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KromedeTheCorrupt wrote: »
It is unfortunate but I don’t think people are really complaining about not getting things handed to them. I see your point but I mean these rewards are free so what’s the big deal about giving people them that were affected by this ? I mean it would only make them look better and it’s not like they’re losing money. But it is what it is
ESO_player123 wrote: »
As I posted in another now locked thread, the disasters happen all over the world. Should the compensation be given only to the US customers? How would ZoS even verify that a player indeed was affected?
ESO_player123 wrote: »
As I posted in another now locked thread, the disasters happen all over the world. Should the compensation be given only to the US customers? How would ZoS even verify that a player indeed was affected?
DragonRacer wrote: »
To be entirely honest, yes, I’d support little digital trinkets which literally cost nobody anything - not ZOS and not you personally - be given to individuals who are in disaster areas anywhere in the world. I imagine it’s easy enough to verify by checking the billing address associated with the account. Would take me about 5 seconds of Google search to see Account A’s zip code is located in an area that is all over the news for a major disaster.
I don’t necessarily understand the psychology behind “you shouldn’t get anything”. If they did get something, what is that taking away from you? How does it negatively impact you? Those questions are in general, by the way, to everyone in the thread who is apparently quite bothered at the idea. It’s literally digital items that will cease to exist some day when the game is no longer supported. Nobody is up in here posting a GoFundMe looking for actual money. The idea that any basic human kindness = a handout is quite callous.
DragonRacer wrote: »The idea that any basic human kindness = a handout is quite callous.
spartaxoxo wrote: »I don't think it would be a big deal if ZOS just believed people if they missed a daily reward and just handed it out. What is the harm of someone getting an undeserved crown fortified meal, and why does that harm outweigh compassion for the vast majority of people submitting requests that are actually suffering?
Often times when these types of disasters impact people it is not just the big things they miss, but even little minor comforts. So, it does not surprise me a few players may have want this. A little kindness and the ability to take your mind off things for even a few moments can go a long way in helping with the stress. And that can actually make handling difficult things easier.
I hope you all get everything you are asking for
The downside is the number of queries they would have to process.