Seems to me that the OP is right. While this game needs work, it is fundamental to all comparisons that we are indeed programmed to behave in a certain way and if you don't believe that, look at Jung and Freud, both renowned in their field.

    We watch a coke commercial or a pepsi commercial, the jingle brings us to their side, we then buy the product and swear off the other one...it doesn't taste as good. It's the way advertising works.

    It is all learned behavior whether some of you want to believe it or not.
  • Gaudrath
    An excellent post OP, completely agree. Felt that way when I switched to Windows from DOS. "Damn icons and clicking, you can do that ten times faster in the command prompt!"

    We have also learned one other thing from this thread - people tend to get insulted when someone insinuates that they do not know themselves as much as they think they do.

    Because we all like to think we're just perfect and everything is always someone else's fault. ;)
  • steveb16_ESO46
    There are shorter and less 'look at me, I've read a book' ways of abusing people.
  • Gaudrath
    There are shorter and less 'look at me, I've read a book' ways of abusing people.

    Haha, you can abuse people by reading books now? :D
This discussion has been closed.