Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

What do you want to see in ESO?

  • jamie.goddenrwb17_ESO
    I would like to be able to make a character that can do good dps purely based on melee weapon skill trees. One of the ZOS devs suggested during one of the Reddit AMA's that this was something they wanted to try on a later play though and I think being able to (at least partly) forgo class skills would be fun.
    I can has typing!
  • Tosalius
    I want Veteran Ranks to go away...worst idea ever.
  • SFBryan18
    Proximity voice chat.
  • Ryskim
    - Necromancer or Reachmage class is my first in the list, with Guild and skill lines.
    - Better animations - walking and sprinting animations (without wielding weapons) are extremely ***, amongs other.
    - Sound: better footsteps sound effects depending on the armor I'm wearing - like in Skyrim
    - Fix bugs
    - Justice system (already on the works)
    - The Companions, Dawnguard or Vigilants of Stendarr (or both), Vampire Guild, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood (the last 2 have been officially announced and are on the works)
    - Align with the Empire, and Empire storyline.
    - Revamp the entire magic system, make one based on classic magic schools: Illusion, Alteration, Destruction, Conjuration, etc...
    - No classes, just like any other Elder Scrolls game, be whatever you want
    - At least 10 abilities on the bar instead of 5+1
    - Armor Sets
    - More necromancy (yes, again)
    - Convert armors to X-Style if you have the motiff via right-click.
    - 3D-Maps like the one in Skyrim or better maps instead of the current crap
    - Incursions in enemy alliances areas (with level cap/sync to avoid ganking).
    - Again, better animations
    - Better FX for skills
    - Polearms ie. Halberds, Scythes
    - Skill lines for polearms
    - Crossbows
    - Staff stand-by animation like King Fahara'jad's.
    - Armor Dyes
    - Barbers
    - Instanced Wargames with matchmaking system - similar to the one in SWtOR
    - More and better achievement rewards
    - Better native UI
    - Relocate EU server in EU
    - Better open world pvp rewards
    - Oblivion stats system
    - Birthsigns
    - Playable Undead and Dremora races
    - Falmer
    - Craft in the dwemer style - dwemer motiff, more dwemer info
    - Housing, Guild Strongholds
    - Followers
    - Search function to search for players or characters

    I know there are many more just these ones come to my mind.
    Edited by Ryskim on 21 May 2014 04:23
  • Noswell
    I want to see...my party members.
  • BrassRazoo
    1. Targeting (tab target) that actually works.

    2. Projectiles that DO NOT go through solid walls.

    3. The ability to use tactical cover (see number 2).

    4. NPCs to have the same targeting restrictions / rules as players.
  • starkerealm
    \I am sure I will think of more in a little bit, but what is on your list?

    Well, let's start with... I don't know, a community manager? Some kind of lines of communication that go beyond, "your post was edited for violating the ToS" and "we've tested it, and this egregious bug you're experiencing is in fact 'working as intended.'"

    Actual customer service would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath. Also, maybe, just maybe, an attempt to get the bot population under control without harming legitimate players? You know, unlike nearly every attempt they've made to deal with them so far that only affects legitimate players?
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    - Housing.
    - Guild Housing.
    - Small scale PvP, specifically gladiator Arena's like are common in the lore of Elder Scrolls.
    - More NPC guilds, including Blades, Morag Tong, Psjiic Order, etc.
    - More Daedric Lords.
    - More to our current NPC guilds.
    - Character re-customization.
    - Werebears and Lich player morphs.
    - More costumes and generic clothing.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    jpp wrote: »
    There is only one thing that I wish to be in this game - to add and build additional class to my character.
    Sure I can pover level new alt, but why should I do all quests again? The same result is if I could just have second class added and forget all problems with balancing - if I/anyone thinks DK is the best I could just play DK, if DK is nerfed then I could play any other class.

    I think I would like this. Maybe set it so I could drop one of my skill lines, and pick up the skill line of another class.

    My Nightblade could drop his Shadow skill line and replace it with something with another class. That could be cool.

    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    Cogo wrote: »
    And in small words:
    This is not world of warcraft! The whole core base of ESO is the opposite of WoW

    So I'm not a fan of World of Warcraft. But I am a fan of MMO's. And since WoW has been made, players have tried very hard to distance their current game from WoW.

    But in it's very essentials, MMO's have lots of similarities. The same holds true with ESO. Massive world, character classes, skills, ability bar, etc, etc.

    And I know, many like you are probably thinking of all the differences right now. But when you put it up against games like WoW, there are far more similarities than differences.

    You can't get rid of certain players. Like min-max players, who break apart the developers math, pointing out every flaw (perceived or real); complaining when anything happens behind the scenes and they aren't told; telling others what the only possible build is, because it's the most efficient (even when they routinely get laid over by other players who AREN'T playing those OP builds)?

    How about the no-lifer, who swaps out with his roomate to keep his game running downtime to downtime; makes max rank in 5 days; complains about the lack of content and reason to stay (altogether missing the whole point of the experience)?

    And the negative nancies, who already cancelled their subscription but haunt the forums to tell everyone else how bad the game sucks; they keep their account running and enjoy playing, but wish the game was something else entirely; who spend more of their time in guilds and voice servers trying to tell everyone else why they shouldn't be having fun?

    Those are just part of the MMO culture. In every game, will be in every game.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Lovely
    - INSTANT WEAPON SWITCH; it's almost useless as it is
    - responsive battle; draining the fun out of the game as it is
    - Prettier clothes. Seriously. The Saint armour is BEIGE. It's not golden, it's beige. Everything is brown or beige.
    - Houses. For crafting, for moving in with partner, for displaying stuff, for storing stuff.
    - More guilds and guild quests.
    - Proper tanking role tools. Increased overcharge caps. Shield should be meaningful for survival.
    - One more ability slot.
    - Barber shop! And maybe face changer like in Skyrim
    Edited by Lovely on 21 May 2014 06:10
  • Lovely
    Cogo wrote: »
    And in small words:
    This is not world of warcraft! The whole core base of ESO is the opposite of WoW

    There is no opposite - the core base is that it IS an MMO. Just like WoW. This silly attitude of yelling out how "oh pretty please don't turn this into WoW" has no rhyme nor reason, just personal hatred towards one (whether you like it or not) very popular and polished game. WoW has done a lot of things right, no matter our personal tastes.
    A lot of things in TESO seem unfinshed, unpolished, not thought out and that has no connection to WoW whatsoever. Just because WoW did something and we want that something in TESO does not mean omg TESO will trun inot WoW at all.

    For example - we have some pets. Why are they even in the game? Anyway, I don't want them to take up space in my inventory, make a separate tab like in every MMO. Will you start screaming out NO NO NO just because WoW has a different tab?

    Go ahead, LOL my post... presenting "don't turn it into WoW" as a "valid" argument is turning beyond stupid already...
  • Bloodfang
    Lovely wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    And in small words:
    This is not world of warcraft! The whole core base of ESO is the opposite of WoW

    There is no opposite - the core base is that it IS an MMO. Just like WoW. This silly attitude of yelling out how "oh pretty please don't turn this into WoW" has no rhyme nor reason, just personal hatred towards one (whether you like it or not) very popular and polished game. WoW has done a lot of things right, no matter our personal tastes.
    A lot of things in TESO seem unfinshed, unpolished, not thought out and that has no connection to WoW whatsoever. Just because WoW did something and we want that something in TESO does not mean omg TESO will trun inot WoW at all.

    For example - we have some pets. Why are they even in the game? Anyway, I don't want them to take up space in my inventory, make a separate tab like in every MMO. Will you start screaming out NO NO NO just because WoW has a different tab?

    Go ahead, LOL my post... presenting "don't turn it into WoW" as a "valid" argument is turning beyond stupid already...

    You are both right on some points. I have to agree with @Cogo that whole core base is opposite of WoW. And I agree with you @Lovely too, that ESO can improve if they add some simple mechanics from other mmos.

    However I strongly disagree that WoW did everything right. I for sure don't want cartoony graphics, terrible crafting and quest system. Unrewarding and pointless exploration. Aswell as a broken unbalanced PvP, which has a lot to do with the tab combat. To go on I don't want raiding to be 95% of the game content. I don't want my tank to feel immortal whenever I enter a dungeon. I don't want a game that is so EASY and PREDICTABLE.

    Besides people should really stop bringing WoW as an example of the perfect MMO, cause it's not! The only thing that WoW has atm better than any other MMO on the market, is the raiding system and a brainwashed crowd.
  • Aballister
    Housing, heven knows how long I spent on it in Skyrim and enjoyed every second
    Dark Elf Sorc(AD)
  • Breg_Magol
    I've tried WoW and honestly ... I can't stomach it, it's a joke. I'd rather pull lint from my belly button or eat toe nail clippings.

    ESO should never aspire to emulate that magpie-crap of a game that is WoW.
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Despair9 wrote: »
    Lovely wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    And in small words:
    This is not world of warcraft! The whole core base of ESO is the opposite of WoW

    There is no opposite - the core base is that it IS an MMO. Just like WoW. This silly attitude of yelling out how "oh pretty please don't turn this into WoW" has no rhyme nor reason, just personal hatred towards one (whether you like it or not) very popular and polished game. WoW has done a lot of things right, no matter our personal tastes.
    A lot of things in TESO seem unfinshed, unpolished, not thought out and that has no connection to WoW whatsoever. Just because WoW did something and we want that something in TESO does not mean omg TESO will trun inot WoW at all.

    For example - we have some pets. Why are they even in the game? Anyway, I don't want them to take up space in my inventory, make a separate tab like in every MMO. Will you start screaming out NO NO NO just because WoW has a different tab?

    Go ahead, LOL my post... presenting "don't turn it into WoW" as a "valid" argument is turning beyond stupid already...

    You are both right on some points. I have to agree with @Cogo that whole core base is opposite of WoW. And I agree with you @Lovely too, that ESO can improve if they add some simple mechanics from other mmos.

    However I strongly disagree that WoW did everything right. I for sure don't want cartoony graphics, terrible crafting and quest system. Unrewarding and pointless exploration. Aswell as a broken unbalanced PvP, which has a lot to do with the tab combat. To go on I don't want raiding to be 95% of the game content. I don't want my tank to feel immortal whenever I enter a dungeon. I don't want a game that is so EASY and PREDICTABLE.

    Besides people should really stop bringing WoW as an example of the perfect MMO, cause it's not! The only thing that WoW has atm better than any other MMO on the market, is the raiding system and a brainwashed crowd.

    Oh, and they're making the crafting and questing even worse, by the looks of it (especially for jewelcrafters and scribes, and my scribe has been useless for the past year or so.) I did my daily mat cooldowns, for research - nothing but pvp gear, which I have no use for and does not sell on my PvE server (even if you throw it up on the AH as cheap as you can stomach) - of course, that server has been slowly dying since I started in 2009, and has only so far been connected with another small, dead realm.

    Questing, they can so not be arsed to do any writing, now side-quests will be just some pop-up thingy like Wildstar has when you level up that tells you to kill x amount of y for reward z. If people thought Cata and MoP were "on rails" - expect a ride on the amusement park kiddie train with WoD.

    As for their "we're going to make exploration fun and rewarding", hah. If Timeless Isle is their idea of rewarding exploration ... fight your way through a million untankable snakes (they run right past your hunter and lock pets) and uninterruptable jump tigers to find a silly chest with one token or something for a really crappy piece of gear that I should be able to make better of myself ... uuugh, rather not. At least ESO has a more natural-feeling distribution to mobs (and once you do an area, most hostiles are now docile anyway) and I don't have to fight EVERY STEP OF THE WAY to go peek around a rock 10 yards from the road to see if there's a chest or a rune.

    While any MMO is going to have "similarities" for necessary reasons, yeah, this is the kind of garbage that makes those of us WoW refugees so against the idea of any WoWness creeping into TESO. I'm not even concerned here with the difficulty, and yes, I get my arse kicked a lot, too. It's just ESO is feeling less like a pointless grind. My last few months grinding WoW, my biggest thought - even when near-blind drunk, was "why am I doing this boring, grindy ***?"

    Also, the WoW community doesn't seem to like casuals and housewives, and I'm both. I liked LFR, so yeah, pariah.
    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on 21 May 2014 10:09
  • starkerealm
    Breg_Magol wrote: »
    I've tried WoW and honestly ... I can't stomach it, it's a joke. I'd rather pull lint from my belly button or eat toe nail clippings.

    ESO should never aspire to emulate that magpie-crap of a game that is WoW.

    But, really, what are MMO players, if not bloody magpies?
  • ThyIronFist

    There are a gazillionbillionmillion skills in this game and you get only 10 buttons to put your skills in, and 2 ultimate ability bars.

    - Guar mounts
    - Player housing (LotRO style please)
    - More beards, and LONGER beards
    - More variations of siege weapons
    - PvP arena's and maybe even more battlegrounds
    - Barber shop
    - A class that focuses on STAMINA and WEAPONS, this game has too much magic. Everything is magic. I want a simple barbarian class that beats *** to death with a hammer.
    Edited by ThyIronFist on 21 May 2014 10:18
    The Elder Zergs Online
    Sainur Ironfist - DK - EU - Ebonheart Pact
  • Gilvoth
    What do i want to see in ESO?

    1 dark brotherhood armor for my assassin duel wielding elf.
    2 morrowind -morrowind was supose to be in eso!
    3 glass throwing daggers
    4 a better potion making system for my veteren elf that allows for poisens and stuns and a hireling just like all the other crafters have hirelings for this crafting. us potion makers have no hireling :(
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Breg_Magol wrote: »
    I've tried WoW and honestly ... I can't stomach it, it's a joke. I'd rather pull lint from my belly button or eat toe nail clippings.

    ESO should never aspire to emulate that magpie-crap of a game that is WoW.

    But, really, what are MMO players, if not bloody magpies?

    lol. Yeah. "OOO, SHINY! Gotta have." ;)
  • Sanguinantis
    Finishing Moves (Age of Conan - Like) ;)
  • leandro.800ub17_ESO
    I would separate thinks we need now and things for future:
    Not talking of already confirmed stuff

    -Bug Fixes
    -Gold Sellers / Bot Removal
    -Char Balance
    -Guild Store Improvements
    Oh and please let us see already visited zones in PVP map not only when in a whayshrine

    Near Future:
    -UI (mini map, mini name tags, previews. should not have to load external add-ons)
    -More random events inside PVP and PVE
    -Campaign Changes (timings ,campaign changing and balance. Also more stuff do conquer)
    -More PvE Inside PvP (boards and guild quests)

    Future Big Updates:
    -PVP Arena
    -Jewelry Crafting
    -Quests Based on Intimidate / Persuade decisions
    -Deadric Skill Line (like vamp or ww)
    -More Sets (specially 7 trait)

    Future Expansion:
    -Manimarco Returns or More Deadric Princes (story line pve)
    -New PvE zones
    -Pet RPG (Level it up like horse)
  • rusila22
    I would like to explore dungeons underwater :)
    Rusila CP :600
    Title : Monster Hunter
    Currently : Beta Tester in Morrowind
  • smokes
    the ability to see/compare equipped items to craftable items when at a crafting station.

    the ability to "un-track" a quest so it doesn't appear on the compass unless i specifically select it.

    the ability to view known recipes/crafting items without needing to be at a crafting station.

    the ability to enter my inventory to delete an item whilst looting something else. especially important when unlocking chests.

    the ability to "lock" researchable items, or a way to easily identify traits that have already been researched for easier deconstruction

    party leader icon or a change of colour to the group leaders chevron. (maybe just a double chevron)

    optional floating combat text - off by default

    an optional minimap (off by default)
  • rusila22

    You'll begin as a beginner in a small town fighting against citizen. After you'll become champion of those little towns you could evolve in a biggest town trying to become a Hero of Gladiators.

    After that you'll could try to become the legendary gladiator of tamrielle.
    This title will be hard to win because 1st you'll need to find those arena.2nd you'll need to fulfill some conditions for example you can't use items to heal or regen mana/stamina, you can't use some abilities, you have X times to kill it before game over, avoid traps, don't use any traps to kill....

    Rewards :

    Beginner : only white and green items+title
    Hero of Gladiators : Blue items+title
    the legendary gladiator of tamriel : Epic items+Legendary limited 1per week (only if you fulfill some high difficult conditon)

    You can play in group or alone :

    1 Vs monster
    2 Vs monster
    3 Vs monsters

    Each time you win a title A fan will send you Gifts :

    Beginner : 1 Normal gift every week
    Hero : a green or a blue gift every 2 weeks
    Legendary : an epic gift every 4 weeks

    Dear People What do you think about that ?? of course it's just an idea :)
    Rusila CP :600
    Title : Monster Hunter
    Currently : Beta Tester in Morrowind
  • starkerealm
    Some actual movement from ZoS on the bots, maybe?
  • JD2013
    Spellcrafting (In the works)
    Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood (in the works)
    The Companions
    The Dawnguard (I want to hunt those Vampires!)
    Solstheim Adventure Zone
    College of Winterhold for more Mage quests
    Psijic Order
    Hermaeus Mora questline (including his plane of Oblivion)
    Imperial City as a huge Dungeon or Adventure Zone
    Dragonstar (with a small Arena!)
    Silt Strider fast travel
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
    Order of Sithis
    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • gurluasb16_ESO
    1. Followers (Using the current system where other players see a generic version of the temporary followers. I don't want it to be like Swtor where you have a *** of Kira Carsens all over.) But I'd like having NPCs who can follow you and that you can befriend, like Serana in Skyrim.
    2. I'd like to see Balfiera properly added with the Adamantine tower, and a dungeon based on the unexplored lower half.
    3. Story specific titles, I'd actually like to be known as "Hand of Almalexia" or "King's Arrow"
    4. Player houses
    5. Vivec and Sotha Sil.
    Edited by gurluasb16_ESO on 21 May 2014 12:56
  • SG_Celerrimus
    I want to go to Whiterun, if Whiterun could be added in, that would be awesome.
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    I want to go to Whiterun, if Whiterun could be added in, that would be awesome.

    I don't think that city has been founded yet, lorewise, has it?

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