Hapexamendios wrote: »I honestly don't know what you're thinking prioritizing a video game over real life. Help yourself and your community to get your lives back to a semblance of normalcy then worry about the game. It will still be here.
Hello my fellow eso player and im hiping ZOS if they read this but im a victim of hurricane helene in Western North Carolina. The hurricane has decimated our state, community, homes, and lives. Im hoping any other eso players from western nc are safe. For the reason im making this post, i play exo every day and because of whats going on i dont know when I'll get power, water, internet, or cell service(without having to drive to find it) and im misding the event and i was hoping you would help me and any otjer players effected by the hurricanebby giving us our daily gold event crates, tickets, and the community rewards. I will check back when i can and hopefully ZOS will respond to this post. Take care everyone stay safe and remember Guars are #1 and we need a radiant apex Guar
C'mon guys. At the very least, you can be kind and understanding instead of being obnoxious. You don't have to make not-nice comments about anyone y'know.
Ive had damn near every eso player i play woth check in on my offer to drive here from across the country, offered to send supplies, anything i needed they offered because unlike some keyboard warriors the rest of us care about each other.
BetweenMidgets wrote: »What horrible people say "well *I* didn't get this so YOU shouldnt get this!"
I'm so sorry you're going through this, but as others have said, I'm glad you and hopefully your family are all okay.
I hope ZoS can extend some good will, especially in their 10 year anniversary "generosity".
I'm not super hopeful for them to be generous, but I truly hope they will.
A good solution to the login reward stuff would be to just make it so you can claim days before the current day. Who cares if someone only logs in once a month to claim everything.
ESO_player123 wrote: »
I have not seen anyone saying "well *I* didn't get this so YOU shouldnt get this!" in this thread. Most people point out that it would be a logistical nightmare to handle all the requests related to disasters all over the world.
BetweenMidgets wrote: »
Guess you didn't read the thread very well. One of the first comments, I think it was #5 or #6 was just such a comment.
DragonRacer wrote: »
It's pretty sad, isn't it?
@ OP and any others affected reading the thread (be it the hurricane or any other global catastrophe) - if you're on PS NA, DM me your PSN ID. I'm not ZOS support so I can't grant things like the community event reward pack before it expires, etc but I'll send a digital care package for you to enjoy whenever your life starts resembling normal again. If some bad actors scam me for some free digital stuff, I do not care. That's on you and your conscious/karma. If my offer helps even one person smile for a few moments, it's worth the "risk" of being scammed.
May all have the day they deserve.
Shara_Wynn wrote: »
I gave money to a homeless person today. I gave more money to help out an animal charity last week. Every month since I was 16 I've made donations to the same charity without fail.
It's not that we don't care. It's more that there is just too much to care about. Many here are dealing, or have dealt with, their own personal tragedies. We cannot care about every bad thing that happens to every person, every time it happens to them.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
If someone can't care about this situation they can just refrain from comment. Taking the time to leave a nasty message to a hurricane victim demonstrates a lack of caring and is callous. And other good deeds doesn't change that such a message is not kind.
Shara_Wynn wrote: »In what way were any of my previous messages nasty or not kind? I am confounded. Because I admit that I simply do not have the emotional capacity to deeply care about every single horror that unfolds in the world? I am exhausted by trying to care about every horror that befalls the world.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Everyone handles grief differently. If a person is not hurting themselves or others, let them process their grief the way that they need. OP wanted to try to do something they can control to bring themselves a small amount of comfort with a small, distracting, and utterly harmless task. And people are judging them for it. While also saying how they don't care.
You don't like that I find such a message I unkind? I'm sorry that you feel that way. Now, imagine how judgement would feel if someone was doing it to you for how you were grieving after losing so much. I don't think people doing that are necessarily bad or unkind people. I get this is a video game forum and it may have simply caught them off guard. But it is still, imo, an unkind thing to post to a hurricane victim. Sometimes, it is better to simply skip a thread if one does not care. And I certainly understand not caring. None of us can care about every tragedy in the world. We can simply skip participating in threads about ones we don't care about.
Shara_Wynn wrote: »It's not that I do not like that you find such a message (mine) unkind, it's that I simply do not understand how, in being honest, I am being unkind, nasty or callous, but I guess we shall just beg to differ. The OP is alive and by all accounts unharmed. I guess in the end, that is all that really matters. I am glad for them in that regard and wish them a speedy return to normality.
I think people don't really comprehend the absolute helplessness of these types of situations unless they've lived it. For western NC right now, there's not much one can do but wait. Wait for the power to be turned back on, wait for water to be flowing again, wait for said flowing water to actually be drinkable, wait to get food either when the distribution centers have them or wait until supplies to groceries start flowing more freely, wait to be able to leave because roads are completely gone and that's after you've waited to get gas, hoping you have enough fuel or cash to manage that, wait for cell service to be reliable so you can let people know you're okay and get your hands on any precious information you can. And that's the "easy" stuff. Add in waiting to hear if a loved one has been found, waiting to return to a house to see what, if anything you can salvage, wait for aid and insurance to help you get back on your feet and rebuild from nothing. It's a situation that is heartbreaking and those going through it have so little control over any of it.
Maybe, if you were in their shoes (or have been in the past), you wouldn't be or didn't reach out for what tiny little things you could have some control over or influence more directly. Maybe little things that might distract from the overwhelming grief, just for a moment, so your brain could try to process the trauma, aren't a necessity for everyone. I think we're all a little shell-shocked right now at seeing the devastation surrounding us and trying to deal with it in any way we can. Please try to have compassion for people going through a difficult time (and this is not event-specific advice).
OP's post demonstrates some of the psychological injury caused by these events.
I have lived in my present home for over 6 years. In that time we have qualified for government support (a handout...) based on the area being impacted by bushfires.
At least 2 summers saw January and February daily maximums of 40C every day, 60 days straight. One of our dogs died from heat stress. 33-35C is the normal summer range.
The house has had water inundation on three occasions from flash storms.
This stuff is happening, people deal with it differently from how you might.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
I believe that you honestly wish them well, are a generally nice person, and that you do care about other tragedies, for the record. That's the reason I left in the quote the part about the charity stuff even though it was not relevant to what I was responding to.
I feel it's unkind because I have been in a similar position as the OP. Although not because of a hurricane. So, I can imagine quite well what they're probably feeling. When you have lost a lot, you'd be surprised at how much tiny, stupid things can be meaningful to you. And how much it hurts so much more than normal if someone gives you guff for it. Also as a general rule, I don't think it's good to tell someone you're judging them for the way they grieve unless they're hurting someone. The last thing someone needs when they hurting that badly is someone telling them all about how they're judging them for how they cope.
Hi @aliferis. Just wanted to follow up and let you know that we have seen this and chatting with a few teams to see what is possible. We'll follow up with you directly via a DM, but wanted to make sure we followed up generally.
Hello my fellow eso player and im hiping ZOS if they read this but im a victim of hurricane helene in Western North Carolina. The hurricane has decimated our state, community, homes, and lives. Im hoping any other eso players from western nc are safe. For the reason im making this post, i play exo every day and because of whats going on i dont know when I'll get power, water, internet, or cell service(without having to drive to find it) and im misding the event and i was hoping you would help me and any otjer players effected by the hurricanebby giving us our daily gold event crates, tickets, and the community rewards. I will check back when i can and hopefully ZOS will respond to this post. Take care everyone stay safe and remember Guars are #1 and we need a radiant apex Guar
Hey there, I’m really sorry to hear about the impact Hurricane Helene has had on your life and community. That sounds incredibly tough, and I hope things start to improve for you soon. It’s great to see the ESO community offering support in times like these.
Regarding the event, while I understand how missing out due to circumstances like these can be frustrating, events are generally scheduled for everyone globally, and ZOS may find it challenging to make adjustments on a case-by-case basis. I’d encourage reaching out to customer support to see if there’s any flexibility or help they might offer in unique situations like this.
Wishing you all the best, and stay safe!