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COLOR BLIND ISSUES!!! Trials and Tribulations - Light the Braziers in the Proper Colors

COLOR BLIND ISSUES!!! Trials and Tribulations - Light the Braziers in the Proper Colors
Okay, I'm a ESO fan boy and I'm always spouting positive things about your game - in chat, forums, etc.

But I'm an adult male who lives by himself and I'm color blind.
Red/Green/Brown. The shades aren't too great either.

In other MMOs there is a Color Blind mode. Not here.

Fix it.


Don't make quests rely on colors!!!!
This is the second quest to do so.

I have googled and searched YouTube on the correct order and nothing I do works.

I'm getting XP (slowing) and greens but I want to do the damn quest.

People have mentioned a lever "on the side" to reset the torches but no one says where.

I'm just after an overhead screen shot of the room (just press M) with 1,2,3,4. Maybe where the lever is as well. That's it. Please. This is very frustrating.
Edited by Sandmanninja on 3 May 2014 04:45
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  • Sakiri
    If I remember this one.. Stonefalls? Some of them have to be clicked more than once to get the right colors and theyre phased to you.

    I could get in tomorrow and run it on a scrub alt and note the sequence if you still need it by then.

    This the one where you need the candle and skull?
  • Heishi
    Sakiri wrote: »
    If I remember this one.. Stonefalls? Some of them have to be clicked more than once to get the right colors and theyre phased to you.

    I could get in tomorrow and run it on a scrub alt and note the sequence if you still need it by then.

    This the one where you need the candle and skull?

    Yeah this quest at each altar has red, green and blue. They also don't all start on the same color. Unfortunately I can't remember the number of activates per altar to do the quests.

    This is a random suggestion, but I wonder if there's a way to set a color blind mode directly in graphics card settings or maybe some kind of software that makes adjustments to the color
    And so did many brave men, women, and beast fall to the end of Beta, never to be heard from again. All that is left, is whispers of the adventures they had.
  • Heishi
    Actually, from a quick search I found something of an answer from someone having the same problem with this quest. I didn't check the links provided to answer the person's questions, but it's worth looking into maybe.
    And so did many brave men, women, and beast fall to the end of Beta, never to be heard from again. All that is left, is whispers of the adventures they had.
  • wrlifeboil
    You could do what I did in beta. I was determined to try every single combination to see if there were bugs. I remember some helpful person calling out the correct sequence in chat so I knew which one to skip.
  • Grygnak
    There is a fix for this, just wear a pair of 3D glasses from the movie theater.
  • Hearts
    Each color of the statue has a certain pose, like the blue one points straight ahead, change it after teh shape, not the color, when i did that it went flawlessly.
    But yeah, there are stuff in this game that requires you to NOT be color blind, which is stupid when they dont even have a color blind option.
  • Heishi
    Hearts wrote: »
    Each color of the statue has a certain pose, like the blue one points straight ahead, change it after teh shape, not the color, when i did that it went flawlessly.
    But yeah, there are stuff in this game that requires you to NOT be color blind, which is stupid when they dont even have a color blind option.

    I'm not a color blind person (as far as I know) but wouldn't there be a way to change the way to colors globally display that suits which ever color blindness. I know in both nvidia control panel and amd's catalyst I've messed with color calibration, contrast, ect. I've been able to invert colors, roll them around the color wheel (making greens look like blue, blue like red, and a number of other things), desaturate to greyscale, and other things.

    Forgive my ignorance of it, I have no way to know, I'm just kind of shooting in the dark.
    And so did many brave men, women, and beast fall to the end of Beta, never to be heard from again. All that is left, is whispers of the adventures they had.
  • Sandmanninja
    Hi and thanks for the helpful and meaningful replies.

    The quest is in Bangkorai (extreme lower right corner of the map), in the Halls of Heroes.

    When my wife and I played (both Beta and Live) Star Wars: The Old Republic, I would get a headache after a relatively short period of time. Made no sense. Then I was fiddling around in the settings and saw "Color Blind Mode". I tried it and never went back! The absolutely funniest thing is that my wife could NOT tell the difference! Which is really weird. After finding the setting in SWTOR I looked in WoW - yup, hidden in there as well. I would void any area in red (the dungeon under Org, Firelands, etc) because it induced a really bad headache. I flipped that setting on and bingo - normal gaming for me!

    Changing the colors to accomodate color blindness - it's fairly scientific and exact & precise. That's why those color blind books 'trick' color blind people into 'guessing' what number is hidden in the pattern. They weave the exact false or trigger color into the pattern and people with normal vision don't notice it where-as people with color blindness think they see the right information.

    Thanks again guys.
    [Hard Mode Dungeoneers] is recruiting all players of all levels for this new Guild.
    THIS IS A NEW-BUT-GROWING GUILD. We are focused on doing vet pledges, vet dungeons, getting achieves, & doing hard mode bosses.
    Most active GMT+10 (Australia time zone) in the afternoon Mon-Fri and all day Sat/Sun.
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  • Heraclea
    The problem I had with this quest was similar. I'm not color blind, but two of the spirits in the model you were supposed to follow looked blue.

    None of them looked green, though a green setting on the flame was required.
    Hircine loves me, this I know,
    Your intestines told me so.

    Quæ tam fera immanisque natura? - Cicero
  • b101uk
    Heraclea wrote: »
    The problem I had with this quest was similar. I'm not color blind, but two of the spirits in the model you were supposed to follow looked blue.

    None of them looked green, though a green setting on the flame was required.

    I am not in the slightest be colour-blind, I also could not see any difference between the blue one and the supposed green one in the Bangkorai quest! so ultimately used the pose of the figure rather than the colour for them two.
    There is an option somewhere hidden in windows 7 for color blind accessability... no idea where it is though... It's alot easier to find in Win 8
    The statement "if you put enough monkeys behind enough typewriters... sooner or later one will produce the works of Shakespeare" has sadly been proven utterly wrong by the internet...
  • Scowler
    Colorblindness is a relatively common issue. There's no excuse to omit colorblind settings from a modern game.

    Of course there's no reason to omit an auction house from a modern game, either.
  • Carnage2K4
    I don't know about the other quest using colours, but you don't need the colours to work it out bth... just use a ternary sequence until it opens...
    AAA, AAB, AAC, ABA, ABB, ABC, ACA, ACB, ACC, BAA, BAB... ect... this was how I always did it... didn't even know there was a hint at the back...
    Knowing what colour is on the actual Brazier is irrelevant... you change it on the right 3 times, then 1 on the center, 3 on the right, after changing the center 3 times you change the one on the left once and do it all again...
    Edited by Carnage2K4 on 5 May 2014 02:00
    Human Infant Connoisseur
  • nhisso
    Umm... the colors are still going to match whether you are color blind or see them like the rest of us, right? What is this lol?
    nhisso wrote: »
    Umm... the colors are still going to match whether you are color blind or see them like the rest of us, right? What is this lol?

    Not really, some colors are viewed as the same that non color blind people see as different...

    The statement "if you put enough monkeys behind enough typewriters... sooner or later one will produce the works of Shakespeare" has sadly been proven utterly wrong by the internet...
  • daneyulebub17_ESO
    Scowler wrote: »
    Colorblindness is a relatively common issue. There's no excuse to omit colorblind settings from a modern game.

    Of course there's no reason to omit an auction house from a modern game, either.

    Aw, and I was right there with you until you ruined it with that last bit.
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  • daneyulebub17_ESO
    It's not that, yeah, someone could tell him HOW to get by this one quest that's the problem.

    It's that in this day and age any developer would be stupid, or uncaring enough, to not have a colorblind mode, and put quests that depend on color vision, that's the problem.
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  • Sakiri
    nhisso wrote: »
    Umm... the colors are still going to match whether you are color blind or see them like the rest of us, right? What is this lol?

    In the most common colorblindness variant, red and green look exactly the same.

    Theres also a blue/yellow variant, and even others only see greyscale(stupid rare).

    So no, they arent "still going to match" unless blue and yellow are the same color.
  • Diaboli
    Thanks for the insight, I am color blind also, and I had no idea a feature like this is available in other games. The 3-D glasses thing (The modern ones, not the old blue/red ones) works for me, but I rarely resort to it. Kept me from getting motion sickness on a mount I used to ride in another game.
    If I throw a dog a bone, I don't care to know how it tastes... - Brick Top
  • KerinKor
    Scowler wrote: »
    Colorblindness is a relatively common issue. There's no excuse to omit colorblind settings from a modern game.

    Of course there's no reason to omit an auction house from a modern game, either.
    While I understand the problem I think over-exaggerating doesn't help you argue the case. Which of the following MMOs have a 'colour blind' setting?

    WOW, Rift, FFXI, FFXIV, GW1, GW2, LOTRO and SW:TOR?

    I play them all and don't recall seeing such an option in any of them, maybe I missed one.
    Diaboli wrote: »
    Thanks for the insight, I am color blind also, and I had no idea a feature like this is available in other games. The 3-D glasses thing (The modern ones, not the old blue/red ones) works for me, but I rarely resort to it. Kept me from getting motion sickness on a mount I used to ride in another game.
    Seems this may not be as ubiquitous as @Scowler is making out.

    Understand me, I'm not at all saying ZOS shouldn't do it, I AM going to argue with someone who's making out ZOS is the 'bad guy' for not doing something everyone else is allegedly doing but in fact, aren't.
    Edited by KerinKor on 5 May 2014 05:55
  • Skeksi
    WOW certainly has a colourblind option. I know because I used it.

    I don't remember in Rift, GW2 or SW:TOR, but I didn't play them as long as I played WOW.

    And frankly ZOS is a 'bad guy' for not considering their colourblind players, for whom colour based puzzles are much more difficult.

    Props for them allowing same sex marriage though.
    Edited by Skeksi on 5 May 2014 06:25
  • Sakiri
    Ive never seen or heard of that 3D glasses thing. Hows that work?
  • RaZaddha
    Scowler wrote: »
    Colorblindness is a relatively common issue. There's no excuse to omit colorblind settings from a modern game.

    Of course there's no reason to omit an auction house from a modern game, either.

    Dont.even.mention.AH, you wanna start a flame war? Because thats how you start a flame war,
  • daneyulebub17_ESO
    Since colorblindness rarely means you see "no" color, the better term is color deficient.

    I know League of Legends and WoW have a mode. And some games, without explicitly having a "mode" give you labeling and/or color changing options, and are smart or considerate enough to avoid quests that depend on distinguishing color--unlike this MMO evidently.

    BTW: For those who ARE color "deficient", google "squirrel monkeys" and colorblind if you don't know about the genetic cure that's likely around the corner. It looks like there's a good chance that within 10 years or so, there will be an actual cure--not funny glasses or anything like that--but a method to put the missing cones in your retina via a retrovirus carrier. They're even letting people sign up to get in line for the first trials on their corp. web page.

    Vision scientist Jay Neitz and his colleagues at the University of Washington are building on their 2009 breakthrough in which they restored red-green vision in two colorblind squirrel monkeys by inserting the missing gene into a virus and injecting it into their retinas. Four years later, the monkeys, Sam and Dalton, still pass daily vision tests, identifying colors on a computer screen correctly. They also have a newfound liking for green M&M's, Neitz says.

    This message confirms that you have successfully cancelled your subscription to The Elder Scrolls Online. You will no longer be charged for a subscription on a recurring basis, and your access to the game will expire at the end of your current subscription cycle.

    We're sad to see you go now, but we'll be happy to welcome you back at any time! Whenever you're ready to come back, your characters will be waiting for you, just like you left them. You can return anytime by resubscribing on the Manage Subscription page on your Elder Scrolls Online account.

    Please print this email and keep it for your records.
  • Sandmanninja
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Scowler wrote: »
    Colorblindness is a relatively common issue. There's no excuse to omit colorblind settings from a modern game.

    Of course there's no reason to omit an auction house from a modern game, either.
    While I understand the problem I think over-exaggerating doesn't help you argue the case. Which of the following MMOs have a 'colour blind' setting?

    WOW, Rift, FFXI, FFXIV, GW1, GW2, LOTRO and SW:TOR?

    I play them all and don't recall seeing such an option in any of them, maybe I missed one.
    Diaboli wrote: »
    Thanks for the insight, I am color blind also, and I had no idea a feature like this is available in other games. The 3-D glasses thing (The modern ones, not the old blue/red ones) works for me, but I rarely resort to it. Kept me from getting motion sickness on a mount I used to ride in another game.
    Seems this may not be as ubiquitous as @Scowler is making out.

    Understand me, I'm not at all saying ZOS shouldn't do it, I AM going to argue with someone who's making out ZOS is the 'bad guy' for not doing something everyone else is allegedly doing but in fact, aren't.

    Wow has it - only way I can play it.
    Star Wars The Old Republic had it from Day 1
    [Hard Mode Dungeoneers] is recruiting all players of all levels for this new Guild.
    THIS IS A NEW-BUT-GROWING GUILD. We are focused on doing vet pledges, vet dungeons, getting achieves, & doing hard mode bosses.
    Most active GMT+10 (Australia time zone) in the afternoon Mon-Fri and all day Sat/Sun.
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  • JunkyardWolf
    theres a quest were you need rats that are out and about near some giant snakes, being color blind also I couldn't see the little brown suckers, maybe stick to white ones?
  • sociald100ub17_ESO
    Well I had never thought about the those that have colorblindness. Yes that does make things extra difficult. Well you guys have my support cmon fix them up with a cb mode.
  • Rotherhans
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Ive never seen or heard of that 3D glasses thing. Hows that work?
    I´m guessing the poster meant those really old red/green glasses.
    They should indeed make a normal red-green blind/weak person notice an actual difference with the colors as the glasses would do the filtering.
    Quite clever actually. B)

    Of course current 3D movie glasses would be absolutely useless, as they work with color independent polarization filters.

    P.S. another shameful drop of the ball by Zenimax. :(
    Sometimes I almost get the feeling they don´t even want to play the game.
    Edited by Rotherhans on 15 May 2014 02:52
    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
  • Islyn
    Why not a tooltip/text like the 'E Search' sort of thing that reads Red, Blue, Green, White depending on the colour the brazier currently is?
  • darkdiablo0610
    Soul Shriven
    Ok so every one is focusing on not having option but what is the damn answer?
This discussion has been closed.