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Pay 100,000 gold for a class change

  • k9mouse
    Nope, if one wants to play a new class -- make an ALT. That is WHY we have char slots in the 1st place. I do not want a way to change race or gender either in game expect by making a new alt. If someone make a "mistake" in selecting class, race or gender then live and learn. To do this by making an ALT char.

    Otherwise class, race and gender becomes meaningless and worthless if we can change those ingame anytime that we want too. For class, race and gender to have worth, they need to stand alone and can not be change on fly.
  • SaibotLiu
    I agree, lets support FOTM jumpers as much as possible. Scared your class is OPed, fear the nerf bat? No problem! Just pay us your nearly meaningless gold and stay at the top of your game in the untimely event of another class becoming stronger than you are!

    I knew when I clicked this thread it was gonna be someone wanting to switch to dragon knight. It's not enough that 80% of Cyrodiil players are DK, why settle for such a paltry sum?
  • shiva7663
    Who has 100k gold other than the durned gold sellers and their customers?
  • ijacksparrowed
    There would only be DK if this was possible. Everyone and their mom would just go DK.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Tiberius_ wrote: »

    I'm not proposing that you redesign skill trees at this point, but I do think it would be a good idea to offer a really expensive class change. This would be good for two reasons: it would be a good gold sink, and it would allow ZOS to see which classes need a buff due to their unpopularity.

    Indeed it is so...
  • pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO
    There would only be DK if this was possible. Everyone and their mom would just go DK.

    Although the whole idea is lame, I'm a DK and I'd go Sorc. My mom would go sorc too :smiling_imp:

    "Do you want the book or not? Then go whack some people with Wabbajack!!"
  • FrauPerchta
    PBpsy wrote: »
    You should play AC1, there were no set chlasses.
    AC1 = Assassin's Creed, right?
    Which wasn't an MMO, you can't use a single player game as the basis of an MMO, there are balancing issues in an MMO that don't arise in a single player game.
    I am sure it's meant to be Asheron's Call 1.

    Yep! Asheron's Call 1

  • drschplatt
    I wouldn't complain about skills yet, as I'm sure there is lots of room for expansion, crafted spells, and all kinds of cool stuff in the future. What you may not be able to do now, maybe possible in future updates.
    Foräois - Imperial Sorcerer of Ineptitude.
    Widoch - Nord Dragon Knight of Ignorance.
    Billy Bob - Dunmer Templar of Chicken and Noodles.
    Blades of Vengeance
  • Daendur
    if a class change will be implemented it must be for real cash.
    you want to play the fotm class? pay.
  • Brizz
    Tiberius_ wrote: »
    Ever since I found an armor set that replenishes magicka for every spell reflected ( I think it's the Syrabane set) I've come to realize why classes are anathema for the Elder Scrolls series.

    What happened to the promise that our play style wouldn't be constrained by our class choice? If I want to use that set, I have to be a DK. (I know the 1-h and shield line has a reflect spell skill, but it has to be re-cast each time, unlike the DK spell which stays up for a certain time duration no matter how many spells you reflect.)

    You want to reflect spells? You have to be a DK. You want to be able to pull enemies? You have to be a DK. You want to have a spammable AoE root? You have to be a DK. You want to go invisible? You have to be a NB. You want to be the most mobile? You have to be a sorc.

    Why did you design all the best abilities to be class abilities? All of those should be weapon, guild, or world abilities that any player can choose to put on their skill bar. Classes should not be as central to the character build as they currently are for this to really be in line with other ES games.

    I'm not proposing that you redesign skill trees at this point, but I do think it would be a good idea to offer a really expensive class change. This would be good for two reasons: it would be a good gold sink, and it would allow ZOS to see which classes need a buff due to their unpopularity.

    1.1 - adding spell weaving. Think about it. You may just get what you want.
    :.,_,.:*"'"*:.,_,.:*"'"* Guild of Shadows *"'":.,_,.:*"'"*:.,_,.:
    Briizz - v14 EP Werewolf Nightblade <Former Emperor - Chillrend NA>
    Brizz The Elder Dragon - v14 EP Dragon Knight
    Brizz - v12 DC Nightblade <Former Emperor - Celarus NA>
    Brizeer - v4 Stamina Sorcerer - Prophet of Zazeer-Destroyer of Buff Severs and Eater of Sweet Rolls-
    Watch LIVE @ www.twitch.tv/brizztv
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    What would be awesome: Make the class a skill choice. When you start the game, you select race and side, that's it! Its not until you're ingame that you make the choice of what you want to be, ie where you want to spend that first skillpoint. This means that choosing another class is part of the normal respec cost and that would actually make the godawful horrendous overprice worth it.

    Because why not? This would be better for future skill lines as well - ZOS could easily add an entire new class! And all we'd have to do is go to a rededication shrine and... rededicate. Learn to play a new class.

    But nah, they want to keep us guessing so that they can milk us for the monthly fee.
    Edited by murklor007neb18_ESO on 19 May 2014 08:34
  • Aeradon

    If this gets through, IF. The next thing you know, someone will say "Imperial racial is so much more OP than Khajiit, and I'm sick of the tail, make it 300k to change race."

    "I'm sick of being a dude, wanna see how female toons look like, maybe scam some gold from horny dudes, and too lazy to make an Alt. Make it 500k gold for gender change."

    "I'm sick of training a weapon from scratch, but I really wanna try out another weapon at level 50, transfer skill progress with 1m gold pls."

    "I'm sick of researching and feeding, transfer traits and horse stats to different equipment/horse pls."

    If you still feel that it's a good idea..
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • Cogo
    You nailed it.

    Agree 100%.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Haxer
    I don't know why you expect to have access to every skill in the game on one character. Also, they are really forgiving in that you can respec both skills and stat points. In almost every MMO, you do not experience every skill in the game on one character, and are meant to have more than one character. I guess you don't use more than 1 of those 8 character slots you have?

    People are complaining that they picked a class on a brand new game without learning anything about it, or reading about any skill trees, put days worth of hours into that character all the way to Vet and THEN ....after all that, you just now realized that you wished you had picked a different class?
  • Blackwolfe5
    Appearance change? I'd die for the ability to change my appearance.
    Race change? Sure, that would be nice.
    Class change? Hell no.
  • Liquid_Time
    I disagree with this option. Nuf said.
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•`
       IGN: Liquid Past || Rank: V14 || Class: Nightblade || World Skill: Vampire
  • ForTheRealm
    I am an altoholic! So, every class matters... for me.

    If you lost your fun playing one class, check another one. I bet devs will keep balancing classes, so someday it may appear your first alt is again the best one ;-)

    As per amor specific for certain class, I belive every class has something like this, e.g. "Necropotence" for Sorcs - "While you have pets active, increase Max Magicka by 10%"
  • ArRashid
    Why paying gold?

    - Build a "school" that would retrain ("brainwash") you over, let's say, a week. You get to said school ingame, click to enter. Game will log you off from that character, and you won't be able to log it for a week. After said week, when you try to log, it will reset your skills (but not attributes), delete 3 class skill lines and teach you the other class' 3 lines.

    - that way it's cheap to do, but still punishes you just enough to encourage NOT TO change class again. Perhaps with diminishing returns - Second retrain would block your character for 4 weeks, another for 8 weeks... so people wouldn't just flock to the class which performs the best in current patch

    - or just give us reasonably good spellcrafting :D

    That being said, I'm ONLY open to the concept of class change because EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER is forced to the ALL quests in ALL zones (which is equal do questing at 58+ in WoW... well, worse, WoW leveling is pretty fast nowadays), because all other forms of leveling were rapidly nerfed to discourage botting. I know, I've abandoned my DK on VR2 and now I'm leveling a Pyromancer DK through the same quests again..
    Also, not all people would want to change classes, because of the race they've picked up in the first place. I certainly wouldn't want to change my redguard NB into pyromancer...
    ... although most likely to a 2h sorc juggernaut
    Edited by ArRashid on 20 May 2014 14:03
  • Pewpie
    I'm not even going to get into the class comparisons, but just as a general rule, I would never, ever, support a system that allows class change at any cost. Some decisions need to be meaningful.

    Can you give a single good reason why you should not be able to change your class?
  • McWop
    Tiberius_ wrote: »

    You want to reflect spells? You have to be a DK. You want to be able to pull enemies? You have to be a DK. You want to have a spammable AoE root? You have to be a DK. You want to go invisible? You have to be a NB. You want to be the most mobile? You have to be a sorc.

    I just want to fix this completely wrong paragraph.

    You want to reflect spells? you should roll sword/board
    Want to pull enemies? first fighters guild skill morphed works for you
    Spammable aoe root? elemental wall with a frost staff for ya buddy, or a DK
    go invisible? gotta roll a NB, duh, but you'll lose the rest of your passives that dont work
    Most mobile? Sorc, duh
  • KerinKor
    Tiberius_ wrote: »
    This would be good for two reasons: it would be a good gold sink way to drive customers to RMT gold site, and it would allow ZOS to see which classes need a buff due to their unpopularity with min./maxers.
    FTFY on both counts.

    No need to thank me. :D
    Edited by KerinKor on 20 May 2014 14:34
  • Wintersage
    I'm all for class change. As often as possible. Or better, classless. Much like other ES games (in practice, at least.)

    I've no desire to make alts to level. I wanna level my main. For the long haul. Those of you looking to alt it up can keep your disposable characters for your disposable game.
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    i love this idea
  • Draconiuos
    Cogo wrote: »

    Ok, I can understand that somewhere in your game, you would like to play another class/spec/alliance. What is stopping you? You are allowed 8 chars on each account, and you can choose what the heck you want (Unless you have imperial edition, your new char has to join a specific alliance, which goes perfectly with the lore....if you are even interested in that tiny detail)

    Why is this misinformation still floating around? The explorer's pack was not an Imperial Edition perk, but a pre-order perk.
  • Kalann_Pander
    Draconiuos wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »

    Ok, I can understand that somewhere in your game, you would like to play another class/spec/alliance. What is stopping you? You are allowed 8 chars on each account, and you can choose what the heck you want (Unless you have imperial edition, your new char has to join a specific alliance, which goes perfectly with the lore....if you are even interested in that tiny detail)

    Why is this misinformation still floating around? The explorer's pack was not an Imperial Edition perk, but a pre-order perk.

    Indeed. I believe Cogo meant that characters of the Imperial race could choose any Alliance.

    To adress the initial post ::

    No, because it would encourage RMT, and give RMT buyers an even greater advantage over those of us who slug it out the way it was meant to be.

    Also, I'm personally sick of the "I want it all, and I want it now" crowd.
    Live up to your choices, and use the stuff between your ears to make it work.

    You might actually find that it's a lot more rewarding than "gimme gimme gimme ..."

    That being said, I do have an alternative proposal (shoot or praise as you feel) :

    Once you have leveled a character up to VR10, you could swap out 1 (and only 1) class skill on any new character for a class skill of the previous VR10 character.

    Flexibility would thus be a reward for dedication (if balancing issues don't get in the way)

    Disclaimer : My highest char is lvl 33, I'm probably months away from VR10 ^^
    Edited by Kalann_Pander on 20 May 2014 15:55
    Opinions are like buttholes : Everybody has one, and they usually stink.

    3 things to reduce stamina/magicka imbalance :
    - Use magicka to block abilities costing magicka, instead of stamina.
    - Add % damage reduction to heavy armor.
    - Add block penetration to 2H.
  • Cogo
    Oh, I was under the impression that you could upgrade your acount to an imperial edition? If I am wrong about that, you have my appologizes.

    The fact still stands, you choose, live with with it. Dont like it, choose another class/race.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Toorlokviing
    you guys...this will likely be a cash shop thing...similar to what blizz does for wow and it will cost money..likely around 25-30$...they have already started talking about considering this option. along with race, and faction change likely.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Draconiuos wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »

    Ok, I can understand that somewhere in your game, you would like to play another class/spec/alliance. What is stopping you? You are allowed 8 chars on each account, and you can choose what the heck you want (Unless you have imperial edition, your new char has to join a specific alliance, which goes perfectly with the lore....if you are even interested in that tiny detail)
    Also, I'm personally sick of the "I want it all, and I want it now" crowd.
    Live up to your choices, and use the stuff between your ears to make it work.

    You might actually find that it's a lot more rewarding than "gimme gimme gimme ..."

    Yeah ... no.

    Plenty of games to play , im for sure not going to pay one to get bored.

    I keep my opinion , got tired of templar , im out the door.

    Then again , that is just my sub , plenty of people here said they dont mind it at all , so they can keep paying and keep zen going foward.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on 20 May 2014 16:04
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • RainfeatherUK
    The comment on 'value of choice' ended the thread as far as im concerned.

    Choice without meaning isnt choice at all; its meaningless.

    Stop destroying every game you play by forcing equality. That would be my advice. Real life is made beautiful by variance, inequality and difference.

    If all are the same; 90% of things wont even be used anymore. Its human nature to use only the best 'unless there is no choice'.

    This isnt the real world, with a million different happenstance variables. Its a computer game based on math and much smaller scale things.
    So classes become a necessary evil to promote/encourage diversity within a limited scale world (mmo). For the benefit of all across the game, whether they realise it or not.

    It is 'harder to balance' for the devs. It takes much longer to find a happy medium between the knight, the archer and the mage; than it would without. It can be frustrating because of it.

    But ask yourself, when everyone is just a clone, whats the point anymore? Would anyone even notice when you were gone?

    Its my opinion, that people need think alot more about the wider repercusions of their impulsive desires, rather than just asking for 'everything'. Sometimes getting what we want in the moment isnt good at all. And sometimes, what we dont have in ourselves bonds us closer to others and gives them a sense of worth and belonging.

    Still, im just a passer by :)
  • Kalann_Pander
    Cogo wrote: »
    Oh, I was under the impression that you could upgrade your acount to an imperial edition? If I am wrong about that, you have my appologizes.

    The fact still stands, you choose, live with with it. Dont like it, choose another class/race.

    You can upgrade your account to Imperial edition, sure.
    However, mind the difference between an Imperial Edition Account and an Imperial Race Character.

    I play a Breton in the Aldmeri Dominion because I pre-ordered.
    If you didn't pre-order, having an Imperial Account will not enable you to do the same.

    If you didn't pre-order, only creating an Imperial Character will enable you to choose your alliance.
    Plenty of games to play , im for sure not going to pay one to get bored.

    I keep my opinion , got tired of templar , im out the door

    We're all here to have fun. I feel you may be robbing yourself by not giving the game another try, but I'm not in your shoes. If you do get a better kick somewhere else ... well indeed, there's no reason to stay.
    Opinions are like buttholes : Everybody has one, and they usually stink.

    3 things to reduce stamina/magicka imbalance :
    - Use magicka to block abilities costing magicka, instead of stamina.
    - Add % damage reduction to heavy armor.
    - Add block penetration to 2H.
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