I generally avoid saying things in ooc if I can relay the same message in character. (I'll speak ooc if I have to and usually out of the say channel in either party/whisper).
I have a multitude of characters that I play with just about equally. I dont consider myself having a "main" or "alt".
I dislike using external sources, I like to keep things ingame as much as possible. (aka. no guild sites, team speak/vent, external sites).
Things my character says or does, does not necessarily reflect from me personally (as that should go without saying )
My personal life is none of anyone's business, and I wont pry into anyone else's, though that doesnt mean I'll listen to every problem or thing going on with someone's RL. Im not a therapist, Im a roleplayer trying to enjoy the game and be as immersed as possible.
Mature Rp is fine in my opinion, as long as its in context, just know that's not all that I'm here for.
While doing pve or pvp stuff. I dont particularly care if you do bad or good. I dont expect anyone to do everything perfect the first or even second time as long as they seek to improve (unless the character is purposefully clumsy)
All my characters are on all 3 factions, currently around level 10 and I even have 1 character on two factions. (not spoiling)
If in the future/near future you'd like to use the Pledge of Mara. I only ask firstly to at least have the characters develop the relationship with each other first. And I'll not let my character become bound to someone thats barely active.
I'm very tolerable of new/adept Rpers that are willing to learn and will gladly help them out, as long as they have patience. The lack of patience of people, tend to make me impatient in turn. Im very patient and will do whatever I can to help newer Rpers.
I tend to be on almost anytime throughout the day, mostly through the afternoon through evenings (in North America). Sometimes I come on late at nights as well.
Rev Rielle wrote: »I believe those that challenge themselves to try to remain In-character 100% of the time are the most hardcore of role-players. Not many seem to do so anymore because of the inherent challenges involved. But the rewards are definitely there if one persists at it!
Fair sun, sands and stars to you friend, may you find what you seek.
I have three characters, one of which I plan to out and out hardcore role-play.
If you want to add me as a friend in-game, my account name is @Pseudonym84
Whenever I'm logged onto Masqi, Pseudo no longer exists; only Masqi.
crusabella wrote: »I've never tried seems fun, I'm sure I'd slip up at times but would definitely give it a go.
It's hard to roleplay in todays MMOs in my opinion. I'd love to try however I am a loyal to only one guild at a time. MY guildmates on EP, NA server, The Society of Shadows is a vampire guild, and we are working to do exactly what you are talking about, however we use Teamspeak, thats pretty much a must in todays MMOs for pvp. I play with some good guys and if youd like to talk to us, feel free. We will be starting up RPing just like you talk about, however it will be for certain time frames. Complicated pvp nd pve just requires a headset. It's too much trouble to type and conduct movement at the same time. I applaud your efforts and I'll considerate it after I ponder on it some. Do you have a guild website that I can look at to get some background info?
It's hard to roleplay in todays MMOs in my opinion. I'd love to try however I am a loyal to only one guild at a time. MY guildmates on EP, NA server, The Society of Shadows is a vampire guild, and we are working to do exactly what you are talking about, however we use Teamspeak, thats pretty much a must in todays MMOs for pvp. I play with some good guys and if youd like to talk to us, feel free. We will be starting up RPing just like you talk about, however it will be for certain time frames. Complicated pvp nd pve just requires a headset. It's too much trouble to type and conduct movement at the same time. I applaud your efforts and I'll considerate it after I ponder on it some. Do you have a guild website that I can look at to get some background info?
RP can be the most enjoyable fun yes! Just remember everyone was a beginner once, and didn't know what they were doing. So don't feel bad at all about any potential slip-ups; leap in and try! Any player even remotely adept at RPing will acknowledge this and do their best to help you out however you'd like them to. And if they don't? Well just move on, for they're often not worth worrying about or associating with. There are many different styles of RP, though there's really only one wrong way: and that is at the expense of someone else's enjoyment.crusabella wrote: »I've never tried seems fun, I'm sure I'd slip up at times but would definitely give it a go.
I RP as a khajiit. though she does not speak like one. she has a complex past and does not share it with many. If asked what she does her reply would be simple "I do what i must to continue doing what i wish" If you are lucky perhaps you will catch a rare smile or even a real laugh, though most of the time it remains hollow and forced.
she thinks like a khajiit though she was raised by a dunmer who moved to kanarthi's roost (spelling on that) who is a friends character. She found my khajiit when she was a young one and cared for her. also showed her how to use a bow and sneak in the shadows. in the end my friends dunmer was killed (she deleted to remake ) and my khajiit has been on her own since afraid to make friends or anything. so she does what she needs to survive....and will kill anyone who means her harm.
This is probably the single most enjoyable thing I find with RP: having the actual game you're playing drive the RP and create RP stories for. For example your characters say things like 'remember that time when...' and it was actually a time in-game where those characters actually did that thing, had that close encounter, or met that horrible drunk Nord, etc etc. You don't plan it, you don't create it, it just happens, just like in real life.she thinks like a khajiit though she was raised by a dunmer who moved to kanarthi's roost (spelling on that) who is a friends character. She found my khajiit when she was a young one and cared for her. also showed her how to use a bow and sneak in the shadows. in the end my friends dunmer was killed (she deleted to remake ) and my khajiit has been on her own since afraid to make friends or anything. so she does what she needs to survive....and will kill anyone who means her harm.
Rev Rielle wrote: »This is probably the single most enjoyable thing I find with RP: having the actual game you're playing drive the RP and create RP stories for. For example your characters say things like 'remember that time when...' and it was actually a time in-game where those characters actually did that thing, had that close encounter, or met that horrible drunk Nord, etc etc. You don't plan it, you don't create it, it just happens, just like in real life.she thinks like a khajiit though she was raised by a dunmer who moved to kanarthi's roost (spelling on that) who is a friends character. She found my khajiit when she was a young one and cared for her. also showed her how to use a bow and sneak in the shadows. in the end my friends dunmer was killed (she deleted to remake ) and my khajiit has been on her own since afraid to make friends or anything. so she does what she needs to survive....and will kill anyone who means her harm.You have to react, think on your feet, it's not all in your control, you just have to go with it. Just like real life. I love it.
ajaxandriel wrote: »This is the way I play myself, so I understand well your way. Sadly it seems we are doomed to walk alone most of the time, as in a mere rpg, since differences in levelling rate or game time will separate most of such groups or full-time roleplayers.
In my opinion there are some huge missing features to make it a "sustenable" world and mmorpg. These barriers within ESO are strong against full immersion... untill Zenimax really takes this into account, I wish.
The lack of RP phases,
the lack of RP structures with their own emblems (if not the OOC guilds themselves, maybe some kind of "Units" of characters within),
the lack of real interaction between charas from different alliances,
the lack of roleplayers' gadgets like dressing room, stuff manager, chat bubbles
(and maybe later housing for such "units"/ rp guilds)...
Think that for us french (and german, and english) players it is far worse since the phases just don't give a ---- about our native language : we can not simply roleplay and be understood!
I really, really expect the devs to improve that.
and hope you will find other full-RPers where you are
I have added you I beleive now.I stay in character 100%. Suddenly jumping out of character is incredibly immersion-breaking for me. Coming up with massive back stories and playing out my character's ideals and dreams for the future is what drew me to the Elder Scrolls series. Where do I sign up to join you?
Username: Sorcrater / Character Name: Rahlden
SeñorCinco wrote: »[*] I disable that horrid chat window as it removes me from the gameplay. I want to communicate on the fly and utterly detest having to stop and type.
[*] I don't communicate unless the intended character is within a reasonable hearing distance.