Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Opinion about the game?

So despite the incredibly long maintenance's, during peak time, the lag, bugs & whatever else there is (most of it being kinda normal during a MMO launch)

I still am able to enjoy the game, There's a *** of people whining about the maintenance's, But I don't recall anyone saying the game is actually boring, If you had to judge the game ignoring all the current issues which will be fixed, and solely judge it on the gameplay, What would you say?
  • Viiqupaen
    I think it's dry as it stands. Call me self-entitled but I expect more of this MMO. I feel like it's too quest-oriented and doesn't give me the feeling like I can go and explore the map and immerse myself in the game. I guess I'm trying to say I don't feel like my character.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Well , i actually like it for now , i have grips , like the whole AH thing , but nothing major until now.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Thybrinena
    I'm loving it. Ignore the maintenance complainers. There's logic to wanting to be informed but many posters are going way beyond being constructive and reasonable about it.
  • Zilas
    Viiqupaen wrote: »
    I think it's dry as it stands. Call me self-entitled but I expect more of this MMO. I feel like it's too quest-oriented and doesn't give me the feeling like I can go and explore the map and immerse myself in the game. I guess I'm trying to say I don't feel like my character.

    Gotta admit i'm not a huge fan of questing, and its really slow too, but I've seen some streams with huge battles (alliance pvp battles i think) and I'm looking really forward to that.

  • Melian
    Look at it this way: people complain about the maintenance because they like the game.
  • Willow
    Game is great! Communication is lacking for sure.
  • Zilas
    Willow wrote: »
    Game is great! Communication is lacking for sure.

    Most definitely, If you say something in /say no chat bubbles come up and if the other guy doesn't press enter he will never realize you told him something, and we need nameplates above people so that we get this MMO feeling.

    But I've seen other threads about that and I'm sure they'll look into it.

  • habs10
    The one thing I really think needs improved on (aside being an AH addict on other MMO's), is how our inventory works. Considering how much material a player needs to gather if they are going to fully utilize all the crafting, having at least a tab with other inventory slots that is only used for crafting materials. That way it's not clogging up the precious slots of our regular inventory. I realize inventory & banks are always a gold sink but they also need to encourage players to use the crafting to its full potential.

    Communicating better with us about server down times and issues with game functionality would be nice too. Guess that was two things.
  • alleigha
    I really, really like this game. I personally feel very immersed and love to explore, harvest and casually do my quests along the way. In this game I feel contented not level quickly because I just want to enjoy the ride and thoroughly check out the area first. Usually when I feel rushed to level quickly it is because I am not happy with what I am doing at the moment. Beautiful game, and great job by developers. There are some bugs to work out, but that is to be expected.
  • GaBacon
    I actualy love to quest, i mean why not. You are getting a small story to complete and you get rewards. But at the same time i would like to explore and come across something that wasnt marked on the map, something odd that i can complete while exploring. If anyone ever played Asherons call you will know what i am talking about ( i just showed my age with that asherons reference)
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Zilas wrote: »
    Willow wrote: »
    Game is great! Communication is lacking for sure.

    Most definitely, If you say something in /say no chat bubbles come up and if the other guy doesn't press enter he will never realize you told him something, and we need nameplates above people so that we get this MMO feeling.

    But I've seen other threads about that and I'm sure they'll look into it.

    You tell me , so i was at a pluzze the other day and a guy told me the answer , i only noticed after i did it myself and i had to whisper the guy the thank you lols.

    Even if it is an option only for those that want it , they need to change the /say.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Zilas
    Zilas wrote: »
    Willow wrote: »
    Game is great! Communication is lacking for sure.

    Most definitely, If you say something in /say no chat bubbles come up and if the other guy doesn't press enter he will never realize you told him something, and we need nameplates above people so that we get this MMO feeling.

    But I've seen other threads about that and I'm sure they'll look into it.

    You tell me , so i was at a pluzze the other day and a guy told me the answer , i only noticed after i did it myself and i had to whisper the guy the thank you lols.

    Even if it is an option only for those that want it , they need to change the /say.

    Personally, I'd love to have the option to enable chat bubbles so whenever someone near says something you'll see it in a text bubble above their heads.

  • LuckyHermit
    I'm actually surprised with how much I love this game. I like the fact that they made an MMO that doesn't feel like a clone of WoW. I'm not crazy about MMORPGs (although I have played them a lot) But I have ALWAYS wanted a multiplayer Elder Scrolls game.

    Everybody complaining about the lack of name plates, chat bubbles, auction houses, and clunky screen cluttering UI etc, just need to go back to playing other games. I hope they don't give in to the whining, and change what they have. It is an Elder Scrolls game first, and that is what makes it great.

    If there was one thing I wish were different, I would like a little less hand holding for the quests. I want to pay attention to the quest, and find the solution on my own, not just follow an arrow. But then I know there would be thousands of people lost and complaining because they are used to not even having to pay attention. How boring everything must be if you play like that...
  • SpireofSouls
    You will get boring playing it, trust me. Infact i am just disappointed they lefted out the realism parts. Since players can carry so much craps, cant craft arrows, you can loot npc stuffs, come on, that just about any other MMOs out that like that. I though this game (ESO) was going to be like ESeries Online with solid rulesets, but it isnt.
    Edited by SpireofSouls on 3 April 2014 19:13
  • Chomppa
    Happy with the game so far and I've already formed a character attachment . Aside from the clunky forums , I'm really really looking forward to subbing in the game because I feel I'll be playing this game for a long time .
    :):D:(;):\:o:s:p:'(:|B):#o:)<3 (*) >:)
  • mutharex
    GaBacon wrote: »
    I actualy love to quest, i mean why not. You are getting a small story to complete and you get rewards. But at the same time i would like to explore and come across something that wasnt marked on the map, something odd that i can complete while exploring. If anyone ever played Asherons call you will know what i am talking about ( i just showed my age with that asherons reference)

    There are actually things like that scattered around, in places you'd not normally go:small dungeons, books or objects that start quests, forges etc. If you approach TESO like a standard MMO, you'd never even find these things because many of them are just remote

    In the limits of a level based MMO, I think they have done a good job
  • Know
    I am absolutely loving the game right now. I had a lot of doubts after some of the betas, and almost didn't purchase it because of those experiences. I am very glad I gave it a fair shot, though. The game feels much more polished, engaging, and exciting than it did to me then. A couple of comments I can sympathize with, but no longer agree with:
    Viiqupaen wrote: »
    I think it's dry as it stands. Call me self-entitled but I expect more of this MMO. I feel like it's too quest-oriented and doesn't give me the feeling like I can go and explore the map and immerse myself in the game. I guess I'm trying to say I don't feel like my character.

    Strange! I've actually had the opposite reaction. I did feel the game was a bit lacking (mainly in how combat "felt") during the betas, but that seems a lot better now. As for questing, there are lots of quests, but I frequently find myself just exploring, harvesting, attacking bandit camps, etc. Perhaps this is just a mindset?
    You will get boring playing it, trust me. Infact i am just disappointed they lefted out the realism parts. Since players can carry so much craps, cant craft arrows, you can loot npc stuffs, come on, that just about any other MMOs out that like that. I though this game (ESO) was going to be like ESeries Online with solid rulesets, but it isnt.

    I think a lot of us initially were looking for "Skyrim but with more people!" I was disappointed when I realized that's not exactly how things were going to turn out, but once I got over the letdown and started to appreciate the game as a "new thing" in a universe I love, I became much more positive.
    Persons appear to us according to the light we throw upon them from our own minds. -Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • mutharex
    I'm actually surprised with how much I love this game. I like the fact that they made an MMO that doesn't feel like a clone of WoW. I'm not crazy about MMORPGs (although I have played them a lot) But I have ALWAYS wanted a multiplayer Elder Scrolls game.

    Everybody complaining about the lack of name plates, chat bubbles, auction houses, and clunky screen cluttering UI etc, just need to go back to playing other games. I hope they don't give in to the whining, and change what they have. It is an Elder Scrolls game first, and that is what makes it great.

    If there was one thing I wish were different, I would like a little less hand holding for the quests. I want to pay attention to the quest, and find the solution on my own, not just follow an arrow. But then I know there would be thousands of people lost and complaining because they are used to not even having to pay attention. How boring everything must be if you play like that...

    I agree 100% but I fear they will eventually bow to people that want this to be another wow clone.

    btw I think you can turn all quest related things off in the UI. Go blind
  • Basil_oz
    I am impressed with the game. It is more immersive than I expected. Being a big Skyrim player you notice the difference in the amount of interaction with the environment (it's a lot more streamline), but also being a LOTRO player, I find the world more of a sandbox and pleasing to the eye.

    I'm still sorting through the inventory/skills/crafting stuff, but that will come with more gameplay.

    Personally, I love questing however, I would like to see more development in the crafting and skill areas as this has been a large part of the Elder Scrolls series.

    I'm excited to see where they take it from here.
    NA Mega-server
    Basilthwaite - male Nord Templar Ebonheart Pact (unwittingly looks like Hulk Hogan. Trying to find some bright gold breeches to match the persona.)

    Arwen Basilrond - female Wood Elf Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion (this character is smoken', but she's been advised to quite due to 'elf reasons!)

    Sir Basil Ozarian - male Imperial Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant (this character is titled, but not entitled!)
  • Chirru
    Viiqupaen wrote: »
    I think it's dry as it stands. Call me self-entitled but I expect more of this MMO. I feel like it's too quest-oriented and doesn't give me the feeling like I can go and explore the map and immerse myself in the game. I guess I'm trying to say I don't feel like my character.

    I agree...the maps in ESO(compared to ES) are small. There is not enough area to explore and that is why the game has to be very much quest orientated.

    Yes, I know...Cyrodiil is the exception...however, being PvP orientated it is not really the prime area dedicated PvE players wish to explore.

    We can only hope that there will be more open maps in the game's future...but I would not hold my breath. After all... creating a huge open game world and populating same with NPC's is immensely human labor intensive and hence costly.
  • Kor
    Soul Shriven
    The first few times I got to play this in beta I came away with the impression that this game was going to be a bust. It has come a long way since then and now I actually feel like I'm playing an Elder Scrolls game. I am hoping that it continues to become more like an Elder Scrolls game as it evolves and less like every other MMO out there.
  • BmcD73
    I haven't had this much fun playing an MMO since WoW was released YEARS ago. Here are what I see as the strong points:
    Exploration - This is one of the best features of the game. I love just walking along and finding new quests, items, storylines, etc. I love all the little collectibles. You are rewarded in so many ways for just exploring and walking around. Each open dungeon has a skyshard and others will give a skill point above that for completion.

    Crafting - I think the crafting is amazing. Each tier of material yields a noticeably different appearance and every 2 levels within a tier shows a small improvement. The research, styles, enchantments, etc are all really cool. Alchemy and enchanting are like a mini game within the game. Provisioning allows you to make really awesome food which everyone will want once they have a little scratch in their pockets. On the downside, there are 2 million little materials that go into making all this stuff and that takes up bank/bag space. I've bought 3 bank upgrades and 3 personal upgrades (90/90) and still have 3 mules to carry my "other stuff". I'm constantly fighting for bag space and spend a bunch of time managing my space.

    Quests - The voice acting and questing is superb. As good if not better than Swtor. Quests are everywhere. The story of the quests is interesting and it's fun to see how the npcs you meet throughout the game all tie together.

    Mechanics - The mechanics in this game are very different from any other MMO I have played. The hate tables are different. Blocking, interrupts, etc are REQUIRED to even live in some simple 2 or 3 solo pulls. People who think grinding kills is the way to level will be very disappointed as the "meat" of the XP is gained via exploring and finishing quests. I think this aspect has turned off a lot of people. I personally like it. It feels very different.

    Mods - One of the things that made WoW so good were all the mods. This game has the beginnings of the same thing. I miss my minimap...guess what...there's a mod for that. I miss a long quest tracker...guess what...there's a mod for that.

    Some of the things I don't like:
    Bugs - There are still quite a few bugs in the game. Quest bugs that have been caught in beta are still here. At times you can't tell if it is just bugged or you missed something. Other times logging in/out will fix it. It's more annoying than anything. Other normal release bugs are not so bad.

    Unfinished UI elements - The guild, guild store, bank interfaces needs lots of work. For instance, sorting or filtering in guild store often has no options or filters don't work at all or sometimes the searches bring back nothing. I like the filters in your inventory but they are for main buckets like weapons/armor. I would love to see sub items like weapons>bows or a filter on quality. I guess someone will make a mod for that stuff pretty soon if bethsoft doesn't.

    Dungeon mechanics - this may be something I just need to get used to but the mechanics work WAY different than other MMOs. The hate tables are different and mobs go after different group members for different reasons. It's not all about who is creating the most threat via dps or healing. Traditional tanks can't just run in and grab aggro from the entire room and keep it but what ends up happening is chaos. We wiped on the first boss in the first 12-15 dungeon with 2x12, 1x13, 1x15 about 10 times and finally gave up. We could beat him. Way too difficult with for a starter dungeon. We later came back with 2x16, 1x17, 1x20 and did it. No one wiped or died but even the end guy was a fair challenge with these levels. Maybe it's a balance thing, maybe a getting used to the game thing, maybe something else but dying 10 times and having a huge repair bill so early in the game with the first major dungeon is not fun.

    Bag space/inventory - the game is so detailed and it's both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it makes it that much more immersive. A curse because you have to figure out what to do with all your stuff. I have 90 shared bank storage, 90 slots on 1 toon, and 180 slots on 3 other mule toons. All full of different crafting stuff. Every single quest or two i have to run back to the bank, sell, decomp, craft, trade with mule, etc. I spend WAY too much time managing my inventory. But I like crafting and adventuring. There has to be a better way to manage all this stuff. Maybe something like what GW2 did with specific space for crafting mats. Maybe player houses with personal house storage.

    Basically I can't wait to play this game every day. I haven't felt like that since the release of WoW.
    Edited by BmcD73 on 3 April 2014 21:47
  • Alurria
    I was unsure about this game after have in jumped in a few betas but I have to give it a try. After all you never know unless you try right?
  • mutharex
    Chirru wrote: »
    Viiqupaen wrote: »
    I think it's dry as it stands. Call me self-entitled but I expect more of this MMO. I feel like it's too quest-oriented and doesn't give me the feeling like I can go and explore the map and immerse myself in the game. I guess I'm trying to say I don't feel like my character.

    I agree...the maps in ESO(compared to ES) are small. There is not enough area to explore and that is why the game has to be very much quest orientated.

    Yes, I know...Cyrodiil is the exception...however, being PvP orientated it is not really the prime area dedicated PvE players wish to explore.

    We can only hope that there will be more open maps in the game's future...but I would not hold my breath. After all... creating a huge open game world and populating same with NPC's is immensely human labor intensive and hence costly.

    At level 50 you can explore ALL of Tamriel (even the enemy zones) for leveling up Veteran Ranks
  • Laerian
    It's good, when is not offline, most of the time I'm shuffling characters because the lack of inventory; grinding gold to pay inventory upgrades and 6 horse meals (inventory upgrades again) every day.

    Until now, the part I most enjoyed was the character creation. I haven't played the rest of the game, yet.
  • Zilas
    Laerian wrote: »
    It's good, when is not offline, most of the time I'm shuffling characters because the lack of inventory; grinding gold to pay inventory upgrades and 6 horse meals (inventory upgrades again) every day.

    Until now, the part I most enjoyed was the character creation. I haven't played the rest of the game, yet.

    Lol, well, the character creation was fun, but most enjoyed? xDD

  • Qutayba
    I'm a skeptic who has been won over. I was nervous about making an Elder Scrolls MMO, because TES games have always been a personal, almost sacred experience for me. No other games give me such deep immersion, and MMO's can be entertaining, but immersion gets broken every 30 seconds by characters named b00bzorz567 streaking naked across your screen. While ESO will never be competition for Morrowind in my heart, I'm still finding it fun and think it's done the world justice. I'll definitely be sticking around for a few months, and longer if the right kind of community builds up around it.

    It's also avoided being just a WoW clone - they're tried to innovate several basic game systems, like crafting, skill and class progression, and combat. The quests are a little hit and miss. Some are creative and get you involved in the lore of the world. Others are flat, repetitive, and clearly filler. Yesterday, I think I helped four different guar herders collect their scattered guar.

    I do think they overreacted to some of the negative press they got in early beta. The seem to have gone into a press blackout and kept the forums under strict controls to prevent storms of negativity. I don't think it was an accident that they didn't have a "general discussion" area at first. I think, though, that they overreacted and may have done themselves a disservice. The game is great and has so many things they should have been crowing about (or letting fans crow about) in the weeks leading up to release. It's not perfect, and there are some deserved criticisms, but so far, it is far from the disaster many in the gaming press were predicting.
  • Zershar_Vemod
    I've had more fun during beta / early access than the past couple of years in other MMOS.

    For the people complaining about the minor issues we've had lately...I'm assuming they're new to MMOs, or just foolish.
    House Nyssara (NA)
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    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • Laerian
    Zilas wrote: »
    Lol, well, the character creation was fun, but most enjoyed? xDD
    It's true. I spent a lot of time making my characters.

  • Bloodmonarch
    Love the game so far. Its different and a very refreshing change from the same old trash churned out by developers too afraid to try something new.

    If as a species, we had carried on like the developers of MMORPG's have over the last 10 years, we'd still be sat sh*tty caves!!
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