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Taking Action Against Cheaters in ESO

  • leandro.800ub17_ESO
    Good News. Keep it UP
  • jaron_edow
    WARNING:RANT ABOUT TO HAPPEN-- Just a thought, but maybe make it rediculously easy and QUICK to report spammers and gold sellers.(I'm talking 3 clicks no typing required)i.e. click report player,[prompt pops up] click drop down select either "botting", "spammer", or "gold seller", then click report It's stupid that reporting these people is more a bother and irritating then the actual mail/chat spam/people standing at the end of the dungeon killing the respawning last mob. I get it all things report a player are in one spot, and when someone is actually cheating I will want to describe how they wronged my poor low level character, but don't make the most common report a 2 page forum of radio buttons, dropdowns, and text fields. *Rant over*
  • bbadeau
    I'm very glad to find out that ESO is taking this problem seriously and moving quickly to fix it.I've read through most of the posts here and found some of the comments interesting, some of them offensive and some of them enlightening. I'm new to MMOs and was not aware of the kinds of problems that plague them.

    I am a developer in the real world and can empathize with the burden this problem is placing on their IT staff. If their department is similar to mine then they are understaffed, overworked, and underpaid individuals who do really care about their jobs and the work that they do. The pressure they are getting from management to fix this problem is undoubtedly severe. To those who would heap negative comments on them, please remember that these are real people trying real hard to do a really good job for us.

    Given the comments I am reading from apparently seasoned MMO gamers, I am a bit surprised that this was not anticipated by management and that a contingency was not in place to identify it and deal with it before it got to this point. This can and will become a PR nightmare if it isn't dealt with in a timely and professional manner. I am glad that ESO is acting to remove these individuals from the game but slash and burn tactics are not very effective and can cause an unacceptable amount collateral damage in the long run. Remember that most of the innocent players who are banned have twitter and facebook accounts and know how to use them ;-)

    Removing mis-behaving players becomes a whack-a-mole game since these players can simply purchase another copy of the game, register, and continue their game within the game.
    Please do us gamers a favor and get your Public relations people working on fixing the credibility damage and hire more developers to fix the loop holes. I really would hate to see this game fail.
  • azraels_grave
    While botting is a ongoing battle. Blizzard has, for the most part, turned a blind eye to it. Even though they say it takes time. In that game I have seen botters exist for over a year before I do not see them anymore. And at that point it could be said either they were finally banned, or they moved on to another character. And this is sadly the truth. So Blizzard is not as pro-active against this ongoing battle. And I do hope ESO takes more aggressive measures than these other games, especially how Blizzard handled them. Yes botting is a ongoing fight, it never ends. Though if one fails to fight, then botters tend to lavish in the freedom.

    One such folly is waiting a period of time as one collects enough botters, to then ban all at the same time. Once enough information is collected, and it is verified they bot, then they should be banned. Not waiting until you have thousands and do all at once. In my history of playing these mass ban hammers are merely overplayed displays. While the botter,spammer,hacker,etc will enjoy that freedom until the mass ban hammer comes through. It makes the game look as if they are being pro-active to the community, when more singular focus would address this as it arises better. For example to those reading. what if you go on vacation and someone hacks your account for the 2 weeks you are gone. They bot,spam,sell gold, make a bit of a name for themselves on your character. Say that company finds out enough information 2 days into them hacking. Though they wish to wait 2 weeks for the mass ban hammer. What would you be happier with? Them removing the hacker and temporarily banning your account until you return? Or waiting until 2 weeks have come to fruition before the mass ban hammer? For myself I'd prefer them banning as soon as they know. Not some time later.

    So while my suggestion may involve a bit more means of applicability. It is my hopes that this is the way ESO in the future will engage actions like this. Acting as soon as they know, not waiting periods before doing a mass ban. Do not make the mistake other games have with allowing them to have even a moments freedom. Its a ongoing fight, fight the good fight.

    Keep in mind things noted here are simple examples, not actual or all inclusive. And thus should not be considered in such ways. And while accidental bans do happen even in larger games, its unfortunate. It happens. In falseness one must examine the information at hand, not take your "word" for it. And the examination of this information can at times be undeterminable in length. Thus patience is a virtue, and helping to clear yourself if falsely done. Ranting, raging, yelling, hardly helps in such matters. Other than to make it impossible, difficult or denied.
    Edited by azraels_grave on 11 April 2014 16:14
    "Reality does not exist online. So please do not infect my gaming experience with your perception of reality."
  • TwistedRiddlesb14_ESO
    Keep in mind things noted here are simple examples, not actual or all inclusive. And thus should not be considered in such ways. And while accidental bans do happen even in larger games, its unfortunate. It happens. In falseness one must examine the information at hand, not take your "word" for it. And the examination of this information can at times be undeterminable in length. Thus patience is a virtue, and helping to clear yourself if falsely done. Ranting, raging, yelling, hardly helps in such matters. Other than to make it impossible, difficult or denied.

    I think there would be less rage if ZOS would make a public statement responding to the false bans. What are they doing to resolve the issue? What should we do to make sure we are not unfairly banned? At this point, I have informed everyone I know to not trade ANY GOLD AT ALL with anyone. Not for purchases, not for gifts, nothing.

    And I, myself, while I used to report gold sellers all the time, am refusing to do so, because we have had at least one report that all someone did who got banned was report a lot of gold sellers. I'm just doing what I can to totally stay off of the radar, and playing a game in constant fear of a no warning, unwarranted ban that could take who knows how long to reverse, if it gets reversed at all is not a pleasant or fun way to play a game.
    Edited by TwistedRiddlesb14_ESO on 11 April 2014 17:21
  • SypherDiass
    well seeing as someone else is allowed to post names without at handles to list spammers , here is my collection of ignored and reported people from TODAY ....

    - odiseswp
    - dtjmghysq
    - boyceak
    - grafwanli
    - fidelmry2
    - asfasufs8a
    - poseybsc
    - carduwa
    - ownybua
    - ewhetmontan
    - eder9547
    - fktrrubalca
    - sldfiuhiouhaqawe
    - dixiecmnyh
    - exgizzobren
    - ygowstonbre
    - azhebartol
    - gwenb454
    - ederw9547

    ban me if you wish , after spending the amount of time it takes to report and ignore then note all these 'people' today ,in just 3 - 4 hours of my play time, i have played for next to no time , and i have not been able to enjoy my experience on the game at all because of all this ....

    all of the above have screenshots submitted and the ones that came via in game mail i have my own screenshots of, so if anyones name is on the list and they wish to contest it , feel free and i will post the picture with the evidence for all to see .... though it will have to be hosted elsewhere as you couldnt possibly put the evidence in this thread where it has the most relevance ...
  • williamcurrier_ESO
    Thanks keep going!
    Thanks CyberKnight
  • DBHAShadow

    ban me if you wish , after spending the amount of time it takes to report and ignore then note all these 'people' today ,in just 3 - 4 hours of my play time, i have played for next to no time , and i have not been able to enjoy my experience on the game at all because of all this ....

    all of the above have screenshots submitted and the ones that came via in game mail i have my own screenshots of, so if anyones name is on the list and they wish to contest it , feel free and i will post the picture with the evidence for all to see .... though it will have to be hosted elsewhere as you couldnt possibly put the evidence in this thread where it has the most relevance ...

    Can't play hmm, you know you can customize a chat channel to remove zone chat if it's literally "lets go kill this guy, forsooth! what hath appeared in my zone chat, well verily this news is more important, better spend the next two hours reading zone"

    In my opinion it's better for you, you in particular to ignore them completely instead of reporting them and then complaining to the ends of the earth about it. Let people who will report them for the sake of it getting fixed do it, instead of trying to white knight and go "oh lord have mercy I could have played for the four hours I was on, but being the good Samaritan I am, I spent 3 of those 4 hours reporting, and now I want Zos to refund me for those 3 hours cause I'm so awesome and how dare they make me report them, ban me if you want I don't care lololololol"

    Seriously man, give it a rest.
    i'm not senDing sublIminal mEssages.
  • Inco
    THANK YOU!!!!

    I was getting so tired of reporting / ignoring Gold Spammers that I downloaded a spamfilter add-on. Funny thing is that it also flags someone posting the same things 2-3 times in a row. (Yea... couple PVP announcers got ignored - lol)
  • SypherDiass
    DBHAShadow wrote: »

    In my opinion it's better for you, you in particular to ignore them completely instead of reporting them and then complaining to the ends of the earth about it. Let people who will report them for the sake of it getting fixed do it, instead of trying to white knight and go "oh lord have mercy I could have played for the four hours I was on, but being the good Samaritan I am, I spent 3 of those 4 hours reporting, and now I want Zos to refund me for those 3 hours cause I'm so awesome and how dare they make me report them, ban me if you want I don't care lololololol"

    Seriously man, give it a rest.

    did i ask for a refund ? did i ask for any sort of compensation for the time i have spent reporting these scum bags ? NO . i did not ask for anything , other than some kind of actual proof that they are doing something about it ...

    and as of right now , they have broken the report function , so naming names in here may well be the only way to get it seen at the minute ....

    so if you really have nothing constructive to say , i suggest you go and troll somewhere else ...
  • DBHAShadow
    DBHAShadow wrote: »

    In my opinion it's better for you, you in particular to ignore them completely instead of reporting them and then complaining to the ends of the earth about it. Let people who will report them for the sake of it getting fixed do it, instead of trying to white knight and go "oh lord have mercy I could have played for the four hours I was on, but being the good Samaritan I am, I spent 3 of those 4 hours reporting, and now I want Zos to refund me for those 3 hours cause I'm so awesome and how dare they make me report them, ban me if you want I don't care lololololol"

    Seriously man, give it a rest.

    did i ask for a refund ? did i ask for any sort of compensation for the time i have spent reporting these scum bags ? NO . i did not ask for anything , other than some kind of actual proof that they are doing something about it ...

    and as of right now , they have broken the report function , so naming names in here may well be the only way to get it seen at the minute ....

    so if you really have nothing constructive to say , i suggest you go and troll somewhere else ...

    Says the guy who opened up on the first page with all caps, honestly? So you think breaking their policy while going all bro mode "I don't care if you ban me" is the right way to go? You can create tickets on the forums. Everyone of your posts in here has been whining and complaining as to how much of your time reporting people takes. You want proof, they say 1000 people were banned not good enough for you, you need a personal letter mailed to you, with the names, addresses ect of people banned so you can sleep at night, because their word isn't good enough? Just because you didn't demand a refund or anything means that your still all that's holy in the world, you report people then come on here wailing and screaming that you demand proof of banishment like some kind of high lord. I'm not saying stop reporting people, but if you feel you need to come on here and either tell everyone "yeah I report people" to feel good, then don't bother. Negative demanding needy people like you are filling the forums constantly asking for personal responses as if you're the next CEO of the company.
    Edited by DBHAShadow on 12 April 2014 00:40
    i'm not senDing sublIminal mEssages.
  • SypherDiass
    DBHAShadow wrote: »

    Says the guy who opened up on the first page with all caps, honestly? So you think breaking their policy while going all bro mode "I don't care if you ban me" is the right way to go? You can create tickets on the forums. Everyone of your posts in here has been whining and complaining as to how much of your time reporting people takes. You want proof, they say 1000 people were banned not good enough for you, you need a personal letter mailed to you, with the names, addresses ect of people banned so you can sleep at night, because their word isn't good enough? Just because you didn't demand a refund or anything means that your still all that's holy in the world, you report people then come on here wailing and screaming that you demand proof of banishment like some kind of high lord. I'm not saying stop reporting people, but if you feel you need to come on here and either tell everyone "yeah I report people" to feel good, then don't bother. Negative demanding needy people like you are filling the forums constantly asking for personal responses as if you're the next CEO of the company.

    i never claimed to be 'holy' and would rather you left religion out of this....

    i am trying as are hundreds of other players to get rid of the scum that is trying to ruin the economy for the genuine gamers, we have been reporting them and ignoring them from day 1 of early access , yet still we see the same people spamming the chat , yes i could turn it off if i wished and pretended the issue wasn't real , but when you grow up , you realise hiding from the problem will not make it go away.

    i don't think ZOS owe these people getting banned for gold selling anything at all , they are clearly violating the in game ToC ,and worse than that , they are threatening to ruin the reputation of the game before it has had a chance to get off the ground. there will already be enough bad press with the bugs with main quest lines as it is, why should they protect them or their identity , if you can work out exactly who someone is from a mishmash of keyboard presses as a username, then you should go get a job as a police officer cos they could surely use your skills ....

    innocent people that get named will know they are innocent and will be able to appeal their case with ZOS, which they would undoubtedly be doing anyway, some of which are possibly on the forums trying to plead their case also, as holding for hours on a cell phone is not something everyone is able to do ...

    when you want something to last for a while and remain in good condition , you put extra effort into the early stages to make sure it stabilizes early, these scum bags are trying to ruin the games economy by selling gold to the lazy minority who cannot play games properly and feel the need to cheat, so that they can monopolize the economy via various guild stores ...

    most of us posting in this thread are concerned that the action being taken is not enough to help the game minimize the initial wave of bad press and help keep the game and the zone chat a friendly enjoyable place to be , which is what a game should be about after all..... FUN
  • SypherDiass
    as i said before shadow , go an troll somewhere else , all of your posts in this thread have been against other people trying to voice their opinion about a subject they feel is not being addressed sufficiently.

    if you cant say anything helpful , try not to say anything at all ....

    as the game is soo much fun to play right now , i will scroll all your posts an see if you actually have said anything at all worth saying ....
  • Sahidom
    A new trend on spamming has been on Guild invites that advertise the URL of their site. Is there a better way than screen shooting the account name and guild name when reporting this alternative?
  • rirri
    The ban on my husband's account was revoked today. According to him, while the emails seemed pretty cut and paste, the representative he did talk to cared about his situation and was helpful.

    He was banned for 4 days total.

    If this happens to you (and it will to a few if they're getting rid of cheaters so quickly), be patient and appeal it. Seems like this is just part of the launch drama.
  • DBHAShadow
    as i said before shadow , go an troll somewhere else , all of your posts in this thread have been against other people trying to voice their opinion about a subject they feel is not being addressed sufficiently.

    if you cant say anything helpful , try not to say anything at all ....

    as the game is soo much fun to play right now , i will scroll all your posts an see if you actually have said anything at all worth saying ....

    One, the holy thing, it's a saying, I wasn't actually calling upon any form of religion.. are you that daft. Two, I didn't say the spammers are owed anything, I said you seem to think you are owed something. They said 1000 people have been banned yet you sit here demanding proof, claiming it's lies because you see the same people still spamming. Do you not realize the number of players playing? Do you not realize how many spammers there are? Games like WoW, are over ten years old and still have spammers, in my last days of playing I was getting upwards of 10 RealID requests from gold spammer daily, which would then effect me in all their battlenet games.

    You ask what I've posted that is constructive? How about this, as a customer, paying money, I support the actions Zos is taking. I don't feel entitled to hourly updates, I don't demand that they show me proof of all their actions, and I don't care if the first month of the game has issues. I played WoW since launch for ten years, WoW wasn't smooth either, my choice of class, Paladin, Paladins sucked up until Burning crusade and even then you could debate they were not as viable of a choice until wrath of the lich king. Too many people are coming from established MMO's and coming to a brand new one going "Well what the F***'s it's issue, it just came out, why can't it be stable"

    Take into account, how many people are playing, take into account how many issues are being reported daily, even multiple reports from the same person, now how many people do you think Zos has working for them? Not enough. It's why their email responses, much like blizzard, who is a larger company, are mostly automated, as is their ticket service. One should assume that any company would not willingly screw themselves out of money, both by making a product with vast funds, and then not supporting it. Too many people, yourself included simply think they aren't working on it, or they don't care, that's idiotic.

    I agree they could have a few more community managers to make posts about progress, but what people fail to see, is they have posted "We're working on it" threads, like this one, and then people come in and go "nugh ughn! not enough proof, need more updates" While your reporting is constructive, you coming in here and complaining about how no one has gotten back to you about it is counter productive. When I report folks in WoW all I get is a thanks for the ticket, they don't get back to me and go "We got the guy thanks, you're the best" I get no reply, no notice as to whether the guy got banned or not.

    The reason I compare this to an already established company, is to show that even blizzard, as big as it is, still f's up, and that a smaller, newer company like Zos, is taking the same steps, using similar systems, to these other MMO's that people try to use as a reference as to why Zos is doing it wrong vs the norm.







    Seriously, this is your first post in this thread, and you claim I'm being a troll and not constructive. Your sitting here accusing them of doing nothing, breaking the rules of the forums, IE posting names, and then claiming they don't want your help. Well you're half right on that last part, they appreciate your reports and what not I'm sure, but I'm pretty sure that as human beings, and as a company, they don't appreciate your "get in their face" attitude. I could cite more of your posts in this thread, but they are all almost the same except when you start going into your rebellious "I don't care if you ban me" moments.

    Edit: oh wait, you also did that in your first post too, nvm.
    Edited by DBHAShadow on 12 April 2014 02:27
    i'm not senDing sublIminal mEssages.
  • MatosQc
    That a great News and i really appreciate it :)
    However, is it possible to tell if Addon like tamriel Foundry will be forbidden or accepted in the future ?

    I don t like the fact that people can see their Debuffs and their Buffs when someone play legitely your game without addon cannot see their debuff and the dmg they do.

    Please Zenimax, Forbid that kind of addon, there are people already vet 6 and vet 8 on your game, if poeple couldn t see their DMG or their debuff, PVE will be way much harder and that would be THE NEW GEN MMO GAME !

    Keep it Up Zenimax and give us some news about Add On !
  • TwistedRiddlesb14_ESO
    rirri wrote: »
    The ban on my husband's account was revoked today. According to him, while the emails seemed pretty cut and paste, the representative he did talk to cared about his situation and was helpful.

    He was banned for 4 days total.

    If this happens to you (and it will to a few if they're getting rid of cheaters so quickly), be patient and appeal it. Seems like this is just part of the launch drama.

    Wonderful news to hear, Rirri! Are they compensating him for the lost time?
  • DBHAShadow
    rirri wrote: »
    The ban on my husband's account was revoked today. According to him, while the emails seemed pretty cut and paste, the representative he did talk to cared about his situation and was helpful.

    He was banned for 4 days total.

    If this happens to you (and it will to a few if they're getting rid of cheaters so quickly), be patient and appeal it. Seems like this is just part of the launch drama.

    Good to see progress, all you gotta do is talk through it, it may take time, but Zos cares about it's players.
    i'm not senDing sublIminal mEssages.
  • MasterSpatula
    This is great, but I still don't understand what's so hard about having GMs wander around the low-level areas and issuing bans to gold spammers on the spot.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • DBHAShadow
    This is great, but I still don't understand what's so hard about having GMs wander around the low-level areas and issuing bans to gold spammers on the spot.

    They don't even do that in WoW, they are better off to setup a somewhat automated system, that way their GM's can handle real work like answering tickets or helping with bugs. You can never win with gold spammers, they will always be back, and there will always be more. It's better to commit the man power else where and let the system handle it.

    i'm not senDing sublIminal mEssages.
  • Tweek
    I'm hoping this is good news since I haven't logged in today. I hope nobody reported me for boss farming since people have been overzealous lately....

    I wouldn't fret too much over it. Generally*, getting a complaint is the beginning of an investigative process, not the end of it. Reps will also look at the metrics of your account and compare the data to the norm; if they don't find some sort of wierd spike indicating illegal activity (mined lots of nodes in just a few minutes, ludicrous amounts of mail or chat spam, evidence of teleport or speed hacks, etc.), they'll probably just flag it as a false positive and go on.

    Mind you, you don't HAVE to be a hacker or a botter to get banned; run-of-the-mill jerks will get the hammer, too. It just takes longer. :)

    *Obv this is based on my experiences in other games, but it's a good bet ESO will work this way too.

    Run of the mill jerk's are not ever banned in MMO's as doing so would be asinine and counter productive not to mention unprofitable.

    Source: Been playing MMO's for nearly fourteen years now.
  • Tweek
    Duccea wrote: »

    I wouldn't fret too much over it. Generally*, getting a complaint is the beginning of an investigative process, not the end of it.

    Say that to a bunch of people who were banned "permanently" simply by just trading gold to their friends, guildies, and even people on the same IP address (20k-40k+), along with some that just put gold into their shared bank, then took it out with an alt, only to be banned.

    I'm afraid to even trade now, or even put gold into my bank... or to have it on me... or to even play!

    I really hope this gets resolved. This is like the biggest customer service mistake I have ever seen in an MMO.

    I agree. From what I can tell from talking to friends and guildmates, there is a lot of insecurity right now. Whether those people reporting to be innocently banned are telling the truth or not, it has lead to people not being sure about what is allowed and what not. As in: Can we give money we earned while adventuring to guildmates and friends in need without having to fear to get flagged as a gold seller?
    Some kind of official statement to reassure people would be in order.

    On a more positve note, I congratulate ZOS for taking quick and harsh action against those who actually do deserve to get banned for cheating. It is good to hear that action is being taken against gold sellers and botters. Keep it up!

    Yup, I'm cynical enough to believe that ZOS is screwing up with them, and untrusting enough to believe that everyone claiming to be innocent is lying. Leaves me feeling rather confused about what is actually acceptable to them. Note if some things are unacceptable that some claim to have been banned for, it will make me question whether to continue subbing.


    Just play a real MMO like Wildstar instead when it comes out...if they ban anymore active players that I know, I'm going to tell me and my guild/friends(60+ members) to all unsub and move on to another game....probably Wildstar.
  • IamFatalHit
    Soul Shriven
    Youre all being rediculous Im apart of a guild of very trustworthy people and we make it a duty to report and ignore any gold spammers or suspected botters and out of the over 90 of us that have done so since the release of early access we havnt had a single mess up nor have any of us been banned. dont listen to these people who claim to have been mis banned. if they were banned it was because an investigation led them to be banned and if you are truly innocent then you will have no trouble getting an appeal and wouldnt be here complaining.

    And a suggestion dont reply to those messages and random guild invites from names that look like they were randomly generated especially the ones that have gold seller written all over it cause chances are when they do an investigation on the gold seller and they see you replied to them they are gonna put you down for suspicious activity. just report them nothing more nothing less dont get cocky and let them get to youre head just get smart.Every message you type in game is recorded somewhere so dont think youre smarter than the system and can get away with it if you bought gold or sold gold they will find out and I would love to be the one who reported you.
    Edited by IamFatalHit on 12 April 2014 05:48
  • MasterSpatula
    DBHAShadow wrote: »
    This is great, but I still don't understand what's so hard about having GMs wander around the low-level areas and issuing bans to gold spammers on the spot.

    They don't even do that in WoW, they are better off to setup a somewhat automated system, that way their GM's can handle real work like answering tickets or helping with bugs. You can never win with gold spammers, they will always be back, and there will always be more. It's better to commit the man power else where and let the system handle it.

    They did it in SWG. Yes, Star Wars: Galaxies. Cheap-ass Sony Online Entertainment, despite the crappiness of so much of that game, had GMs in-game keeping an eye on things. As it should be.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Tippan
    Couple of GM's in chat and in game would mean a lot to people, and would show ZOS having a presence and seeming to be doing something.

    Plus if they had VISIBLE moderators in chat banning people for blatantly obvious gold selling spam it would improve moral :) no investigation required.

    Insta ban BOOM.
  • SypherDiass
    hhahaah shadow , look how nice you turn for people after i call you out for being a troll , ...

    if you love wow and blizz soo much why not go back there ? this isnt blizz , and it isnt wow , i dont care how long you 'put up' with bad service on wow , more fool you for paying for it ....

    i haven't demanded anything , i said we as a group that are reporting the same individuals since day 1 of early access are finding it very difficult to believe they have banned a thousand spammers , especially when you get a list like the one i posted previously of almost 20 people in the space of 3 hours ...

    i do spend most of my time on a seperate chat channel , but by not using zone chat , i am having a particular part of this game taken away ... the COMMUNITY, which is a MASSIVE part of an MMO ..... now if you think its ok that these spammers are forcing to people to close the chat window for zone , and only be able to talk to their guild / guilds, then you are a part of the problem in my opinion.

    i dont expect ZOS to get rid of all of them immediately , so stop your wow fanboy comparisons, they are not helpful at all , different time and a different place all that wow crap happened.....

    One thing i would like to know from ZOS is ....

    How do innocent people get banned for trading gold with their partner for a horse or whatever ? surely in order for someones account to be looked at , people ( i would expect more than just 1 ) would need to complain about them ? Yet how would anyone else know what husband and wife are doing ? do you monitor transactions between players more than complaint reports ?

    it definately seems like they have banned 1000 users from US megaserver and 0 from the EU one ...

  • Mojodishu
    after a week playing i got 40 people on my ignore list, 40 people reported for gold spamming.
    I just wish you could right click their name in chat, report and ignore with one click for goldselling, without having to go to the F1 screen. And those you do that way won't show on your ignore list, cluttering it up.
    What is the limit for how many you can have on ignore?

    Also Public dungeon spawn camping bots, can't go to any public dungeon in glenumbra without seeing 10-15 bots camping end boss.
    I don't give a hoot about active players wanna camp a boss, but killing a public dungeon boss should simply put your account on a 1-12 hour CD for receiving loot, xp or skill training from that boss.
  • Nimerian
    what about the guild leaders that got banned for sending the info of TS3 and the guilds website page via main to their guild members??? Autoban is really a solution??? That is SOOO lame. Completely unprofessional and cheap.
  • reggielee
    its getting so bad, i spend way too much of my game time reporting and ignoring these parasites. I went into ruins and there were 11 bots therre on auto attack all linked up farming mindlessly the recurring mob spawns , it was rediculous. The devs need to spend time on plugging the coding holes that allow this. Im beginning to have no faith in their security if these idiots can code all these bots.

    cyros become a joke with so many over lvl 50s with the fastest mounts, the game is only days old fer crissakes.
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
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