So theres been a lot of new players complaining that certain skills are OP and after reading a lot of the threads the general consensus from most posters and myself included is that most of the people complaining about "OP" skills are really just new to PvP and haven't learned the counters yet.
The first key point is to remember that this isn't a game balanced around 1 v 1 play. Its a group game and a lot of the so called OP skills are the counters against other so called OP skills and therein lies the balance in this game. The devs have spent a lot of time over the last year in PTS balancing out skills and I think given that over a few hundred thousand people play this game and only about 100-200 are complaining about OP skills on forums this game is very well balanced.
As someone who has been playing this game for the past 5 or so months I thought I would share a lot of counters to skills that people are complaining about.
The other thing to remember is complaining that a skill is spammable isn't really a legit complaint. This game is built so that all skills should NOT have a cooldown. If you want to spam a skill like pulsar sure you may kill 10-15 people immediately but then u'll be out of magicka and u'll die rather quickly to anyone still alive.
1.) Dark Talons - People seem to be having a hard time countering DKs that use this skill especially if they drop DT and follow that with standard.
- This is actually a pretty easy combo to defeat and here are a few ways to deal with it:
a.) Sorcerer class is sort of the paper to DKs rock and have a few ways around this class
- Bolt Escape: This skill will teleport you forward even if affected by Dark Talons root
- Negate Magic: This skill will prevent the DK from casting ANYTHING including standard for more than enough time to kill him, it will also dispel them of ALL BUFFS
- Cyrstal Shard: This is how I mainly deal with DKs by sharding them keeping them knocked down. This allows me to kill them rather quickly as they cannot get their buffs up and need to waste stamina to break out of my shards
b.) Alliance War Skill Line:
- Rapid Maneuvers: This skill will remove all roots / snares on you. We tested this in group PvP yesterday this DOES REMOVE dark talons. With the morph it also grants 20 second resis to EVERYONE hit by the buff against DT. Anyone can get this skill, you only need 1 person in raid to run it.
c.) Dodge roll:
- Most don't know this but dodge roll will break you out of ALL ROOTs. just double tap in a direction to break talons. I'd recommend following this up with a stun on the DK with practice you can dodge roll and stun the DK to lead into your kill combo
d.) Immovable
- Currently Immovable has a bug and doesn't prevent root from Dark Talons. This has been reported and will hopefully be fixed soon.
2.) DK Standard
- I actually don't find this skill to be such a big deal. With an ulti reduction build you can make it so you can pretty much spam this skill continually. Unfortuantely its range is small.
- Counters:
The most obvious counter if ranged and fighting a DK is to kite the enemy. If a DK gets near you your in bad shape.
a.) Your first goal should be to get out of the standard. Roll dodge, bolt escape or elusive mist are all good options that I personally use as a sorcerer. The next goal is to kite the DK so they cannot put future standards near you.
- Some good kiting abilities are:
1.) Cyrstal shard
2.) Fire Staff Destructive touch: This spell can be cast every 1 second and knocks the DK back about 10 meters making it impossible for him to put a standard near you
3.) Scatter Shot or Arrow Spray: Both massive roots or knock backs that again make it very hard for DK to get near you.
- These are just some examples for how you can kite the DK to prevent them from putting standard down. Another option includes:
b.) Negate Magic - This will prevent them from casting any future standards while you burn them down.
So again you can see a lot of the skills that people complain of as being OP like Mist form or Negate Magic or Destro Touch spam or bolt escape are actually the counters to other abilities that people complain of as OP
3.) Bolt Escape
- Again I don't think bolt escape is that big of a deal. In a perfect world with 100% magicka you can maybe cast it 7-10 times in a row. However it is rare in a big group PvP that you will have 100% magicka. Defending this is easy
a.) Negate Magic: This will leave them a sitting duck especially if they already cast one now they are in negate magic with no magicka regen for 5 seconds
b.) Elusive Mist: This ability will give u 40% run speed to nearly keep up with the bolt escaper. Remember after their run of 7 or so escapes they are completely out of magicka with NO regain for 5 seconds and again sitting ducks
c.) Mount: Your mount with run speed buff can not only keep up with bolt escape but actually out run it. Mostly Harmless was kind enough to make a video showing new players how to combat bolt escape using this counter
d.) DK chain pull: Another great instant death move on bolters. Pulling them to you will leave them sitting next to you with no magicka regen and thus an easy target
4.) Negate Magic
- This is def a very very powerful ability. It does however have a high ultimate cost so even with very high ultimate reduction its hard to get this ability spammable. Although you can almost get it there with Ultimate gain on damage buff and Alliance war passive (and ultimate reduction cost). Emperors can prob get this spammable easily.
a.) The only way to counter this spell is to dodge roll out of the negate field. I try to dodge out of it since that seems the fastest quick burst of movement I can get and then bolt to the negater or cast a knockback/knockdown on them. That turns the tables quickly.
b.) DK chain pull is a great ability if they are sitting in the negate field to help pull the enemy out
5.) Nova
- Ok this is a hard ability to counter. With synergy and any good group has a healer whos job it is to activate synergies so they all hit this can really mess up your raid especially if comboed with a negate magic and standard.
a.) Immovable will make you immune to the CC
b.) If you miss that you can quickly hit interrupt to break it
c.) Purge: This is the main counter for Nova. You must have 1 person running purge for every 4-5 in your pvp group.
6.) Pulsar Spam
- Its a decent tactic to have an organized group spam pulsar. Was really good in beta when pulsar HP debuff stack. Defending against this though is rather easy
a.) FIrst you an assume that all those spamming pulsar are probably sorcs with critical surge and a high crit rate. Thus pulsar not only damages you but heals them 100-200 per person it hits and with a 50% crit rate this is a substantial heal the spammer is getting every second
a.) Bolt Escape - This is one of my favorite ways to counter pulsar spam, you can just BE through the middle of the 1 button mashing noob and stun them. Also it allows you to quickly enter and exit pulsar range.
b.) Your group needs to spread out and drop AOEs on the enemy. When soemoen is spamming an ability like pulsar you must kite them to beat them
c.) Negate Magic works wonders as it will also remove the critical surge buff they have on them.
d.) Nova is very helpful against pulsar spammers. It will drop their dmg by 30%
e.) Arrow Spray: Great skill for pulsar spammers it will root them all making it very easy for your team to kite them and drop aoes on top of the spammers.
7.) Vampire Ultimate
- The main thing with vampires to realize is that while they have a decent ultimate and they can cast it rather frequently they are also extremely extremely weak. They are in essance a glass cannon in the purest sense. It makes sense to me why this strategy is effective against a random noobie zerg but against any organized pvp group even 2-3 vamps spamming ultimate end up with a near instant death.
a.) A lot of the strategies used to defeat pulsar spam can be used here against vampires so read those above. They do get heals just like the pulsar spammers get. Again the MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO KITE them. Abilities like Pulsar and Vampire Ultimate are the defense against melees. Without these abilities melees would run the show. Having abilities like this keeps a good balance between ranged and melee superiority.
b.) Silver Bolts is your friend. This is the secret to beating that vampire that runs into your group and drops his ultimate. Bolts will knock him down for 3 seconds and has a 5% chance to insta kill him
c.) Root / Stuns: theres hundreds pick ur favorite and hit him with it to keep them at bay.
d.) Negate Magic: Makes it impossible for them to cast ultimate
e.) Dark Talons: What do you know Dark Talons can root the enemy and does fire damage to them. Standard on top will cut their healing in half and nova will cut their damage
If they combo Vampire Ultimate with Mist Form personally I find that rather silly it does give them immunity to snares however it nerfs the damage they can put out making it nearly impossible for them to actually get any kills against a legitimate enemy group. Bat Swarm no longer heals in mist form.
a.) Negate Magic again is one of the best counters to the above
b.) Templar or Resto Staff. This is your main counter. With the above combo they will be doing 0 dmg in mist form (or 300 dmg / 5 seconds if they pick poision cloud, the skill is bugged and doesn't do dmg appropriately) and 200 dmg / second with bat swarm. A templar or resto staff user can easily out heal this using GTAOEs such as healing springs. Rembmer healing springs stack and 2 of them will do 200 aoe heals/sec.
c.) Now, they still take 25% dmg while in mist form with the weakness to fire tahts actually 37.5% dmg they take and they cannot get ANY HEALS. just keep DPSing them and out heal bat swarm which is easy to do. They will be dead in about 5-6 seconds.
These are just some skills that people have called OP. There are others such as Snipe, Mark Target, Bash, and so forth.
Whats interesting is that the 200 - 300 people complaining about the above skills clearly have access to 25-50% of the above other abilities that they can use to counter the skill they consider OP. And within their PvP zergs they have access to all of the above abilities. So remember this game is balanced for group PvP. You cannot scream nerf bolt escape or Elusive Mist because then Dark Talons becomes even harder to deal with. The GMs would have to nerf like 15 abilities if even one of the above abilities is touched....
Last comment if sorcs and DKs are going to spec for vamp ultimate reduction I don't see an issue with that. In order to do so you have to rather significantly gimp your character so theres pros and cons to each side of the argument.
On the pro side you have an ultimate you can cast a few times during a fight.
On the con side you:
1.) are now weak to the entire fighters guild line
2.) take 50% extra damage to fire
3.) NONE of the vamp passives currently work
4.) You have to wear sword and board which is terrible for sorcs
5.) You also have to wear 1 piece of heavy armor and a 3 piece other set which prevents you from utilizing the best sets in game. Also light armor bonuses >>> heavy armor for sorcs.
6.) In PvE you literally get 1 hit ALL THE TIME
VR7 Sorcerer, former vampire
PvP Officer of Primal Instinct Gaming Services Network
Edited by cjtignub17_ESO on 25 April 2014 21:43