Patch Notes v.1.0.8 are here.OVERVIEW
The Elder Scrolls Online v1.0.8 contains fixes for quest issues and blockers, in addition to fixes for the Mac client.
Mac Client
Fixed an issue for a graphics-related memory leak.
Fixed an issue for an animation-related memory leak.
This is Mac TS section. You are better posting feedback to Customer Support section.Fix the bug that forces vampires to log in and out after death or lose their passives...
ZOS_GinaBruno Administrator, Moderator admin
6:18PM Staff Post
Just a reminder that in addition to the new build, we are also doing some backend work. We should be opening the NA megaserver in the next couple hours.
Fixed an issue for an animation-related memory leak.
not on their BONES...KhajitFurTrader wrote: »
Damn. So I shouldn't have /danced on the graves of my enemies that much. ^^
Thanks for posting the crash summary @canuck1975.canuck1975 wrote: »OK, just crashed when just standing around. I stopped playing for about 10 minutes and came back to it crashed. The reporter worked but I also wanted to share it here as well.
So it seems there was another reason for the crash. Hard to say what it was but could have been server side, or maybe corrupt data or heat issue on the MacBook Pro, or connection issue, just as a few possible causes.mem.current = 1848
mem.peak = 2102
Thanks for feedback @Yshaar. Interesting to hear how it goes with disabling those.I have an update on Cyrodiil crashes: I just played 1,5h without one crash, but I did not contribute in large siege during this time. I am testing out if maybe disabling music and/or sound does have something to do with the crashes.
So is this a osx problem or just on some macs like macbooks, imacs, old or new mac?
Think it's what you may expect from some incremental memory fixes and maybe also server playing nice but server side would not effect memory usage so much only performance, lag, logout etc.Publius_Scipio wrote: »Today I had a pretty good experience in Cyrodiil. Lasted more than an hour before crashing. Nothing crazy like 4+ hours or something but definitely more than 1. Possible server side improvements with latest server maintenance?
zauberfalke wrote: »My client crashes around every 5 min, very frustrating
In PVE or PvP? Please copy/ paste the summary from the ZOSCCrash Reporter when it happens next and it should help find out why.zauberfalke wrote: »My client crashes around every 5 min, very frustrating
I just sold my windows pc today because i have no room for two computers anymore. I have not played ESO on my iMac before and reading about all the problems you have with the mac client makes me regret i didnt wait to sell my winbox. I am downloading the client now ... =C
So is this a osx problem or just on some macs like macbooks, imacs, old or new mac?
zauberfalke wrote: »My client crashes around every 5 min, very frustrating