This right here is exactly why I no longer get my hopes up regarding ESO.
There is no reason to believe this time will be any different, and you would be a fool to think otherwise. Zenimax has not once made good on a promise to improve performance or the PVP side of the game, except when they accidently improved it by replacing the hardware before allowing it to slip back into disrepair within a 9 month timeframe. Every time people begin to get vocal regarding their unhappiness with PVP/Performance/combat/balance, we get some PR post and a few weeks of weak forum communication, followed by a return to the norm and much later an excuse as to why they couldn't accomplish the goals they laid out at the end of the previous year.
I would love to be wrong. I'd love to see the PVP side of this game return to it's former glory. But their track record and the actions of their developers do not provide any reason to believe that they are willing or even capable of achieving that.
even if they toss out this new camp and performance is great, at what cost? I would literally sooner just go play bdo or wow or some other mmo. I play eso because i love the combat and the diverstiy. Combat has been dumbed down by zos for years, and so has diversity. But what they proposed is even worse. I dont play eso to be forced to run something by the devs. Skills or a build or whatever. I would hate it, im sure someone like you would hate it, everyone i know would hate it.
Even if its not super invasive, and they just ban a few skills, then would it really make a difference? From the way i read it, it sounds like loadouts or something. Idk, time will tell, but the question i have to keep asking is, what does any of this do for cyrodiil the way it is now. Unless they have some other idea that i missed or they havent talked about. But ofc, i have zero faith. We have played too long lmao, been watching every year, reading these posts, how could we have any faith in things improving.
Agreed fully. The time to make a change like this was at launch when it became apparent that shifting skill calculations server-side was tanking performance in Cyrodiil — not ten years into the game’s life, when having considerable build diversity is all we’ve ever really known. I’m still willing to wait and see and give it a try if it does indeed perform well, because theorycrafting has never been my own priority in Cyrodiil, but I know that any system that dumbs things down and lessens build diversity is going to drive even more players away. That gives ZOS execs the chance to throw up their hands and say something like “See? We improved performance and they STILL left, there’s no pleasing PVP players.” Gets them off the hook, in their minds, and gives them even less incentive to work on Cyrodiil.