Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

What do you want to see in ESO?

If you could make a list of things you would adore to see in ESO, what would be on that list?

For me, I would have to say an Arena PvP system
Jewelry Crafting
More mounts
Costumes like the ones from the awesome trailers

I am sure I will think of more in a little bit, but what is on your list?
  • nerevarine1138
    I'm just waiting for the justice system.

    Oh, but since we're listing:
    A signed promise from Matt Firor that we will never, ever, ever have an Arena system in this game.
  • Salsadoom
    Egads....a huge number of things

    More skill lines
    Secret Doors
    Underwater anything
    Bigger zones
    NPCs with more day to day scripting to move about
    More random events
    Personal quests (quests that pop up randomly per character) (obviously there may be 100 people doing the quest but not everyone would ever get it)
    More dialogue/quest ending options
    More weapons/armors
    More scary monsters....
  • Salsadoom
    I'm just waiting for the justice system.

    Oh, but since we're listing:
    A signed promise from Matt Firor that we will never, ever, ever have an Arena system in this game.

    No vampire mudcrabs? I am sad :(

  • columbineb14_ESO
    Actual, serious effort to remove the bot population which is making the lower zones unplayable and discouraging new players from the game. This has become job #1 - more important than quest fixes, other bugs, etc. I'm okay because all my chars are high enough, but I honestly could not recommend this game to anyone knowing what they'd find in the starter zones today.

    PvE skills separated entirely from PvP ones so the PvP players can nerfbat each other to death without it destroying the PvE game.

    Group phasing made sane, so your teammate doesn't vanish as soon as she's one step ahead or behind you on the quest goals.

    Put up a message for new players after the Wailing Prison that makes it clear that skipping the starter islands is a horrible idea. Better yet, revert to the original behavior of not being able to skip them.

    Oh, you meant the more meaningless kind of goodies?

    I wouldn't mind seeing a broader variety of costuming, real previews so you can see what armor will ACTUALLY look like before you craft it, and in general more visual variety on what chars can wear.

    I also would like to see the crime system put in and make it so you actually have to wait until the NPC isn't home/looking before you ransack their houses.
    I have just told you more than I know.
  • AngryNord
    -Arena fighting
    -One-time ability to re-do your character's looks (skin, hairstyle, haircolour etc) and name
    -Akaviri Dragonguard (predecessors of the Blades) added as an NPC faction, and placed in the Imperial City guarding the Ruby Throne (as they, according to lore, did during this period). Proper armours (Blades-style) and weapons (katanas) for them
    -Spears (_proper_ spears, not the 'shooting spears with bows'-crap from Dragonborn)
    -Player housing
    -Ability to travel by carriage
  • Facerolled1337
    Soul Shriven
    Arena PvP + Leaderboards
    Ireliia - Dunmer Nightblade - V10 - Vampire - DC
    Guild: Vernichter der Dunkelheit
  • Salsadoom
    Oh..and the combat system from Mount and Blade...
  • Cogo
    I like a lot what has been presented in future patch 1.1 and the patch after that.
    Also what the DEVS in a recent interview gave me more excitment because there was stuff Zenimax is working on that I didnt even know I wanted.

    I am doubious to housing. That will pretty much mean an unlimited bank right? Except you have to go there. One major feature I like in ESO is the vast possibility to choose what you want to do, but you can not do everything, the choice you do has an impact on your game.

    An own house would be great, but the pretty much removal of the need for a bank, removes to much of a good feature.

    I'd like to see more "stumbled on quests/events". Can be anything, but as stated, not everyone can find them, and when someone do, the location moves or have a cooldown.

    Instead of listning what I do want added in the game, my wish for what I want in the game is players who PLAY the game, not work 24/7 to be highest level, then whine about there is nothing left to do. These sort of player simply have not bothered to read about this game before they buy it. Also, I keep getting the same feeling from a lot of different people who whines about whatever. What they want seams to be ALWAYS something that WoW has.....

    I don't get it. Sure, there are bugs and stuffs to be fixed, but Zenimax has already shown that they are working on those problems. Learn some patience.

    And in small words:
    This is not world of warcraft! The whole core base of ESO is the opposite of WoW
    Edited by Cogo on 18 May 2014 18:34
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • tplink3r1
    one-handed and two-handed spears.
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • nerevarine1138
    A forum filter that replaces every instance of the word "spear" with pictures of cats.
  • AngryNord
    A forum filter that replaces every instance of the word "cat" with pictures of puppies
  • Facerolled1337
    Soul Shriven
    A forum filter that replaces every instance of the word "spear" with pictures of cats.

    Ireliia - Dunmer Nightblade - V10 - Vampire - DC
    Guild: Vernichter der Dunkelheit
  • AngryNord
  • SG_Celerrimus
    Everything @AngryNord said!
  • SG_Celerrimus
    @Cogo could you please link the interview and where you found the patch notes for after Craglorn?
  • Cogo
    @Cogo could you please link the interview and where you found the patch notes for after Craglorn?

    Of course. I did in another thread but I talk to much bollox that I couldn't find it.
    Here we go:







    There are more, but I can't find them atm. If you want to go insaine, look at my posts, and you will find another of these list.

    Also, its not that difficult to follow news about ESO. Both from the company and other sites that KNOWS ESO. Not talking about the nerd on youtube and those called "reviews" of ESO who so obviously think that anything that isnt wow, isnt good.

    Here is also a very uncommon post from a players view. You people who think there is nothing to do in the game but grinding....you need to either change game or play like this person:


    --Oghur, at your humble sevice
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Evergnar
    Aside from the numerous technical issues that need to be addressed first I would like to see:
    • Armor preview that shows the actually look of the armor
    • Jewelry/odornments
    • Temporary war paint/face paint you can either equip/unequip or timed duration.
    • New siege weapons and tactical elements in Cyrodiil. Poplulation issues also need to be addressed (combine campaigns or whatever).
    • Beard/Hair changes
    • Armor styles that show more skin/fur on Argonians & Khajiits (like some of the early light armor)
    • Poisons.
    • Mounts: Undead horse, Sabertooth, Guar maybe (no winged)
    • More summoned creatures
    • Last but not least would love to have a wabbajack I could use in PvP, even if only for a day :p
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    A light armour redguard set that looks like this (sans cape):



    Oh, and jewelrycrafting; that one's serious.
    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on 18 May 2014 20:44
  • Cogo
    Evergnar wrote: »
    Aside from the numerous technical issues that need to be addressed first I would like to see:
    • Armor preview that shows the actually look of the armor
    • Jewelry/odornments
    • Temporary war paint/face paint you can either equip/unequip or timed duration.
    • New siege weapons and tactical elements in Cyrodiil. Poplulation issues also need to be addressed (combine campaigns or whatever).
    • Beard/Hair changes
    • Armor styles that show more skin/fur on Argonians & Khajiits (like some of the early light armor)
    • Poisons.
    • Mounts: Undead horse, Sabertooth, Guar maybe (no winged)
    • More summoned creatures
    • Last but not least would love to have a wabbajack I could use in PvP, even if only for a day :p

    Half of your wishes is already in the works. Try reading the ESO news.
    They have also answered a few of your wishes that its not any plans for that yet.

    For exemple, Goar mount is coming and they consider more..just not flying.

    Cyro getting A LOT of changes. However they already explained and answered there are no new siege weapons coming, but they dont dismiss the idea.

    Cyro is going to get A LOT new people in the same instances and there will be much changed regarding NPCs. You will need a small raid to take out a camp for exemple

    More summoned creatures are coming in Patch 1.1 with the added magical skills.

    I suggest you take a look at the news.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Cogo
    Oh, if anyone somehow have missed this.....and I can't understand how they would. Night blades gets a LOT of loving in both patch 1.1. In Patch 1.2 they are fixing the "assassin tree" I think its called? It seams the night blades passive skills are not working as intended, so they fixing that.

    And I am a tank, Dragon knight. I use Chocking talons in dungeons to root/stop the enemy and let my team kill them off. This ability is supposed to work on 6-8 targets maximum.

    Someone did a mistake here, just like with vampires. The damn talons can root 50 people in Cyro. That also is getting fixed. And playing a tank from 5 days early access, I can't understand these people who call the fix of the vampires of the Dragon knights for "nerfs".
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • michaelpatrickjonesnub18_ESO
    Salsadoom wrote: »
    Oh..and the combat system from Mount and Blade...

    Ha-ha..right on.

    Good game. And get this, when you use an ability, it actually functions in real time.

    Sheer brilliance. Though not original, since every other game works that way, too.

    Except...this one.
    Edited by michaelpatrickjonesnub18_ESO on 18 May 2014 21:07
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Salsadoom wrote: »
    Oh..and the combat system from Mount and Blade...

    Ha-ha..right on.

    Good game. And get this, when you use an ability, it actually functions in real time.

    Sheer brilliance. Though not original, since every other game works that way, too.

    Except...this one.

    I teethed on a manual typewriter. Grew up using that and an old electric typewriter to do my grade school stuff on at a time when handwriting was still considered to be of utmost importance.

    I think most of my responsiveness problems come from hitting keys much too fast in sequence. I was a deliberate mouse-clicker in WoW because the clicking slowed me down JUST enough to not hear constant "That spell is not ready, I can't do that yet, I can't do that yet."

    The last time I submitted myself to a test I scored 85 wpm (my mom and an ex boyfriend easily outdo that at 100-110 wpm, I'm a bloody piker.) That's too damn fast for any online game.

    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on 18 May 2014 21:11
  • jpp
    There is only one thing that I wish to be in this game - to add and build additional class to my character.
    Sure I can pover level new alt, but why should I do all quests again? The same result is if I could just have second class added and forget all problems with balancing - if I/anyone thinks DK is the best I could just play DK, if DK is nerfed then I could play any other class.
  • MadTucks
    I'm most excited for housing or bases.. Housing is just one of the things that made the TES series what it is. So far the game plays and feels like a theme park MMO, with a little more emphasis on exploration than others, other than PVP and quests, there isn't a lot to do.
  • Rilyharytoze
    Toggleable Helmet Hair would be great
  • WhimsyDragon
    The top of my personal wishlist includes name changes and character customization (change appearance plus also new hairstyles).

    I'm also keen on the idea of more costumes, especially townfolk clothing, and definitely player housing :smiley:
  • meglon978ub17_ESO
    Pikes in each town with the corpses of the avatars of bots and gold selling spammers.... rows, and rows, and rows of them.
  • Mortelus
    1. Thieves & Assassins Guilds.

    2. Vampire's having their own keeps and leveling area's and being able to be

    3. attacked on sight at stage 4 by both NPC's and players

    4. Player housing

    5. More stamina focused classes like a ranger, warrior/barbarian

    6. Ability to craft and upgrade jewellery.

    8. Also a signed (in blood) promise stating that arena's will never be added... ever!

    9. Pink mountable Jelly Pigs
    Edited by Mortelus on 19 May 2014 03:29
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • AngryNord
    Mortelus wrote: »
    8. Also a signed (in blood) promise stating that arena's will never be added... ever!

    Arenas are central in TES lore

  • Nooblet
    Cogo wrote: »
    Oh, if anyone somehow have missed this.....and I can't understand how they would. Night blades gets a LOT of loving in both patch 1.1. In Patch 1.2 they are fixing the "assassin tree" I think its called? It seams the night blades passive skills are not working as intended, so they fixing that.

    Should I be worried? I got killed in about 2 seconds twice today by Nightblades. Not sure what's currently bugged, but they are already pretty nasty 1v1.
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