Hurricane Helene help zos

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Hello my fellow eso player and im hiping ZOS if they read this but im a victim of hurricane helene in Western North Carolina. The hurricane has decimated our state, community, homes, and lives. Im hoping any other eso players from western nc are safe. For the reason im making this post, i play exo every day and because of whats going on i dont know when I'll get power, water, internet, or cell service(without having to drive to find it) and im misding the event and i was hoping you would help me and any otjer players effected by the hurricanebby giving us our daily gold event crates, tickets, and the community rewards. I will check back when i can and hopefully ZOS will respond to this post. Take care everyone stay safe and remember Guars are #1 and we need a radiant apex Guar
  • DragonRacer
    First of all, I am glad that you’re okay. As a native Floridian, I am no stranger to hurricanes and seeing the absolute devastation that occurred to the Appalachian communities has been horrifying, to say the least. Not at all to downplay our Gulf Coast that got decimated - Cedar Key and others, my heart breaks - but your area doesn’t exactly expect to get hurricanes which makes this just feel… well, worse somehow. How do you prepare for something rarely seen in your lifetime?

    I suspect the answer here for you and others affected in both Carolinas, both Virginias, Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky, and Florida will be to submit support tickets explaining your situation and hope of compensation for time and items missed outside of your control in a very unprecedented manner. It may not be all the things you’d have otherwise gotten had you been able to play normally, but they may at least be able to give you some amount of goodies.

    @ZOS_Kevin - tagging you in case you have any other advice and simply for visibility. Helene has been the worst hurricane impact since Katrina and while digital baubles in a video game are certainly at the bottom of the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs in wake of tragedy and devastation… it’s the little normal day-to-day things that can help bring some small measure of peace and sense of normalcy to those otherwise suffering.
    Edited by DragonRacer on 4 October 2024 18:20
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • Pelanora
    Poor old zos.

    Even in a horrible natural disaster people need their login daily rewards?
    Edited by Pelanora on 4 October 2024 19:07
  • LadyGP
    Hey - if these rewards bring some light to someones darkest days I am totally here for it. Give them whatever they need.

    They can have my rewards.
  • KromedeTheCorrupt
    Quoted post has been removed

    It is unfortunate but I don’t think people are really complaining about not getting things handed to them. I see your point but I mean these rewards are free so what’s the big deal about giving people them that were affected by this ? I mean it would only make them look better and it’s not like they’re losing money. But it is what it is
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on 10 October 2024 17:12
  • ESO_player123

    It is unfortunate but I don’t think people are really complaining about not getting things handed to them. I see your point but I mean these rewards are free so what’s the big deal about giving people them that were affected by this ? I mean it would only make them look better and it’s not like they’re losing money. But it is what it is

    As I posted in another now locked thread, the disasters happen all over the world. Should the compensation be given only to the US customers? How would ZoS even verify that a player indeed was affected?
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on 10 October 2024 17:13
  • Nharimlur_Finor
    The psychology going here is just awesome.
  • KromedeTheCorrupt

    As I posted in another now locked thread, the disasters happen all over the world. Should the compensation be given only to the US customers? How would ZoS even verify that a player indeed was affected?

    I mean why not ? It’s free ? Not like They’re losing anything.
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on 10 October 2024 17:13
  • DragonRacer

    As I posted in another now locked thread, the disasters happen all over the world. Should the compensation be given only to the US customers? How would ZoS even verify that a player indeed was affected?

    To be entirely honest, yes, I’d support little digital trinkets which literally cost nobody anything - not ZOS and not you personally - be given to individuals who are in disaster areas anywhere in the world. I imagine it’s easy enough to verify by checking the billing address associated with the account. Would take me about 5 seconds of Google search to see Account A’s zip code is located in an area that is all over the news for a major disaster.

    I don’t necessarily understand the psychology behind “you shouldn’t get anything”. If they did get something, what is that taking away from you? How does it negatively impact you? Those questions are in general, by the way, to everyone in the thread who is apparently quite bothered at the idea. It’s literally digital items that will cease to exist some day when the game is no longer supported. Nobody is up in here posting a GoFundMe looking for actual money. The idea that any basic human kindness = a handout is quite callous.
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on 10 October 2024 17:14
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • Theist_VII
    People say this is the most welcoming community!

    Guy’s dealing with a natural disaster and missed getting to participate in the event and had a question. Not even a demand, a simple ask, and clowns are shaming him for it.

    I hope you get everything you want and more, @aliferis.

    Moving forward, this should be the way disasters like these are handled for members of the community, as it’s the least that could be done on Zenimax’s end.

    Hope everyone you know is safe!
    Edited by Theist_VII on 4 October 2024 20:44
  • Theist_VII
    @ZOS_Kevin you might want to chime in here.
  • Silaf
    I had a similar problem with the "Dragon Rise" event items.
    I did actually partecipate in the event but sadly for real life problems i coulden't retrive the reward.

    I hope ZOS will eventually address this problem and give us a way to obtain all event items.
    We are all collectors and having items disappear forever from the game is no fun.
  • ESO_player123

    To be entirely honest, yes, I’d support little digital trinkets which literally cost nobody anything - not ZOS and not you personally - be given to individuals who are in disaster areas anywhere in the world. I imagine it’s easy enough to verify by checking the billing address associated with the account. Would take me about 5 seconds of Google search to see Account A’s zip code is located in an area that is all over the news for a major disaster.

    I don’t necessarily understand the psychology behind “you shouldn’t get anything”. If they did get something, what is that taking away from you? How does it negatively impact you? Those questions are in general, by the way, to everyone in the thread who is apparently quite bothered at the idea. It’s literally digital items that will cease to exist some day when the game is no longer supported. Nobody is up in here posting a GoFundMe looking for actual money. The idea that any basic human kindness = a handout is quite callous.

    I'm not sure where in my post you found that it "takes something from me". I supported Orsinium and other items that I already had as daily rewards. It would never cross my mind to ask for a compensation for something that ZoS has no control over (unlike a case of server outage or some major issue like the PTS shenanigans during the Anniversary event).

    If they were to give out compensations for natural disasters, it would have to be for players all over the world. Even if the eligibility checks are as easy as you implied, they would inevitably have to deal with people claiming to be from a disaster area when they are not (unfortunately, there will be players that will be willing to do it).
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on 10 October 2024 17:14
  • Jaimeh
    Hi OP, I hope ZOS reaches out to you, but in the meantime, if you are on the PC/NA server please let me know your username, and I'll mail you some golden pages from the event :smile:
  • LikiLoki
    Oh, you know, I didn't get a cake for the anniversary of the game. The very first cake. It was a difficult situation in my life, a personal disaster, because of which I missed the event. This cake is free for the players who played at that time and I deserved it too. My situation with this award is not alone. There are many people who have a fair right to it and who have received it because of a life situation or an accident
    Of course, my heart is with the victims of the hurricane. I hope we all get our ray of sunshine
    Edited by LikiLoki on 4 October 2024 21:41
  • Nharimlur_Finor
    The idea that any basic human kindness = a handout is quite callous.

    Almost as callous as the idea that a 'handout' is a negative thing.

  • DragonRacer
    LaintalAy wrote: »

    Almost as callous as the idea that a 'handout' is a negative thing.

    That’s a very fair point.
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • Shara_Wynn
    I am sorry that you have suffered a natural disaster. Many other's have suffered other personal tragedies and emergencies over the course of the past ten years. However, if your primary concern is what you missed in a computer game then I do not know what to say to you, other than perhaps you should take some time away from the game to concentrate on sorting out your immediate situation.

    I truly hope that things improve for you and anyone else personally affected by the recent hurricane. I hope that you and those affected are able to quickly return to some modicum of normality.

    **Edited (in italics) because I really didn't want to (or indeed ever mean to) come across as in anyway harsh or obnoxious.**
    Edited by Shara_Wynn on 5 October 2024 15:31
  • oldbobdude
    I think we should all be concerned and thinking about those suffering from the recent hurricane. Not about free stuff from a game.
  • gamma71
    Last thing I would be thinking about would be rewards after such a disaster, must not be too bad for you if you can be Begging for rewards you didn't earn. Life happens deal with it.
  • Vaqual
    I can see why they wouldn't want to create a precedent for something like this. Then they can open a crisis-fact-check&compensation department. I think the ToS also must include a section that the player is responsible for his own internet connection.

    Not to downplay the tragedy, but with unrealistic hopes you are just setting yourself up for a let down.

    If they really want to engage with that it should probably be a handout that goes to all players, otherwise they are just opening a can of worms with other demographics.
  • Theist_VII
    I’ve actually seen Customer Support open up limited time windows exclusively for customers in the past; knowing someone who had actually dealt with it.

    One of my friend’s loved ones passed away from COVID and they missed a house, customer support actually created an opportunity for them to buy that notable home.

    I have no idea if this is still common policy as it happened around Update 32, but there were members of the team who had a heart and understood life happens.

    Hearing about his experience made me feel right about sticking with the game a few more years, those interactions should be highlighted, not hidden away.
  • Pelanora
    Lebanon is getting chunks leveled, as is Ukraine, as Palestine, and more elswwhere i bet that i don't know about, and there's natural disasters in all parts of the world all year long. Floods, storms, earthquakes. Many floods and storms repeatedly in winter in my country, which is a new thing tbh.

    It's all heart breaking for those involved, those who lose everything, for those watching so frustrated and anguished at what they're seeing.

    But how can zos keep track of all that for daily login rewards and event rewards?
    Edited by Pelanora on 5 October 2024 01:11
  • spartaxoxo
    I don't think it would be a big deal if ZOS just believed people if they missed a daily reward and just handed it out. What is the harm of someone getting an undeserved crown fortified meal, and why does that harm outweigh compassion for the vast majority of people submitting requests that are actually suffering?

    Often times when these types of disasters impact people it is not just the big things they miss, but even little minor comforts. So, it does not surprise me a few players may have want this. A little kindness and the ability to take your mind off things for even a few moments can go a long way in helping with the stress. And that can actually make handling difficult things easier.

    I hope you all get everything you are asking for
  • Vaqual
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I don't think it would be a big deal if ZOS just believed people if they missed a daily reward and just handed it out. What is the harm of someone getting an undeserved crown fortified meal, and why does that harm outweigh compassion for the vast majority of people submitting requests that are actually suffering?

    Often times when these types of disasters impact people it is not just the big things they miss, but even little minor comforts. So, it does not surprise me a few players may have want this. A little kindness and the ability to take your mind off things for even a few moments can go a long way in helping with the stress. And that can actually make handling difficult things easier.

    I hope you all get everything you are asking for

    The downside is the number of queries they would have to process.
  • Blood_again
    During the last years I missed lots of ingame rewards due to continuous blackouts, destroyed home and migration due to the war. Those days the missed rewards were out of my list "first 100 things I thought about". I know that those rewards weren't the help I needed in my worst days.

    OP, I'm glad that you managed to stay alive in your extreme situation. Also I'm glad that today is not you worst day, while you can think about the game.
    Thank you for this post as a reminder. Because of it I'll seek the way to help to victims of the hurricane.
  • darvaria
    Well this is an extraordinary situation. I hope ZOS will grant your request. I would give you my rewards if it was possible.

  • spartaxoxo
    Vaqual wrote: »

    The downside is the number of queries they would have to process.

    Not really. A lot of people would not even bother to submit.
  • hiyde
    I don't have a problem with anything done to brighten the day of people who've gone through tragedies like this, but the logistics just aren't reasonable to demand it. No harm in asking but attacking them for saying no is a bit much. (to be clear, I'm not referring to the OP)

    Microsoft, the owner of Bethesda/ZOS has donated over 700 Million Dollars since 2017 to crisis-affected communities including the American Red Cross, who's services are vital after tragedies like this here in America.

    Bethesda/Zenimax donated $1,000,000 to Covid relief in 2020.

    I'd rather judge on that than pixel prizes. Just sayin...
    Edited by hiyde on 5 October 2024 03:48
    @Hiyde GM/Founder - Bleakrock Barter Co (Trade Guild - PC/NA) | Blackbriar Barter Co (Trade Guild-PC/NA)
  • sbam66
    [snip] Put eso on pause, it’s not going anywhere

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 5 October 2024 16:22
  • Hapexamendios
    I honestly don't know what you're thinking prioritizing a video game over real life. Help yourself and your community to get your lives back to a semblance of normalcy then worry about the game. It will still be here.

    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 5 October 2024 16:32
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