Some would say that emperors are supposed to be strong. Although I have no idea how the word 'strong" can describe what is happening in the video above. You lot who might say that Emperors are supposed to be strong dont really get what is going on here although you can probably notice that the empress's health doesn't drop at all despite being attacked by more than 50 players. Let me explain
What you see in this video is the guy playing the current(now former) empress exploiting unintended mechanic that only works if a player meets certain requirements:
1) being a stage 4 vampire (60% spell cost reduction affecting ultimate ability!!)
2) having a morphed to extremely powerful self-healing &damage vampiric ultimate ability
3) being a sorc or a dragon knight ( ultimate cost reduction passives)
4) having a specific armor set that also reduce ultimate cost
5) having a mist form (75% damage reduction)
6) being an emperor
Now what is happening actually?
In short, if a player meets these requirements he can have ultimate ability cost reduced to 4(!!!!) , even 0(!!!!) in some cases. What does it mean? It means he can spam EXTREMELY strong and hard hitting AOE self healing ability INDEFINITELY
doing huge amount of damage.
Take into account also emperors super bonuses .
What;s worse. He can turn into a mist form that has 75% damage reduction AND receive ultimate self healing from the bat swarm which is not supposed to happen based on how the mist form works. A vampire in a mist form CANT get "normal" healing.
BUT they missed that it doesn't affect ultimate ability bat swarm.
The more people around the empress the more invulnerable she is.
We managed to kill her one time when she was sort of alone avoiding being close to her at all costs, keeping distance and it took 50+ players I think and it was LUCKY silver bolts hits (5% chance to deal 1 k damage). BUT it is IMPOSSIBLE to kill her if she is with her own group or if fight takes place in close quarters.At least without silver bolts.
It is totally broken mechanic exploiting all these 6 things combined (see above) to abuse ultimate vampire ability
PS Btw emperors keep ultimate cost reduction even after they are no longer emperors.