Potential Skills, Backgrounds, and Keepsakes for Werewolf Companions

I've made one suggestion thread about potential Companion Werewolf and Companion Vampire skills previously, but this thread is intended to be a more thorough discussion thread about how a Companion Werewolf may be realized, from their skills to their background and keepsake. In particular, this thread will focus on the new developments to the Companions system observed with the introduction of Zerith-var and Tanlorin, and how the direction of Companion skills, backgrounds, and keepsakes may influence a potential Werewolf Companion.

Of course, this all stems from this response given by @ZOS_PhilipDraven during the Companions Q&A:
ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
Q: What is the team's stance on vampire/werewolf companions? Are there any plans to introduce more than 2 companions per year?

PD: Vampire and werewolf companions are not off the table for future companions. There are no plans to increase the companion release rate at this time. (They take a lot of work from a large number of talented developers, and we want to make sure we’re taking the time to get them as good as they can possibly be.)

You can't use Werewolf skills before transforming. So, how would a Werewolf Companion actually transform into their Werewolf form? Here are a few ideas:
  1. The transformation ability could be an Ultimate Ability found in the Werewolf skill line in the World category.
    • This is the most similar to the Player Werewolf implementation. However, this would mean a Companion would have both their unique Ultimate and their Werewolf Ultimate; they would only ever be able to use one at any given time. If their version of Werewolf Transformation is unlocked at Level 20, like their unique Ultimate is, then they wouldn't be able to use it for a long while after the player meets them for the first time. The player could also choose to never allow the Werewolf Companion to transform by never slotting the ability.
  2. The transformation ability could be a Passive Ability found in the Werewolf skill line in the World category. It could be triggered by a condition, such as:
    • "Used when <Companion Name> is below 50% Health or if you are using Werewolf Transformation."
    • "Used when <Companion Name> is below 75% Health and is fighting a difficult monster."

Visualized, here are those two approaches, with different ability "morphs":

I think it makes the most sense that a Companion's Werewolf form gives them a separate bar full of Werewolf abilities. With a full bar, the Companion will have 5 skills to use while transformed, which can be rearranged just like with the Player Werewolf skill bar. The transformation ability can be unlocked right away, but Werewolf Companions could be given access to more Werewolf abilities as they level up. For instance, since Companions learn their 7 remaining Class skills at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 20, the Companion Werewolf skill line should unlock its 5 Active Abilities at levels 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18.

Using the Companion Werewolf abilities I described in the image above as an example, the abilities might do something like the following:
  • Werewolf Transformation
    • Lycanthropic Shift — Costs 200 Ultimate. Transforms the Companion into a Werewolf for 90 seconds or until combat ends.
    • Beastly Conversion — Actives when the Companion is below 50% Health or if you are using Werewolf Transformation. Transforms the Companion into a Werewolf for 90 seconds or until combat ends.
  • Pounce
    • Unrestrained Leap — 16 second cooldown. Gap closer that deals single target Bleed Damage. Adds 5 seconds to the Companion's transformation.
    • Bloody Lunge — 16 second cooldown. Gap closer that deals AoE Bleed Damage.
  • Hircine's Bounty
    • Steadfast Howl — 16 second cooldown. Used when the Companion is below 75% Health. Heals for 50% of Max Health. Reduces the Companion's Damage Taken by 20%.
    • Infuriated Howl — 8 second cooldown. Used when the Companion is below 75% Health. Heals for 25% of Max Health. Grants the Companion Major Berserk, increasing Damage Done by 10%.
  • Roar
    • Rousing Roar (remember that name?) — 12 second cooldown. Fears nearby enemies and taunts the first enemy feared.
    • Intimidating Roar — 12 second cooldown. Fears nearby enemies and applies the Terrified effect to them.
  • Piercing Howl
    • Uproar of Distress — 8 second cooldown. Single target projectile that deals Physical Damage. Grants the Companion Minor Berserk, increasing Damage Done by 5%.
    • Uproar of Torment — 8 second cooldown. Single target projectile that deals Physical Damage. Deals 10% additional damage to enemies who are Terrified.
  • Infectious Claws
    • Sanctioned Rend — 12 second cooldown. Cone AoE that deals Disease Damage and additional Disease Damage over time. Companion heals for a percentage of damage done.
    • Defiled Rend — 12 second cooldown. Cone AoE that deals Disease Damage and additional Disease Damage over time. Enemies are afflicted with Minor Defile.

While Tanlorin's implementation of the Companion Soul Magic skill line is unique, I don't believe that approach could work for the Werewolf skill line. Replacing the damage dealer skill line of the Companion's Class with Werewolf skills would mean that they couldn't easily swap between using Werewolf skills and humanoid skills. Further, it'd mean that utility skills like Hircine's Bounty and Roar would not be justified in the Companion Werewolf skill line if it was solely for damage dealing.
There are many examples of werewolf characters all throughout the game to draw inspiration from. One of the most interesting werewolf characters is Narazda, a Khajiit from Moon Hunter Keep who resisted her captor and found freedom. Here's a bit of her dialogue about her lycanthropy when your character also happens to be a werewolf:
In my opinion, Narazda is a great example of a well-written werewolf character. She is not a villain, but she acknowledges the duality of her affliction and prefers to keep her lycanthropy regardless. I really hope we get to see her again in a future DLC.

A common theme that's explored with werewolves is the duality of man; such as how a person can be outwardly good, but in secret be less than that. Many werewolves struggle with both halves of their identity, and even Hildegard, a Nord Werewolf in the Dark Brotherhood, expresses a desire to control and unite both halves of herself:

Because of this common theme of duality, I believe it would be interesting to tell the story of a Templar who is afflicted with lycanthropy. Because Templars are opposed to Werewolves (as explained in the lorebook The Four Abominations), being both would create internal conflict, so this character would have to seek a balance between their identity as a Templar and their life as a Werewolf. Perhaps they could be an Imperial to emphasize the severity of having lycanthropy, as illustrated in the lorebook Dealing with Werewolves:
Whether you're stationed at a garrison at Camlorn or suffering Nord inhospitality in Skyrim, an Imperial subject must know the signs of the terrible affliction of Lycanthropy. With attacks by creatures infected with Sanies Lupinus on the rise, it is your duty to learn the following and behave accordingly.
. . .
If you must fight a werewolf, arm yourself with any silver weapon, as these have proven extremely effective. However, prepare for severe gash wounds and the possibility of becoming infected. Should this occur, report to your superior for final rites to Arkay and immediate execution.
Plus, the story could be reinforced by the Companion's actual skills, as transforming into a Werewolf means they cannot use their Templar skills for a time, and transforming back means they can use their Templar skills but not their Werewolf skills for a time. Maybe their introductory quest forces them to turn into a werewolf, and by the end of it (with the aid of the player) they can choose to have their Werewolf Transformation ability "unslotted" from their skill bar to effectively symbolize them gaining control over both of their forms. Of course, the Companion version of the character must share the same skills across all of the player's characters, so permanently curing their lycanthropy couldn't happen.

Aside from that, any background could work for a werewolf character. Many players will make a Warden Bosmer Werewolf character to double down on the "wilderness" and "hunting" theme; a Companion of this archetype might be located in Malabal Tor or Greenshade. Maybe a Nord Dragonknight Werewolf from somewhere in Skyrim would be reminiscent of The Companions from TES V: Skyrim, many of which were werewolves. I'd almost certainly expect a Werewolf Companion to show up on Solstheim or The Hunting Grounds, if those zones were implemented.

Whether or not a Werewolf Companion should be "evil" or not is an entire subject of debate. Players who want to go on a rampage with a fellow werewolf may be upset to find that their Werewolf Companion objects to murder or loathes being a lycanthrope. While I am glad that there are morally good werewolf characters to take inspiration from, I'd hope that we get at least one who doesn't mind murder. It would be nice to get a Werewolf Companion who genuinely enjoys being a lycanthrope.

Finally, just as every Companion has a unique appearance, their Werewolf form could be unique, too. Most Werewolf NPCs in this game use the grey fur, but there's nothing stopping a Werewolf Companion from having one of these fur colors instead:
Alternatively, they could use an entirely new fur pattern to help them stand apart. Maybe they have markings on their skin that carry over into their Werewolf form to help the player recognize them, which isn't too dissimilar from what Balorgh does:

Keepsakes are non-combat perks which are somehow related to a Companion's personality or background. For instance, Sharp-as-Night loves to fish, and his Keepsake improves the chances of catching trophy fish and increases the rate of fish bites. Another example is how Zerith-var's ghost cat will make nearby Heavy Sacks more visible when you approach them.

What a Werewolf Companion's Keepsake would be is heavily dependent on who they are as a character. However, here's a few Keepsake ideas that are loosely related to werewolves:
  • Reduced Gold cost to update an outfit at an Outfit Station or repair armor at a merchant. Werewolves probably need new clothes all the time with how often they transform, wouldn't they?
  • Increased chance of finding additional loot on slain wild or domestic animals (such as deer, rabbits, squirrels, etcetera). Hunting is very thematic to werewolves.
  • Increased chance of finding additional loot from Dig Sites (Antiquities) or Dirt Mounds (Treasure Maps). I suppose werewolves would be better at finding things buried in the soil.
Of course, a Werewolf Companion would have more of a personality than just being a werewolf. I'm sure if we eventually do get a Werewolf Companion, their Keepsake will be fitting for their character as a whole, as their lycanthropy is only one part of their identity.
Final Comments
I sincerely thank you for reading this far. I'm a huge fan of the Companions system, and I really hope we'll get to have Werewolf Companions who will transform with us. That was actually something I wanted from TES V: Skyrim, but unfortunately your followers in that game wouldn't transform with you without the use of mods. ESO may potentially be the first TES game to allow you and your follower to be werewolves together, so I'm hopeful for the future.
Edited by Erickson9610 on 19 October 2024 20:27
PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
Please give us Werewolf Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color), Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and Companions (to transform with).
  • Erickson9610
    I've been thinking about the other aspects of Companions, and I'd like to share my thoughts on two more categories, as they would pertain to a Werewolf Companion. I'll ping @ZOS_Kevin in case this thread gets buried again; I really did spend a lot of time and effort writing it.

    Rapport Sources
    The rapport sources for each Companion character differ depending on the personality of any particular Companion. However, a werewolf character may feel these ways in particular:
    • Approval
      • Killing wild animals, such as deer and rabbits. Werewolves have a drive to hunt, and the ones with a conscience would prefer to hunt something other than a person.
      • Crafting a Pack Leader's Bone Broth, or a Provisioning item containing meat. I would imagine a werewolf would enjoy food like that.
    • Disapproval
      • Killing a Werewolf. While it's understandable that enemy werewolves may attack first, I'd imagine most werewolf characters would feel uneasy about the player bringing them along to slaughter their kind.
      • Crafting a Jewelry item with Silver Ounces (CP 10 - CP 70) or a Blacksmithing item with Quicksilver Ingots (CP 70 - CP 80). Not many people would use silver equipment, but werewolves do have an aversion to it, so it'd be a nice detail to get a reaction for that.

    In particular, we only have one Houseguest who is a werewolf — Hildegard. When idle, she will sometimes briefly transform into a werewolf and howl. She also has plenty of dialogue if your character happens to also be a werewolf.

    I would hope that the Houseguest version of a Werewolf Companion would be similar. Or, perhaps they could always be in their Werewolf form as a Houseguest, which would make their Houseguest version extremely desirable for making the wilderness in Hunter's Glade feel more lively. If their identity being lost upon transforming is a concern, they could have those markings on their fur that I mentioned in the Backgrounds section above.
    PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

    Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
    Please give us Werewolf Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color), Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and Companions (to transform with).
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